Hex-box iot viviendas
Hex-box iot viviendas
Hex-box iot viviendas
Hex-box iot viviendas
Hex-box iot viviendas
Hex-box iot viviendas

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Fabricante: CAMDENBOSS

Hex-box iot viviendas

This UK manufactured Hex-Box has been designed with customisation and user flexibility at heart. The 100% recyclable housing features six self-retaining panels which you can mix and match to suit your requirement. The enclosure offers huge connector access and air flow benefits, ideal for industrial IoT settings. The design features and modern aesthetic create the perfect enclosure for walls (when paired with the wall mount bracket) or desktops (when paired with the rubber feet), each sold separately.

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This UK manufactured Hex-Box has been designed with customisation and user flexibility at heart. The 100% recyclable housing features six self-retaining panels which you can mix and match to suit your requirement. The enclosure offers huge connector access and air flow benefits, ideal for industrial IoT settings. The design features and modern aesthetic create the perfect enclosure for walls (when paired with the wall mount bracket) or desktops (when paired with the rubber feet), each sold separately.

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