Zeitverzögerungssicherungen mit GL / GG- und AM-Eigenschaften

We’re offering an extensive assortment of passive components, such as capacitors, resistors, fuses, and filters. We’re delivering various types of fuses, including miniature fuses for electronic circuits, tubular fast-acting fuses, time-delay fuse links, traction fuses, high-voltage fuse...

We’re offering an extensive assortment of passive components, such as capacitors, resistors, fuses, and filters. We’re...

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Verfügbare Menge
picture_as_pdf C22G100 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C22G100 Sponflow-Sicherung. SEHEN SIE ES C22G100 5 100 A 500 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C14G8 Bezpiecznik EATON Bussmann C14G8 FUSE. SEHEN SIE ES C14G8 14 8:00 AM 690 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C10G8 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C10G8 Sponflow-Sicherung. SEHEN SIE ES C10G8 400 8:00 AM 500 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C10G6 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C10G6 Spons Fuse. SEHEN SIE ES C10G6 17 6:00 AM 500 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C10G4 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C10G4-Sponflow-Sicherung. SEHEN SIE ES C10G4 215 4:00 AM 500 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C10G25 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C10G25 Sponflow-Sicherung. SEHEN SIE ES C10G25 60 25 A 500 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C10G20 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C10G20 Sponflow-Sicherung. SEHEN SIE ES C10G20 73 20 A 500 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C10G2 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C10G2 Sponflow-Sicherung. SEHEN SIE ES C10G2 133 2:00 AM 500 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C10G16 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C10G16 Cloud Fuse. SEHEN SIE ES C10G16 3 16 A 500 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C10G12 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C10G12 Sicherungsnotiz SEHEN SIE ES C10G12 18 0:00 AM 500 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C14G10 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C14G10 Sponflow-Sicherung. SEHEN SIE ES C14G10 7 10:00 AM 690 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C14G16 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C14G16 Sponflow-Sicherung. SEHEN SIE ES C14G16 5 16 A 690 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C14G6 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C14G6 Sponflow-Sicherung. SEHEN SIE ES C14G6 9 6:00 AM 690 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C14G50 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C14G50 Cloud Fuse. SEHEN SIE ES C14G50 11 50 A 400 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C14G40 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C14G40 Sponflow-Sicherung. SEHEN SIE ES C14G40 4 40 A 500 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C14G4 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C14G4 Spons Fuse. SEHEN SIE ES C14G4 Verfügbare Menge 4:00 AM 690 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C14G32 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C14G32 Cloud Fuse. SEHEN SIE ES C14G32 21 32 A 500 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C14G25 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C14G25 Sponflow-Sicherung. SEHEN SIE ES C14G25 30 25 A 690 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C14G20 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C14G20 Sponflow-Sicherung. SEHEN SIE ES C14G20 9 20 A 690 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C14G2 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C14G2 Sponflow-Sicherung. SEHEN SIE ES C14G2 8 2:00 AM 690 V gL/gG
picture_as_pdf C10G0.5 Bezpiecznik zwłoczny EATON Bussmann C10G0.5 Sponflow-Sicherung. SEHEN SIE ES C10G0.5 Verfügbare Menge 0,5 A 500 V gL/gG
Ergebnisse pro Seite:

We’re offering an extensive assortment of passive components, such as capacitors, resistors, fuses, and filters. We’re delivering various types of fuses, including miniature fuses for electronic circuits, tubular fast-acting fuses, time-delay fuse links, traction fuses, high-voltage fuse links, and time-delay fuse links with GL/GG & AM characteristics.

What are fuses used for?

Fuses are intended for protecting electrical receivers from overloads and short circuits. They’re equipped with fuse elements, which are burnt after overload or short circuit in a protected circuit. All fuses are constructed similarly and consist of: fuse elements, filler, enclosure, contacts. The fuse element has properly shaped constrictions, shaping its time-current characteristics and is welded on the fuse’s constrictions.

Applications of fuses:

  • protection of cables;
  • protection of electrical receivers;
  • protection of transformers;
  • protection of electrical engines;
  • protection of condensers;
  • protection of semiconductor power devices: diodes, IGBT transistors, thiristors;
  • protection of electronic devices: soft-starts, inverters, rectifier;
  • protection of SN transformers, voltage inverters and SN engines.