Centrifugal fans with an electronic commutator (EC)
Centrifugal fans with an electronic commutator (EC)

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Manufacturer: Ebmpapst

Centrifugal fans with an electronic commutator (EC)

EC centrifugal fans

EC centrifugal fans with plastic impeller, 24/48 VDC fi 120-fi 250

EC centrifugal fans with plastic impeller, 24/48 VDC fi 120-fi 250
Specification sheet
Wentylatory odśrodkowe EC z plastikowym wirnikiem, 24/48VDC , średnice fi 120-fi 250

EC centrifugal fans with sheet impeller, 24/48 VDC fi 250-fi 280

EC centrifugal fans with sheet impeller, 24/48 VDC fi 250-fi 280
Specification sheet
Wentylatory odśrodkowe EC ze stalowym wirnikiem, 24/48VDC , średnice fi 250-fi 280

EC centrifugal fans with aluminium impeller, 24/48 VDC fi 310-fi 400

EC centrifugal fans with aluminium impeller, 24/48 VDC fi 310-fi 400
Specification sheet
Wentylatory odśrodkowe EC z aluminiowym wirnikiem, 24/48VDC , średnice fi 310-fi 400

EC centrifugal fans with plastic impeller, line-fed fi 133-fi 250

EC centrifugal fans with plastic impeller, line-fed fi 133-fi 250
Specification sheet
Wentylatory odśrodkowe EC z plastikowym wirnikiem, zasilanie AC , średnice fi 133-fi 250

EC centrifugal fans with sheet steel impeller, line-fed fi 250-fi 280

EC centrifugal fans with sheet steel impeller, line-fed fi 250-fi 280
Specification sheet
Wentylatory odśrodkowe EC ze stalowym wirnikiem, zasilanie AC , średnice fi 250-fi 280

EC centrifugal fans with aluminium impeller, line-fed fi 310-fi 630

EC centrifugal fans with aluminium impeller, line-fed fi 310-fi 630
Specification sheet
Wentylatory odśrodkowe EC z aluminiowym wirnikiem, zasilanie AC , średnice fi 310-fi 630

EC centrifugal fans with aluminium impeller, line-fed fi 310-fi 450 for clean rooms

EC centrifugal fans with aluminium impeller, line-fed fi 310-fi 450 for clean rooms
Wentylatory odśrodkowe EC z aluminiowym wirnikiem, zasilanie AC , średnice fi 310-fi 450 dedykowane do pomieszczeń o wymaganym niskim zanieczyszczeniu ( „clean room”)

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EC centrifugal fans

EC centrifugal fans with plastic impeller, 24/48 VDC fi 120-fi 250

EC centrifugal fans with plastic impeller, 24/48 VDC fi 120-fi 250
Specification sheet
Wentylatory odśrodkowe EC z plastikowym wirnikiem, 24/48VDC , średnice fi 120-fi 250

EC centrifugal fans with sheet impeller, 24/48 VDC fi 250-fi 280

EC centrifugal fans with sheet impeller, 24/48 VDC fi 250-fi 280
Specification sheet
Wentylatory odśrodkowe EC ze stalowym wirnikiem, 24/48VDC , średnice fi 250-fi 280

EC centrifugal fans with aluminium impeller, 24/48 VDC fi 310-fi 400

EC centrifugal fans with aluminium impeller, 24/48 VDC fi 310-fi 400
Specification sheet
Wentylatory odśrodkowe EC z aluminiowym wirnikiem, 24/48VDC , średnice fi 310-fi 400

EC centrifugal fans with plastic impeller, line-fed fi 133-fi 250

EC centrifugal fans with plastic impeller, line-fed fi 133-fi 250
Specification sheet
Wentylatory odśrodkowe EC z plastikowym wirnikiem, zasilanie AC , średnice fi 133-fi 250

EC centrifugal fans with sheet steel impeller, line-fed fi 250-fi 280

EC centrifugal fans with sheet steel impeller, line-fed fi 250-fi 280
Specification sheet
Wentylatory odśrodkowe EC ze stalowym wirnikiem, zasilanie AC , średnice fi 250-fi 280

EC centrifugal fans with aluminium impeller, line-fed fi 310-fi 630

EC centrifugal fans with aluminium impeller, line-fed fi 310-fi 630
Specification sheet
Wentylatory odśrodkowe EC z aluminiowym wirnikiem, zasilanie AC , średnice fi 310-fi 630

EC centrifugal fans with aluminium impeller, line-fed fi 310-fi 450 for clean rooms

EC centrifugal fans with aluminium impeller, line-fed fi 310-fi 450 for clean rooms
Wentylatory odśrodkowe EC z aluminiowym wirnikiem, zasilanie AC , średnice fi 310-fi 450 dedykowane do pomieszczeń o wymaganym niskim zanieczyszczeniu ( „clean room”)
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