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In the category of accumulators we’re offering batteries from companies like: FIAMM (FG, FGH, FLB, FIT), Sonnenschein Dryfit, Akumulatory żelowe Dyno, Victron Energy, Panasonic, SSB, MK Battery, AGM KUNG-LONG.
All offered batteries are effective, reliable and perfect for many types of applications. We deliver accumulators that are ideal even for use in the most demanding conditions. Our offer includes starting accumulators, industrial accumulators, and also rectifiers equipped with a possibility of smooth regulation of charging current. We’re also offering accumulator sets.
Wide choice of accumulators
We guarantee a wide choice of accumulators like AGM and gel accumulators, low prices and the best quality products.
Our professional employees have an extensive knowledge and experience, thanks to which we can guarantee full-service consultancy and help with choosing the best solution.
The best technology
Our accumulators are made with the best technology, which provides reliable daily work of the devices. All of this thanks to a perfect quality construction, high durability and effectiveness of the equipment.
Acid-lead accumulators are a dominant product in our offer - they are also called acid or lead type VRLA or SLA.
Among VRLA and SLA types, in our permanent offer we have AGM and gel batteries. Additionally, we also sell various types of li-ion batteries. We highly recommend checking out more information about the product by contacting us online or by phone.