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Telefon komórkowy przeznaczony do strefy Ex 1/21
Do swojej oferty dodajemy nowy telefon komórkowy 4G IS120.1 klasy podstawowej z certyfikatem ATEX-/IECEx, przeznaczony do strefy Ex 1/21. od i.safe MOBILE.
SILIGAINE 15C5 – direct replacement for OsKs cable sleeves
Comparison of SILIGAINE 15C5 and SILICONE INSULATING SLEEVES (OSKS): Which is best for your applications? Nowadays, choosing the right insulating material is crucial in many areas of the electrical industry. For customers who need reliable wire insulation, two popular options, SILIGAINE 15C5 and SILICONE INSULATING SLEEVES (OSKS), offer many advantages. In this article, we'll take a closer look at these two products, comparing their features, uses, and benefits to help you choose the right...
Gaining Speed: Mitsubishi Electric SiC-Power Modules
The research activities on SiC are coordinated in Japan by an organization called NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Development Organization). NEDO is Japan’s largest public R&D management organization for coordinating the innovation efforts in strategic directions. The development of high power density and high withstand voltage SiC power modules is one of NEDO’s main R&D directions and Mitsubishi Electric is a key player in this activity [2]. Several outstanding Mitsubishi Electric...
Ograniczniki Przepięć a Zrównoważony Rozwój i Energetyka Odnawialna: Klucz do Przyszłości
Our planet needs sustainable and renewable sources of energy more than ever before. Photovoltaics is one of the major players in the field of renewable energy, and an increasing number of countries are investing in national-scale photovoltaic projects. However, for these ambitious projects to succeed, surge protectors are an indispensable component.
Devices Intended for Explosion Hazard Zones
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Study of Parameters for the Explosiveness of Combustible Dusts
The text aims to provide practical guidance for individuals who are faced with the need to assess safety requirements in industrial plants where large quantities of combustible solid particles (dusts) are processed. From a process safety perspective, it is essential that the dust be examined to determine the type of risk involved. Which dusts should be tested? What tests are required? When can values obtained from published sources be used? These are some of the issues that will be addressed...
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Inverter and Household Energy Needs
In today's article, we will explore the role of an hybrid inverters in meeting the energy needs of a household. Inverters, also known as photovoltaic inverters, are a key component of photovoltaic systems, and their role in solar energy production and management is becoming increasingly significant. Let's find out how hybrid inverters work and how they impact the efficient use of energy in a home.
Transfer Mold IPM Family “SLIMDIP” with 5A/15A 600V RC (Reverse Conducting) – IGBT in a Compact Package
As a consequence the employment of reverse conducting IGBT chips save space and that resulted in the new package of the SLIMDIP being designed very compact. The SLIMDIP provides protection functions for under voltage, short circuit and over temperature as well as a linear output signal for the case temperature. The interface circuit of the SLIMDIP is 3,3V to 5V compliant and the pin terminal assignment simplifies the printed circuit board layout design.
7th Generation NX type (NX7) Converter Inverter Brake (CIB) Modules
Each CIB module consists of an integrated 3 phase inverter part, a converter (3 ph diode rectifier) part and a brake chopper part. The line-up of the latest NX7 CIB modules is shown in Figure 1. The NX7 CIB modules utilize the latest 7th generation CSTBT™ IGBT along with the RFC (Relaxed Field of Cathode) diodes. The electrical characteristics of the new thin wafer 7th generation chips have been tuned for the reduction of overall power losses.
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Hybrid Inverters and Energy Storage: A New Era in Energy Self-Sufficiency
In today's world, solar energy harnessed through photovoltaic panels is becoming increasingly popular and accessible. As a result, households and businesses have the opportunity to convert solar energy into electricity, reducing not only their electricity bills but also contributing to global environmental protection efforts. However, what happens when the sun isn't shining, and photovoltaic panels stop working?