
We're offering a wide assortment of thermal protection. offered protection comes from reliable and trusted suppliers, hus guarantees safety. Parameters of our products comply with the catalog ones, which provides installation exploitation safety, in which protection is...

We're offering a wide assortment of thermal protection. offered protection comes from reliable and trusted...

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Switching temperature tolerance
picture_as_pdf Thermoschalter, Bimetall THERMIK Thermoschalter, Bimetall SEHEN SIE ES -- Verfügbare Menge -- --
picture_as_pdf Schalter PTC-Thermistor THERMIK Schalter PTC-Thermistor SEHEN SIE ES -- Verfügbare Menge -- --
picture_as_pdf Thermal Protector H06 THERMIK Thermal Protector H06 SEHEN SIE ES H06.075.05.0078/0078 999 75°C +/- 5°C
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We're offering a wide assortment of thermal protection. offered protection comes from reliable and trusted suppliers, hus guarantees safety. Parameters of our products comply with the catalog ones, which provides installation exploitation safety, in which protection is installed. In case of questions, please contact our technical-sales department.

We're offering thermal, thermistor and bimetal protection based on PTC thermistors. They're intended for protecting windings of electric machines and power electronic systems, heating devices. They can work in temperatures from 60 to 180ºC. 

Protection is available in two versions:

  • tab for montage in windings,
  • with metal enclosure with a screw thread for screwing into the corpus or radiator.

Each bimetal element has an internal insulation of 2 kV, some types 3,75 kV. Protection can be produced also in double or triple options (2 or 3 potections serial connected) with current channeling, of various lengths on the client's request.


  • for protecting windings of engines, transformers, etc.
  • for protecting semiconductor and heating elements.