Capteur de flotteur vertical Inchernifier ATEX VFS-SA
Capteur de flotteur vertical Inchernifier ATEX VFS-SA

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Capteur de flotteur vertical Inchernifier ATEX VFS-SA

The VFS-SA is a magnetic float level sensor. It is designed to work in a potentially explosive atmosphere. The sensor is certified as a Simple Device in intrinsically safe circuits. The circuit must be powered through an appropriately selected intrinsically safe barrier. This model is made of stainless steel, mounted vertically, usually at the top of the tank.

  • ATEX version for intrinsically safe circuits
  • Acceptable for gas and dust zones
  • Optionally, up to 7 switching points are possible
  • Narrow float for external mounting
  • Acceptable to work with liquids at higher temperatures.

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The VFS-SA is a magnetic float level sensor. It is designed to work in a potentially explosive atmosphere. The sensor is certified as a Simple Device in intrinsically safe circuits. The circuit must be powered through an appropriately selected intrinsically safe barrier. This model is made of stainless steel, mounted vertically, usually at the top of the tank.

  • ATEX version for intrinsically safe circuits
  • Acceptable for gas and dust zones
  • Optionally, up to 7 switching points are possible
  • Narrow float for external mounting
  • Acceptable to work with liquids at higher temperatures.
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