Servicio de dispositivos de calentamiento por inducción
Servicio de dispositivos de calentamiento por inducción

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Servicio de dispositivos de calentamiento por inducción

Service of induction heating equipment

We provide service support for induction heating equipment of the following manufacturers:

We offer the following services::

  • repair and refurbishment of heating inductors;
  • maintenance and repair of frequency converters for induction heating;
  • maintenance and repair of HF valve generators for induction heating;
  • maintenance and repair of cooling systems;
  • repair of HF welding machines;/
  • measurement tests of diodes, thyristors, transistors, HF tubes;
  • maintenance and repair of rectifiers, switches as well as thyristor and transistor converters;
  • maintenance of AC/DC drive systems;
  • repair and modernization of automation systems with PLC programmable controllers;
  • selection and installation of replacement for old parts that are no longer produced;
  • maintenance checks and repairs of electronic and industrial automation systems;
  • maintenance checks and repairs of high power AC/DC drive systems;
  • maintenance checks and repairs of industrial air-conditioners.

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Service of induction heating equipment

We provide service support for induction heating equipment of the following manufacturers:

We offer the following services::

  • repair and refurbishment of heating inductors;
  • maintenance and repair of frequency converters for induction heating;
  • maintenance and repair of HF valve generators for induction heating;
  • maintenance and repair of cooling systems;
  • repair of HF welding machines;/
  • measurement tests of diodes, thyristors, transistors, HF tubes;
  • maintenance and repair of rectifiers, switches as well as thyristor and transistor converters;
  • maintenance of AC/DC drive systems;
  • repair and modernization of automation systems with PLC programmable controllers;
  • selection and installation of replacement for old parts that are no longer produced;
  • maintenance checks and repairs of electronic and industrial automation systems;
  • maintenance checks and repairs of high power AC/DC drive systems;
  • maintenance checks and repairs of industrial air-conditioners.
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