Temperaturwandler für Industrie

For years, we’ve been delivering automation components, such as industrial sensors and sensor systems. Above-mentioned category includes induction sensors, smoke, smog, humidity and temperature sensors,  JSL-20/21 air flow sensors, and also...

For years, we’ve been delivering automation components, such as industrial sensors...

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For years, we’ve been delivering automation components, such as industrial sensors and sensor systems. Above-mentioned category includes induction sensors, smoke, smog, humidity and temperature sensors,  JSL-20/21 air flow sensors, and also pressure switches, distance transducers, pressure and temperature transducers. 

Why should you use temperature transducers?

Temperature transducers for industrial applications

The Temperature transducer is one of the most important elements in automation systems - they enable changing physical properties into measuring signal, which allows a control system to interpret the measurement’s values.  

Applying a temperature transducer in an automation system adjusts the measuring signal from the temperature sensor (e.g. thermocouple or resistance sensor) to the required by the input analogue signal standard (e.g. 0-10V, 0-20mA) and eventually transferring it to other devices e.g. PLC controllers, recorders. 

Applying temperature transducers in automation provides:

  • Amplifying the signal from temperature sensor, its linearization and changing into a voltage or current signal - this provides increased resilience to electromagnetic disruptions and galvanic separation between the thermocouple’s circuit and input signal; 
  • Replacing compensation cables with a typical transmission cable;
  • Cold junction compensation (CJC) if using thermoelectric sensors; 
  • Modern digital transducers are smart, flexible devices and offer precise measurements;
  • Possibility to check current or previous temperature.

Types and applications of temperature transducers 

There are many types of temperature transducers, including thermocouple, general-purpose or resistance. We distinguish:

  • thermocouple transducers - also called flame sensors - mostly used in gas cookers,
  • general-purpose transducers - used for precise temperature measuring on the basis of received current signal,
  • resistance transducers - used mostly in temperature monitoring devices outside and inside the house. Can cooperate with an industrial computer, i.e. PLC controller.

This type of transducers is mostly delivered in three types of enclosures:

  • head transducers - for thermometer’s junction head mounting,
  • object transducers - for direct montage in technological installation,
  • Rail mounted transducers - for panel construction.

Temperature transducers - application

Temperature transducers can be applied in a variety of industrial processes, machine and installation construction, but also in systems of daily usage devices.