New Hex-Box IoT housings from Camdenboss!
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High-Voltage IGBT Modules for High-Power High-Reliability Applications
In the second half of the 1990s, development and commercialization of IGBT power modules for high voltage ratings as 2500 V and 3300 V has started. Originally, these HV-IGBTs were designed as GTO replacement for high-power and high-reliability applications like for example railway traction inverters [1]. Additionally, the use in many other high-power applications has followed.
Internet of Things IoT
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"Gazele Biznesu" ranking - another success of DACPOL in this passing year 2020
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Basics of Electromagnetic Compatibility: What Is It and Why Is It Important? 2 of 8
Electromagnetic interference refers to unwanted electromagnetic signals that can affect the operation of electronic devices and systems. They come in various forms such as radio waves, electromagnetic pulses, electrical surges, or conducted disturbances.
Compact-sized SCALE-2 Gate Driver provides Quality and Stability in Railway Applications
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Linear covers HLL LED - CEAG/Eaton Electric
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Parallel Operation: Influence of Power Module Parameters
The current imbalance during module operation can be caused both by the characteristics of the paralleled power modules, such as the different forward voltage and by the design of the power converter itself. The interface of power modules, such as power connection on DC and AC side, the design of gate driver, and the gate driver connection to the power modules, have an influence on static and dynamic current imbalance of modules connected in parallel. An overview of the various factors that...
Basics of Electromagnetic Compatibility: What Is It and Why Is It Important? 3 of 8
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Basics of Electromagnetic Compatibility: What Is It and Why Is It Important? 8 of 8
With increasing complexity and the growing number of electronic devices, the need to ensure the harmonious functioning and coexistence of these devices becomes more and more important. Hence, it is essential to emphasize the significance of Electromagnetic Compatibility. Here are a few key aspects that highlight its importance:
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HEX BOX enclosures for IoT sector
The constantly improving technological sector, encourages us to gain new and simplifying our daily lives solutions.