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Our offer consists of adjustable and solid resistors, intended for use in various applications. We’re offering, among others, wirewound & tubular power resistors, multilayered power resistors, power resistors in an aluminum casing, high-voltage and braking resistors.
Types of resistors in our offer:
- Wirewound power resistors – are resistors made of resistance material as a tape or wire twisted around the insulation corpus, which is usually ceramic. We’re offering resistors in the range from 56mΩ to 200kΩ, and power from 2 W to 1 kW. Additionally, we provide wire resistors in an aluminum enclosure, which their rated parameters acquire after installation on a proper heatsink. The range of offered resistance is from 5mΩ to 68kΩ, and power from 10 W to 300 W. Wire resistor can be used for overloading devices of a continuous or multi-changing character, and are not useful in case of pulse overloads. There are also types of wire resistors in an aluminum enclosure, which are cooled with water and specially twisted induction-less versions. Wire resistors can be used in stopping electric engines, discharging batteries of condensers, in power electronic devices, and in power electronics: power supply, inverters, and rectifiers.
- Multilayered power resistor – in a resistor, such element is a thin metal or carbon layer, which is placed on a ceramic corpus. Because of a small value of capacity and induction, they can work with high frequencies. The range of resistance in offered resistors is from 0,1Ω to 10MΩ and power from 0,1 W to 20 W.
- Thick-layer resistor – is a type of layer resistors, with small induction, which resistance layer consists of metal and glass oxides and is placed through a screen printing method on a ceramic corpus. Small induction allows for work in high-frequency systems. The range of offered resistances is from 0,5 Ω to 1MΩ, and power from 20 W to 800 W. Thick-layer resistors can be used in induction heating, power supplies, RC short circuit dampers, and medical apparatus.
- High-voltage resistor – is a metalized resistor, induction-less with a wide resistance range and high allowed working voltage (voltage to 96kW). The resistance range of offered resistors is from 0,1Ω to 10GΩ, and power from 1W to 105W. They can be used in high voltage devices and power electronic systems.
- High precision metal film resistors – is constructed serially or parallelly connected plates. These plates are low-pore chrome-aluminum alloys. The number and type of plates are chosen depending on the required resistance and start power. The range of resistance is from 0,07Ω to 246Ω, and power from 500W to hundreds of kW. They’re characterized by a significant pulse overload-ness, thus are often used as stopping resistors for drives with inverters.