• Bolt Torque Optimization for Discrete IGBTs: A Comprehensive Guide
    Bolt Torque Optimization for Discrete IGBTs: A Comprehensive Guide

    In the semiconductor field, insulated gate bipolar-unipolar transistors (IGBTs) play a key role in numerous electronic applications, from power inverters to motor drives. Achieving optimal thermal performance in these systems is crucial to ensuring operational reliability and efficiency. This article delves into the subtle world of screw torque for discrete IGBTs, offering insights and recommendations to achieve the delicate balance between efficient heat dissipation and securing device...

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  • The Importance of Humidity Sensors and Their Application in Air Conditioning Systems
    The Importance of Humidity Sensors and Their Application in Air Conditioning Systems

    Introduction: Air humidity plays a key role in maintaining comfortable environmental conditions in industrial and commercial buildings, especially in air conditioning systems. Along with temperature, air humidity has a significant impact on the perceived thermal comfort and the health and safety of building users. Therefore, the importance of humidity sensors in air conditioning systems is becoming more and more important for effective building management and ensuring optimal working and use...

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  • Advanced Temperature Control Solutions: Sensors and Transducers in HVAC
    Advanced Temperature Control Solutions: Sensors and Transducers in HVAC

    Introduction A short presentation of the issue of temperature control in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) in industry In today's industry, temperature control is crucial to ensuring efficiency, safety and comfort for both workers and production processes. HVAC systems (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) play an extremely important role in maintaining appropriate environmental conditions in various types of industrial buildings, from factories to warehouses, from office...

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  • Modern Trends in Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems: How Technology Impacts Comfort and Efficiency
    Modern Trends in Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems: How Technology Impacts Comfort and Efficiency

    In today's world, technological advancement sets new standards in the ventilation and air conditioning industry. Our article, "Modern Trends in Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems: How Technology Impacts Comfort and Efficiency," aims to introduce you to the latest innovations that are revolutionizing the way we design, install, and manage HVAC systems.

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  • The NANUK Advantage
    The NANUK Advantage

    With a meticulous commitment to quality and a deep understanding of user needs, NANUK stands as a testament to excellence in safeguarding your valuable assets. Explore the myriad ways NANUK sets itself apart in the realm of case protection.

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  • Humidity sensors - principle of operation, installation
    Humidity sensors - principle of operation, installation

    Humidity is the presence of water in the air. The amount of water vapour in the air can affect human comfort as well as many industrial production processes. The presence of water vapour also affects various physical, chemical and biological processes.

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  • Diamenty Forbesa 2024 dla DACPOL!
    Diamenty Forbesa 2024 dla DACPOL!

    Miło nam poinformować, że DACPOL Sp. z o.o. po raz kolejny znalazł się w zestawieniu najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijających się firm w Polsce, tym razem w kategorii firm średnich z przychodem ze sprzedaży powyżej 250 mln zł.

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  • DACPOL w Rankingu „Gazele Biznesu” 2024!
    DACPOL w Rankingu „Gazele Biznesu” 2024!

    Mamy zaszczyt poinformować, że firma DACPOL Sp.z o.o. po raz kolejny została nagrodzona tytułem laureata prestiżowego rankingu Gazele Biznesu. Wyróżnienie to przysługuje przedsiębiorstwom, które dzięki wyjątkowo dynamicznemu rozwojowi doskonale radzą sobie na rynku. Nie zwalniamy tempa i działamy prężnie dalej!

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  • Dioda prostownicza – jak działa, gdzie się je stosuje, budowa.
    Dioda prostownicza – jak działa, gdzie się je stosuje, budowa.

    Bardzo popularnym rodzajem diod o bardzo szerokim zastosowaniu są diody prostownicze, których zadaniem jest prostowanie prądu przemiennego

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  • Co to jest system HVAC?
    Co to jest system HVAC?

    HVAC to branża inżynierii sanitarnej zajmująca się ogrzewaniem (heating), wentylacją (ventilation) oraz klimatyzacją (air conditioning) i oznacza zintegrowany system urządzeń z wyżej wymienionych branż.

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  • Co to jest kondensator elektrolityczny? Budowa, zalety i rodzaje.
    Co to jest kondensator elektrolityczny? Budowa, zalety i rodzaje.

    Kondensator elektrolityczny to odrębny typ kondensatora, w którym jedna z elektrod jest elektrolitem, a druga jest metalowa (aluminiowa, tantalowa lub niobowa).

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  • Consequences of an Inverter Failure for the Entire Photovoltaic Installation
    Consequences of an Inverter Failure for the Entire Photovoltaic Installation

    Photovoltaic installations are gaining increasing popularity as an environmentally friendly source of electrical energy. The key element in these systems is the inverter, which converts solar energy into alternating current ready for use in households or businesses. The inverter plays an irreplaceable role, but what happens when it fails? In this article, we will discuss the consequences of an inverter failure for the entire photovoltaic installation and ways to manage these potential issues.

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  • Inverter and the Possibility of Integration with Building Cooling Systems
    Inverter and the Possibility of Integration with Building Cooling Systems

    In today's article, we will explore a topic that may seem unconventional but holds significant importance for the energy efficiency of buildings. We are talking about the role of an inverter in the context of integration with building cooling systems. How exactly can an inverter influence energy management efficiency in a building and enhance user comfort?

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  • Hybrid Inverters and Energy Storage: A New Era in Energy Self-Sufficiency
    Hybrid Inverters and Energy Storage: A New Era in Energy Self-Sufficiency

    In today's world, solar energy harnessed through photovoltaic panels is becoming increasingly popular and accessible. As a result, households and businesses have the opportunity to convert solar energy into electricity, reducing not only their electricity bills but also contributing to global environmental protection efforts. However, what happens when the sun isn't shining, and photovoltaic panels stop working?

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  • Competitive Advantages of POWERLOCK Connectors Over Other Solutions
    Competitive Advantages of POWERLOCK Connectors Over Other Solutions

    In today's world, where reliability, efficiency, and safety are crucial for power systems, choosing the right connectors is of immense importance. One solution that clearly stands out from the competition is POWERLOCK connectors. In this article, we will examine the competitive advantages of these connectors compared to other solutions available on the market.

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  • How POWERLOCK Connectors Work: Key Aspects and Operating Principles
    How POWERLOCK Connectors Work: Key Aspects and Operating Principles

    In today's world, where electricity is an integral part of our lives, connectors play a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and efficiency of power systems. One of the advanced types of connectors is POWERLOCK. In this article, we will explore how POWERLOCK connectors work and why they are so important in today's power systems.

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  • POWERLOCK Connectors in Photovoltaic Systems: Optimization and Reliability
    POWERLOCK Connectors in Photovoltaic Systems: Optimization and Reliability

    In today's world, renewable energy is receiving increasing attention, and photovoltaics are a key source of green energy. Photovoltaic systems, consisting of solar panels and various components, form the foundation of solar energy production. In this context, POWERLOCK connectors become indispensable, helping optimize and ensure the reliability of these systems.

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  • Wsparliśmy akcję Szlachetna Paczka!
    Wsparliśmy akcję Szlachetna Paczka!

    W tym roku wzięliśmy udział w 23 edycji Szlachetnej Paczki. Bardzo cieszymy się, że mogliśmy wesprzeć najbardziej potrzebujących w tym trudnym okresie!

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Showing 109 to 126 of 339 (19 Pages)