Industrial Ferntel FHF11231120 phone
Industrial Ferntel FHF11231120 phone

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Industrial Ferntel FHF11231120 phone

  • FHF11231120
  • Colour Black
  • IP class 65
  • Keyboard TAK
  • display TAK
Thanks to the approved FHF technology, Ferntel IP is suitable for external installations. It is an ideal device for any weather and for different workplaces - regardless of whether it is exposed to sea water, high humidity or high mechanical loads. The elegant housing is made of plastic resistant to impacts and shocks. Even acids, bases or lubricants will not hurt the high -quality components of our versatile landline/wall phone Ferntel IP. Its modern design is an excellent "packaging" for the latest requirements of modern IP phones. What's more, its intense colors ensure that Ferntel IP will not be omitted when the phone is urgently needed, e.g. in emergency. Ferntel IP is suitable for almost universal use thanks to the possibility of transformation: in one movement of the wrist, a stationary phone for use in rooms turns into a wall device for external applications. Ferntel IP allows for effective work with high telephone comfort, and the illuminated keyboard and display complete the comfort. Ethernet connectivity with an internal 2-port switch allows the user to connect a laptop outside.

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  • Colour Black
  • IP class 65
  • Keyboard TAK
  • display TAK
Thanks to the approved FHF technology, Ferntel IP is suitable for external installations. It is an ideal device for any weather and for different workplaces - regardless of whether it is exposed to sea water, high humidity or high mechanical loads. The elegant housing is made of plastic resistant to impacts and shocks. Even acids, bases or lubricants will not hurt the high -quality components of our versatile landline/wall phone Ferntel IP. Its modern design is an excellent "packaging" for the latest requirements of modern IP phones. What's more, its intense colors ensure that Ferntel IP will not be omitted when the phone is urgently needed, e.g. in emergency. Ferntel IP is suitable for almost universal use thanks to the possibility of transformation: in one movement of the wrist, a stationary phone for use in rooms turns into a wall device for external applications. Ferntel IP allows for effective work with high telephone comfort, and the illuminated keyboard and display complete the comfort. Ethernet connectivity with an internal 2-port switch allows the user to connect a laptop outside.
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