Our Offers
- New products
- AirTAC
- Alfa
- Ambrell
- Apra
- Arcol
- Arcotronics
- Artidor
- Asiantool
- Automation Dr. Nix GmbH & Co. KG
- B&B Electronics
- B&W International GmbH
- Battery Supplies
- Beck
- Bega Special Tools
- Bel Power Solutions
- BENNING Elektrotechnik und Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG
- BEx-Solution
- Brandmaier Informative Leuchtanzeigen
- Brymen Technology Corporation
- C.C.E.A.
- Calectro
- Castech
- Celem
- Celesco
- Chino
- Chromalox
- COBA Europe
- Comar
- Comitronic
- Concept
- Cosel
- Cosime
- Costech
- Creavac
- Crown Graphic
- Crydom
- Cynel Unipress
- Danfoss
- Danotherm
- Datalogic
- Deeter Electronics Ltd
- Delta
- DER EE Electrical Instrument
- Diotec
- Display Elektronik GmbH
- Dol-sensors
- Dr. Fischer
- Eaton / CEAG
- EATON Bussmann
- Ebmpapst
- EFI Polymers
- EH Group Engineering AG
- ELECTRONICON Kondensatoren
- Elmes Electronic
- Eltwin
- EMC Prima
- EMI-tec – Elektronische Materialien GmbH EMV
- Enerdoor
- EPC (Efficient Power Conversion)
- ESA Automation
- Esit Elektrik
- ETI Polam
- Exemys
- Extronics
- Federal Elektrik
- Fenac
- FHF Funke + Huster Fernsig GmbH
- FineTek
- Flexelec
- Fluke
- Fluxtrol
- Fränkische
- Galltec Mela Sensortechnik
- GDI-Solution Co., Ltd.
- GeneSiC Semiconductor
- GMT Electronics
- Greenwood-Power
- HAMEG Instruments
- Hammond
- Hanyoung
- HARTING Technology Group
- Helukabel
- Hensel
- Hillesheim
- Himmelwerk
- Hirschmann
- Hitachi Metals
- HMi Elements
- Honeywell
- Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies
- HotCold S.C.
- HT Hi Tech Polymers Oy
- HTT High Temperature Textiles GmbH
- Hypertac
- Icar
- Icel
- Igus
- Infineon
- Infranor
- International Rectifier
- International Wire
- Intrepid Safety Products BV (ISP)
- J. Schneider Elektrotechnik
- John-Guest
- Jovil Universal
- JSP Industrial Controls
- Kerafol
- KIRA Leuchten
- Kissling - Przekaźniki wielkich mocy
- Kistler
- Kitagawa GmbH
- Koch
- KSE Lights
- Kübler
- Kuthe
- Kyoritsu
- Langer EMV-Technik
- Lippmann
- LOVATO Electric
- LS Mtron
- Lumberg
- Luminell
- Magnetics
- Marquardt
- Masach Tech
- Mavilor
- MEN Mikro Elektronik
- Mercomp
- Metal Gennari s.r.l.
- Microsemi
- Mitsubishi
- MK Battery
- Moflon
- MTL Instruments
- Newall Measurement Systems Ltd
- NMB Minebea
- Norgren
- OBO Bettermann
- Omron
- Orka
- P & P Technology
- PACK Litz Wire
- Pada Engineering S.r.l.
- Palazzoli
- Panasonic
- Parker LORD
- Partex Marking Systems
- Patlite
- Pepperl+Fuchs
- Phase 3 Connectors ltd
- Philips
- Picotest
- Poseico S.p.A.
- Power Integrations
- PowerShield
- Proconect
- Protechnic Ltd
- Pulsiv
- Quintex
- Radiall
- Raychem RPG (P)
- Redler Technologies
- Retex
- Rolec
- RugGear
- Sammode
- SanRex
- Scancon
- Schneider Electric
- Schützinger
- Sefram Instruments
- Seneca
- Sensata
- ServTrayVou
- Showa Denki Co.,Ltd.
- Siemens
- Sirena
- Sisel
- Sonnenschein
- Spira Manufacturing
- Ssb
- Starpower
- Stronglink
- StuvEx International NV
- Taica Corporation
- Telarc
- TELE Haase
- Teledyne FLIR
- TEP Ex
- TES Electrical
- TESI Group
- Thales
- TM Induction Heating
- Trafox
- Turbowin
- Universal Science
- Uriarte
- Variohm Eurosensor Ltd
- Varsi
- Verre Industrie
- Vester
- Victron energy
- Vishay
- Weller
- WeSiTec eK
- Wieland Polska: złącza, przekaźniki bezpieczeństwa i podzespoły
- XGR Technologies
- YM Tech
- Zebra
- Diodes
- Thyristors
- Electro-insulated Modules
- Bridge Rectifiers
- Transistors | GeneSiC
- SiC MOSFET Modules | Mitsubishi
- Module SiC MOSFET ABB’s
- 5th generation of IGBT modules - A series
- 5th generation of IGBT TRENCH modules - NF series
- IGBT modules - NFM series
- Fast IGBT modules - NFH
- 4th generation of IGBT TRENCH modules - F series
- 3rd generation of IGBT modules - H series
- 3rd generation of IGBT modules - U series
- IGBT modules DIP-C.I.B series/C.I.B series
- High voltage IGBT modules
- High voltage diode modules
- High voltage intelligent power module
- 5th generation of IPM modules - for usage in converters and solar batteries
- 5th generation of IPM modules - L series
- 4th generation of IPM modules - S-DASH series
- 3rd generation of IPM modules - S series
- 3rd generation of IPM modules - V series
- DIP-IPM 1200V
- 4th generation of DIP IPM modules
- 3rd generation of DIP and MINI DIP IPM modules
- Hybrid drivers for IGBT modules
- IGBT 6th generation modules - NX series
- Multilevel IGBT modules
- New mega POWER DUAL - IGBT modules
- 5th generation of IPM modules - FULL GATE CSTBT series (version L1 and S1)
- 6th generation of ipm modules - FULL GATE V1 series
- 7th Generation Modules IGBT
- DIPIPM TM 600V & 1200V
- CI/CIB modules
- Transistor Modules | MITSUBISHI
- Transistor Modules | ABB
- IGBT Modules | POWEREX
- Silicon Carbide (SiC) semiconductor elements
- Transistor Modules | DYNEX
- MOSFET транзисторы | VISHAY (IR)
- IGBT Modules | Semikron
- MOSFET & IGBT Drivers | Semikron
- MOSFET Modules | Microsemi
- IGBT transistors | VISHAY (IR)
- Starpower IGBT modules
- EPC GAN transistors
- Gate Drivers
- Power Blocks
- Electrical Transducers
Electrical Measurements (Shunts, Probes, Meters, Transformers)
- Medium voltage current transformers
- PEM Rogowski Coils
- Medium Voltage Current Transformers for WIC Protection Relays
Vector Network Analyzer BODE 100 & Accessories
- Vector Analyzer Circuits Bode 100
- Bode 500 Vector Network Analyzer
- B-LFT 100 Low-Frequency Injection Transformer
- B-WIC & B-SMC - Impedance Adapters
- B-WIT 100 - Injection Transformer
- J2100A - Injection Transformer
- J2101A - Injection Transformer
- J2110A - Solid State Injector
- J2120A - Line Injector
- J2130A DC Blocker/DC Bias Injector
- J2140A - Attenuator
- 1:10/1:100 Differential Probe
- Bode 100 Carrying Case
- PML 1110 Passive Probe
- Electricity Meters
- Clamp Ammeters
- Current Probes
- Flexible Rogowski Measuring Probes
Current Transformers
- Power Sensor: Current Transformers with fused terminal, DIN rail mounted
- Top-Hat-Rail Transformers
- Wound Primary Current Transformers
- Current Transformers for Busbar and Round Conductor
- Current Transformers | LUMEL
- Compact Current Transformer - RM27
Transformers | FRER
- Current Transformer TAT022 (cable passing Ø22/ busbar 20x5mm)
- Current Transformer TAC017 (cable passing Ø17/ busbar 15x5mm)
- Current Transformer TAC021 (cable passing Ø21/ busbar 20x10mm)
- Current Transformer TAC022 (cable passing Ø22/ busbar 20x5mm)
- Current Transformer TAC032 (cable passing Ø24/ busbar 32x10mm)
- Current Transformer TAC033 (cable passing Ø24/ busbar 32x10mm)
- Current Transformer TAC040 (cable passing Ø32/ busbar 40x10mm)
- Current Transformer TAC051 (busbar 51x18mm)
- Current Transformer TAC053 (cable passing Ø40/ busbar 51x32mm and 41x41mm)
- Current Transformer TAT060 (cable passing Ø60)
- Current Transformer TAC063 (busbar 63x30mm)
- Current Transformer TAT061 (cable passing Ø51/ busbar 61x31mm)
- Current Transformer TAT081 (busbar 81x31mm)
- Current Transformer TAT080 (cable passing Ø80)
- Current Transformer TAT082 (busbar 82x37mm)
- Current Transformer TAT084 (busbar 62x34mm and 84x34mm)
- Current Transformer TAT101 (busbar 102x55mm)
- Current Transformer TAT125 (busbar 127x55mm)
- Current Transformer TAT126 (busbar 105x33mm and 127x38mm)
- Current Transformer TAT127 (busbar 127x55mm)
- Current Transformer TAT128 (busbar 127x85mm)
- Current Transformer TAT129 (busbar 127x105mm)
- Current Transformer TAT165 (busbar 165x127mm)
- Current Transformer TAT225 (busbar 225x127mm)
- Primary Wound Measuring CT's - TAC005
- Primary Wound Measuring CT's - TAC010
- Primary Wound Measuring CT's - TAC020
- Voltage Taps
- Shunts
Analog Meters
- Electromagnetic AC current and voltage meters
- Magnetoelectric DC current and voltage meters
- Electromagnetic voltmeters with switch
- Panel Power Meters
- Panel Pointer Frequency Meters
- Panel Power Factor Meters
- Bimetalic & Combined Ammeters with Imax Indicator
- Ammeters (sizes 72x72 and 96x96)
- Voltmeters (sizes 96x96 and 72x72)
- Current Transformers with built-in transducer
- Current Transformers with relay output
Split-core Current Transformers
- Compact Split-core Current transformers for cables, spandrel core
- Split-core Current Transformers | ELEQ
- Split-core Current Transformers - TAA Series
- ATO - Split-core Current Transformer with high accuracy and low phase shift
- Split-core Protection Current Transformers
- Mini split core current transformer
- Phase Selection Switches
- Programmable Universal Transducer
Earth Leakage Relays
- Earth Leakage Relays - X…DL3 Series
- Earth Leakage Relays with LED display - X72DD
- Earth Leakage Relays with LED display - X96DD
- Earth Leakage Relays with LED display - X70DD
- Compact Earth Leakage Relays - X48DS
- Earth Leakage Relays - X72DS
- Earth Leakage Relays - X96DS
- Earth Leakage Relays - X52DS (53x90)
- Transformer for Earth Leakage Relays - TDC…/TDA…
- Earth Leakage Relays Type B | FRER
- Current Transformers for use with the passage of current relays [Type B] - TDB ...
- Residual direct current monitoring module XTDB022
- Cast-resin Current Transformers
Network Parameter Analyzers
- Transformer-power meter MTA36
- Analyzer of 96x96 network parameters with Rogowski coils - AHM1-RC
- Power Quality Analyzers
- Power Network Meters
- Network Analyzers - NANO
- Network Analyzers - QUBO
- Multifunction Meter with LED display - Q96D4
- “Hi-Performance” Multifunction Meter with LED Display - Q96B4W-Q15B4W
- Network Analyzers - QUBO 96
- 96x96 network parameters analyzer with internal memory - AHM1
- Network Analyzer - AHM1-B & AHM1-BC
- Multifunction network analyzers with miniature split-core CTs
- Configurable Current and Voltage Transducers
- GSR - Bushing type Current Transformers
- ART – Split-core Rogowski Coil
- SB08 - Ring Core Bushing Current Transformer
- Transmission-based kits, Toroidal Current Transformer SB08
- Voltage sensor
- Power converters
- Current sensors
Passive components (capacitors, resistors, fuses, filters)
- Wirewound & Tubular Power Resistors
Multilayered Power Resistors
- PR100 series
- PR250 series
- PR254 series
- PR600 series
- AXM series
- AXP-50 series
- AXP-100 B series
- GXP 120 series
- HPP 150 series
- HPS 150 series
- HXP 200 series
- HXP 600 series
- LXP- 18 series
- LXP- 20 series
- LXP- 100 B series
- MSP 35 series
- MXP 35 series
- VHP series
- UPT-400 series
- MTX 969 W / W-S / W-L series
- ULX- 600 series
- ULX- 800 series
- UPT-600 series
- UPT-800 series
- UXM-400 series
- Series UXP-350
- Series UXP-600
- Series UXP-800
- Series UXP-2000
- Power Resistors in aluminum casing
- Braking Resistors
- High-voltage Resistors
- Rotary power potentiometers
- Carbon Disc Resistor
- High Precision Metal Film Resistors
- Fuses
- Motor Capacitors
Electrolytic Capacitors
- Screw lead - ALS30/31 and ALS 40/41 series
- Accessories for capacitors
- Leads for PCB and soldering - ALP/T 20 series
- Leads for PCB for latches - ALC 40 series
- ALS30 / 31 series, + 85 ° C
- ALS32 / 33 series, + 85 ° C
- ALS36 / 37 series, + 85 ° C
- PEH200 series, + 85 ° C
- ALS40 / 41 series, + 105 ° C
- ALS42 / 43 series, + 105 ° C
- PEH205 series, + 125 ° C
- ALS60 / 61 series, + 85 ° C
- ALS80 / 81 series, High CV, + 105 ° C
- ALS70 / 71 series, High CV, + 85 ° C
Film capacitors
- Polyester film capacitors
Polypropylene film capacitors
- DCB – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- MAB – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- MAR – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- MHBA – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- MHBS – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- MPH – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- MPL – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- MPW/MPF – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- PHB/RHB – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- PHC – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- PHS – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- PMB/RMB – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- PMC/RMC – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- PMS – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- PPA – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- PPB – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- PPR – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- PPS – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- PSB/RSB – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- PWS – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- THZ – Polypropylene film Capacitors
- Power Capacitors
Capacitors for DC Circuits
DC Link Power Capacitors - LNK Series
- DC Power Capacitors LNK-P1X series
- DC power capacitors LNK-P2X, LNK P2Z series
- DC power capacitors LNK-P2L, LNK P2T series
- DC Power Capacitors LNK-P3Y series
- DC Power Capacitors LNK-P4X series
- DC Power Capacitors LNK - M3 series
- DC power capacitors LNK - P5Y series
- DC power capacitors LNK - P6X series
- DC power capacitors LNK - P7Y series
- DC power capacitors LNK - P8Y series
- DC power capacitors LNK - P9X series
- DC Power Capacitors LNK-P3X series
- DC Power Capacitors LNK-P5X series
- DC Power Capacitors LNK-P7X series
- DC Power Capacitors LNK-P8X series
DC Link Power Capacitors - LNK Series
- Power Factor Correction Capacitors
- High-voltage Capacitors
- Induction Heating Capacitors
- Pulse & Energy Storage Capacitors
- DC LINK capacitors
- Capacitors for AC / DC circuits
- AC / DC Low Inductive Capacitors
EMI Filters
Single Phase Filters
- One phase filters F.LL.E2.series *** A.AN 250VAC 8-63A
- One phase filters F.LL.E2.series *** AI, AS
- Interference LC-RFI filters for PCB - F.AM.AV
- LC-RFI interference filters with a fuse - F.AP-F.BQ-F.CP-F.CQ series
- One phase filters - F.AI-F.AM-F.AK-F.AR-F.AS series
- One phase filters - F.LL.E2.***A.SR.W.* series
- Single phase filter series FIN33
- Single phase filter series FIN50
Three Phase Filters
- Three phase filters - F.LL.D3 ***A.AN/HN*1 series
- Three phase filters with neutral F.TR series
- Three phase filters F.LL.D3 BN series
- Three phase filters F.LL.D3 SC series
- Three phase filters with neutral F.LL.D3...AB series
- Three phase filter series FIN538s1
- Three phase filter series FIN1700E/ FIN1700EG
- Feedthrough Filters
- Anti-interference Filters | SPICA
- Three Phase Filters with neutral conductor
- Sinusoidal Filters
- Harmonic Filter for low frequencies
Single Phase Filters
- Supercapacitors
Power surge protection
- Surge protection for coaxial applications
- Surge protection for video surveillance systems
- Surge protection for power cabling
Surge Arresters for LED
- Hard-wired AC Surge Protectors MSB6 i MSB10
- Hard-wired AC Surge Protectors seria MSB10
- Hard-wired single-phase Type 2 + 3 AC surge protector MLPX1-230L-W
- LED street lighting surge protector MLPx-230x-x-2L
- LED street lighting Surge Protector Seria MLPx-xxx
- Surge Protector for LED lighting system DSLP1-230L
- Surge Protectors for LED lighting system MLPC1-230L-R, MLPC1-230L-V
Surge Arresters for Photovoltaics
- DC type 1 + 2 (B + C) surge arresters DS60VGPV series
- Type 1 + 2 DC surge arresters (B + C) DS60VGPV-G / 51 series
- Type 2 DC surge arresters (C) DS50PVS-800 and DS50PVS-1000
- DC type 1 + 2 (B + C) surge arresters DS60VGPV series
- Type 1 + 2 DC surge arresters (B + C) DS60VGPV-G / 51 series
- Type 2 DC surge arresters (C) DS50VGPVS series
- Type 2 PV Surge Protector DS50VGPV-G/51 series
- Type 2 (C) DC surge arresters DS50PVS-500
- Type 2 DC surge arresters (C) DS50PVS-800 and DS50PVS-1000
- Type 2 DC surge arrester (C) DS50PVS-G / 51 series
- Type 2 DC surge arresters (C) DS50PVS / 51 series
- Surge Protector Series DS4xS-xxDC
- Type 2 Surge Protectors DS210-xxDC Series
- The DLA-06-IS surge arresters for IT devices
- The DLA-12-IS surge arresters for IT devices
- Surge arresters for the protection of ETITEC-PV photovoltaic systems
- Boxes with PV protection
- Terminal for V-wiring for surge arresters KN T 1316I
- Weighing system protection
- Surge protection for Fieldbus
Relays and Contactors
- Relays and Contactors - Theory
- 3-Phase AC Semiconductor Relays
- DC Semiconductor Relays
- Controllers, Control Systems and Accessories
- Soft Starters and Reversible Relays
- Electromechanical Relays
- Contactors
- Rotary Switches
Single-Phase AC Semiconductor Relays
- AC ONE PHASE RELAYS 1 series| D2425 | D2450
- One phase semiconductor AC relays CWA and CWD series
- One phase semiconductor AC relays CMRA and CMRD series
- One phase semiconductor AC relays - PS series
- Double and quadruple semiconductor AC relays - D24 D, TD24 Q, H12D48 D series
- One phase semiconductor relays - gn series
- Ckr series single phase solid state relays
- One phase AC semiconductor relays for DIN bus - ERDA I ERAA series
- 150A AC single phase relays
- Rail Mountable Solid State Relays With Integrated Heat Sink - ENDA, ERDA1 / ERAA1 series
- Single-Phase AC Semiconductor Relays for PCBs
- Interface Relays
- 1 & 3 Phase Relays with Triac output
- High Power Relays
- Relays and DC contactors
- Traction contactors
- Insulation monitoring relays
Cores and Other Inductive Components
- Drive Transformers (for power transistors)
- Magnetic-Field Concentrators
- Air Core Coils
Ferrite Cores
- EI Cores
- E Cores & Accessories
- Planar E Cores & Accessories
- EC Cores & Accessories
- EFD Cores & Accessories
- EP Cores & Accessories
- EPX Cores & Accessories
- EQ Cores & Accessories
- ER Cores
- Planar ER Cores & Accessories
- ETD Cores & Accessories
- Frame and Bar Cores & Accessories
- P, P/I Cores & Accessories
- PT, PTS Cores & Accessories
- PH Cores
- PM Cores
- PQ Cores & Accessories
- RM, RM/I & RM/ILP Cores & Accessories
- U, I Cores & Accessories
- Ferrite Toroids (ring cores)
- Gapped Ferrite Toroids (ring cores)
- Amorphous Cores
- Magnetic Cores
Heatsinks, Varistors, Thermal Protection
- Varistors
- Thermal Protection
- Thermal Relays
- Transformer protection
- Securing photovoltaics and energy facilities
- Engine Protection
- Protections for Extraction Systems
- Pump protection
- Protection of heating cables
- Heatsinks
- Centrifugal Fans
Axial Fans
AC Axial fans | EBMPAPST
- Axial-compact fans from ebmpapst
- AC Diagonal ans ebmpapst
- AC Axial Fans - S Series (fi 200-fi 450)
- AC Axial Fans - S Series (fi 500-fi 910)
- AC Axial Fans - K Series (fi 250-fi 450)
- AC Axial Fans - A Series (fi 200-fi 350)
- EC Diagonal Fans - (fi 180-fi 208)
- EC Axial Fans - (fi 200-fi 250)
- Axial Fans - S Series [voltage 24V-48V DC (fi 200-300)]
- Axial Fans - S Series [power supply 230VAC, 3x400V AC (fi 250-990)]
- Energy-saving Motors (ESM)
- Electronic Commutation Systems ES by ebmpapst
- Accessories for ebmpapst axial fans
AC Axial fans | EBMPAPST
Compact Fans
- Fan guards for compact fans
Compact Fans | EBMPAPST
- EBM compact fans
- EBM compact and diagonal fans
- Compact Fans | PAPST
- DC Axial Fans/DC Diagonal Fans - Overview
- DC Centrifugal Fans & Blowers
- Compact Centrifugal Fans
- DC Centrifugal Fans
- GreenTech EC Compact Fans ACMaxx
- AC Axial Fans
- AC Centrifugal Fans
- Accessories and connection options for compact fans
- Specially designed DC Fan
- Compact axial fans
- Compact diagonal fans
- Transverse and hot air fans
Air Conditioning, Accessories for Electrical Cabinets, Coolers
- Air Conditioners
- Heat Exchangers
- Industrial Coolers, Chillers
- Filters & Fan filter sets
- Heaters for Industrial Enclosures
- Sensors & Control Components
- Accessories
Power Supplies and Inverters
- Power Supplies - Theoretical Description
- AC-DC Power Supplies and DC-DC Converters | Bel Power Solutions
Power Supplies | COSEL
AC-DC Power Supplies
- Series PCA AC / DC power supplies
- AME series AC / DC power supplies
- RB series AC / DC power supplies
- LHA AC / DC series Power supplies
- PJMA AC / DC series Power supplies
- FETA AC / DC series Power supplies
- TUNS AC / DC series Power supplies
- KH AC / DC series Power supplies
- LEP AC / DC series Power supplies
- PBW AC / DC series Power supplies
- OBJ AC / DC series Power supplies
- OBM AC / DC series Power supplies
- OBN AC / DC series Power supplies
- OBQ AC / DC series Power supplies
- VP AC / DC series Power supplies
- DPF AC / DC series Power supplies
- FCA AC / DC series Power supplies
- KR AC / DC series Power supplies
- LFA AC / DC series Power supplies
- LFP AC / DC series Power supplies
- PJA AC / DC series Power supplies
- SNDPF AC / DC series Power supplies
- TUHS AC / DC series Power supplies
- TUXS AC / DC series Power supplies
- EBM AC / DC series Power supplies
- OBL AC / DC series Power supplies
- PMA AC / DC series Power supplies
- ACE AC / DC series Power supplies
- DPG AC / DC series Power supplies
- LMA AC / DC series Power supplies
- Seria LEA AC/DC Zasilacze
- PBA AC / DC series Power supplies
- EBN AC / DC series Power supplies
- EXM AC / DC series Power supplies
- OBS AC / DC series Power supplies
- PK AC / DC series Power supplies
- EC AC / DC series Power supplies
- ADA AC / DC series Power supplies
- LDC AC / DC series Power supplies
- SNTU AC / DC series Power supplies
- DBD AC / DC series Power supplies
- EBK AC / DC series Power supplies
- OBR AC / DC series Power supplies
- PT AC / DC series Power supplies
- GHA AC / DC series Power supplies
- KL AC / DC series Power supplies
- LEB AC / DC series Power supplies
- PLA AC / DC series Power supplies
- SNDPG AC / DC series Power supplies
- EBP AC / DC series Power supplies
- OBH AC / DC series Power supplies
- OBP AC / DC series Power supplies
- OFM AC / DC series Power supplies
- HCA AC/DC Power Supply Series
- UMA AC/DC Power Supply Series
DC-DC Converters
- DC / DC Converters MGXS series
- DC / DC Converters MGXW series
- MHFS series DC / DC converters
- BRDS series DC / DC converters
- DC / DC converters of the BRNS series
- DC / DC converters of the MHFW series
- BRFS DC / DC Converters
- DC / DC converters of the MGS series
- CHS series DC / DC converters
- DC / DC converters of the MGFS series
- DC / DC converters of the MGW series
- DC / DC converters of the MGFW series
- CQS series DC / DC converters
- DC / DC converters of the SFCS series
- DC / DC converters of the DENA series
- DC / DC converters of the ENA series
- DC / DC converters of the MAB series
- MAD series DC / DC converters
- DC / DC converters of the MAH series
- DC / DC converters of the PAF series
- DC / DC converters of the PMB series
- DC / DC converters of the PMD series
- DC / DC converters of the PMM series
- PQAE series DC / DC converters
- DC / DC converters of the PSP series
- CBS series DC / DC converters
- DC / DC converters of the DHS series
- DC / DC converters of the SUCS series
- DC / DC converters of the SUTS series
- DC / DC converters of the SUTW series
- DC / DC converters of the ENAR series
- DC / DC converters of the MAI series
- DC / DC converters of the PFB series
- DC / DC converters of the PHB series
- DC / DC converters of the PMJ series
- DC / DC converters of the PMR series
- PQB series DC / DC converters
- DC / DC converters of the PMCP series
- CES series DC / DC converters
- DC / DC converters of the STMGFS series
- DC / DC converters of the SUS series
- DC / DC converters of the SFS series
- DC / DC converters of the STMGFW series
- DC / DC converters of the SUW series
- DC / DC converters of the SNDHS series
- DAA series DC / DC converters
- DC / DC converters of the DAC series
- MAA series DC / DC converters
- DC / DC converters of the MAE series
- DC / DC converters of the PMP series
- DC / DC converters of the CDS series
- MAC series DC / DC converters
- DC / DC converters of the PCA01 series
- PED series DC / DC converters
- DC / DC converters of the PT series
- CQHS series DC / DC converters
- DC / DC converters of the DBS series
- DC / DC converters of the SFLS series
- DC / DC converters of the SUCW series
- DC / DC converters of the SNDBS series
- DC / DC converters of the DAB series
- MAF series DC / DC converters
- DC / DC converters of the PAE series
- DC / DC converters of the PME series
- DC / DC converters of the PMF series
- DC / DC converters of the GK series
- AC-DC Power Supplies DIN Rail Type
AC-DC Power Supplies
Power Supplies | MTM POWER
AC/DC Power Supplies
- AC / DC power supplies PMA/PCMA
- AC / DC power supplies PMAS
- AC / DC power supplies PMAS/PCMAS
- AC / DC power supplies PMAT/PCMAT
- AC / DC power supplies PCMAT
- AC / DC power supplies CFM
- AC / DC power supplies CBM
- AC / DC power supplies PMN/PCMN
- AC / DC power supplies CFMmed
- AC / DC power supplies TRG
- AC / DC power supplies TRH
- AC / DC power supplies TRmed
- AC/DC power supplies for medical purposes
- AC/DC power supplies for DIN bus assembly
- DC/DC Converters
- IP67-AC/DC Power Supplies MTM POWER
MTM Power DC / DC converters for traction applications
- DC / DC converters PCMAT Transportation
- DC / DC converters PMGS/PCMGS
- DC / DC converters PCMGS14-USB
- DC / DC converters PCMAS24-USB
- DC / DC converters PCMD-VT
- DC / DC converters PCMDNI
- DC / DC converters PMDS/PCMDS-VT
- DC / DC converters PCMDS Transportation
- DC / DC converters HVC
- DC / DC converters URC
AC/DC Power Supplies
- Converters, Power Supplies, Inverters | PREMIUM
- Low Power UPS | Bel Power Solutions
- AC-DC Industrial Power Supply Unit
- Power Supplies for Medical Applications
- Pulsive technology
Batteries, Chargers, Buffer Power Supplies and Inverters
- Batteries, Chargers - Theoretical Description
- Modular Li-ion Battery Building Blocks, Custom Batteries, BMS
- Batteries
- Battery Chargers and Accessories
- Uninterruptible Power Supply and Buffer Power Supplies
Inverters and Photovoltaic Equipments
- Solar Charge Controllers | Victron Energy
- Inverters | Victron Energy
- Photovoltaic Panels
- RE NA003 - A system for the protection of Renewable Energy Sources
- Energy storage
- Fuel cells
- Lithium-ion batteries
- Futaba Drone Parts
Limit Switches, Microswitches
- Microswitches
Limit Switches
- GLA Series – Limit Switches in metal housing
- GLC Series – Limit Switches in metal housing
- GLD Series - Limit Switches in plastic housing with double insulation
- GLE Series - Limit Switches in metal housing with 3 outputs for wires
- SZL-VL Series - Economic Limit Switches
- 14CE Series - Limit Switches
- GLL Series - Limit Switches
- GLS Series - Limit Switches
- EN Series - Limit Switch for special applications
- NGC Series - Limit Switches
- Limit Switches for Industrial Enclosures
Sensors, Transducers
Inductive Sensors
Cylindrical Inductive Sensors
- 2-Wire
- Inductive sensors TID, DC, 3 wires
- Inductive sensors TCR, DC,3 wires
- Inductive sensors TIDE DC 3 wires, enlarged zone of operation
- Inductive sensors of the E2FQ series
- Inductive sensors of the E2EH series
- Miniature Cylindrical Proximity Sensor E2E
- Long Distance Cylindrical Proximity Sensor E2A3
- Inductive sensors of the E2A series
- Inductive sensors series E2B
- Inductive sensors of the DAC series
- 4-Wire
- Inductive sensors - special versions
- Inductive Sensors in rectangular casing
- Ring Inductive Sensors
Cylindrical Inductive Sensors
- Ultrasonic Sensors
Optical Sensors
Optical Sensors in configuration: Transmitter - Receiver
- Barrier optic sensors - TOB series
- Light barrier transmitter - receiver (red light) - type PGI-L
- Light barrier transmitter - receiver (infrared radiation) - type DHS - 80
- Optic sensors - m18 series
- Optic sensors - m18-l series
- Optic sensors - cx-400 series
- Optic sensors - lc-100 series
- Optic sensors - 1-11 series
- Configuration photoelectric sensors (transceiver) series E3F2
- Photoelectric sensors in the configuration (transceiver) of the E3FZ series
- Photoelectric sensors in the configuration (transceiver) of the E3T series
- Configuration photoelectric sensors (transceiver) series E3H2
- Photoelectric sensors in the configuration (transceiver) of the E3Z series
Optical Sensors - reflection from the object
- Optic sensors in threaded sleeve
- Optic reflection sensors - TOO series
- Optic reflection sensors - TOO series - npn/pnp DC 4 wires
- Optic sensors - eq-500 series
- Photoelectric sensors of the E3S-CL series
- Photoelectric sensors - reflective from the E3Z series object
- Optical sensors - reflection from the object series CX-400
- Photoelectric sensors - reflective from the E3T series object
- Photoelectric sensors - reflective from the E3H2 series object
- Photoelectric sensors - reflection from the object of the E3FZ series
- Photoelectric sensors - reflection from the object series E3F2
- Long-distance Photoelectric Sensor with Built-in Amplifier
- Standard M18 Photosensor with best price-value ratio E3F1
Optical Sensors - reflective
- Optic reflection sensors - TOR series
- Optic reflection sensors - tor series - pnp DC 4 wires
- Optic reflection sensors - tor series - npn/pnp DC 4 wires
- Optical sensors - reflective series M18
- Optical sensors - reflective series M18-L
- Optical sensors - reflective LC-100 series
- Optical sensors - reflective CX-400 series
- Photoelectric - reflective sensors of the E3T series
- Photoelectric - reflective sensors of the E3H2 series
- Photoelectric - reflective sensors of the E3FZ series
- Photoelectric - reflective sensors of the E3F2 series
- Photoelectric - reflective sensors of the E3Z series
- Standard M18 Photosensor with best price-value ratio E3F1
Optical Fork Sensors
- Slotted light barrier (infrared light) - PM type
- Slotted light barrier (infrared light) - PM type
- Slotted light barrier (infrared light) - PM type
- Slotted light barrier (infrared light) - PM type
- Slotted light barrier (infrared light) - PM type
- Slotted light barrier (infrared radiation) - PBI-40-40 to PBI-60-75 type
- Frame light barrier (infrared radiation) - PRI-70-76 to PRI-150-150 type
- Other Optical Sensors
- Smart Fiber Amplifier E3X-HD
- Transparent Object Detection Sensor
- Video Sensor - FQ2-CLR Series
- Color Sensor - E3X-DACLR Series
- Photoleectric sensors
Optical Sensors in configuration: Transmitter - Receiver
Pressure Sensors
- Factory-set Pressure Switches - 901 Series
- Adjustable Pressure Switches - 901 PRESCAL Series
- Accessories for 901, 901 PRESCAL Pressure Switches
- Adjustable Differential Pressure Switches - 930.8X CLIMAIR Series
- Accessories for 930, 911, 984 Pressure Transducers
- Pressure Transducer - MLH Series
- Pressure Transducers - PX2 Series
- CPS-D-24V - Differential Air Pressure Sensor with display
- PCB Sensors
- Pressure Switches SSZ32
- MIP - Media-Isolated Pressure Transducers
- Pressure transmitter 981
- Level Sensors
- Humidity Sensors
Humidity and Temperature Sensors
- M SERIES - Miniature sensors
- Humidity and temperature sensors in "LIGHT" version
- Compact humidity and temperature sensors in shape of a bar - PC RC series
- Hygrometer and temperature sensor for industrial usage - GG, KC, ZC series
- Measurement elements and modules
- Humidity measurement modules
- Accessories - filters and brackets
- Humidity and temperature sensors with ATEX certificate
- DI series - room version with optional display
- L Series Humidity/-temperature sensors for use in heating, ventilation and air conditioning
- Humidity Sensors HIH
- Humidity and temperature sensors for meteorological applications
- Humidity and temperature transmitter for use in electrical cabinets
- A and B Series Sensors for Humidity and Temperature
- DOL 114 Sensor
Industrial Temperature Sensors and Transducers
Industrial Temperature Sensors
Resistance Sensors – Pt100
- For room temperature measurement and outdoor temperature - T-115
- For room and ventilating ducts temperature measurement and - T-118
- Resistant temperature sensor with replaceable measurement insert. Type tr 1
- Resistant temperature sensor with screw thread and replaceable measurement insert. Type tr2
- Resistant temperature sensor with screw thread and replaceable measurement insert. Type tr3
- Resistant sensor with head - ACT-04
- Mini resistant angle sensor - ACT-15
- Resistant sensor with stub pipe and a wire ACT-21
- Resistant sensor for food products temperature measurement - ACT-25
- Straight resistant mini sensor ACT-26
- Resistant sensor - ACT-31
- Environment temperature sensor - ACT-51
- Environment temperature sensor - ACT-59
- Ambient temperature sensor ACT-52
- Average temperature sensor with 4 measuring points
- Contactless temperature sensors for mobile objects - C015
- Thermoelectric temperature sensor with replaceable measure jacket insert in a metal protective pipe TD1
- Thermoelectric temperature sensor with replaceable measure jacket insert in a metal protective pipe TP1
- Thermoelectric temperature sensor with replaceable measure jacket insert in a metal protective pipe TD2
- Thermoelectric temperature sensor - 3 point measurement. Type: w
- Thermoelectric temperature jacket sensor with free endings. Type: tp3
- Thermoelectric temperature jacket sensor with sleeve. Type: tp4
- Thermoelectric temperature jacket sensor with plug. Type: tp6
- Thermoelectric or resistant temperature sensor. Type kt1
- Thermoelectric or resistance temperature sensor. type: kt2
- Straight thermocouple (J,K,N) - TC-07
- Coat thermocouple (J, K, N) – TC-42
- Thermocouple with thread terminal (J ) – ETB
Resistance Sensors – Pt100
- Temperature Transducers
Industrial Temperature Sensors
- Smoke Sensors
- Capacitive Sensors
- Particle Sensor
- Magnetic Sensors
- Ammonia Sensor
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Sensor
Inductive Sensors
- FineTek brand flow transmitters
- FineTek brand level transmitters
Cable length measuring transducers
- Principle of Cable Extension Transducers - Overview of Oparation, Available types
- PT1 Series - Cable-Extension Position Transducers
- PT5 Series - Cable-Extension Position Transducers
- PT8000 Series - Cable-Extension Position Transducers
- PT9000 Series - Cable-Extension Position Transducers
- PT9000EXT Series - Extended Range Cable-Extension Position Transducers
- SP1 Series - Compact String Pot
- SM Series - String Pots
- SG Series - String Pots
- SR1 Series - Industrial Low Cost String Pot
- Rotary-Pulse Transducers (Encoders)
- Signal Transducer
- Pressure Transducers
- Position Sensors
- CO2 Concentration Transducers
- Compact Airflow Measuring Transducer
- Gas analyzers
Infrared Thermometers (Pyrometers)
- IR-TE Series - Water-proof Palm-sized Radiation Thermometer
- IR-TA Series - Handheld Type Radiation Thermometer
- IR-H Series - Handheld Type Radiation Thermometer
- IR-BA Series - High-speed Compact Radiation Thermometer
- IR-FA Series - Fiber Optic Radiation Thermometer
- IR-BZ Series - Compact Infrared Thermometers
- Counters, Time Relays, Panel Meters
Industrial Protection Devices
Safety Modules
- Safety switch / safety door SNO 4003K
- Safety switch / safety door SNO 4062K / SNO 4062KM
- Safety switch / safety door SNO 4063K/SNO 4063KM/SNO 4063KR
- Safety relay - stop control SNV 4063KL
- Safety relay - Access delay SNV 4063KP
- Safety relay - Two-hand control relay SNZ 4052K
- Safety module - AWAX 26XXL
- Safety relay - output extension 4004K/SNE 4004KV
- 13XXL CO safety relay
- Safety relay for two-hand control COM 3C
- Safety relay, access delay TIMTRONIC XXL
- Safety module for ex zone
Safety Curtains
- Photoelektric safety barriers - type FF-SG
- Photoelektric safety barriers - type FF-SYA
- Optic safe barrier - SF2B series
- Optic safe barrier - SF4B series
- Mini optic safe barrier - SF4C series
- Safety sensor F3S series
- Safety barrier to protect fingers and hands F3S-TGR-CL series
- Safety Light Curtain F3SG-R Series
- Blockade Systems and Access Control
Safety Switches
- MICRO SWITCH™ Cable-Pull Safety Switches - CPS Series
- MICRO SWITCH™ Miniature Safety Interlock Switches - GKM Series
- MICRO SWITCH™ Dual-Entry Safety Switch - GKE Series
- Safety Interlock Switches - GKN Series
- MICRO SWITCH™ Electromechanical Safety Switches - GSS Series
- Multi-Entry Trapped Key-Operated Safety Interlock Switches - GKS Series
- Accessories
Non-Autonomous Contactless Safety Switches
- Non-contact Safety Switch - Trithon N MKTS/Trithon P MKTS
- Contactless Safety Switch - EPINUS
- Polyamide Non-contact Coded Safety Switches - ANATOM 6S/78S/98S
- Contactless Safety Switch - OPTOPUS
- Non-contact Safety Switch with magnetic interlock - EPINUS
- Non-contact Safety Switch with SUPERMAGNET 2 interlock
- Autonomous Contactless Safety Switches
- Safety switch with magnetic lock
- Wheel Blockade
- Security gates
Safety Modules
Light and Sound Signalling
Signal Towers
- MP/MPS 30mm LED Signal Towers
- LCE 40mm LED Signal Towers
- LU5 50mm - Modular Signal Towers
- WEP/WE 37.5mm Profile Signal Towers
- WME-A 80mm Profile Wall-Mount Lamps
- Accessories
- LKEH-FV 100mm Signal Towers
- LS7 LED Signal Tower
- LHE 70mm Signal Tower
- LA6 Series 60mm Smart LED Signal Tower Lights
- LR Signal Towers – LR4 (40mm), LR5 (50mm), LR6 (60mm), LR7 (70mm)
- Signal towers for queue management Smart-Q
- Revolving Lamps
- Warning Lamps
- Spot Lights
- Sound Signalling Devices
- Network-enabled Signaling
Signal Towers
- Thermographic Camera
- LED Displays
- Control Equipments
- Hybrid Recorders - AL3000 Series | CHINO
- Graphic Recorder - KR2000 Series | CHINO
- Ubiquitous Recorders - KR5000 Series | CHINO
- Palm-sized Temperature/Humidity Meters - HN-CH Series | CHINO
- Consumables for Recorders
- 71VR1 - Compact Paperless Recorder | M-SYSTEM
- Graphic Recorder - KR3000 Series | CHINO
- PC Recorders - R1M Series | M-SYSTEM
- PC Recorders - R2M Series | M-SYSTEM
- PC Recorders - RZMS Series | M-SYSTEM
- PC Recorders - RZUS Series | M-SYSTEM
- Graphic Recorder - KR2S Series | CHINO
- Web Data Logger - DL-8 Series | M-SYSTEM
- Drivers and Panels
Controllers, Hygrostats, Thermostats
Hygrostats and Thermostats
- Humidistat - HG 80 & HG 80-2
- Hygrostat - HG80EXI & HG80-2EXI
- Room Humidistat HGMini
- FAS - Condensation detector to prevent the building of condensed water
- Frost Protection Thermostat - JTF
- Hygroswitch - Room Humidistat
- JET-1 - Single-stage Industrial Capillary Thermostats
- JMT-2 - Multi-stage Industrial Capillary Thermostats
- PTR 40/45 - Wet room controller/double thermostat
- JTU-1…-50 - Duct Thermostat
- HTRRBu - Electronic room temperature controller with clock
- JTL-2…-11/JTL-8 NR…-17 NR - Air Heater Thermostat
- RTBSB-001 - Mechanical room temperature controller (surface mounted or plug-in)
- RTBSB-201 - Mechanical room temperature controller (surface mounted ultra-slim)
- RTBSB-001 - Mechanical room temperature controller (surface mounted)
- ENDA EHTC7425 Humidity and Temperature Controller
- Honeywell Hygrostats
- Plant room double thermostat RTKSA
- Universal capillary thermostat RTKSA
- Contact thermostats ATR 83
- Universal capillary double thermostat RTKSA
- Industrial RTKSA wall thermostat
- Actuators with automatic flow control
Industrial Controllers
- Temperature controller with HMI panel MT6050iP
- Temperature Controller for DIN Bus - ET1122 (master) & ET1112 (slave)
- Analog Controllers
- Digital Controllers
- Digital Potentiometers - EDP series
- Power Controllers
- ENDA EMM9510 Programmable Modbus Master Device
- Temperature Controller, adapted to the requirements of the application
Hygrostats and Thermostats
Industrial Switches, Industrial Communication
Industrial Computers
Industrial Computers Panel
- Industrial Computers Panel LCD 8.4"
Industrial Computers Panel LCD 10.4"
- PPC-3100S - 10.4 "TFT LCD panel computer, Celeron N2930 1.83 GHz
- PPC - 1003-04 - industrial panel computer with touch screen 10,4"/3COM/LAN/2USB
- TPC-1051WP - Widescreen panel computer with TFT LCD 10.1 ", E3827 1.75 GHz processor, IP66 front
- PMW10IA3S-A1 Panel industrial computer with touch screen - 10,1"/Intel Atom/2RS232/4USB/1PS/2
- PPC-3100 - 10.4 "TFT LCD panel computer, Atom D2550 1.86 GHz
- DC2 – Rugged 10.4’’Touch Panel PC
- TPC-8100TR-N3AE 10.4" EN50155 Railway Panel Computer
- Industrial Computers Panel LCD 12.1"
Industrial Computers Panel LCD 15"
- FPM-7151T - Industrial, 15 "XGA TFT LCD flat panel monitor with VGA and DP input, IP66
- FPM-7151W Industrial, 15.6 "WXGA TFT LCD flat panel monitor with VGA & DVI-D, PCT input
- PPC-3150 TFT LCD Panel PC 15 ", Intel Atom E3845 1.91 GHz, -20 ° C ~ + 60 ° C
- IPPC-6152A Industrial panel PC, 15 "LCD, Pentium M, 2 x PCI
- FPM-5151G Industrial 15 "TFT LCD flat panel monitor with VGA, DVI inputs
- PPC-1521/PPC-1522 - industrial panel computer with touch screen 15”/LAN/VGA /4USB/4COM
- PPC-3150S 15 "TFT LCD panel computer, Intel Celeron N2930
- PPC-1571 - industrial panel computer with touch screen 15”/LAN/VGA /4USB/5COM/1394b
- PPC-8150
- TPC-1581WP Panel PC with 15.6 "TFT LCD, Core i3 Gen. IV, iDoor
- DC1 Industrial panel computer for industrial applications by MEN 15 ''
- TPC-1571H 15" XGA TFT LCD Intel ® Atom™ Dual-Core D525 Touch Panel Computer
Industrial Computers Panel LCD 18.5"
- TPC-1840WP Panel PC with 18.5 "TFT LCD, AMD G-series T56E processor, Multi-Touch
- FPM-5171G Industrial, 17 "TFT LCD flat panel monitor with VGA, DVI inputs
- TPC-1881 Widescreen panel computer with 18.5 "TFT LCD, 4th generation Core i7 / i3 processor, IP66 front
- SPC-1840WP 18.5" WXGA TFT LCD stationary Multi-Touch Panel Computer with AMD dual-core processor
Industrial Computers Panel LCD 21.5"
- TPC-1840WP (18.5" WXGA)/ TPC-2140WP (21.5", full HD) Panel Computer with AMD Dual-core processor
- TPC-2140WP All-in-one computer with IP65 on each side 21.5 "
- FPM-5191G Industrial 19 "TFT LCD flat panel monitor with VGA, DVI inputs
- SPC-2140WP Desktop panel PC with TFT LCD 21.5 ", AMD G-series T56N processor, Multi-Touch, M12
- PPC-3120 TFT LCD panel computer 12.1 ", Atom D2550 1.86 GHz
- PPC-3170 TFT LCD Panel PC 17 ", Intel Atom E3845 1.91 GHz, -20 ° C ~ + 60 ° C
- PPC-3190 19 "TFT LCD Panel PC, Intel Atom E3845 1.91 GHz, -20 ° C ~ + 60 ° C
- PPC-3120S TFT LCD panel computer 12.1 ", Celeron N2930 1.83 GHz
- SPC-2140WP Desktop panel PC with TFT LCD 21.5 ", AMD G-series T56N processor, Multi-Touch, M12
- PC/HMI Panels | Pixsys
Compact Computers
- BC50I – Box PC for Industrial Applications
- BC50M – Box PC for In-Vehicle Applications
- BL50S – Box PC for Storage Applications
- BL50W – Box PC for Wireless Applications
- 19” Insertion Frame for Box PCs
- TREK-668-00A0E In-vehicle Surveillance with Fleet Management Computing Box
- HeiSys - Multi-dimensionally scalable system platform
- Single Board Computers
Industrial Computers Panel
Serial Communication Devices
- USB Communication
Serial Servers
- Multiport server of serial RS232/RS422/R485 ports - ETHERNET-DIN bus-ESR901/ESR902/ESR904
- Serial RS232/RS422/RS485 port servers - ETHERNET - fiber - MEI - DIN bus - VESR901/VESR902/VESR921/VESR922
- Serial RS232/RS422/RS485 port servers - ETHERNET - POE - panel - PES1A/PESV1A
- Serial RS232 port servers - ETHERNET - panel - ESP411/ESP412/ESP414
- Serial port server RS232-ETHERNET-panel-DIN-IDS-2101F / IDS-2102 / IDS-2204 / LSC-1102
Serial Converters
- RS232 converter - circuit loop - optoinsulator - 232CLDR
- RS232-RS422/RS485 converter - optoinsulation - 485019TB
- RS232-RS422/RS485 converter - 485PTBR
- RS232-RS422/RS485 converter - execution with reinforcement - DIN bus - DIN-485DRCI
- Industrial media converter RS232/RS422/RS485 - fiver - DIN bus - FOSTCDRI
- Converters - ADAM 4520/4520I/4541/4542+ series
- General purpose converter RS232/ RS422/RS485 - 4WSD9TB
- RS232 Line Monitoring
- Industrial Media Converters
Industrial Switches ETHERNET
- Industrial EN50155 Switches M12 | GARRETCOM
- Unmanaged Switches for DIN rail
- Industrial Switches for DIN rail with DNV Certificate
- Switches with POE function for DIN rail
- Industrial EN50155 Switches M12 | LANTECH
- Industrial Gigabit Switches for DIN rail
- Unmanaged 3 ports fiber optic switches for DIN rail
- Unmanaged 5 ports fiber optic switches for DIN rail
- Unmanaged 8 ports fiber optic switches for DIN rail
- Unmanaged Panel Switch ADAM
- Managed Switches for DIN rail
- Switches dedicated to the railways in accordance with EN50155
- MODBUS Devices
- Radio Frequency Communication
- Telemetry EX
Industrial Computers
- Pneumatics - Introduction
- Junctions
- Valves
- Air Line Equipment
- Standard actuators (SE, SG, SI, JSI series)
- Standard actuators ISO 6432 (H series)
- Standard actuators (SC, SU series)
- Actuators with blocking function (SIL, SUL, SCL series)
- Stainless steel mini actuators (MF series)
- Stainless steel mini actuators (MA series)
- Pen-size actuators (PB series)
- Mini actuators - aluminum
- Compact actuators (ACP series)
- Actuators (MCK, ACK series)
- Flat actuators with double and triple piston rod
- Compact actuators (ACQ, SDA series)
- Actuators with multiple possibilities of assembly
- Stop actuators
- Profile actuators ISO/VDMA
- Round actuators
- Shock absorber
- Compressed air guns
- Pneumatic actuator for valves
- Cables
- Vision Inspection Systems
- Signal Conditioners
- Monitoring Relays
- Temperature monitoring relay
- Load Monitors
- Pumps for Reverse Osmosis Systems
- Electric drives
Electric Linear Actuator
- Electric actuators MLA-015
- Electric linear actuator GEA-10P
- Electric linear actuator GEA-20 / 35P9 (D)
- Electric linear actuator GEA-250P
- Electric linear actuator GEA-10SR
- Digital Controller & Actuator GDCA-20P/35P
- Electric linear actuator GEA-20 / 35PDW
- Electric linear actuator GEA-55 / 100PD (L)
- Electric actuator GQ-001/002/004, 006/008
- Electric rotary actuator quarter-GQ 010 ~ 300
- Damper actuators
- Valve
Cables, Litz wires, Conduits, Flexible connections
- Wires
- Litz wires
Cables for extreme applications
- Extension and Compensation cables
- Thermocouple cables
- Connection cables for PT sensors
Multi-conductor wires (temp. -60C to +1400C)
- SILICABLE® MC-ECS -60 °C to +180 °C
- SILICABLE® MCBE-ECS and MCBAL-ECS -60 °C to +180 °C
- PROFIPLAST PBS-P -40°C to + 70°C
- PROFIPLAST PBS-R - Speciality cables OMERIN division polycable
- SILIFLON KU-03 KU-04 KU-05 KU-06 -55 ° C to + 150 ° C
- SILICABLE® MV-VS -60 °C to +280 °C
- SILICABLE® MA-CNVS -60 °C to +350 °C
- SILICABLE MA-CNVAS -60 ° C to + 400 ° C
- SILIFLAM THS 1000 + 400 ° C to 800 ° C - high temperature cables
- SILIFLAM THS 1500 + 900 ° C to 1400 ° C - high temperature cables
- SILIFLAM TX-500 K - Fire-resistant cables
- Medium voltage cables
- Ignition wires
Heating cables
- Silicon heating cords - C1S - C1S/T - C1S/I
- PVC insulated heating cords - C1P - C1P/T - C1P/I
- Fluoropolymer Insulated Heating Cord, C1F - C1F/T - C1F/I
- PVC insulated heating cables - CP - CP/T - CP/TW - CP/I - CP/IW
- Silicon insulated heating cables - CS - CS/T - CS/TW - CS/I - CS/IW
- Terminated PVC insulated heating cables - CP1
- Terminated silicon insulated heating cables - CS1
- Silicon insulated heating cables - CS2 - CS2/T - CS2/TWW
- FTS3/IS High power constant power cables
- Long line heating cables and tapes - C1FS/I - C2FS/I - R3FS/I
- Heating plates - PLA
Single conductor cables (temp. -60C to +450C)
- VARPREN MAX -30 ° C to + 125 ° C
- VARPREN® F -40 °C to +155 °C
- VARPREN® 155 UL Class F lead wires UL and cUL approval
- SILICABLE CS and ECS -60°C to +180°C
- SILICABLE® RCS and RECS Solid core -60 °C to +180 °C
- SILICABLE® ECSC-VDE and CNCSC-VDE Double insulating layer VDE approval -60 °C to +180 °C
- SILIFLON ET, E i EE -55°C to +260°C
- SILIFLON FEP and EFEP -90°C to +205°C
- SILIFLON® PFA and EPFA -90 °C to +260 °C
- SILIFLON ETFE and EETFE -90°C to +155°C
- SILICABLE® VS -60 °C to +280 °C
- SILICABLE® NVS -60 °C to +350 °C
- SILICABLE® CNVAS -60 °C to +400 °C
- SILICABLE® NVAS-60 ° C to +450 ° C
- SOLARPLAST H1Z2Z2-K Cables for photovoltaic solar panels
- SILICABLE® CSC and ECSC Double insulating layer -60 °C to +180 °C
- SILIFLON KU-01 and KU-02 -55°C to +150°C
- Railway cables
- Heating cables Ex
Insulation Sleevings
- Insulating jacket T.P.E.125˚C 16kV
- SILIGAINE 31-1 and 31-2 - 30˚C to + 450˚C
- SILIGAINE TN - protective jacket variable-diameter monofilament polyester
- SILIGAINE® 13F3 -30° C to +155 °C Class F
- SILIGAINE® 15C3 -60 °C to +250 °C Classes H and C
- SILIGAINE® GT 1 -60 °C to +300 °C
- SILIGAINE SI + 33 900 ° C - silica fiber
- SILIGAINE 21F1 -60 ° C to 280 ° C
- SILIGAINE® 13F4 -30 °C to +155 °C Class F
- SILIGAINE® 15C3-UV -60 °C to +250 °C
- SILIGAINE® 15C4.d -60 °C to +200 °C Class H
- SILIGAINE® 15C2 -60 °C to +250 °C Classes H and C
- SILIGAINE® 15C4 -60 °C to +250 °C Classes H and C
- SILIGAINE® 15C5 -60 °C to +250 °C Classes H and C
- SILIGAINE® 15C5-E Expandable -60 °C to +250 °C Classes H and C
- SILIGAINE® 15C7 UL -60 °C to +250 °C Classes H and C
- SILIGAINE® 15C10 -60 °C to +250 °C Classes H and C
- SILIGAINE GTE 1 from -60 ° C to + 250 ° C
- Heat-shrinkable Sleevings
Insulation Sleevings
- Flat Braids
- Round Braids
- Very Flexible Flat Braids
- Very Flexible Round Braids
- Cylindrical Cooper Braids
- Cylindrical Cooper Braids and Sleevings
- Flexible Earthing Connections
- Galvanized and Stainless Steel Cylindrical Braids
- PCV Insulated Copper Braids (temp. up to 85C)
- Flat Aluminium Braids
- Junction Set - Braids and Tubes
- Steel Braids
- Traction Equipment
- Cable Terminals
- Flexible Insulated Busbars
- Flexible Multilayer Busbars
Cable Duct Systems
- Cable Trays
- Cable Glands
Cable Carriers (made of plastic) | IGUS
- Calculation of E-Chain® - lengths and camber
- Cable carriers series E08 - Z08
- 045 Series Cable carriers
- Cable carriers series 08
- 014 Series Cable carriers
- Cable carriers Series 200 240 250
- Cable carriers series 2400 2500
- Cable carriers series 2450 2480
- Cable carriers series E4.21
- Plastic carriers Cable (Recommended length: 1m ~ 5m.)
- Types of fasteners - Complies with CE and RoHS
- Cable Ties
- Protective Pipes
Metallic Conduits
- Metallic conduit
- LFHU - Metallic Conduits Galvanised steel helically wound flexible steel conduit with Polyolefin extra low fire hazard coating
- LTP - Metallic Conduits – Galvanised steel helically wound flexible conduit with smooth, oil resistant, black PVC coating.
- FU - Metallic Conduits – Galvanised steel helically wound flexible conduit
- FSU - Metallic Conduits Galvanised steel, helically wound, flexible conduit with PVC coating
- FSB - Metallic Braided Conduits Galvanised steel helically wound flexible steel conduit with PVC coating and Galvanised steel overbraid
- FB - Metallic Braided Conduits Galvanised steel helically wound flexible steel conduit with Galvanised steel overbraid Peszel FB – spiralny peszel ze stali ocynkowanej w osłonie ze stali ocynkowanej
- LTP-EXD - chokes for hazardous areas
plastic conduits
- Non-metallic conduit
- FPAS- Non-Metallic Conduits – Standard weight nylon (flame retar-dant PA6) corrugated flexible conduit
- FPAL- Non-Metallic Conduits – Light weight nylon (PA6) corrugated flexible conduit
- FPAH- Non-Metallic Conduits – Heavy weight nylon (flame retardant PA6) corrugated flexible conduit
- FPR - Non-Metallic Conduits – Standard weight nylon (highly flame retardant PA6) corrugated flexible conduit
- FPI - Non-Metallic Conduits – Standard weight nylon (highly flame retardant PA12) corrugated flexible conduit
- FPIH - Non-Metallic Conduits – Heavy weight nylon (highly flame re-tardant PA12) corrugated flexible conduit
- Peschel FPADS - double-slit flexible fluted corrugated nylon (PA6)
- Conduit FPIHR - heavy fluted corrugated flexible nylon (highly flame resistant PA12)
- Metallic Conduit Fittings
- Non-metallic Conduit Fittings
- Hoses and Protective Materials
- Electrically Heated Hoses
- Marking Systems
- Copper-Aluminium Busbars CUPERAL
- BUSBAR connections
Insulation Materials
- Impregnation method
- Alkyd lacquer - modified, single component, WE203 for insulation F class system 155C
- Air dry lacquers - anti-flame - protective and for finish G141, G142, G144T, G145
- Alkyd lacquer - modified G159, G159T
- Epoxide-alkyd lacquer - modified - E521, E521T, E521ATX
- E524TS lacquer - H class - UL E104619(N) certificate
- Polyester nonimpregnated lacquer P721, polymerization in drier
- Epoxide resins - impregnation methods
- Polyurethane resins - impregnation methods
- Two component resin U4612 + D84-15 - polymerization in an environmental temperature
- Two component resin U4760 + D72- polymerization in an environmental temperature
- Two component resin U4720 + D71- polymerization in an environmental temperature
- Two component resin with insert DIAPOL 508 + C500,- polymerization in an room temperature
- Two component resin with insert DIAPOL 509FG + C500,- polymerization in an room temperature
- Two component resin without filler JBR19.4 + D19.4 - polymerization in an environmental temperature
- Two component resin with insert E519C + D69,- polymerization in an room temperature
- Two component resin with insert E520C + D88,- polymerization in an environmental temperature
- Two component resin with load E819CA + D91,- polymerization in an room temperature
- Flexible Insulating Materials
- Insulating Tapes
- Insulating materials for oil transformers
- Glycol Coolant
Electrical Connectors
- DIN Rail Terminal Blocks
- Multipole Industrial Connectors
- Industrial Power Connectors
- Cables for sensors | LUMBERG
- Connectors for sensors
- PCB Terminals
- Battery Clamps
- Connectors | Hirschmann
Rotary Connectors
- Electrical Rotary Connectors
Slip Rotary Connectors (Slip Rings)
- Slip Rings - Through Bore Series (KYH)
- Rotary Connectors IP64
- MFS Series - IP65/IP68 Water-proof Slip Rings
- MP Series - Pancake Slip Rings
- High Temperature Slip Rings (max temp. 280°C)
- MT Series - Through Bore Slip Rings
- ME Series - Ethernet Slip Rings
- High Speed Slip Rings (600RPM~20000RPM)
- MAPH Series - Fliud+Electrical Slip Rings
- Rotary Connectors for special executions
- Electrical Connectors | SCHÜTZINGER
- Circular connectors with threaded joint | LUMBERG
- Coaxial Connectors | RADIALL
Industrial Connectors | Han
- Hoods/Housings variants
- Hoods/Housings - Inserts
- Clamping Elements for Inserts
- Han E Inserts
- Han ES Inserts
- Han ESS Inserts
- Han EE Inserts
- Han EEE Inserts
- Han HsB Inserts
- Han D Inserts
- Han DD Inserts
- Han A Inserts
- Han-Com Inserts
- Cartridges Han Q
- Han-Compact® Hoods/Housings
- Han-Power
- Han-Brid® Connectors
- Han-Modular® Modules
- Contacts
- Han-Modular® Compact
- Han-Modular® Accessories
- Han-Modular® Hinged frames
- Han-Snap
- Cable Entry Protection for Metric Cable Entries
- Hoods with Metric Cable Entries
- Housings with Metric Cable Entries
- Hoods/Housings with Metric Cable Entries for special applications
- Tools
- Power Connectors Powersafe
- Connectors and cables for charging electric vehicles
Infrared Lamps, UV Lamps and LED Lighting
- Infrared Lamps
- Accessories for Infrared Lamps
- UV Lamps
- Accessories for UV Lamps
- Equipment for industrial objects heating (Heat Reflectors)
- Road Sign Lighting
- Flexo Print TL Lamps | PHILIPS
- Quartz Infrared Lamps
Industrial LED Lighting
- General Information
- Utility LED Lighting
Lighting for Industry
Lighting for Machine Tools
Lighting for machine tools C.C.E.A.
- LED lighting for machine tools TRACK ALPHA series
- LED lighting for machine tools series HERIONOVA
- LED lighting for machine tools series ANTARIO
- LED lighting for machine tools TOOL-P series
- LED lighting for machine series TEIDE
- Lighting IP69K SYRMA
- LED lighting for Sirio series machine tools
KIRA luminaires
- KE-LED-EA 40..-P | 230V / 110V | LED TUBE LUMINAIRE
- Lighting equipment company SAMMODE
- Machine Lighting | GIMAX
Lighting for machine tools C.C.E.A.
- LED Industrial Lighting
- Work Lighting
- Lighting for high temperatures
- Lighting for Food Industry
- Lighting for low temperatures
Lighting for Machine Tools
- Power Blocks, Components for building devices
Industrial Enclosures, Keyboards, EMC/RFI Protection
- Solutions for vibration control
- Control cabinets
- Accessories for Enclosures
- Articles and Technical Information
- Certifications
- Industrial keyboards, Foil Fronts, Switches and Buttons
Thermally Conductive Materials
- Thermally Conductive Materials | Universal Science
Thermal Management Materials | Henkel/Bergquist
- Overview of thermally conductive materials
- Flexible conductive materials Series Sil-Pad (thermal pad)
Flexible conductive fillers series air Gap Pad
- Plastic thermally conductive filler Gap Pad VO very soft
- Plastic thermally conductive fillers Gap Pad 1500R
- Plastic thermally conductive filler Gap Pad 3000S35
- Plastic thermally conductive fillers Gap Filler 1000 (two-component)
- Plastic thermally conductive filler Gap Filler 1500 (two-component)
- Plastic thermally conductive fillers Gap Filler 3500S35 (two-component)
- Thermally Conductive Materials changing physical state Hi-Flow
- Thermally conductive adhesive materials with a series of Bond-Ply / Liqui-Bond
- THERMAL CLAD Insulated Metal Substrates (IMS®)
- Modifications / Services
- Overprints and Descriptions
Aluminum Enclosures
- Handheld Aluminium Enclosures
All-purpose Aluminium Enclosures
- aluCASE - Premium enclosures range in diecast aluminium
- conFORM - Versatile diecast aluminium enclosures with in-built EMC shielding
- aluNORM - Multivariable diecast aluminium enclosures for industrial equipment
- aluPLUS - The plus side of diecast aluminium enclosures
- aluKOM - Classic, industry standard diecast aluminium enclosures for industrial equipment
- aluTWIN - The ultimate heavy duty dual-chamber aluminium enclosures
- aluDISC - An absolute all-rounder in every respect
- aluCLIC - Aluminium enclosures with quick-change mounting device
- RJ Series - Die-Cast Aluminium Enclosures
- 5000 Series - Aluminium Diecast Enclosures
- AluDOOR - Aluminum enclosure with a door IP66/IP67/IP69K
Versatile Control/Command Enclosures in Diecast Aluminium
- AluFACE KTE - housing the control panels of cast aluminum IP66
- AluFACE KCE - housing the control panels of cast aluminum IP66
- AluFACE KSE - housing the control panels of cast aluminum IP66
- AluFACE KVE - housing the control panels of cast aluminum IP66
- AluFACE KVF - housing the control panels of cast aluminum IP66
- AluFACE KE - housing the control panels of cast aluminum IP66
19” Enclosures and 19" Rack-mount Enclosures
- Subracks
- Enclosures for 19 "measuring equipment
Components / accessories
- Assembly parts
- Box type plug-in module
- Accessories for box type plug-in units
- Components of box type plug-in units Type I and II for 3 U and 6 U
- Components of box type plug-in units Type V and VI for 3 U and 6 U
- Air conditioning for Subracks
- Components for EMC installation
- HeiPac Easy 1 cover (slip-on)
- HeiPac Vario ECO cover
- Cover version 1 (Covers the total depth of the shelf)
- Cover version 2 (PCB coverage depth)
- Cover version 3 (lip 1 U)
- Cover version 4 (upper / lower lip 1/2 U)
- Cover version 5 (snap closure)
- HeiPac Easy covers (slip-on / screw-on)
- Mounting clips for covers
- Front panels, handles
- Air blocking panel for gaps
- Aluminum center section (three-piece guide rail)
- Beater / card holder
- Contact Springs
- End pieces (three-piece guide rail)
- Tips, polycarbonate
- ESD contacts
- Contact with the ground
- 4.4 "guides
- Aluminum guides
- Guide rails for attaching contact springs, plastic
- Plastic guide rails
- Center of insulator (three-piece guide rail)
- Guide rails with a key for I / O subracks
- Plastic guides with a key
- 1/2 HP offset keyways
- Keying tool (assembly aid)
- Keys
- HeiBox accessories
HeiCase accessories
- Trimming section
- Aluminum front door for HeiCase
- HeiCase mounting angle
- Spacer
- Mounting rails for HeiCase
- Front door for HeiCase (revolving with window)
- Slide rail for HeiCase
- Keyboard cover
- HeiCase back panel
- Rear fan mounting door
- HeiCase rear door, swivel mount
- HeiCase protective grounding kit
- HeiCase tower legs
- HeiCase carrying handles
HeiPac Easy accessories
- Front track horizontal, double screw mounting (EASY V1)
- Mounting flange for HeiPac Easy
- Rear horizontal middle track with integrated Z EASY profile (EST-M1)
- Rear rail, horizontal, for mounting mounting plates, double screw fixing (EASY BP1)
- Rear rail, horizontal, for mounting mounting plates, double screw fixing (EASY H1)
- Rear horizontal track, with integrated Z profile, double screw fastening (EASY EST1)
Accessories for the HeiPac Vario module
- HeiPac Vario-Module bottom covers
- HeiPac Vario-Module carrying handle
- Includes the HeiPac Vario module
- HeiPac Vario-Module grounding kit
- Folding legs for the HeiPac Vario module
- Front corner trims
- Front flange for HeiPac Vario module
- Mounting panel
- Rear adjustable feet for HeiPac Vario module
- Stand carrying handle
- Accessories for horizontal rails
Horizontal rails for the HeiPac Vario line
- Double front with a horizontal rail, top 10 mm (V-Ext.2)
- Horizontal track at the front (V1)
- Horizontal track front, 10mm top (V-Ext.1)
- Horizontal rail front, 10mm top (V-Ext.3), with double screw fixing
- Horizontal track at the front, with double screw fastening (V2)
- Vario V 3 horizontal track, front
- Adapter rear rail, center (E)
- Rear horizontal track (BP1)
- Rear horizontal track with integrated Z track (EST2)
- Rear horizontal track with a cutout (BP3)
- Rear center horizontal track (BP-M1)
- Rear horizontal track, backplate mounting agent (BP-M2)
- Rear horizontal center track with integrated Z track (EST-M1)
- Rear track horizontal, with double screw fastening (BP2)
- Rear horizontal track, with integrated Z track (EST1)
- Mounting kits
- Power supplies for 19" systems
- Side panels and flanges
- Industrial computer
- CPCI / CPCI series
- MicroTCA
- 19-inch Packaging System - Technology Expertise | HEITEC
Instrument/Desktop Metal Enclosures
- Instrument Cases (110 Series) | CAMDENBOSS
- Venti Cases (6000 Series) | CAMDENBOSS
- Terminal Cases (2600/2700 Series) | CAMDENBOSS
- UNIDESK - Sloping front terminal enclosures
- UNIMET-PLUS - Moderan i svestran kućišta za instrumente
- UNIMET - Modern desktop and portable instrument enclosures
- MINIMET - For small desktop and portable electronics
- UNICASE - Versatile design ideal for customizing
- TECHNOMET desktop housing
- Metal housing accessories
Command Enclosures and Suspension Systems
Command Enclosures
- topVISION - Ergonomic, versatile and economic command enclosures
- Thalassa PLM - Polyester wall-mounting enclosures
- STAKOM - the housing of steel sheet with the front frame of aluminum IP54
- multiVISION Kommando - Variable display and command enclosures made from aluminium profiles
- multiVISION Display - Variable display and command enclosures made from aluminium profiles
- DACN Series - Industrial enclosures from stainless steel, IP66
- DATAMET - Wall mount enclosures for indoor electronics
- MULTITEC - Wall Mount Enclosures
- multiPANEL - Advanced premium command enclosures for modern machine control
- profiPANEL - Design command enclosure
- profiPANEL Standard - Design command enclosures in standard sizes
- commandCASE
- Suspension Arm Systems
- Columns
Command Enclosures
Aluminium Profile Enclosures
- mobilCASE - Modern and ergonomic extruded aluminium handheld enclosures
- aluDISPLAY - Designer display enclosures made from aluminium profiles
- 50 Series Dura Boxes - Aluminium extruded boxes
- MX/MXA Series - Mobile Aluminium Enclosures
- FC/FCW Series - Aluminium Control Boxes
- AW/AWN Series - IP67 Aluminium Enclosures with heat dissipating heat-sink fins
- HS/HIT/HEN Series - Heat-sink Aluminium Case
Plastic Enclosures
- Sensor style enclosures
Plastic Enclosures for Mounting
- ROBUST-BOX - Universal IP66 Plastic Enclosures
- starCASE - Advanced plastic enclosures moulded in flame-retardant ASA+PC
- technoBOX - Modern and low cost enclosures for electronics and electrical devices
- technoCASE - Multivariable enclosures made from ABS with designer cover strips
- SNAPTEC - Fast assembly IP65 Plastic Enclosures
- Raspberry Enclosures
Handheld Plastic Enclosures
- 45 series palm case electronic enclosure
- 62 Series Ergonomic Keyfob Enclosure
- 64 Series clip together handheld enclosure
- 66 series handheld rubber corner enclosure
- 2910 Series mobile electronic enclosure
- 2950 Series Handheld
- 2970 Series T-style Handheld
- Datec Mobil Box - Compact handheld enclosures
- Datec Pocket Box - Compact handheld enclosures
- Z Series - Enclosures for remote controls
- Z Series - Enclosures for power supplies
- Z Series - Two-part colored enclosures
- Hermetic enclosures
Desktop/Keyboard Housings
- FLAT-PACK CASE - Multi-purpose plastic enclosures | OKW
- TOPTEC - Universal plastic enclosures | OKW
- DESK CASES - Practical sloping front desktop enclosures | OKW
- DESK CASES - Practical sloping front desktop enclosures | OKW
- MOTEC - Modern desktop enclosures with wide front panels | OKW
- Vario Cases (1000 Series) | CAMDENBOSS
- Euro Desk Consoles (8000 Series) | CAMDENBOSS
- Series 2800 - polygonal housing with an aluminum plate
- Series 3500 - plastic housing on the U-shaped desk
- SHELL-TYPE CASES - Universal instrument enclosures | OKW
DIN Rail Plastic Enclosures
- Versatile standard DIN rail enclosures RAILTEC B
- Vertical DIN Rail Enclosures CVB Series
- Controls Housing (DIN Rail mounting) CCH12 Series
- Extruded PCB Supports CIME Series
- DIN Rail Enclosures - Modular MR../K - H53 mm Series
- DIN Rail Enclosures - Modular MR../HD - H53 mm Series
- DIN Rail Enclosures - Modular MR../BHD - H35 mm Series
- DIN Rail Instrument Enclosures CDIB Series
- Modular enclosures for a DIN rail CNMB series
- DIN rail enclosures ZD series
- CMEB Extendable DIN Rail Terminal Enclosure
- Plastic and Panel Instrument Enclosures
- Plastic Enclosures for Operator Terminals
- Enclosures in glass-fibre reinforced polyester
- Customized enclosures
All-purpose Plastic Enclosures
- Series CBEAC - Easy Assembly Electronics Enclosure
- 2000 series - universal enclosures
- Z series - universal enclosures
- 3400 series - Multipurpose enclosure
- 7000 series - enclosures
- Z series enclosures with side panels
- TechnoPLUS Series - advanced plastic enclosures designed for modern outdoor electronics
- Z series - enclosures with lid
- Enclosures from PC/ABS/PVC | ROGER
- Enclosures from PC/ABS/PVC for transformers | ROGER
- 1100 Series Recessed Electronics Enclosure
- POTTING BOXES - Tough plastic enclosures for encapsulating electronic components and assemblies
- Enclosures for communication equipment
- Enclosures for the IoT industry
- Push bottom boxes
- Stainless Steel Enclosures
EMC/RF/IP Protection
- Theory - EMC electromagnetic protection products
- EMC conductive elastomers
- EMC foam gaskets
- EMC woven mesh seals
- EPDM EMC edge seals
Contact Strips made of stainless steel | FEUERHERDT
- Clip-On Gaskets / Curved Fingers
- Slippy Fingers / Grounding and Shield Strips / Slot-Mount Shields
- Mounting Tracks and Accessories / Rounded Shields
- PCB Contact Fingers / Low Profile Gaskets
- Contact Strips and Rings for Radio Amateurs
- DIN Connector Gaskets / "D"-Connector Shields with Contact Fingers
- Spiral Shield Gaskets
- Seals and fish-plates / contact EMC
- Shielding of elements on EMC PCBs
- Shielding of EMC vents
- Shielding of EMC windows
- EMC conductive tapes
- Conductive adhesives, EMC paints
- Microwave Absorbers / EMC flex suppressors
- Environment gasket IP
- EMC surface coverage of plastic surfaces
- Optical Bonding Technology
- Cable shielding
- Portable Cases
- Displays
- Thermal Interface Materials - Kerafol
- High Frequency Components
- Oil-free compressors and blowers
Workshop Equipment
- Brazing (soldering, soldering, paste, flux)
Sets and Service Cases
- Tool suitcase for electronic engineers - "Handy"
- Tool suitcase for electronic engineers - "Technik"
- Tool suitcase for electronic engineers - "Boss"
- Tool suitcase for electronic engineers - "Compact - Mobil"
- Tool suitcase for electronic service - "Teledatal"
- Tool suitcase for electronic service - EPA 6900
Sets and Service Cases
Measuring Devices
- Oscilloscopes
- Spectrum Analyzers
- Accessories
- Clamp Meters
Electrical Measurement Meters
- Measuring electric DE-5000, DE-1008
- TM190 Multi-field EMF meter 3w1
- KEW3125 High Voltage Insulation Tester
- KEW 3128 High Voltage Insulation Tester
- KEW 6305 Compact Power Meter
- BM235 Multimeter with backlit LCD display
- BM239R multimeter with backlit LCD display
- BM257s multimeter with backlit LCD display
- BM27s multimeter with backlit LCD display
- BM859s multimeter with backlit LCD display
- BM829s multimeter with backlit LCD display
- BM869s multimeter with backlit LCD display
- PROVA100-room unit loop calibrator 4-20mA / 24V
- Non-Electrical Measurement Meters
- Battery Impedance Testers
- Measurement Instruments (Industrial) | FLIR
- Fluke 28 II Ex - Intrinsically Safe True RMS Digital Multimeter
- Label Markers & Printers
- Industrial phones
- Oil Mist Collectors
Industrial Matting and Guards for machines
- Guards for machines
Workplace Matting & Floor Safety Mats
- ESD Matting and Anti Static Mats
Anti Fatigue Mats
- Mats for industrial-Step Solid Fatigue
- Mats for industrial applications Rampmat
- Mats for industrial applications Worksafe
- Mats for industrial applications Diamond Tread
- Mats for industrial use Fatigue-Step
- Mats for industrial use high-Duty
- Mats for industrial applications COBAscrape
- Mats for industrial use Comfort-Lok
- Mats safe distance
- Telescopic Covers
Apparatus for heating bearings, bushings, gears, and couplings
- Apparatus for heating bearings, bushings, gears and clutches - general
- Induction heater EASYHEAT
- Induction heater SURETHER
Induction heater BETEX
- BETEX 22 ELDi Portable bearing heater (120V/230V-50/60Hz)
- BETEX 24 RLDi TURBO Portable (120V/230V-50/60Hz)
- Induction heater 22 ESD 3,6kVA
- BETEX 24 RSDi TURBO (120V/230V-50/60Hz)
- Induction heater 38 ESD 8 kVA
- Induction heater 40 RSD en RSDm portable TURBO 8 kVA
- 38 ZFD induction heater 12kVA
- Induction heater 40 RMD TURBO 12 kVA
- Induction heater super standard en DL-700 24 kVA
- Induction heater TUROB Super 24 KVA
- Induction heater GIANT DL-standard en 40 700 kVA
- BETEX Giant Standard Enlarged DL-700/DL-1000 (48, 100 kVA)
- Induction heater GIANT XL TURBO 40, 100 kVA
- BETEX iDuctor 1 for precision heating
- Heater Configurator selection
- Precision Coil Winding Machines | Jovil Universal
- Welders for crimp wire connections
- Ionizers
Components for Hazardous Areas & Explosive Atmospheres [Ex]
- Ex-ATEX Explosion Protection Services
- Ignition systems
- Components [Ex] - Introduction
- Process safety
- Customization of electrical devices to work in Ex Zones
- ATEX Training
- Lighting for Hazardous Areas [Ex]
- Enclosures
Housings, Control Boxes, Panels, Accessories [Ex]
Junction and Terminal Boxes
- Polyester Junction Boxes [Ex|Zone 1, 21]
- Stainless Steel Junction Boxes [Ex|Zone 1, 21]
- Aluminium Junction Boxes [Ex|Zone 1, 21]
- GHG 791 Ex-e/Ex-i terminal boxes
- Junction boxes EX series RK polyamide / standard configuration
- Terminal boxes [Ex] - GHG Series (designed according to client specification)
- Terminal boxes [Ex] - QX-V Series - made of stainless steel (designed according to client specification)
- Control Panels
Cable Glands
- WISKA cable glands companies
- EX stop ends, polyamide, metric
- Cable glands plastic CAPRI / CEAG / CROUSE-HINDS
- LYRA - Polyamide Cable Glands for circular cables
- Exd cable glands for cable unreinforced - ADE-1F
- IEC and ATEX Cable Glands - International Standards
- Exd cable glands for armored cable - ADE-4F
- ADE cable gland accessories and kits
- Ex Certified Reducers/Adapters
- Ex Certified Stopping Plugs
- Control Boxes
- Empty Enclosures
- Ex Enclosures and Junction Boxes - Control Station
- Installation Connectors
- Line Bushings
- Boxes/Terminal Boxes [Ex] - made of polyester for QUICK DELIVERY
- Non-Explosive Bushings/Insulators - type M…x
Junction and Terminal Boxes
Electrical Connectors for hazardous areas [Ex]
Explosion-proof receptacles with incorporated load switch
- One-pole Switch for 680A to 1000V AC/1500V DC
- One-pole Switch for 700A to 1000V AC/1500V DC
- Explosion-proof removable plug devices 16A-200A (upto 5 contacts)
- Ex multi-contact connectors - DXN37C for 5A (upto 37 contacts)
- Ex multi-contact connectors - PXN12C for 10A (upto 12 contacts)
- Power connectors zones EX - series FSCQ
- Industrial multipole connectors for Ex zone
- Field-wirabled Connectors M12
- 3/4/5-Pole Connectors upto 16A
- 4/5-Pole Connectors upto 32A
Explosion-proof receptacles with incorporated load switch
- Light and Sound Signaling [Ex]
- Cables, Heating Hoses, Conduits [Ex]
- Automation [Ex]
- Telephones and radios Ex
- Cameras and Digital Camera [Ex]
- Computers, Monitors and Operator Panels [Ex]
- Buttons and Potentiometers [Ex]
Industrial Communication [Ex]
- Remote IO modules for Ex Zone 1/21 or 2/22
- Ethernet communication Ex
- Ex wireless communication
- ZENERA MTL700/7700 safety barriers
Galvanic isolators | MTL
Series 4500/5500 - Galvanic isolators | MTL
- MTL4510/MTL5510 - Switch / proximity detector interface
- MTL4510B/MTL5510B - Switch / proximity detector interface
- MTL4511/MTL5511 - Switch / proximity detector interface
- MTL4513 – MTL5513 - Switch / proximity detector interface
- MTL4514/B – MTL5514 - Switch / proximity detector interface
- MTL4514D - MTL5514D - Switch / proximity detector interface
- MTL4514N - Switch / proximity detector interface
- MTL4516/C - MTL5516C- Switch / proximity detector interface
- MTL4517 - MTL5517- Switch / proximity detector interface
Series 4500/5500 - Galvanic isolators | MTL
- Displays [Ex]
- Explosion-Proof Switches
- Explosion-Proof Slip Ring [Ex]
- Standard Switchgears made of plastic [Ex]
- Earthing Devices
- Protection enclosures
- Pressurized protection 2.0: system and components
Compatibility Electromagnetic EMC
- Theory - electromagnetic protection products
- EMC conductive elastomers
- Foam seals
- Woven mesh seals
- EPDM edge seals
- Emc seals and contact strips
- Shielding of elements on PCBs
- Shielding of ventilation openings
- Screening of windows
- Conductive tapes
- Conductive adhesives, paints
- Microwave absorbers / EMC shielding mats
- EMC coating of plastic surfaces
- Electrically Conductive Form-In-Place Material Gaskets
Single-phase filters
- Single-phase filters, F.LL.E2 series. *** A.AN 250VAC 8-63A
- Single-phase filters, F.LL.E2 series. *** AI, AS
- Single Phase Filters F.AI-F.AM-F.AK-F.AR-F.AS series
- Single-phase filters F.LL.E2. *** A.SR.W. * series
- Single-phase filters series FIN33
- Single-phase filters series FIN50
Three-phase filters
- Three-phase filters series F.LL.D3 *** A.AN/HN*1
- Three-phase filters with neutral conductor F.TR ... series
- Three-phase filters, F.LL.D3 BN series
- Three-phase filters, F.LL.D3 SC series
- Three-phase filters with neutral conductor F.LL.D3 ... AB series
- Three-phase filters series FIN538s1
- Three-phase filters series FIN1700E / FIN1700EG
- Pass-through filters
- SPICA anti-interference filters
- Three-phase filter with neutral conductor
- Sinusoidal filters
- Harmonic filters for low frequencies
- EI cores
- E cores and accessories
- E planar cores and accessories
- EC cores and accessories
- EFD cores and accessories
- EP cores and accessories
- EPX cores and accessories
- EQ cores and accessories
- ER cores
- ER planar cores and accessories
- ETD cores and accessories
- Frame and bar cores
- P, P / I cores and accessories
- PT, PTS cores and accessories
- PH cores
- PM cores
- PQ cores and accessories
- RM, RM / I, RM / ILP cores and accessories
- U, I cores and accessories
- Toroidal cores
- Slotted toroidal cores
Single-phase filters
- EMC-Consulting
- EMC Pre Compliance Test Products
- EMC Training
- Heat dissipation
HMI (Human Interface Machine)
- Displays
- Industrial keyboards, membrane overlays, switches, and buttons
- Control Equipments
- Joysticks and grips
- Bonding the glass to the display
- Rocker switch
- Touch screens
- Chemistry for Industry
- R&D
Energy bank
- S series traction contactors and disconnectors
- Insulation monitoring relay for photovoltaics
- DC meters
EMC/RFI/IP protection
- EMC coverage of plastic surfaces
- Cable shielding
- Bonding the glass to the display
- Microwave absorbers/EMC shielding mats
- IP environmental seals
- EMC window shielding
- Conductive adhesives, EMC paints
- EMC conductive tapes
- EPDM EMC edge seals
- EMC ventilation opening shielding
- EMC shielding of components on PCBs
- EMC seals and contact strips
- Theory – EMC electromagnetic protection products
- EMC woven mesh seals
- EMC foam seals
- EMC conductive elastomers
- DC relays and contactors
- Victron Energy inverters
- Lithium-ion cells
- HVAC Automation
Industrial Automation
- Fans
- Connectors
- Anti-interference filters
- Sensors, Transducers
- Pyrometers
- Industrial protective devices
- Light and sound signaling
- LUMBERG cables for sensors
- Power regulators
- Limit switches
- Inductive sensors
- Ultrasonic sensors
- Sensores ópticos
- Pressure sensors
- Level sensors
- Moisture sensors
- Humidity and temperature sensors
- Industrial temperature sensors and transmitters
- Distance converters
- Rotary-pulse converters (encoders)
- Industrial regulators
- Drivers
- Inverters
- Counters
- Indicators (displays)
- Panel meters
- Connecting cables for PT
- LED displays
- Industrial switches, Industrial communication
- Cases for operator panels / monitors / displays
- Industrial computers
- Control apparatus
- LEM converters with 4..20mA or 0..10Vdc output
- LEM transducers with a separable core
- Split-core current transformers
- Analog signal converters
- Fans
- Fuses
- Anti-interference filters
- Cables for extreme applications
- Industrial housings
- Power capacitors
- Capacitors for power compensation
- High voltage capacitors
- LED displays
- Serial communication devices
- Industrial computers
- Batteries
- Current transformers
- Rogowski coils
- Voltage terminals
- Analog meters
- Flexible measuring probes
- Electricity meters
- Network parameters meters
- Network parameter analyzers
- Vector circuit analyzer
- Industrial power connectors
- Flexible rails - insulated packages
- Copper-Aluminum CUPERAL rails
Mining, Metallurgy and Foundry
- LEDs
- Thyristors
- Control apparatus
- Industrial computers
- Industrial housings
- Industrial switches, Industrial communication
- Industrial coolers, Chillers
- Connecting cables for PT detectors
- MOSFET transistors - by IR
- Indicators (displays)
- Counters
- Inverters
- Drivers
- Industrial regulators
- Rotary-pulse converters (encoders)
- Distance converters
- Industrial temperature sensors and transmitters
- Braking resistors
- Limit switches
- Power regulators
- LUMBERG cables for sensors
- Light and sound signaling
- Industrial protective devices
- Pyrometers
- Power capacitors
- Anti-interference filters
- Fans
- Connectors
- Electro-insulated modules
- Rectifier bridges
- Fuses
- Pulse transformers to trigger thyristors and triacs
- Radiators
- Varistors
- Thermal protections
- Air conditioners
- Enclosures, control boxes, panels, EX accessories for mining
- SILICABLE CNVAS -60 ° C to + 400 ° C - high temperature cables
- SILICOUL 1.1kV -60 ° C to + 180 ° C (H class)
- Hoses and protective materials
- Kerafol thermally conductive materials
Induction Heating
- Cable lugs
- Electrolytic capacitors
- Induction heating capacitors
- Fans
- LEDs
- Thyristors
- Electro-insulated modules
- Rectifier bridges
- Fuses
- Anti-interference filters
- Radiators
- Varistors
- Thermal protections
- Thermal protections
- Industrial coolers, Chillers
- Pyrometers
- Rogowski coils
- LEM current transducers
- Shunts
- High-frequency non-indicative shunts
- Single-core cables temperature -60C to + 450C
- Multi-layer flexible splints
- Litz wires
- Braids
- Hoses and protective materials
- Insulating sleeves
- Lamps for industrial use and transmitting lamps
- Ceramic power capacitors for HF circuits
- Lamp replacement service in induction generators
- Kerafol thermally conductive materials
Machines for Drying and Wood Processing
- Cases for operator panels / monitors / displays
- Industrial switches, Industrial communication
- Light and sound signaling
- IR and UV infrared heaters and LED lighting
- Industrial protective devices
- LUMBERG cables for sensors
- Power regulators
- Insulating sleeves
- LED displays
- Connectors
- Anti-interference filters
- Soft starts and reversing contactors
- Inverters
- Industrial computers
- Analog signal converters
- The passes
Machines for Thermoforming Plastics
- Light and sound signaling
- Connectors
- Industrial protective devices
- LUMBERG cables for sensors
- IR and UV infrared heaters and LED lighting
- Power regulators
- Insulating sleeves
- Counters
- Indicators (displays)
- Panel meters
- LED displays
- Industrial switches, Industrial communication
- Serial communication devices
- Cases for operator panels / monitors / displays
- Analog signal converters
DC and AC Drives (Inverters)
- Snubbers capacitors
- Industrial coolers, Chillers
- Interference suppression and pulse capacitors
- Connectors
- Thermal protections
- Varistors
- Radiators
- Anti-interference filters
- Fuses
- Rectifier bridges
- Electro-insulated modules
- Thyristors
- LEDs
- Insulating sleeves
- Power capacitors
- Fans
- Resistors
- Cables for extreme applications
- Braking resistors
- Electrolytic capacitors
- LEM current and voltage converters
- Vector circuit analyzer
- Kerafol thermally conductive materials
CNC Machine Tools
- Tapetes y fundas para aplicaciones industriales
- Light and sound signaling
- Control enclosures and suspension systems
- Control devices - buttons, switches
- Specialized LED lighting for machine tools
- Climate control system for machine tools control cabinets
- Filter grilles and IP54 filter sets for control cabinets
- Heaters and fan heaters
- Control elements for ventilation and heating of control cabinets.
- Air conditioners
- Water and oil cooling
- Power supplies
- The passes
- Cable guides
- Drives for machine tools and cnc machines
- Oil mist separators
- Service
- LEM current and voltage converters
- Braids
- Connectors
Equipment and Components for Hazardous Areas [Ex]
- EX lighting
- EX terminal and connection boxes
- EX operator panels
- Ex cabinets
- EX cable glands
- Light and sound signaling EX
- Fans, cabinet heaters ex
- EX phones
- EX cameras
- Ex connectors
- EX control boxes
- Cables, heating hoses
- Automation Ex
- Enclosures, control boxes, panels, EX accessories for mining
- Empty enclosures EX
- Enclosures, panels, EX d flameproof cassettes
- Emergency power supplies for the EX zone
- Ethernet Ex communication
- Ex operator computers and monitors
- EX control and control apparatus for mining
- Buttons in the EX design
- EX bushings
- Tools Ex
- LTP-EXD - Chokes for hazardous areas
- LTP conduit - spiral galvanized conduit made of steel
- Printing
- Temperature Measurement and Regulation
- Test and Laboratory Measurements
- Industrial Protective Devices
- Motors and Transformers
Welding Machines
- Control apparatus
- Industrial coolers, Chillers
- Thermal protections
- Varistors
- Radiators
- Anti-interference filters
- Fuses
- Rectifier bridges
- Electro-insulated modules
- Thyristors
- Contactors
- Cable lugs
- Insulating sleeves
- Electrolytic capacitors
- Electrolytecapacitor
- Fans
- Connectors
- Resistors
- Cables for extreme applications
- Industrial housings
- Interference suppression and pulse capacitors
- LEM current transducers
- Mats for industrial applications
- Kerafol thermally conductive materials
Tram and Railway Traction
- Fans
- Fuses
- Connectors
- LEDs
- Thyristors
- Electro-insulated modules
- Rectifier bridges
- Pulse transformers to trigger thyristors and triacs
- Radiators
- Varistors
- Thermal protections
- Cables for extreme applications
- Batteries
- Cable lugs
- Industrial housings
- Braking resistors
- Electrolytic capacitors
- Interference suppression and pulse capacitors
- Snubbers capacitors
- Power capacitors
- Insulating sleeves
- Supercapacitors
- Control apparatus
- ETHERNET industrial switches
- LEM current and voltage converters
- The passes
- Braids
- Railway cables
- Kerafol thermally conductive materials
Equipment for Distribution, Control and Telecommunications Cabinets
- Fans
- Fuses
- Anti-interference filters
- Connectors
- Air conditioners
- Filters and filtration and ventilation sets
- Lamps and power sockets
- Air conditioning pumps
- Support insulators for switch cabinets
- Industrial coolers, Chillers
- Cable lugs
- Multi-layer flexible splints
- Limit switches
- Switches
- Signal towers
- Insulating sleeves
- Industrial switches, Industrial communication
- Current transformers
- Electricity meters
- Network parameters meters
- Network parameter analyzers
- Voltage terminals
- Analog meters
- The passes
- Flexible rails - insulated packages
- Braids
- Marker systems
- Rail joints
- Multipole industrial connectors
- Industrial power connectors
- Copper-Aluminum CUPERAL rails
Power Supplies (UPS) and Rectifier Systems
- Fans
- Bezpieczniki
- LEDs
- Connectors
- Thyristors
- Electro-insulated modules
- Rectifier bridges
- Anti-interference filters
- Pulse transformers to trigger thyristors and triacs
- Radiators
- Varistors
- Thermal protections
- Industrial coolers, Chillers
- Cables for extreme applications
- Cable lugs
- Insulating sleeves
- Braking resistors
- Electrolytic capacitors
- Interference suppression and pulse capacitors
- Snubbers capacitors
- Power capacitors
- Supercapacitors
- Batteries
- LEM current and voltage converters
- Analizador de circuitos vectoriales
- Kerafol thermally conductive materials
Energy bank
- News
- Special offers
- Assembly of equipment on request
- Designing and Assembling of Busbar Cabinets, Switching Cabinets, Power Cabinets
- Power systems installation
- Installation of power electronics devices
- Components
- Machines built for order
- R&D research and development work
Industrial Testers
- Tester for diodes and thyristors measurement
- Thermal and motor circuit breakers testing stand
- Varistors and surge protectors testers
- Car fuses testing stand
- Tester for the power diode and thyristor reverse recovery charge Qrr measurement
- Rotor tester FD series
- Circuit breakers tester
- Tester for calibrating relays
- Video inspection tester for gas spring piston rods
- High-current thyristor switch
- Mesh ripping tester
- Repair of used inductors
- Modernization of inductors
Production of new inductors
- Inductors for crankshaft hardening
- Hardening of band saw teeth
- Inductors for heating elements before gluing
- Hardening of raceways of automotive wheel hub bearings
- Hardening of the drive transmission components
- Hardening of stepped shafts
- Heating in contraction joints
- Induction for scanning hardening
- Soft soldering
- Billet heaters
- Knowledge base
Induction devices
Induction heating generators
Induction Heating Products Ambrell
- Generators power 500 W, frequency 150 - 400 kHz
- Generators power 1.2 - 2.4 kW, frequency 150 - 400 kHz
- Generators power 4.2 - 10 kW, frequency 150 - 400 kHz
- Generators power 10-15 kW, frequency 50-150 kHz
- Generators power 30-45 kW, frequency 50-150 kHz
- Generators power 65-135 kW, frequency 50-150 kHz
- Generators power 180-270 kW, frequency 50-150 kHz
- Generators power 20-35-50 kW, frequency 15-45 kHz
- Generators power 75-150 kW, frequency 15-45 kHz
- Generators power 200-500 kW, frequency 15-45 kHz
- Generators power 20-50 kW, frequency 5-15 kHz
- Generators power 75-200 kW, frequency 5-15 kHz
- Generators power 250-500 kW, frequency 5-15 kHz
- Generators power 75-250 kW, frequency 2 - 6 kHz
- Generators power 300-500 kW, frequency 2-6 kHz
- Induction heating products Denki Kogyo
- JKZ induction heating generators
- Lamp generators for induction heating
- Induction Heating Products - Himmelwerk
Induction Heating Products Ambrell
- Repairs and modernization
- Peripherals
- Medical Applications with Precision Induction Heating
- Applications for automotive industry
- Soldering
- Brazing
- Aluminum Brazing
- Brazing a magnetic steel cutting tool
- Pin Sealing
- Atmospheric Brazing
- Soldering brass and steel radiator caps
- Carbide Tipping
- Soldering a copper lug and a wire
- Brazing a Copper Tube and Steel Plate
- Soldering Four Fusible Copper Strips
- Soldering a Pair of Magnetic Steel Pins
- Brazing a Steel Part for the Aerospace Industry
- Brazing Brass Assemblies for a Sink Manufacturer
- Heating
- Hot Heading a Steel Wire to Create a Screw
- Induction heating in nanotechnology applications
- Susceptor Heating
- Heating Graphite Discs for an Aerospace Industry
- Levitation heating
- Heating for Tube and Pipe
- Heating aluminum wire to create screens
- Fastener Heating
- Induction Heating for Automotive Manufacturing
- Heating Steel Tubes for an Adhesive Bonding Application
- Preheating for Forging of Steel Pins
- Preheating Parts for Welding
- Preheating Rod Assemblies for Welding
- Induction heating for bolt expansion in steam turbines
- Bonding
- Fiber Optics Heating
- Shrink Fitting
- Stator shrink fitting
- Shrink Fitting an Aluminum Motor Housing
- Shrink Fitting an Assembled Wrist Pin into a Connecting Rod
- Shrink fit a steel gear onto a motor shaft
- Shrink Fitting of Bearings
- Shrink Fitting a Magnetic Steel Gear
- Heating Hammer Bits for Shrink Fitting
- Shrink fitting aluminum pulley to insert inner bearing
- Annealing
- Shell Tempering
- Hardening
- Hardening the teeth of a large saw blade
- Hardening the end of steel hand-held marking stamps
- Compact generator for hardening
- Curing Plastisol
- Coating curing by heating the aluminum block
- Curing epoxy on aluminum copier roller assembly
- Curing plastisol adhesive on an aluminum filter assembly
- Metal Melting
- Melting silicon in graphite crucible for material testing
- Melting the end of a plastic tube to create a seal
- Hot forming
- Forging
- Forging rods of various materials and dimensions
- Catheter Tipping
- Forming a Magnetic Steel Part
- Flattening and Bending Steel Tubes
- Crystal growing
- Getter Firing
- Material Testing
- Staking
- Cap Sealing
- Sealing an Aluminum Cap Seal on a Plastic Jug
- Hermetically sealing a fiber optic cable in a kovar ferrule
- Hermetic Sealing of Stainless Steel Rods with Glass Preforms
- Plastic Reflow - Induction Heat Staking
- Curing Coatings
- Metal-glass Sealing
- Bonding Solar Panel Shingles
- Metal to plastic bonding of beer kegs
- Debonding inserts in manifolds for recycling
- Induction knife for roof tiles
- Annealing a stainless steel handle
- Annealing of copper pipes
- Anneal an oval cut out on a stainless steel tube prior to extrusion
- Annealing brass and bronze tubing prior to bending to form handrails
- Annealing the end of a hydraulic motor shaft prior to machining
- Annealing lip on aluminum cryogenic dewar
- Coating
- Coating - e.g. car screws
- Glaze removal from the winding wire
- Removing plastic coating from steel tubes
- Flat products, strips, sheets
- Knowledge base
Induction heating generators
- Service of industrial water coolers and air conditioners
- Machines Repairs and Modernizations
Repair and Maintenance of Power Electronics, Electronic and Industrial Automation Devices
- Service of inverters, servo drives and DC regulators
- Photovoltaic inverter service
- Service of the FLEXKRAFT rectifiers
- Offer repair equipment
List of repaired equipment
- Allen Bradley
- Arburg
- B&R
- Baumüller
- Beckhoff
- Berger Lahr
- Berges
- Bystronic
- Control Techniques
- Danfoss
- Elau
- Eltex
- Eurotherm
- Fuji Electric
- Hitachi
- Indramat
- Infranor
- KB Electronics
- Klockner-Moeller
- Kollmorgen
- K-Tron Soder
- Lenze
- Lust
- Magnatek
- Matsushita
- MC
- Mean Well
- Microtechnic
- Microtouch
- Microvitec
- Middex
- Mitsubishi
- Moog
- Nemic-Lambda
- Nord
- Okuma
- Omron
- Osai
- Panasonic
- Parker Digiplan
- Philips
- Planar
- Power-One
- Reliance
- R
- Rexroth
- Sanyo Denki
- Selema
- Servo Dynamics
- Shinko
- Siemens
- SM
- Spengler Electronic
- Systeme Helmholz
- Telemecanique
- Toshiba
- Totoku
- UniOp
- Vaasa Control
- Vickers
- Weidmuller
- Yaskawa
- AEG Microverter
- TDK Lambda
- Pro-face
- Baldor
- Ameritherm
- Diebold
- Fanuc
- AIM-TTI Instruments
- California Instruments
- TetraPak
- Nordson
- SMA Solar
- GE
- Solartec
- Samil Power
- Envertech
- SOFAR Solar
- Volt
- Enecsys
- Steca
- Repair of banknote foilers
- Regulations for the repair of devices
- HV Power Supplies for Electrostatic Precipitators
- Industrial Printers and Labelling Machines
- Certificates / Entitlements
- REF!
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- Tek.Day 2023
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