Insulation materials F class
Insulation materials F class

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Manufacturer: SEG

Insulation materials F class


Different  SEGPREG's have markings containing a letter and digit combination:

-1 :       T - thernomid NV,
-2 :       F - modified epoxide resin ,
-3 and 4:   divided by 100 indicates non pressed final product thickness
-5 and 6:   multiplied by 10 indicates weight for m2  of final product.

Insulation material SEG type PF has better properties than normal insulation materials compatible with insulation class 155°C.

Temperature and polymerisation time can be adjusted to final product or resources: 3 min @190°C, 20 min @ 170°C, 45 min @150°C.


SEGPREG's must be stored in cold room, far away from light and other heat sources, in temperature not higher than 25°C: 8 months with 5°C, 4 months with 23°C ± 2°C.

Type Film thickness[mm] Surface weight Thickness non pressed Flow volatile parts weight
Break down voltage
Tolerance ±10% ±10% ±12% ±10% ±5% ±15% min.
TF 1718 0,15 142 180 35 19 0,17 < 0,8 < 1 8,3
TF 2121 0,18 177 215 38 19 0,21 < 0,8 < 1 9
TF 2425 0,2 212 255 45 20 0,24 < 0,8 < 1 9,6
TF 2729 0,24 247 290 43 18 0,27 < 0,8 < 1 10,5
TF 3338 0,3 338 385 45 14 0,33 < 0,8 < 1 11,6
Segpreg TFr - Initially impregnated insulation material (red)

Different  SEGPREG's have markings containing a letter and digit combination:
-1:       T - THERNOMID NV,
-2:       F - modified epoxide resin
-3 and 4:   multiplied by 10 indicates non pressed final product thickness,
-5 and 6:   multiplied by 10 indicates weight for m2  of final product.

It is well adjusted for insulation systems class 155°C.

Our recommendation: 3 min @ 190°C, 20 min @ 170°C, 45 min @ 150°C.


SEGPREG's must be stored in cold room, far away from light and other heat sources, in temperature not higher than 25°C: 8 months with 5°C, 4 months with 23°C ± 2°C.

  Unit Tolerance TFr2729 TFr3338 TFr3846 TFr4860
Film thickness mm ±15% 0,24 0,3 0,35 0,45
Film surface weight g/m2 ±12% 247 338 422 562
Overall surface weight g/m2 ±12% 290 385 465 600
Resin surface weight g/m2 ±10% 43 45 45 45
Resin layer % ±5 18 14 12 9
non pressed thickness mm ±15% 0,27 0,33 0,38 0,48
Flow %   < 0,8 < 0,8 < 0,8 < 0,8
violate parts %   < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1
break down voltage kV min. 10,6 11,6 14,6 18,6

It is adjusted to insulation systems class F 155 °C.

Material can be delivered in rollers, sheets or groove insulation - for request.
Standard roller size: 1000mm.
Standard lengths on roller (thickness ± 0,5%):
0,05mm - 750m, 0,10mm - 380m, 0,15mm - 250m, 0,18mm - 210m, 0,24mm - 160m, 0,30mm - 120m, 0,40mm - 90m.

  Thickness Tolerance 2.05 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.75 2.1 2.14
Thickness mm   0,05 0,1 0,15 0,18 0,24 0,3 0,4
Tolerance   ± % 15 15 15 15 15 10 10
Film thickness mm ±10% 12 50 100 125 190 250 350
Weight g/m2 ±12% 46 116 186 221 312 396 536
Efficiency m2/kg ±12% 21,7 8,6 5,4 4,5 3,2 2,5 1,9
Lengthening resistance MD N/cm min. 35 100 145 180 270 315 360
lengthening MD % min. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Stretching resistance TD N/cm min. 30 80 110 135 180 170 315
Stretch TD % min. 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
Break down voltage kV min. 2,5 4 6,5 7,5 12 15 19,5
-melting point: 255°C do 265°C,
-soften point: 245°C,
-thermal constant resistance: 155°C,
-thermal temporary resistance: 195°C,
-thermal withstand: -180°C in liquid nitrogen,
-shrink: 2% @. 160°C during 30 min,
-line expansion coefficient 3 x 10-5/°C,
-thermal conductance: 0,085 W/m°C,
-specific heat: 0,3 cal/g°C,
-water absorption: < 0,6% in water @25°C during 24h,
-break down voltage: see diagram
-resistance for stretching 180daN/cm2,
-stretch: 120%,
-Dielectric losses coefficient  @ 50 Hz (tδ)in temp. 20°C: 0, 005,
-dielectric constant 50 Hz (er) @ 20°C: 2, 45

THERNOMID20.04 VF is produced in 9 thicknesses

Tolerance Polyester film thickness
standard rollers
0,09 ± 10% 23 75 ± 10% 400 mb x 1000 mm
0,11 ± 10% 36 90 ± 10% 350 mb x 1000 mm
0,15 ± 5% 50 150 ± 10% 250 mb x 1000 mm
0,18 ± 5% 75 185 ± 10% 220 mb x 1000 mm
0,20 ± 5% 100 220 ± 1 10% 200 mb x 1000 mm
0,30 ± 5% 125 255 ± 10% 160 mb x 1000 mm
0,30 ± 5% 190 345 ± 10% 140 mb x 1000 mm
0,35 ± 5% 250 430 ± 10% 110 mb x 1000 mm
0,45 ± 5% 350 570 ± 10% 100 mb x 1000 mm


Break down voltage in thickness function

Insulation material for system class F 155°C.

-Dielectric withstand: 50 kV / mm,
dielectric constant 50 Hz @ 25°C: 2,46 przy 20°C,
-dielectric losses coefficient  @ 50 Hz 25°C: 0,005 przy 20°C,
-break down voltage: patrz wykres,
-melting point: > 250°C,
-soften point: > 245°C,
-thermal constant resistance: 155°C,
-thermal temporary resistance 190°C,
-thermal minimal withstand: - 180°C in liquid nitrogen,
-specific heat: 0,3 kal/g °C,
-thermal conductance: 0,085W/min°C,
-line stretch coefficient (30°C - 50°C): 3x10-5/°C,
-resistance for stretching 180 daN/cm2,
-stretch: 120%,
-shrink: 160°C @ 30min w 2%,
-absorption: < 0,6%.

THERNOMID NV is produced in 10 thicknesses

Tolerance Polyester film thickness
Standard rollers
0,09 ± 10% 23 69 ± 5% 400 mb x 1000 mm
0,10 ± 10% 36 87 ± 5% 350 mb x 1000 mm
0,15 ± 10% 50 142 ± 5% 250 mb x 1000 mm
0,18 ± 10% 75 177 ± 5% 220 mb x 1000 mm
0,20 ± 10% 100 212 ± 5% 200 mb x 1000 mm
0,23 ± 10% 75 215 ± 5% 160 mb x 1000 mm
0,24 ± 10% 125 247 ± 5% 160 mb x 1000 mm
0,30 ± 10% 190 338 ± 5% 140 mb x 1000 mm
0,35 ± 10% 250 422 ± 5% 110 mb x 1000 mm
0,45 ± 10% 350 562 ± 5% 100 mb x 1000 mm

Break down voltage in function of thickness
-melting point: 255°C do 265°C,
-soften point: 245°C,
-thermal constant resistance: 155°C,
-thermal temporary resistance: 180°C,
-shrink: 2% @temp. 160°C during 30 min,
-line expansion coefficient: 3x10-6/°C,
-break down voltage: 12 kV
-resistance for stretching: 120 daN/cm2,
-stretch: 120%.

THERNOPHASE is produced in 5 thicknesses


Tolerance Polyester film thickness
Standard rollers
0,33 ± 5% 50 150 ± 5% 200 mb x 1000 mm
0,36 ± 5% 75 185 ± 5% 160 mb x 1000 mm
0,38 ± 5% 100 220 ± 5% 140 mb x 1000 mm
0.40 ± 5% 125 255 ± 5% 120 mb x 1000 mm
0,47 ± 5% 190 340 ± 5% 100 mb x 1000 mm

break down voltage in function of thickness

- melting point: 255°C do 265°C,
- soften point: 245°C,
- thermal constant resistance: 155°C,
- thermal temporary resistance: 190°C,
- thermal min withstand: -180°C in liquid nitrogen,
- shrink: 2% w temp. 160°C during 30 min.,
- line expansion coefficient: 3x10-5/°C,
- specific heat: 0,3 cal /g°C,
- absorption:: < 0,6% in water o temp. 25°C during24h,
- break down voltage: see chart on 1144 page,


Tolerance Aramid paper thickness
Polyester film thickness
Standard rollers
0,15 ± 10% 0,05 36 140 ± 5% 250 mb x 914 mm
0,20 ± 10% 0,05 100 230 ± 5% 200 mb x 914 mm
0,25 ± 10% 0,05 125 265 ± 5% 160 mb x 914 mm
0,30 ± 10% 0,05 190 355 ± 5% 140 mb x 914 mm
0,35 ± 10% 0,05 250 440 ± 5% 110 mb x 914 mm
0,45 ± 10% 0,05 350 580 ± 5% 100 mb x 914 mm
0,22 ± 10% 0,08 50 210 ± 5% 180 mb x 914 mm
0,25 ± 10% 0,08 75 245 ± 5% 150 mb x 914 mm
0,32 ± 10% 0,08 125 315 ± 5% 120 mb x 914 mm
0,40 ± 10% 0,08 250 405 ± 5% 100 mb x 914 mm


Tolerance Aramid paper thickness
Thickness błonki
Standard rollers
0,23 ± 10% 0,05 175 294 ± 5% 160 mb x 914 mm
0,30 ± 10% 0,05 250 399 ± 5% 120 mb x 914 mm
0,19 ± 10% 0,08 100 213 ± 5% 200 mb x 914 mm
0,26 ± 10% 0,08 175 319 ± 5% 160 mb x 914 mm
0,33 ± 10% 0,08 250 424 ± 5% 120 mb x 914 mm
0,43 ± 10% 0,08 350 563 ± 5% 100 mb x 914 mm


break down voltage in function of thickness



-dielectric withstand: NFC 26225 52 kV/mm,
-break down voltage: NFC26230 patrz krzywa kV,
-melting point: Fischer-Jones >250 °C,
-soften point: ASTM D 876-65 >245 °C,
-constant operation temperature: NFC26205 155 °C,
-max temporary temperature: NFC26205 190°C,
-min operating temperature: NFC26205 -180 °C w ciekłym azocie,
-specific heat: NF PRG 62011 i ASTM C 518 0,3 cal/g °C,
-line expansion coefficient(z 30 do 50°C): ASTM D 696-44 0,00003 mm/°C,
-shrink @ 160°C during 30 min:   < 1,5%,
-zdolność do wchłaniania wody: NSEG 0017 < 0,6 %.

THERNOSTRAT 20.04 VF is produced in 8 thicknesses

Thickness - Tolerance Weight
Standard size
1,0 ± 10% 1174 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm
1,5 ± 10% 1766 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm
2,0 ± 10% 2350 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm
2,5 ± 10% 3050 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm
3,0 ± 10% 3672 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm
4,0 ± 10% 4895 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm
4,5 ± 10% 5870 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm
5,0 ± 10% 6457 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm


break down voltage in function of thickness

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Different  SEGPREG's have markings containing a letter and digit combination:

-1 :       T - thernomid NV,
-2 :       F - modified epoxide resin ,
-3 and 4:   divided by 100 indicates non pressed final product thickness
-5 and 6:   multiplied by 10 indicates weight for m2  of final product.

Insulation material SEG type PF has better properties than normal insulation materials compatible with insulation class 155°C.

Temperature and polymerisation time can be adjusted to final product or resources: 3 min @190°C, 20 min @ 170°C, 45 min @150°C.


SEGPREG's must be stored in cold room, far away from light and other heat sources, in temperature not higher than 25°C: 8 months with 5°C, 4 months with 23°C ± 2°C.

Type Film thickness[mm] Surface weight Thickness non pressed Flow volatile parts weight
Break down voltage
Tolerance ±10% ±10% ±12% ±10% ±5% ±15% min.
TF 1718 0,15 142 180 35 19 0,17 < 0,8 < 1 8,3
TF 2121 0,18 177 215 38 19 0,21 < 0,8 < 1 9
TF 2425 0,2 212 255 45 20 0,24 < 0,8 < 1 9,6
TF 2729 0,24 247 290 43 18 0,27 < 0,8 < 1 10,5
TF 3338 0,3 338 385 45 14 0,33 < 0,8 < 1 11,6
Segpreg TFr - Initially impregnated insulation material (red)

Different  SEGPREG's have markings containing a letter and digit combination:
-1:       T - THERNOMID NV,
-2:       F - modified epoxide resin
-3 and 4:   multiplied by 10 indicates non pressed final product thickness,
-5 and 6:   multiplied by 10 indicates weight for m2  of final product.

It is well adjusted for insulation systems class 155°C.

Our recommendation: 3 min @ 190°C, 20 min @ 170°C, 45 min @ 150°C.


SEGPREG's must be stored in cold room, far away from light and other heat sources, in temperature not higher than 25°C: 8 months with 5°C, 4 months with 23°C ± 2°C.

  Unit Tolerance TFr2729 TFr3338 TFr3846 TFr4860
Film thickness mm ±15% 0,24 0,3 0,35 0,45
Film surface weight g/m2 ±12% 247 338 422 562
Overall surface weight g/m2 ±12% 290 385 465 600
Resin surface weight g/m2 ±10% 43 45 45 45
Resin layer % ±5 18 14 12 9
non pressed thickness mm ±15% 0,27 0,33 0,38 0,48
Flow %   < 0,8 < 0,8 < 0,8 < 0,8
violate parts %   < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1
break down voltage kV min. 10,6 11,6 14,6 18,6

It is adjusted to insulation systems class F 155 °C.

Material can be delivered in rollers, sheets or groove insulation - for request.
Standard roller size: 1000mm.
Standard lengths on roller (thickness ± 0,5%):
0,05mm - 750m, 0,10mm - 380m, 0,15mm - 250m, 0,18mm - 210m, 0,24mm - 160m, 0,30mm - 120m, 0,40mm - 90m.

  Thickness Tolerance 2.05 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.75 2.1 2.14
Thickness mm   0,05 0,1 0,15 0,18 0,24 0,3 0,4
Tolerance   ± % 15 15 15 15 15 10 10
Film thickness mm ±10% 12 50 100 125 190 250 350
Weight g/m2 ±12% 46 116 186 221 312 396 536
Efficiency m2/kg ±12% 21,7 8,6 5,4 4,5 3,2 2,5 1,9
Lengthening resistance MD N/cm min. 35 100 145 180 270 315 360
lengthening MD % min. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Stretching resistance TD N/cm min. 30 80 110 135 180 170 315
Stretch TD % min. 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
Break down voltage kV min. 2,5 4 6,5 7,5 12 15 19,5
-melting point: 255°C do 265°C,
-soften point: 245°C,
-thermal constant resistance: 155°C,
-thermal temporary resistance: 195°C,
-thermal withstand: -180°C in liquid nitrogen,
-shrink: 2% @. 160°C during 30 min,
-line expansion coefficient 3 x 10-5/°C,
-thermal conductance: 0,085 W/m°C,
-specific heat: 0,3 cal/g°C,
-water absorption: < 0,6% in water @25°C during 24h,
-break down voltage: see diagram
-resistance for stretching 180daN/cm2,
-stretch: 120%,
-Dielectric losses coefficient  @ 50 Hz (tδ)in temp. 20°C: 0, 005,
-dielectric constant 50 Hz (er) @ 20°C: 2, 45

THERNOMID20.04 VF is produced in 9 thicknesses

Tolerance Polyester film thickness
standard rollers
0,09 ± 10% 23 75 ± 10% 400 mb x 1000 mm
0,11 ± 10% 36 90 ± 10% 350 mb x 1000 mm
0,15 ± 5% 50 150 ± 10% 250 mb x 1000 mm
0,18 ± 5% 75 185 ± 10% 220 mb x 1000 mm
0,20 ± 5% 100 220 ± 1 10% 200 mb x 1000 mm
0,30 ± 5% 125 255 ± 10% 160 mb x 1000 mm
0,30 ± 5% 190 345 ± 10% 140 mb x 1000 mm
0,35 ± 5% 250 430 ± 10% 110 mb x 1000 mm
0,45 ± 5% 350 570 ± 10% 100 mb x 1000 mm


Break down voltage in thickness function

Insulation material for system class F 155°C.

-Dielectric withstand: 50 kV / mm,
dielectric constant 50 Hz @ 25°C: 2,46 przy 20°C,
-dielectric losses coefficient  @ 50 Hz 25°C: 0,005 przy 20°C,
-break down voltage: patrz wykres,
-melting point: > 250°C,
-soften point: > 245°C,
-thermal constant resistance: 155°C,
-thermal temporary resistance 190°C,
-thermal minimal withstand: - 180°C in liquid nitrogen,
-specific heat: 0,3 kal/g °C,
-thermal conductance: 0,085W/min°C,
-line stretch coefficient (30°C - 50°C): 3x10-5/°C,
-resistance for stretching 180 daN/cm2,
-stretch: 120%,
-shrink: 160°C @ 30min w 2%,
-absorption: < 0,6%.

THERNOMID NV is produced in 10 thicknesses

Tolerance Polyester film thickness
Standard rollers
0,09 ± 10% 23 69 ± 5% 400 mb x 1000 mm
0,10 ± 10% 36 87 ± 5% 350 mb x 1000 mm
0,15 ± 10% 50 142 ± 5% 250 mb x 1000 mm
0,18 ± 10% 75 177 ± 5% 220 mb x 1000 mm
0,20 ± 10% 100 212 ± 5% 200 mb x 1000 mm
0,23 ± 10% 75 215 ± 5% 160 mb x 1000 mm
0,24 ± 10% 125 247 ± 5% 160 mb x 1000 mm
0,30 ± 10% 190 338 ± 5% 140 mb x 1000 mm
0,35 ± 10% 250 422 ± 5% 110 mb x 1000 mm
0,45 ± 10% 350 562 ± 5% 100 mb x 1000 mm

Break down voltage in function of thickness
-melting point: 255°C do 265°C,
-soften point: 245°C,
-thermal constant resistance: 155°C,
-thermal temporary resistance: 180°C,
-shrink: 2% @temp. 160°C during 30 min,
-line expansion coefficient: 3x10-6/°C,
-break down voltage: 12 kV
-resistance for stretching: 120 daN/cm2,
-stretch: 120%.

THERNOPHASE is produced in 5 thicknesses


Tolerance Polyester film thickness
Standard rollers
0,33 ± 5% 50 150 ± 5% 200 mb x 1000 mm
0,36 ± 5% 75 185 ± 5% 160 mb x 1000 mm
0,38 ± 5% 100 220 ± 5% 140 mb x 1000 mm
0.40 ± 5% 125 255 ± 5% 120 mb x 1000 mm
0,47 ± 5% 190 340 ± 5% 100 mb x 1000 mm

break down voltage in function of thickness

- melting point: 255°C do 265°C,
- soften point: 245°C,
- thermal constant resistance: 155°C,
- thermal temporary resistance: 190°C,
- thermal min withstand: -180°C in liquid nitrogen,
- shrink: 2% w temp. 160°C during 30 min.,
- line expansion coefficient: 3x10-5/°C,
- specific heat: 0,3 cal /g°C,
- absorption:: < 0,6% in water o temp. 25°C during24h,
- break down voltage: see chart on 1144 page,


Tolerance Aramid paper thickness
Polyester film thickness
Standard rollers
0,15 ± 10% 0,05 36 140 ± 5% 250 mb x 914 mm
0,20 ± 10% 0,05 100 230 ± 5% 200 mb x 914 mm
0,25 ± 10% 0,05 125 265 ± 5% 160 mb x 914 mm
0,30 ± 10% 0,05 190 355 ± 5% 140 mb x 914 mm
0,35 ± 10% 0,05 250 440 ± 5% 110 mb x 914 mm
0,45 ± 10% 0,05 350 580 ± 5% 100 mb x 914 mm
0,22 ± 10% 0,08 50 210 ± 5% 180 mb x 914 mm
0,25 ± 10% 0,08 75 245 ± 5% 150 mb x 914 mm
0,32 ± 10% 0,08 125 315 ± 5% 120 mb x 914 mm
0,40 ± 10% 0,08 250 405 ± 5% 100 mb x 914 mm


Tolerance Aramid paper thickness
Thickness błonki
Standard rollers
0,23 ± 10% 0,05 175 294 ± 5% 160 mb x 914 mm
0,30 ± 10% 0,05 250 399 ± 5% 120 mb x 914 mm
0,19 ± 10% 0,08 100 213 ± 5% 200 mb x 914 mm
0,26 ± 10% 0,08 175 319 ± 5% 160 mb x 914 mm
0,33 ± 10% 0,08 250 424 ± 5% 120 mb x 914 mm
0,43 ± 10% 0,08 350 563 ± 5% 100 mb x 914 mm


break down voltage in function of thickness



-dielectric withstand: NFC 26225 52 kV/mm,
-break down voltage: NFC26230 patrz krzywa kV,
-melting point: Fischer-Jones >250 °C,
-soften point: ASTM D 876-65 >245 °C,
-constant operation temperature: NFC26205 155 °C,
-max temporary temperature: NFC26205 190°C,
-min operating temperature: NFC26205 -180 °C w ciekłym azocie,
-specific heat: NF PRG 62011 i ASTM C 518 0,3 cal/g °C,
-line expansion coefficient(z 30 do 50°C): ASTM D 696-44 0,00003 mm/°C,
-shrink @ 160°C during 30 min:   < 1,5%,
-zdolność do wchłaniania wody: NSEG 0017 < 0,6 %.

THERNOSTRAT 20.04 VF is produced in 8 thicknesses

Thickness - Tolerance Weight
Standard size
1,0 ± 10% 1174 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm
1,5 ± 10% 1766 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm
2,0 ± 10% 2350 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm
2,5 ± 10% 3050 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm
3,0 ± 10% 3672 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm
4,0 ± 10% 4895 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm
4,5 ± 10% 5870 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm
5,0 ± 10% 6457 ± 10% 980 mm x 980 mm


break down voltage in function of thickness
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