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Conductos, tuberías
Electrical Conduits, pipes
Dacpol offers an extensive assortment of electrical conduits and protective pipes for many different applications: metallic electrical conduits, plastic electrical conduits, protective pipes, and accessories for metallic and plastic electrical conduits. Our clients for many years have been aware of the guaranteed quality of our products. We continuously try to make the semiconductors purchase and delivery process the most convenient, thus we enable an online shopping option or ordering through email/phone.
What is an electrical conduit?
Electrical conduits are crimped electrical installation pipes. They are used for tele-technic cables: electric, phone, optical fiber cables, or for sanitary pipes: heating, sewage, waterworks. Conduits enable a simpler creation of arches and are beneficial for the mechanical durability of the cover. These pipes can be divided into various types e.g. cables in tele-technic shaft, and can be used in electric installations inside and mounted on the plasterboard walls.
Types of electrical conduits:
- inflammable - do not spread the flames in case of the fire;
- protected - with additional enhancement;
- halogen free - do not produce dangerous gases when burning;
- with a stitch - can be placed on a cable without previously cutting;
- UV proof
Montage comments:
- Covered Installation is invisible and it’s easy to handle the modernization and maintenance;
- A wide range of electrical conduits is available, from 12mm to 50 mm;
- To provide an easier montage or modernization of the installation the pipe should be placed on straight parts, and if the arches are required then they should be made with the biggest radius;
- Pipes are connected with special joints.