120kA / 10kVDC high-current thyristor switch
120kA / 10kVDC high-current thyristor switch

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120kA / 10kVDC high-current thyristor switch

High-current thyristor switch 120 kA/10 kVDC

High-current thyristor switch is designed for impulse discharge of high voltage capacitor bank. Its application makes it possible to supply very high energy to the receiver in a short time with high repeatability, e.g. in the processes of sintering metal powders or supplying high power lasers. Automatic switch operation with frequency up to 20 Hz is possible. The discharge current is oscillatory in nature with strongly decreasing amplitude and short duration. The amplitude of the first half-waves of the discharge current of a 300 μF battery charged to 10 kV can reach 120 kA and the whole waveform has a duration from 1 ms to 3 ms.

Discharge current of the capacitor bank and voltage on the thyristor switch

Prąd rozładowania baterii kondensatorów i napięcia na łączniku tyrystorowym

A large-current switch is built with a thyristor branch and a diode branch connected in opposition. Four elements are connected in series in both branches. Each thyristor has its own electronic circuit to generate the gate pulse and to control the thyristor state and gate pulse parameters. If a thyristor or its control is detected to be defective, the switch is blocked, which protects it from damaging the other thyristors. Due to the high voltage, forced cooling of the thyristors and diodes with transformer oil is used. A heat exchanger allows the oil to be cooled with water from a chiller. The oil flow, oil temperature and oil level in the tank are controlled.

Dane techniczne

High-current thyristor switch parameters
Capacitor battery voltage max. 10 kVDC
Nature of the discharge current oscillatory, fading
Discharge current amplitude max. 120 kA
Duration of discharge 0,8÷4 ms depending on discharge circuit parameters
Discharge current rise steepness 4000 A/μs
Number of switch branches - one thyristor branch
- one diode branch
Number of thyristors in the branch 4 pcs. thyristors connected in series
Maximum branch blocking voltage 20 kVDC
Number of diodes per branch 4 pcs. diodes connected in series
Maximum branch reverse voltage 24 kVDC
Cooling diodes and thyristors - Forced with transformer oil
- Water-cooled oil from a chiller
Oil tank capacity 100 l
Thyristor branch dimensions 480 x 290 x 290 [mm]
Diode branch dimensions 510 x 290 x 290 [mm]
Weight of the connector 195 kg
Thyristor control
Generation of a gate pulse electronic circuitry at the cathode potential of each thyristor
Gate pulse parameters - pulse amplitude - 20 A
- steepness of rise of pulse front - 200 A/μs
- pulse duration - 10μs
Checking the condition of switch components electronic circuitry at the cathode potential of each thyristor and each diode
Controlled thyristor parameters - voltage on thyristor
- gate pulse amplitude
Criterion for evaluating the fitness of a thyristor and its control simultaneous occurrence of voltage on thyristor and gate pulse of assumed amplitude
Controlled diode parameters voltage on diode
Assessment of the condition of switch components electronic circuit at ground potential
Criterion for evaluating the condition of the connector The switch is fit when there are four pulses each from the diode and thyristor branches. Absence of any pulse means unfitness of the switch.

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High-current thyristor switch 120 kA/10 kVDC

High-current thyristor switch is designed for impulse discharge of high voltage capacitor bank. Its application makes it possible to supply very high energy to the receiver in a short time with high repeatability, e.g. in the processes of sintering metal powders or supplying high power lasers. Automatic switch operation with frequency up to 20 Hz is possible. The discharge current is oscillatory in nature with strongly decreasing amplitude and short duration. The amplitude of the first half-waves of the discharge current of a 300 μF battery charged to 10 kV can reach 120 kA and the whole waveform has a duration from 1 ms to 3 ms.

Discharge current of the capacitor bank and voltage on the thyristor switch

Prąd rozładowania baterii kondensatorów i napięcia na łączniku tyrystorowym

A large-current switch is built with a thyristor branch and a diode branch connected in opposition. Four elements are connected in series in both branches. Each thyristor has its own electronic circuit to generate the gate pulse and to control the thyristor state and gate pulse parameters. If a thyristor or its control is detected to be defective, the switch is blocked, which protects it from damaging the other thyristors. Due to the high voltage, forced cooling of the thyristors and diodes with transformer oil is used. A heat exchanger allows the oil to be cooled with water from a chiller. The oil flow, oil temperature and oil level in the tank are controlled.

Dane techniczne

High-current thyristor switch parameters
Capacitor battery voltage max. 10 kVDC
Nature of the discharge current oscillatory, fading
Discharge current amplitude max. 120 kA
Duration of discharge 0,8÷4 ms depending on discharge circuit parameters
Discharge current rise steepness 4000 A/μs
Number of switch branches - one thyristor branch
- one diode branch
Number of thyristors in the branch 4 pcs. thyristors connected in series
Maximum branch blocking voltage 20 kVDC
Number of diodes per branch 4 pcs. diodes connected in series
Maximum branch reverse voltage 24 kVDC
Cooling diodes and thyristors - Forced with transformer oil
- Water-cooled oil from a chiller
Oil tank capacity 100 l
Thyristor branch dimensions 480 x 290 x 290 [mm]
Diode branch dimensions 510 x 290 x 290 [mm]
Weight of the connector 195 kg
Thyristor control
Generation of a gate pulse electronic circuitry at the cathode potential of each thyristor
Gate pulse parameters - pulse amplitude - 20 A
- steepness of rise of pulse front - 200 A/μs
- pulse duration - 10μs
Checking the condition of switch components electronic circuitry at the cathode potential of each thyristor and each diode
Controlled thyristor parameters - voltage on thyristor
- gate pulse amplitude
Criterion for evaluating the fitness of a thyristor and its control simultaneous occurrence of voltage on thyristor and gate pulse of assumed amplitude
Controlled diode parameters voltage on diode
Assessment of the condition of switch components electronic circuit at ground potential
Criterion for evaluating the condition of the connector The switch is fit when there are four pulses each from the diode and thyristor branches. Absence of any pulse means unfitness of the switch.
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