ENDA ETM2432 digit al timer
  • ENDA ETM2432 digit al timer

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Manufacturer: Sisel

Time relay ENA ETM2432

  • 77 x 35mm sized.
  • Dual contact output for timing control.
  • External start, reset, and gate inputs.
  • Hours - minutes and minutes - seconds indications can be selected.
  • Scale 0:01 .... 99:59 minutes
    0:01 .... 99:59 hours
  • Time increasing and decrement steps can be adjusted.
  • Counting in downward direction.
  • Start and stop process can be controlled by the front panel.
  • 8 different warning tones.
  • Upper and lower limits can be adjusted to setpoint value.
  • CE marked according to European Norms
Order Code

Connection diagram

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  • 77 x 35mm sized.
  • Dual contact output for timing control.
  • External start, reset, and gate inputs.
  • Hours - minutes and minutes - seconds indications can be selected.
  • Scale 0:01 .... 99:59 minutes
    0:01 .... 99:59 hours
  • Time increasing and decrement steps can be adjusted.
  • Counting in downward direction.
  • Start and stop process can be controlled by the front panel.
  • 8 different warning tones.
  • Upper and lower limits can be adjusted to setpoint value.
  • CE marked according to European Norms
Order Code

Connection diagram