USV-Notstromversorgung und Pufferstromversorgung

Uninterruptible power supply and buffer power supply - its task is to stop the power of other devices due to the disappearance or unfavorable parameters of grid power. UPS can be used in power supply of computers, servers or places where faultless work of other devices is...

Uninterruptible power supply and buffer power supply - its task is to stop the power of other devices due...

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Uninterruptible power supply and buffer power supply - its task is to stop the power of other devices due to the disappearance or unfavorable parameters of grid power. UPS can be used in power supply of computers, servers or places where faultless work of other devices is required e.g. medical apparatus.

Types of UPS devices

Offline UPS – in such solution, the power supply sources switch is programmed to choose the AC input as a main power source. When needed, the batteries are automatically charged with small power. Only due to the failure it should switch to the accumulator and backup source. Benefits of such a solution are high effectiveness, small size and low costs.

Online UPS – in this solution the system connected on the output is separated from the input current. It works as a double-processing. First, the current is straightened in the rectifier system and then is provided on an inverter where there's a conversion into alternating voltage. This system causes the output to be completely resistant to disruptions. This solution is more expensive than the offline one, because it requires more components.

What is buffer power supply?

Buffer power supply is the simplest emergency power supply system. It’s intended for protecting chosen receivers from power grid disruptions, which can cause errors. The usage of this power supply allows for maintaining functionalities of some elements e.g. in access control systems or work time recording.

Buffer power supplies allow for work and power stability, are resistant to changes and drops in power, and power grid disruptions. It has high work parameters allowing for power flow up to  40A. A disadvantage of such a solution is its big size due to a built-in accumulator.