Thanks to the cooperation with SACI, the SAM3000 product line has been added to our offer.
Wentylatory przemysłowe - rodzaje, właściwości
W zależności od obiektu, charakteru stanowisk pracowniczych, oraz szeregu indywidualnych czynników otoczenia w przemyśle stosowane są różnego rodzaju urządzenia do wentylacji.
PCA series - New 1500W model
COSEL Co, Ltd announced the addition of a 1500W power supply to its PCA series with extended communications I/O for demanding medical and industrial applications.
Electromechanical relay - an essential element for control systems
Modern electromechanical relays are an essential part of control systems and cabinets - they provide flexibility, compatibility with other devices, durability and long operational work.
Identyfikacja radiowa RFID w przemyśle
Identyfikacja radiowa (RFID - Radio-Frequency Identification) to krótko-zasięgowa, automatyczna i bezstykowa komunikacja, która polega na wykorzystaniu radiowych pól elektromagnetycznych do odbierania i odczytywania informacji danego obiektu z danych zapisanych na znaczniku.
New series of industrial encoders
We’re extending our offer of industrial encoders with new models from FENAC, which are perfect for use in automation and applications requiring precision and work in harsh environments.
Wings for life – World Run! - Extraordinary RUN!
The biggest run in the world #Wingsforlife World Run 2021 has just ended!
Bezpieczeństwo w zakładach produkcyjnych
Szerokorozumiane bezpieczeństwo w zakładzie pracy to najistotniejszy przedmiot zainteresowania każdego przedsiębiorstwa.
Wireless communication
Wireless communication is rapidly replacing cable technology and becoming a basic method of communication in daily life, production workshops, services and commercial sectors.
Power supply management
Implementation of power supply management not only provides effective, safe and long work, but also increases user trust, lowering costs, water usage, and proper waste management in the workshop.
HEX BOX enclosures for IoT sector
The constantly improving technological sector, encourages us to gain new and simplifying our daily lives solutions.
New transport crates 19” from DESAPRO - MILEX series
MILEX transport crates are made from aluminum, absorb shocks and vibrations. It’s a transit box, waterproof and dustproof, intended for 19” electronics
We’re extending our offer from Deeter Electronics with new models of level sensors.
Nowadays, the technological advancement and demand for new solutions are unstoppable and increasing with a remarkable speed.
Enclosures for Raspberry Pi - new Arduino series from Camdenboss
We're introducing into our permanent assortment of plastic enclosures new products for Raspberry Pi
Light technologies in industry
Proper industrial lighting is one of the most important elements of production halls, offices, storage houses, and machine workplaces. It's an addition to natural light and allows for longer work, implementation of shift work, and protects health and eyesight of workers.
New release - temperature monitoring relays TELE Haase
We’re annoucing a new release in our permanent offer of automation products from our renowned supplier TELE Haase - temperature monitoring relays
Industrial communication in explosion hazardous areas (with MTL components)
Cable Ethernet is currently the most popular type used by companies. MTL wireless technology allows building reliable and safe systems, which can use standard connection and protocols, thus providing flexibility and decreasing storage costs. MTL offers a wide range of elements from wireless solutions: from simple replacement of the wire in sensors up to extensive 802.11 networks in explosion hazard areas.
Measuring power and energy in electric circuits
Power meters and network parameter analyzers are intended for identifying anomalies of power supply in single-phase or triple-phase networks. They enable power and energy analysis, and also quality control of electrical power.