Debes estar logueado
- Diodos
- Tiristores
Módulos con aislamiento eléctrico
- Módulos con aislamiento eléctrico | VISHAY (IR)
- Módulos con aislamiento eléctrico | INFINEON (EUPEC)
- Módulos con aislamiento eléctrico | Semikron
- Módulos con aislamiento eléctrico | POWEREX
- Módulos con aislamiento eléctrico | IXYS
- Módulos con aislamiento eléctrico | POSEICO
- Módulos con aislamiento eléctrico | ABB
- Módulos con aislamiento eléctrico | TECHSEM
- Go to the subcategory
- Rectificadores de puente
- Transistores | GeneSiC
- Módulos SiC MOSFET | Mitsubishi
- Módulos ABB SiC MOSFET
- Módulos de transistores | MITSUBISHI
- Módulos de transistores | ABB
- Módulos IGBT | POWEREX
- Elementos semiconductores de carburo de silicio (SiC)
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- Controladores de puerta
- Bloques de energía
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Convertidores de corriente y tensión LEM
Transductores de corriente | LEM
- Transductor de corriente con bucle de retroalimentación cerrado (C / L)
- Transductor de corriente con bucle de retroalimentación abierto (O / L)
- Transductor de corriente alimentado por voltaje unipolar
- Transductores en tecnología Eta
- Transductores de corriente de alta precisión serie LF xx10
- Transductores de corriente de la serie LH
- HOYS y HOYL: dedicados para el montaje directamente en un riel conductor
- Convertidores de corriente en la tecnología SMD de las series GO-SME y GO-SMS
- Transductores de corriente AUTOMOCIÓN
- Go to the subcategory
Transductores de voltaje | LEM
- Convertidores de voltaje de la serie LV
- Convertidores de voltaje de la serie DVS
- Convertidores de tensión de precisión con doble núcleo magnético serie CV
- Convertidores de tensión de precisión con doble núcleo magnético serie CV
- Convertidores de voltaje de la serie DVM
- Transductor de voltaje - DVC 1000-P
- Transductores de voltaje - Serie DVC 1000
- Go to the subcategory
- Transductores de corriente de precisión | LEM
- Go to the subcategory
Transductores de corriente | LEM
Componentes pasivos (condensadores, resistencias, fusibles, filtros)
- Resistencias
- Fusibles miniatura para circuitos electrónicos, serie ABC y AGC
- Fusibles tubulares de acción rápida
- Eslabones fusibles de retardo de tiempo con características GL / GG y AM
- Eslabones fusibles ultrarrápidos
- Fusibles de acción rápida (estándar británico y estadounidense)
- Fusibles de acción rápida (estándar europeo)
- Fusibles de tracción
- Eslabones fusibles de alto voltaje
- Go to the subcategory
- Condensadores de motor
- Condensadores electrolíticos
- Condensadores de película
- Condensadores de potencia
- Condensadores para circuitos de CC
- Condensadores de corrección del factor de potencia
- Condensadores de alto voltaje
- Condensadores de calentamiento por inducción
- Condensadores de almacenamiento de energía y pulsos
- Condensadores de ENLACE CC
- Condensadores para circuitos AC/DC
- Go to the subcategory
- Filtros EMI
- Supercondensadores
Protección contra sobretensiones
- Protección contra sobretensiones para aplicaciones coaxiales
- Protección contra sobretensiones para sistemas de videovigilancia
- Protección contra sobretensiones para cableado de potencia
- Pararrayos para LED
- Descargadores de sobretensiones para energía fotovoltaica
- Protección del sistema de pesaje
- Protección contra sobretensiones para Fieldbus
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- Go to the subcategory
Relés y contactores
- Teoría de relés y contactores
- Relés semiconductores de CA trifásicos
- Relés semiconductores de CA trifásicos
- Reguladores, controles y accesorios
- Arranques suaves y contactores de inversión
- Relés electromecánicos
- Contactores
- Interruptores giratorios
Relés semiconductores de CA monofásicos
- Relés semiconductores CA monofásicos, serie 1 | D2425 | D2450
- Relés semiconductores CA monofásicos, series CWA y CWD
- Relés semiconductores CA monofásicos de las series CMRA y CMRD
- Relés semiconductores de CA monofásicos, serie PS
- Relés semiconductores de CA dobles y cuádruples, serie D24 D, TD24 Q, H12D48 D
- Relés de estado sólido monofásicos, serie gn
- Relés semiconductores de ca monofásicos, serie ckr
- Relés AC monofásicos SERIE ERDA Y ERAA para carril DIN
- Relés AC monofásicos para corriente 150A
- Relés dobles de estado sólido integrados con disipador de calor para carril DIN
- Go to the subcategory
- Relés semiconductores CA monofásicos para PCB
- Relés de interfaz
- Go to the subcategory
- Núcleos y otros componentes inductivos
- Radiadores, varistores, protecciones térmicas
- Aficionados
- Aire Acondicionado, Accesorios para Armarios Eléctricos, Neveras
Baterías, cargadores, fuentes de alimentación de búfer e inversores
- Baterías, cargadores - descripción teórica
- Baterías de iones de litio. Baterías personalizadas. Sistema de gestión de batería (BMS)
- Pilas
- Cargadores de baterías y accesorios
- Fuente de alimentación de respaldo de UPS y fuentes de alimentación de búfer
- Convertidores y accesorios para fotovoltaica
- Almacen de energia
- Celdas de combustible
- Baterías de iones de litio
- Go to the subcategory
- Futaba Drone Parts
- Finales de carrera, microinterruptores
- Sensores, transductores
- Pirometría
- Contadores, temporizadores, medidores de panel
- Dispositivos de protección industrial
- Señalización luminosa y sonora
- Cámara termográfica
- Pantallas LED
- Botones e interruptores
- Grabadora AL3000
- Grabadora KR2000
- Grabadora KR5000
- Medidor HN-CH con función de registro de humedad y temperatura
- Consumibles para registradores
- Grabadora 71VR1
- Grabadora KR 3000
- Grabadores de PC de la serie R1M
- Grabadores de PC de la serie R2M
- Grabador de PC, 12 entradas aisladas - RZMS-U9
- Grabador de PC, USB, 12 entradas aisladas - RZUS
- Go to the subcategory
- Go to the subcategory
Cables, alambres Litz, conductos, conexiones flexibles
- alambres
- cables Litz
Cables para aplicaciones especiales
- Los cables de extensión y compensación
- Cables para termopares
- Los cables de conexión a PT czyjnków
- Multicore cables temp. -60 ° C a + 1400 ° C
- cables de media tensión SILICOUL
- ignición alambres
- Los cables calefactores
- temp núcleo único. -60 ° C a + 450 ° C
- conductores de trenes
- El calentamiento de los cables en el Ex
- Go to the subcategory
- camisas
- trenzas planas
- trenzas ronda
- trenza muy flexible - plana
- trenza muy flexible - Ronda
- Copper cilíndrico trenzado
- Copper protector de la trenza y cilíndrica
- cintas de conexión flexibles
- Trenzas cilíndrico galvanizado y acero inoxidable
- Aislamiento de PVC trenzas de cobre - Temperatura 85 ° C
- aluminio trenzado plano
- Kit de conexión - trenzas y tubos
- Go to the subcategory
- Accesorios para la tracción
- Terminales de cable
- barras flexibles aisladas
- carril flexible multicapa
- sistemas de gestión de cables
- Conductos, tuberías
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- View all categories
- Suppliers
- Accionamientos de CA y CC (inversores)
- Automatización HVAC
- Automatización industrial
- Automatización industrial
- Calentamiento por inducción
- Componentes para atmósferas potencialmente explosivas (EX)
- Dispositivos de protección industrial
- Energy bank
- Equipos para Armarios de Distribución, Control y Telecomunicaciones
- Fuentes de alimentación (UPS) y sistemas rectificadores
- Impresión
- Máquinas de soldar y máquinas de soldar
- Máquinas herramientas CNC
- Máquinas para secar y procesar madera
- Máquinas para termoformado de plásticos
- Medición y regulación de temperatura
- Medición y regulación de temperatura
- Minería, metalurgia y fundación
- Motores y transformadores
- Tracción de tranvía y ferrocarril
Montaż urządzeń
- Instalación de armarios
- Diseño y montaje de armarios
- Instalación de sistemas de energía
- Componentes
- Máquinas construidas por encargo
- Trabajo de investigación y desarrollo de I+D.
Probadores industriales
- Probadores de semiconductores de potencia
- Comprobadores de aparatos eléctricos
- Comprobadores de varistores y descargadores de sobretensiones
- Probador de fusibles automotriz
- Probador qrr para medir cargas transitorias en tiristores y diodos de potencia
- Comprobador de rotores de interruptores automáticos de la serie FD
- Comprobador de auditoría de dispositivos de corriente residual
- Probador de calibración de relés
- Probador de pruebas visuales de vástagos de resortes de gas
- Interruptor de tiristor de alta corriente
- Probador de rotura de malla
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Modernizacja induktorów
- Reparación de inductores usados
- Modernización de inductores
Producción de nuevos inductores.
- Endurecimiento de cigüeñales
- Endurecimiento de los dientes de la sierra de cinta
- Calentamiento de elementos antes de pegar
- Endurecimiento de pistas de rodadura de cojinetes de cubo de rueda de automoción
- Endurecimiento de los componentes de la transmisión motriz
- Endurecimiento de ejes escalonados
- Calentamiento en juntas de contracción
- Endurecimiento de escaneo
- Soldadura blanda
- Calentadores de palanquilla
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- Base de conocimientos
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Dispositivos de inducción
Urządzenia indukcyjne
Generadores de calentamiento por inducción
Generadores de calentamiento por inducción Ambrell
- Generadores: potencia 500 W, frecuencia 150-400 kHz
- Generadores: Potencia 1,2 - 2,4 kW, frecuencia 150 - 400 kHz
- Generadores: potencia 4.2 - 10 kW, frecuencia 150 - 400 kHz
- Generadores: potencia 10-15 kW, frecuencia 50-150 kHz
- Generadores: potencia 30-45 kW, frecuencia 50-150 kHz
- Generadores: potencia 65-135 kW, frecuencia 50-150 kHz
- Generadores: potencia 180-270 kW, frecuencia 50-150 kHz
- Generadores: potencia 20-35-50 kW, frecuencia 15-45 kHz
- Generadores: cнага 75-150 кВ, фреквенција 15-45 кХз
- Generadores: potencia 200-500 kW, frecuencia 15-45 kHz
- Generadores: potencia 20-50 kW, frecuencia 5-15 kHz
- Go to the subcategory
- Generadores de calentamiento por inducción Denki Kogyo
Generadores de calentamiento por inducción JKZ
- Generadores de la serie CX, frecuencia: 50-120kHz, potencia: 5-25kW
- Generadores de la serie SWS, frecuencia: 15-30kHz, potencia: 25-260kW
- Generadores (hornos) para conformar y forjar serie MFS, frecuencia: 0.5-10kHz, potencia: 80-500kW
- Hornos de fusión MFS, frecuencia: 0,5-10 kHz, potencia: 70-200 kW
- Generadores de la serie UHT, frecuencia: 200-400kHz, potencia: 10-160kW
- Go to the subcategory
- Generadores de lámparas para calentamiento por inducción
- Generadores de calentamiento por inducción Himmelwerk
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Generadores de calentamiento por inducción Ambrell
- Reparaciones y modernización
- Periféricos
- Aplicaciones médicas
- Aplicaciones para la industria automotriz
- Soldadura blanda
- Soldadura
- Soldadura fuerte de aluminio
- Soldadura de herramientas magnéticas de acero inoxidable
- Soldadura de precisión
- Soldadura fuerte en atmósfera protectora
- Soldadura de tapas de disipadores de calor de latón y acero
- Soldadura de carburos sinterizados
- Soldar la punta de cobre y el cable
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- Base de conocimientos
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Generadores de calentamiento por inducción
- Servicio de enfriadores de agua y aires acondicionados industriales
- Reparaciones y modernización de máquinas
Reparaciones de electrónica de potencia, electrónica y dispositivos de automatización
- Servicio de inversores, servoaccionamientos y reguladores DC
- Servicio de inversores fotovoltaicos
- Servicio de rectificadores de galvanoplastia FLEXKRAFT
- Oferta de reparación de equipos
- Lista de dispositivos reparados
- Reparación de máquinas de laminado de billetes
- Normativa para la reparación de dispositivos.
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- Fuentes de alimentación de alto voltaje para precipitadores electrostáticos
- Impresoras y etiquetadoras industriales
- Certificates / Entitlements
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- Contact
- Zobacz wszystkie kategorie
Las fotos son solo para fines informativos. Ver especificaciones de producto
please use latin characters
• 4 high-speed encoder inputs and 2 high-speed pulse outputs
• CPUs with AC or DC supply and 14, 20, 30 or 40 I/O built-in
• Instruction set compatible with CP1H-, CJ1-, and CS1 series PLC
• Optional RS232C and RS-422A/485 serial ports
• USB programming port
• Scaleable with a wide range of I/O units (maximum up to 160 I/O points)
• Motion functionality
• One and the same software as other Omron controllers
CPU Units
Typ | CP1L-M40 (40 points) | CP1L-M30 (30 points) | CP1L-L20 (20 points) | CP1L-L14 (14 points) | |
Item Models | CP1L-M40@@-@ | CP1L-M30@@-@ | CP1L-L20@@-@ | CP1L-L14@@-@ | |
Control method | Stored program method | ||||
I/O control method | Cyclic scan with immediate refreshing | ||||
Program language | Ladder diagram | ||||
Function blocks | Maximum number of function block definitions: 128 Maximum number of instances: 256 Languages usable in function block definitions: Ladder diagrams, structured text (ST) |
Instruction length | 1 to 7 steps per instruction | ||||
Instructions | Approx. 500 (function codes: 3 digits) | ||||
Instruction execution time | Basic instructions: 0.55 μs min. Special instructions: 4.1 μs min. | ||||
Common processing time | |||||
Program capacity | 10K steps | 5K steps | |||
Number of tasks | 288 (32 cyclic tasks and 256 interrupt tasks) | ||||
Scheduled interrupt tasks |
1 (interrupt task No. 2, fixed) | ||||
Input interrupt tasks |
6 (interrupt task No. 140 to 145, fixed) | 4 (interrupt task No. 140 to 143, fixed) |
(Mogq bye także określane i wykonywane zadania przerwaniowe szybkiego licznika.) | |||||
Maximum subroutine number | 256 | ||||
Maximum jump number | 256 | ||||
I/O areas |
Input bits | 24: CIO 0.00 to CIO 0.11 and CIO 1.00 to CIO 1.11 |
18: CIO 0.00 to CIO 0.11 and |
12: CIO 0.00 to CIO 0.11 | 8: CIO 0.00 to CIO 0.07 |
Output bits | 16: CIO 100.00 to CIO 100.07 and CIO 101.00 to CIO 101.07 |
12: CIO 100.00 to CIO 100.07 and CIO 101.00 to CIO 101.033 |
8: CIO 100.00 to CIO 100.07 | 6: CIO 100.00 to CIO 100.05 | |
1:1 Link Area | 1,024 bits (64 words): CIO 3000.00 to CIO 3063.15 (CIO 3000 to CIO 3063) | ||||
Serial PLC Link Area |
1,440 bits (90 words): CIO 3100.00 to CIO 3189.15 (CIO 3100 to CIO 3189) | ||||
Work bits | 8,192 bits (512 words): W000.00 to W511.15 (W0 to W511) CIO Area: 37,504 bits (2,344 words): CIO 3800.00 to CIO 6143.15 (CIO 3800 to CIO 6143) |
TR Area | 16 bits: TR0 to TR15 | ||||
Holding Area | 8,192 bits (512 words): H0.00 to H511.15 (H0 to H511) | ||||
AR Area | Read-only (Write-prohibited): 7168 bits (448 words): A0.00 to A447.15 (A0 to A447) Read/Write: 8192 bits (512 words): A448.00 to A959.15 (A448 to A959) |
Timers | 4,096 bits: T0 to T4095 | ||||
Counters | 4,096 bits: C0 to C4095 | ||||
DM Area | 32 Kwords: D0 to D32767 | 10 Kwords: D0 to D9999, D32000 to D32767 | |||
Data Register Area | 16 registers (16 bits): DR0 to DR15 | ||||
Index Register Area | 16 registers (32 bits): IR0 to IR15 | ||||
Task Flag Area | 32 flags (32 bits): TK0000 to TK0031 |
Type | CP1L-M40 (40 points) | CP1L-M30 (30 points) | CP1L-L20 (20 points) | CP1L-L14 (14 points) |
Item Models | CP1L-M40@@-@ | CP1L-M30@@-@ | CP1L-L20@@-@ | CP1L-L14@@-@ |
Trace Memory | 4,000 words (500 samples for the trace data maximum of 31 bits and 6 words.) | |||
Memory Cassette | A special Memory Cassette (CP1W-ME05M) can be mounted. Note: Can be used for program backups and auto-booting. | |||
Clock function | Supported. Accuracy (monthly deviation): -4.5 min to -0.5 min (ambient temperature: 55C), -2.0 min to +2.0 min (ambient temperature: 25°C), -2.5 min to +1.5 min (ambient temperature: 0°C) |
Communications functions | One built-in peripheral port (USB 1.1): For connecting Support Software only | |||
A maximum of two Serial Communications Option Boards can be mounted. |
A maximum of one Serial Communications Option Board can be mounted | |||
Memory backup | Flash memory: User programs, parameters (such as the PLC Setup), comment data, and the entire DM Area can be saved to flash memory as initial values. Battery backup: The Holding Area, DM Area, and counter values (flags, PV) are backed up by a battery. |
Battery service life | 5 years at 25C. (Use the replacement battery within two years of manufacture.) | |||
Built-in input terminals | 40 (24 inputs, 16 outputs) | 30 (18 inputs, 12 outputs) | 20 (12 inputs, 8 outputs) | 14 (8 inputs, 6 outputs) |
Number of connectable Expansion Units and Expansion I/O Units |
CP-series Expansion Unit and Expansion I/O Units: 3 max. | CP-series Expansion Units and Expansion I/O Units: 1 max. | ||
Max. number of I/O points | 160 (40 built in + 40 per Expansion (I/O) Unit 3 Units) |
150 (30 built in + 40 per Expansion (I/O) Unit 3 Units) |
60 (20 built in + 40 per Expansion (I/O) Unit 1 Unit) |
54 (14 built in + 40 per Expansion (I/O) Unit 1 Unit) |
Interrupt inputs | 6 inputs (Response time: 0.3 ms) | 4 inputs (Response time: 0.3 ms) |
Interrupt inputs counter mode | 6 inputs (Response frequency: 5 kHz max. for all interrupt inputs), 16 bits Up or down counters |
4 inputs (Response frequency: 5 kHz max. for all interrupt inputs), 16 bits Up or down counters |
Quick-response inputs | 6 points (Min. input pulse width: 50 μs max.) | 4 points (Min. input pulse width: 50 μs max.) |
Scheduled interrupts | 1 | |||
High-speed counters | 4 counters, 2 axes (24-VDC input) 4 inputs: Differential phases (4x), 50 kHz or Single-phase (pulse plus direction, up/down, increment), 100 kHz Value range: 32 bits, Linear mode or ring mode Interrupts: Target value comparison or range comparison |
Pulse outputs (models with transistor outputs only) |
Trapezoidal or S-curve acceleration and deceleration (Duty ratio: 50% fixed) 2 outputs, 1 Hz to 100 kHz (CCW/CW or pulse plus direction) |
Duty ratio: 0.0% to 100.0% (specified in increments of 0.1% or 1%) 2 outputs, 0.1 to 6553.5 Hz or 1 to 32,800 Hz (Accuracy: 5% at 1 kHz) |
Analog control | 1 (Setting range: 0 to 255) | |||
External analog input | 1 input (Resolution: 1/256, Input range: 0 to 10 V). Not isolated. |
CPU Unit | Specifications | Model | Standards | |||
Power supply |
Output method | Inputs | Outputs | |||
CP1L-M CPU Units with 40 Points | AC power supply | Relay output | 24 | 16 | CP1L-M40DR-A | UC1, N, L, CE |
DC power supply | CP1L-M40DR-D | |||||
Transistor output (sinking) | CP1L-M40DT-D | |||||
Transistor output (sourcing) | CP1L-M40DT1-D | |||||
CP1L-M CPU Units with 30 Points | AC power supply | Relay output | 18 | 12 | CP1L-M30DR-A | |
DC power supply | CP1L-M30DR-D | |||||
Transistor output (sinking) | CP1L-M30DT-D | |||||
Transistor output (sourcing) | CP1L-M30DT1-D | |||||
CP1L-L CPU Units with 20 Points | AC power supply | Relay output | 12 | 8 | CP1L-L20DR-A | |
DC power supply | CP1L-L20DR-D | |||||
Transistor output (sinking) | CP1L-L20DT-D | |||||
Transistor output (sourcing) | CP1L-L20DT1-D | |||||
CP1L-L CPU Units with 14 Points | AC power supply | Relay output | 8 | 6 | CP1L-L14DR-A | |
DC power supply | CP1L-L14DR-D | |||||
Transistor output (sinking) | CP1L-L14DT-D | |||||
Transistor output (sourcing) | CP1L-L14DT1-D |
Name | Specifications | Model | Standards |
RS-232C Option Board | For CPU Unit option port. | CP1W-CIF01 | UC1, N, L, CE |
RS-422A/485 Option Board | For CPU Unit option port. | CP1W-CIF11 | |
Memory Cassette | Can be used for backing up programs or auto-booting. | CP1W-ME05M |
Name | Specifications | Model | Standards | |
CX-One FA Integrated Tool Package Ver. 2.0 |
CX-One is a package that integrates the Support Software for OMRON PLCs and components. CX-One runs on the following OS. OS:Windows 98SE, Me, NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6a), 2000 (Service Pack 3 or higher), or XP *CX-Thermo runs only on Windows 2000 (Service Pack 3 or higher) or XP. CX-One Ver. 2.0 includes CX-Programmer Ver. 7.@. For details, refer to the CX-One catalog (Cat. No. R134). *The software is provided on CDs for the CXONE-AL@@C-@EV2 and on DVD for the CXONE-AL@@D-@EV2. *Site licenses are available for users who must run the CX-One on many computers. Ask your OMRON representative for details. |
1 license | CXONE-AL01C-EV2 CXONE-AL01D-EV2 | - |
3 license | CXON E-AL03C-EV2 CXON E-AL03 D-EV2 |
10 license | CXONE-AL10C-EV2 CXONE-AL10D-EV2 | |||
50 license | CXON E-AL50C-EV2 CXONE-AL50D-EV2 | |||
USB Programming cable | A-type male to B-type male (Length: 1.8 m) | CP1W-CN221 | - | |
Programming Device Connecting Cable for CP1W-CIF01 RS-232C Option Board |
Connects DOS computers, D-Sub 9-pin (Length: 2.0 m) | For anti-static connectors |
XW2Z-200S-CV | - |
Connects DOS computers, D-Sub 9-pin (Length: 5.0 m) | XW2Z-500S-CV | |||
Connects DOS computers, D-Sub 9-pin (Length: 2.0 m) | XW2Z-200S-V | |||
Connects DOS computers, D-Sub 9-pin (Length: 5.0 m) | XW2Z-500S-V | |||
USB-Serial Conversion Cable (See note) |
USB-RS-232C Conversion Cable (Length: 0.5 m) and PC driver (on a CD-ROM disc) are included. Complies with USB Specification 1.1 On personal computer side: USB (A plug connector, male) On PLC side: RS-232C (D-sub 9-pin, male) Driver: Supported by Windows 98, Me, 2000, and XP |
CS1W-CIF31 |
1. Cannot be used with a peripheral USB port.
2. CP1L PLCs are supported by CX-Programmer version 7.1 or higher.
Name | Output method | Inputs | Outputs | Model | Standards |
Expansion I/O Units |
Relay | 24 | 16 | CP1W-40EDR | N, L, CE |
Transistor (sinking) | CP1W-40EDT | ||||
Transistor output (sourcing) | CP1W-40EDT1 | ||||
Relay | 12 | 8 | CP1W-20EDR1 | U, C, L, CE | |
Transistor (sinking) | CP1W-20EDT | U, C, N, L, CE | |||
Transistor output (sourcing) | CP1W-20EDT1 | ||||
Relay | — | 16 | CP1W16ER | CE | |
— | 8 | — | CP1W-8ED | U, C, N, L, CE | |
Relay | — | 8 | CP1W-8ER | ||
Transistor (sinking) | - | 8 | CP1W-8ET | ||
Transistor output (sourcing) | CP1W-8ET1 | ||||
Analog Input Unit | Analog (resolution: 1/6000) | 4 | — | CP1W-AD041 | UC1, CE |
Analog Output Unit |
Analog (resolution: 1/6000) | - | 4 | CP1W-DA041 | UC1, CE |
Analog I/O Unit |
Analog (resolution: 1/6000) | 2 | 1 | CP1W-MAD11 | U, C, N, CE |
CompoBus/S I/O Link Unit |
- | 8 (I/O link input bits) |
8 (I/O link input bits) |
CP1WSRT21 | U, C, N, L, CE |
Temperature Sensor Unit |
2 thermocouple inputs | CP1W-TS001 | U, C, N, L, CE | ||
4 thermocouple inputs | CP1W-TS002 | ||||
2 platinum resistance thermometer inputs | CP1W-TS101 | ||||
4 platinum resistance thermometer inputs | CP1W-TS102 |
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Usted debe estar conectado
• 4 high-speed encoder inputs and 2 high-speed pulse outputs
• CPUs with AC or DC supply and 14, 20, 30 or 40 I/O built-in
• Instruction set compatible with CP1H-, CJ1-, and CS1 series PLC
• Optional RS232C and RS-422A/485 serial ports
• USB programming port
• Scaleable with a wide range of I/O units (maximum up to 160 I/O points)
• Motion functionality
• One and the same software as other Omron controllers
CPU Units
Typ | CP1L-M40 (40 points) | CP1L-M30 (30 points) | CP1L-L20 (20 points) | CP1L-L14 (14 points) | |
Item Models | CP1L-M40@@-@ | CP1L-M30@@-@ | CP1L-L20@@-@ | CP1L-L14@@-@ | |
Control method | Stored program method | ||||
I/O control method | Cyclic scan with immediate refreshing | ||||
Program language | Ladder diagram | ||||
Function blocks | Maximum number of function block definitions: 128 Maximum number of instances: 256 Languages usable in function block definitions: Ladder diagrams, structured text (ST) |
Instruction length | 1 to 7 steps per instruction | ||||
Instructions | Approx. 500 (function codes: 3 digits) | ||||
Instruction execution time | Basic instructions: 0.55 μs min. Special instructions: 4.1 μs min. | ||||
Common processing time | |||||
Program capacity | 10K steps | 5K steps | |||
Number of tasks | 288 (32 cyclic tasks and 256 interrupt tasks) | ||||
Scheduled interrupt tasks |
1 (interrupt task No. 2, fixed) | ||||
Input interrupt tasks |
6 (interrupt task No. 140 to 145, fixed) | 4 (interrupt task No. 140 to 143, fixed) |
(Mogq bye także określane i wykonywane zadania przerwaniowe szybkiego licznika.) | |||||
Maximum subroutine number | 256 | ||||
Maximum jump number | 256 | ||||
I/O areas |
Input bits | 24: CIO 0.00 to CIO 0.11 and CIO 1.00 to CIO 1.11 |
18: CIO 0.00 to CIO 0.11 and |
12: CIO 0.00 to CIO 0.11 | 8: CIO 0.00 to CIO 0.07 |
Output bits | 16: CIO 100.00 to CIO 100.07 and CIO 101.00 to CIO 101.07 |
12: CIO 100.00 to CIO 100.07 and CIO 101.00 to CIO 101.033 |
8: CIO 100.00 to CIO 100.07 | 6: CIO 100.00 to CIO 100.05 | |
1:1 Link Area | 1,024 bits (64 words): CIO 3000.00 to CIO 3063.15 (CIO 3000 to CIO 3063) | ||||
Serial PLC Link Area |
1,440 bits (90 words): CIO 3100.00 to CIO 3189.15 (CIO 3100 to CIO 3189) | ||||
Work bits | 8,192 bits (512 words): W000.00 to W511.15 (W0 to W511) CIO Area: 37,504 bits (2,344 words): CIO 3800.00 to CIO 6143.15 (CIO 3800 to CIO 6143) |
TR Area | 16 bits: TR0 to TR15 | ||||
Holding Area | 8,192 bits (512 words): H0.00 to H511.15 (H0 to H511) | ||||
AR Area | Read-only (Write-prohibited): 7168 bits (448 words): A0.00 to A447.15 (A0 to A447) Read/Write: 8192 bits (512 words): A448.00 to A959.15 (A448 to A959) |
Timers | 4,096 bits: T0 to T4095 | ||||
Counters | 4,096 bits: C0 to C4095 | ||||
DM Area | 32 Kwords: D0 to D32767 | 10 Kwords: D0 to D9999, D32000 to D32767 | |||
Data Register Area | 16 registers (16 bits): DR0 to DR15 | ||||
Index Register Area | 16 registers (32 bits): IR0 to IR15 | ||||
Task Flag Area | 32 flags (32 bits): TK0000 to TK0031 |
Type | CP1L-M40 (40 points) | CP1L-M30 (30 points) | CP1L-L20 (20 points) | CP1L-L14 (14 points) |
Item Models | CP1L-M40@@-@ | CP1L-M30@@-@ | CP1L-L20@@-@ | CP1L-L14@@-@ |
Trace Memory | 4,000 words (500 samples for the trace data maximum of 31 bits and 6 words.) | |||
Memory Cassette | A special Memory Cassette (CP1W-ME05M) can be mounted. Note: Can be used for program backups and auto-booting. | |||
Clock function | Supported. Accuracy (monthly deviation): -4.5 min to -0.5 min (ambient temperature: 55C), -2.0 min to +2.0 min (ambient temperature: 25°C), -2.5 min to +1.5 min (ambient temperature: 0°C) |
Communications functions | One built-in peripheral port (USB 1.1): For connecting Support Software only | |||
A maximum of two Serial Communications Option Boards can be mounted. |
A maximum of one Serial Communications Option Board can be mounted | |||
Memory backup | Flash memory: User programs, parameters (such as the PLC Setup), comment data, and the entire DM Area can be saved to flash memory as initial values. Battery backup: The Holding Area, DM Area, and counter values (flags, PV) are backed up by a battery. |
Battery service life | 5 years at 25C. (Use the replacement battery within two years of manufacture.) | |||
Built-in input terminals | 40 (24 inputs, 16 outputs) | 30 (18 inputs, 12 outputs) | 20 (12 inputs, 8 outputs) | 14 (8 inputs, 6 outputs) |
Number of connectable Expansion Units and Expansion I/O Units |
CP-series Expansion Unit and Expansion I/O Units: 3 max. | CP-series Expansion Units and Expansion I/O Units: 1 max. | ||
Max. number of I/O points | 160 (40 built in + 40 per Expansion (I/O) Unit 3 Units) |
150 (30 built in + 40 per Expansion (I/O) Unit 3 Units) |
60 (20 built in + 40 per Expansion (I/O) Unit 1 Unit) |
54 (14 built in + 40 per Expansion (I/O) Unit 1 Unit) |
Interrupt inputs | 6 inputs (Response time: 0.3 ms) | 4 inputs (Response time: 0.3 ms) |
Interrupt inputs counter mode | 6 inputs (Response frequency: 5 kHz max. for all interrupt inputs), 16 bits Up or down counters |
4 inputs (Response frequency: 5 kHz max. for all interrupt inputs), 16 bits Up or down counters |
Quick-response inputs | 6 points (Min. input pulse width: 50 μs max.) | 4 points (Min. input pulse width: 50 μs max.) |
Scheduled interrupts | 1 | |||
High-speed counters | 4 counters, 2 axes (24-VDC input) 4 inputs: Differential phases (4x), 50 kHz or Single-phase (pulse plus direction, up/down, increment), 100 kHz Value range: 32 bits, Linear mode or ring mode Interrupts: Target value comparison or range comparison |
Pulse outputs (models with transistor outputs only) |
Trapezoidal or S-curve acceleration and deceleration (Duty ratio: 50% fixed) 2 outputs, 1 Hz to 100 kHz (CCW/CW or pulse plus direction) |
Duty ratio: 0.0% to 100.0% (specified in increments of 0.1% or 1%) 2 outputs, 0.1 to 6553.5 Hz or 1 to 32,800 Hz (Accuracy: 5% at 1 kHz) |
Analog control | 1 (Setting range: 0 to 255) | |||
External analog input | 1 input (Resolution: 1/256, Input range: 0 to 10 V). Not isolated. |
CPU Unit | Specifications | Model | Standards | |||
Power supply |
Output method | Inputs | Outputs | |||
CP1L-M CPU Units with 40 Points | AC power supply | Relay output | 24 | 16 | CP1L-M40DR-A | UC1, N, L, CE |
DC power supply | CP1L-M40DR-D | |||||
Transistor output (sinking) | CP1L-M40DT-D | |||||
Transistor output (sourcing) | CP1L-M40DT1-D | |||||
CP1L-M CPU Units with 30 Points | AC power supply | Relay output | 18 | 12 | CP1L-M30DR-A | |
DC power supply | CP1L-M30DR-D | |||||
Transistor output (sinking) | CP1L-M30DT-D | |||||
Transistor output (sourcing) | CP1L-M30DT1-D | |||||
CP1L-L CPU Units with 20 Points | AC power supply | Relay output | 12 | 8 | CP1L-L20DR-A | |
DC power supply | CP1L-L20DR-D | |||||
Transistor output (sinking) | CP1L-L20DT-D | |||||
Transistor output (sourcing) | CP1L-L20DT1-D | |||||
CP1L-L CPU Units with 14 Points | AC power supply | Relay output | 8 | 6 | CP1L-L14DR-A | |
DC power supply | CP1L-L14DR-D | |||||
Transistor output (sinking) | CP1L-L14DT-D | |||||
Transistor output (sourcing) | CP1L-L14DT1-D |
Name | Specifications | Model | Standards |
RS-232C Option Board | For CPU Unit option port. | CP1W-CIF01 | UC1, N, L, CE |
RS-422A/485 Option Board | For CPU Unit option port. | CP1W-CIF11 | |
Memory Cassette | Can be used for backing up programs or auto-booting. | CP1W-ME05M |
Name | Specifications | Model | Standards | |
CX-One FA Integrated Tool Package Ver. 2.0 |
CX-One is a package that integrates the Support Software for OMRON PLCs and components. CX-One runs on the following OS. OS:Windows 98SE, Me, NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6a), 2000 (Service Pack 3 or higher), or XP *CX-Thermo runs only on Windows 2000 (Service Pack 3 or higher) or XP. CX-One Ver. 2.0 includes CX-Programmer Ver. 7.@. For details, refer to the CX-One catalog (Cat. No. R134). *The software is provided on CDs for the CXONE-AL@@C-@EV2 and on DVD for the CXONE-AL@@D-@EV2. *Site licenses are available for users who must run the CX-One on many computers. Ask your OMRON representative for details. |
1 license | CXONE-AL01C-EV2 CXONE-AL01D-EV2 | - |
3 license | CXON E-AL03C-EV2 CXON E-AL03 D-EV2 |
10 license | CXONE-AL10C-EV2 CXONE-AL10D-EV2 | |||
50 license | CXON E-AL50C-EV2 CXONE-AL50D-EV2 | |||
USB Programming cable | A-type male to B-type male (Length: 1.8 m) | CP1W-CN221 | - | |
Programming Device Connecting Cable for CP1W-CIF01 RS-232C Option Board |
Connects DOS computers, D-Sub 9-pin (Length: 2.0 m) | For anti-static connectors |
XW2Z-200S-CV | - |
Connects DOS computers, D-Sub 9-pin (Length: 5.0 m) | XW2Z-500S-CV | |||
Connects DOS computers, D-Sub 9-pin (Length: 2.0 m) | XW2Z-200S-V | |||
Connects DOS computers, D-Sub 9-pin (Length: 5.0 m) | XW2Z-500S-V | |||
USB-Serial Conversion Cable (See note) |
USB-RS-232C Conversion Cable (Length: 0.5 m) and PC driver (on a CD-ROM disc) are included. Complies with USB Specification 1.1 On personal computer side: USB (A plug connector, male) On PLC side: RS-232C (D-sub 9-pin, male) Driver: Supported by Windows 98, Me, 2000, and XP |
CS1W-CIF31 |
1. Cannot be used with a peripheral USB port.
2. CP1L PLCs are supported by CX-Programmer version 7.1 or higher.
Name | Output method | Inputs | Outputs | Model | Standards |
Expansion I/O Units |
Relay | 24 | 16 | CP1W-40EDR | N, L, CE |
Transistor (sinking) | CP1W-40EDT | ||||
Transistor output (sourcing) | CP1W-40EDT1 | ||||
Relay | 12 | 8 | CP1W-20EDR1 | U, C, L, CE | |
Transistor (sinking) | CP1W-20EDT | U, C, N, L, CE | |||
Transistor output (sourcing) | CP1W-20EDT1 | ||||
Relay | — | 16 | CP1W16ER | CE | |
— | 8 | — | CP1W-8ED | U, C, N, L, CE | |
Relay | — | 8 | CP1W-8ER | ||
Transistor (sinking) | - | 8 | CP1W-8ET | ||
Transistor output (sourcing) | CP1W-8ET1 | ||||
Analog Input Unit | Analog (resolution: 1/6000) | 4 | — | CP1W-AD041 | UC1, CE |
Analog Output Unit |
Analog (resolution: 1/6000) | - | 4 | CP1W-DA041 | UC1, CE |
Analog I/O Unit |
Analog (resolution: 1/6000) | 2 | 1 | CP1W-MAD11 | U, C, N, CE |
CompoBus/S I/O Link Unit |
- | 8 (I/O link input bits) |
8 (I/O link input bits) |
CP1WSRT21 | U, C, N, L, CE |
Temperature Sensor Unit |
2 thermocouple inputs | CP1W-TS001 | U, C, N, L, CE | ||
4 thermocouple inputs | CP1W-TS002 | ||||
2 platinum resistance thermometer inputs | CP1W-TS101 | ||||
4 platinum resistance thermometer inputs | CP1W-TS102 |
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