Solutions for vibration control

Alpha GEL vibration isolators absorb vibrations in the low-frequency range, where conventional rubber dampers are ineffective. These simply designed isolators support the device and effectively isolate vibrations. Combining softness and durability, Alpha GEL demonstrates exceptional ability to...

Alpha GEL vibration isolators absorb vibrations in the low-frequency range, where conventional rubber dampers are...

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Ergebnisse pro Seite:

Alpha GEL vibration isolators absorb vibrations in the low-frequency range, where conventional rubber dampers are ineffective. These simply designed isolators support the device and effectively isolate vibrations. Combining softness and durability, Alpha GEL demonstrates exceptional ability to dampen both low- and high-frequency vibrations, significantly outperforming rubber.


  • A variety of isolators is available for loads ranging from 2 to 300 kg with four support points.
  • Ideal for low-frequency vibrations and micro-vibrations due to its low resonance point.
  • We can help select the best solution for your application based on load, resonance point, and available space.

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