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  • What are thermal conductive materials?
    What are thermal conductive materials?

    Thermal conductive materials are substances that efficiently transfer heat, used in various industries such as electronics, automotive, and energy. These include ceramic, metallic, and organic types, which play a crucial role in heat management, enhancing device performance, and advancing modern technologies.

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  • Kompensator ciśnienia DA 284 -  Szybszy, zatrzaskowy montaż!
    Kompensator ciśnienia DA 284 - Szybszy, zatrzaskowy montaż!

    Kompensator ciśnienia DA 284 to nowy produkt firmy STEGO, który przeciwdziała różnicy ciśnień w Twojej szafie sterowniczej.

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  • Podstawowe wymagania prawne dotyczące urządzeń, systemów ochronnych i podzespołów przeznaczonych do stosowania w przestrzeniach zagrożonych wybuchem.
    Podstawowe wymagania prawne dotyczące urządzeń, systemów ochronnych i podzespołów przeznaczonych do stosowania w przestrzeniach zagrożonych wybuchem.

    Webinarium ma na celu zapoznać słuchaczy z podstawowymi dokumentami wykorzystywanymi w problematyce ochrony przeciwwybuchowej.

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  • Surge Protectors and the Use of Solar Energy in the Chemical Industry: Sustainable High-Level Production
    Surge Protectors and the Use of Solar Energy in the Chemical Industry: Sustainable High-Level Production

    The chemical industry plays a significant role in the global economy but is associated with intensive energy consumption. Faced with increasingly prominent challenges related to environmental protection and sustainable development, this sector is becoming more interested in utilizing renewable energy sources, with solar energy becoming an increasingly attractive solution. In this article, we will discuss why surge protectors play a crucial role in photovoltaic applications in the chemical...

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  • What is a network switch and what are its uses?
    What is a network switch and what are its uses?

    In today's digital world, where communication and data exchange play a crucial role, computer networks have become an integral part of our lives. With the advancement of technology, devices that enable efficient information transmission in networks are gaining increasing importance. One of these key devices is the network switch.

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  • Nowe osiągnięcia w technologii klejów akrylowych następnej generacji.
    Nowe osiągnięcia w technologii klejów akrylowych następnej generacji.

    Kleje akrylowe oferują korzyści zwiększonych efektywności kosztowych, lepszej estetyki i poprawionej odporności na uderzenia. Są one idealne dla aplikacji w wielu segmentach produkcyjnych i obróbki, w tym w pojazdach komercyjnych, urządzeniach wiatrowych i energetycznych oraz produktach przemysłowych.

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  • SCALE-iFlex LT NTC IGBT/SiC Module Gate Drivers Improve System Observability and Performance
    SCALE-iFlex LT NTC IGBT/SiC Module Gate Drivers Improve System Observability and Performance

    PI’s new SCALE-iFlex LT NTC family of IGBT/SiC module gate drivers provides Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) data, which enables accurate thermal management of converter systems and ensures proper current sharing. They dramatically enhance the overall system reliability of renewable energy and rail systems with multiple modules arrayed in parallel.

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  • Capacitive touch screens: How they work and their application in industry
    Capacitive touch screens: How they work and their application in industry

    Capacitive touch screens play a crucial role in the modern world of technology, and their application in industry is becoming increasingly common. Thanks to their reliability and precision, capacitive touch panels are used in many industrial sectors, from automation to medical devices. But how exactly does a capacitive touchscreen work, and why is it so popular in industry? Let’s take a look at its operating principles and key advantages.

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  • What Are the Types of EMC Filters and When Are They Used?
    What Are the Types of EMC Filters and When Are They Used?

    EMC filters play a key role in ensuring the electromagnetic compatibility of electrical and electronic systems. Their task is to minimize electromagnetic interference that can affect the operation of devices and systems. In this article, we will discuss different types of EMC filters and the situations in which they are most commonly used.

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  • Introduction to Semiconductors in an Industrial Context
    Introduction to Semiconductors in an Industrial Context

    Semiconductors are an essential component of many electronic devices that we encounter daily in various industries. But what exactly are semiconductors and why are they so important for the industry?

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  • Przyciski do Ekstremalnych Warunków – Poznaj Serię RAFIX 22 FSR!
    Przyciski do Ekstremalnych Warunków – Poznaj Serię RAFIX 22 FSR!

    W dzisiejszym świecie, gdzie technologia jest nieodłączną częścią naszego życia, istnieje coraz większa potrzeba wytrzymałych i niezawodnych rozwiązań, które mogą pracować w najtrudniejszych warunkach. Dla specjalistów pracujących w terenie, takich jak serwisanci, technicy i inżynierowie, niezawodność sprzętu jest kluczowa. W artykule tym przyjrzymy się serii RAFIX 22 FSR, która oferuje wysokowydajne przyciski i aktuatory zaprojektowane specjalnie do pracy w ekstremalnych warunkach pogodowych...

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  • Anaerobic Adhesives and Their Applications
    Anaerobic Adhesives and Their Applications

    This article discusses the development and future of anaerobic adhesives, which play a key role in industry by ensuring the reliability and durability of threaded connections. It covers various aspects of their application in industries such as automotive, aerospace, chemical, and rail. Additionally, the article analyzes the growing demand for innovative solutions that meet the industry's needs for enhanced strength and resistance of anaerobic adhesives.

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  • Accidents at Work in Industry. How to Prevent Them?
    Accidents at Work in Industry. How to Prevent Them?

    The main cause of accidents is improper employee behavior, accounting for 60% of all accidents. The next cause in the ranking is improper use of material or material in an unsuitable condition.

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  • MOSFET SiC Gen-3 'Fast' transistors from Navitas Semiconductor: A New Standard of Performance for the AI and EV Industry
    MOSFET SiC Gen-3 'Fast' transistors from Navitas Semiconductor: A New Standard of Performance for the AI and EV Industry

    The development of SiC (silicon carbide) and GaN (gallium nitride) technologies brings revolutionary changes in the electronics industry, especially in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Electric Mobility (EV).

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  • Top 5 Applications of Anaerobic Adhesives in Industry
    Top 5 Applications of Anaerobic Adhesives in Industry

    Discover five applications of anaerobic adhesives in industry and their benefits for securing and sealing components. Learn how these adhesives are used in automotive, energy, medical, chemical, and machinery sectors, ensuring durability, resistance to extreme conditions, and reliability.

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  • Examples of Using Nanuk Cases in Different Industries
    Examples of Using Nanuk Cases in Different Industries

    Discover the applications of Nanuk cases across various industries – from photography and IT to medicine and tourism. Learn how to choose the best model to ensure your equipment is protected in challenging conditions and find out which accessories can increase their functionality. A practical guide with answers to frequently asked questions!

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  • What are transformers? Principle of operation and applications
    What are transformers? Principle of operation and applications

    The transformer is one of the key components in the field of electrical engineering, playing a significant role in voltage and current transformation in various applications. From simple household uses to advanced industrial systems, transformers are an integral part of many electrical installations. Their role involves efficiently converting electrical energy, enabling its transmission over long distances, and adapting to the requirements of different devices. But what exactly is a...

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