Vous devez être connecté
- La diode
- Les thyristors
- Modules de puissance isolés
- Ponts redresseurs
- Transistors | GeneSiC
- Modules MOSFET SiC | Mitsubishi
- Modules MOSFET SiC ABB
- Modules de transistors | MITSUBISHI
- Modules de transistors | ABB
- Modules IGBT | POWEREX
- Composants semiconducteurs en carbure de silicium
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- Circuits de commande
- Blocs de puissance
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Transducteurs électriques
Transducteurs de courant LEM
- Transducteur de courant avec boucle de retour fermée (C/L)
- Transducteur de courant avec boucle de retour ouverte (O/L)
- Transducteur de courant alimenté en tension unipolaire
- Transducteurs en technologie Eta
- Transducteurs de courant de haute précision série LF xx10
- Transducteurs de courant série LH
- HOYS i HOYL – dédié au montage directement sur le jeu de barres
- Transducteurs de courant en technologie SMD série GO-SME et GO-SMS
- Capteurs de courant AUTOMOBILE
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Transducteurs de tension | LEM
- Transducteurs de tension série LV
- Transducteurs de tension série DVL
- Transducteurs de tension de précision à double noyau magnétique CV
- Transducteur de tension de traction DV 4200/SP4
- Transducteurs de tension série DVM
- Transducteurs de tension DVC 1000-P
- Transducteurs de tension - Série DVC 1000
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- Transducteurs de courant de précision | LEM
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Transducteurs de courant LEM
Composants passifs (condensateurs, résistances, fusibles, filtres)
- Résistances
- Fusibles miniatures pour c.imp. série ABC et AGC
- Fusible rapides tubulaires
- Cartouches de courbe GL/GG et AM
- Cartouches ultrarapides
- Fusibles à action rapide (norme britannique et américaine)
- Fusibles à action rapide (norme européenne)
- Fusibles de traction
- Cartouche de haute tension
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- Condensateurs pour moteurs
- Condensateurs électrolitiques
- Condensateurs de type snubbers
- Condensateurs de puissance
- Condensateurs pour circuits continus
- Condensateurs de compensation de puissance
- Condensateurs de haute tension
- Condensateurs pour chauffage par induction
- Condensateurs pour impulsions
- Condensateurs DC LINK
- Condensateurs pour circuits AC/DC
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- Filtres anti-interférences
- Supercondensateurs
Protection contre les surtensions
- Protection contre les surtensions pour les applications coaxiales
- Protection contre les surtensions pour les systèmes de vidéosurveillance
- Parafoudres de ligne électrique
- Protection contre surtensions pour LED
- Parafoudres pour le photovoltaïque
- Protection du système de pesage
- Protection contre les surtensions pour bus de terrain
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- Aller à la sous-catégorie
Relais et contacteurs
- Théorie relais et contacteurs
- Relais statiques triphasés
- Relais statiques CC
- Régulateurs, circuits de commande et accessoires
- Démarrages progressifs et contacteurs inverseurs
- Relais electromécaniques
- Contacteurs
- Commutateurs rotatifs
Relais statiques monophasés
- Relais semi-conducteurs AC monophasés, série 1 | D2425 | D2450
- Relais à semi-conducteurs CA monophasés, séries CWA et CWD
- Relais à semi-conducteurs CA monophasés des séries CMRA et CMRD
- Relais à semi-conducteurs CA monophasés, série PS
- Relais semi-conducteurs AC double et quadruple, série D24 D, TD24 Q, H12D48 D
- Relais statiques monophasés, série GN
- Relais à semi-conducteurs CA monophasés, série CKR
- Relais AC monophasés SÉRIES ERDA ET ERAA pour rail DIN
- Relais CA monophasés pour courant 150A
- Relais à semi-conducteurs doubles intégrés à un dissipateur thermique pour un rail DIN
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- Relais statiques monophasé pour c.imp.
- Relais d'interface
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- Composants inductifs
- Radiateurs, varistances, protections thermiques
- Ventilateurs
- Climatiseurs et accessoires d'armoires électriques
Batteries, chargeurs, blocs d'alimentation tampon et onduleurs
- Batteries et Chargeurs - théorie
- Batteries Li-ion et non-standards. Systèmes de gestion des batteries (BMS)
- Batteries
- Chargeurs de batteries et accessoires
- Alimentation de secours UPS et alimentation tampon
- Convertisseurs de tension et accessoires pour photovoltaïque
- Stockage d'Energie
- Réservoirs de carburant
- Batteries lithium-ion
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Automatique industrielle
- Futaba Drone Parts
- Interrupteurs de fin de course, micro-rupteurs
- Capteurs et convertisseurs
- Pyromètres
- Compteurs, Relais temporisés, Indicateurs de tableau
- Appareils industriels de protection
- Signalisation lumineuse et sonore
- Caméra thermique
- Afficheurs à LED
- Boutons et commutateurs
- Enregistreur de température à bande et afficheur numérique - AL3000
- Enregistreurs à microprocesseur avec ecran LCD série KR2000
- Enregistreur KR5000
- Indicateur avec fonction enregistrement de température et humidité HN-CH
- Matériaux consommables pour enregistreurs
- Enregistreur graphique compact 71VR1
- Enregistreur KR3000
- Enregistreur PC série R1M
- Enregistreur PC série R2M
- Enregistreur PC, 12 entrés isolées – RZMS
- Enregistreur PC, USB, 12 entrées isolées – RZUS
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- Aller à la sous-catégorie
Câbles et chemins de câbles
- Fils
- Fils de Litz
- Câbles pour les applications spéciales
- Gaines
- Tresses plates
- Tresses rondes
- Tresses très souples - plates
- Tresses très souples - rondes
- Tresses cuivre cylindriques
- Tresses cuivre cylindriques et protection
- Bandes de mise à la terre souples
- Tresses en acier zingué et inox
- Tresses isolantes en PVC - temp. 85°C
- Tresses plates en aluminium
- Kit de liaison - tresses et gaines
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Equipement pour la traction
- Cosses
- Barres flexible isolées
- Barre flexibles multicouches
- Systèmes de traçage des câbles
- Gaines annelées, tuyaux
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- Voir toutes les catégories
- Fournisseurs
- Alimentations (UPS) et systèmes de redressement
- Automatisation HVAC
- Chauffage par induction
- Composants pour atmosphères potentiellement explosives (EX)
- Dispositifs de protection industriels
- Energy bank
- Équipements pour armoires de distribution, de contrôle et de télécommunications
- Impression
- L'automatisation industrielle
- L'automatisation industrielle
- Machines à souder et machines à souder
- Machines de séchage et de traitement du bois
- Machines pour le thermoformage des plastiques
- Machines-outils CNC
- Mesure et régulation de la température
- Mesure et régulation de la température
- Mines, métallurgie et fondation
- Moteurs et transformateurs
- Traction de tram et de chemin de fer
- Variateurs CA et CC (onduleurs)
Montaż urządzeń
- Montage d'armoires
- Conception et assemblage d'armoires
- Installation de systèmes électriques
- Composants
- Machines construites sur commande
- Travaux de recherche et développement R&D
Banc de test industriels
- Banc de test de semi-conducteurs de puissance
- Banc de test d'appareils électriques
- Banc de test de varistances et parafoudres
- Banc de test de fusibles d'automobile
- Banc de mesure de charge transitoire Qrr de thyristor et diodes
- Banc de test de rotor d'interruptuer série FD
- Banc de test de disjoncteurs différentiels de courant
- Banc d'étalonnage de relais
- Testeur d'essais visuels de tiges de piston de ressorts à gaz
- Commutateur à thyristor haute intensité
- Testeur de rupture de maille
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- Voir toutes les catégories
Modernizacja induktorów
- Réparation d'inducteurs usagés
- Modernisation des inducteurs
Production de nouveaux inducteurs
- Durcissement des vilebrequins
- Durcissement des dents de scie à ruban
- Chauffage des éléments avant collage
- Durcissement des chemins de roulement des roulements de moyeu de roue automobile
- Durcissement des composants de transmission d'entraînement
- Durcissement des arbres étagés
- Chauffage dans les joints de contraction
- Scanning durcissement
- Soudure tendre
- Chauffe-billettes
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- Base de connaissances
- Voir toutes les catégories
Appareils à induction
Urządzenia indukcyjne
Générateurs pour chauffage par induction
Générateurs de chauffage par induction Ambrell
- Générateurs: puissance 500 W, fréquence 150-400 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 1,2 - 2,4 kW, fréquence 150 - 400 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 4,2 - 10 kW, fréquence 150 - 400 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 10-15 kW, fréquence 50-150 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 30-45 kW, fréquence 50-150 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 65-135 kW, fréquence 50-150 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 180-270 kW, fréquence 50-150 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 20-35-50 kW, fréquence 15-45 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 75-150 kW, fréquence 15-45 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 200-500 kW, fréquence 15-45 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 20-50 kW, fréquence 5-15 kHz
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Générateurs de chauffage par induction Denki Kogyo
Générateurs de chauffage par induction JKZ
- Générateurs de la série CX, fréquence: 50-120kHz, puissance: 5-25kW
- Générateurs de la série SWS, fréquence: 15-30kHz, puissance: 25-260kW
- Générateurs (fours) pour le formage et le forgeage série MFS (0,5-10 kHz)
- Fours de fusion MFS, fréquence: 0,5-10 kHz, puissance: 70-200kW
- Générateurs série UHT, fréquence: 200-400kHz, puissance: 10-160kW
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- Générateurs de lampes pour le chauffage par induction
- Générateurs de chauffage par induction Himmelwerk
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Générateurs de chauffage par induction Ambrell
- Réparations et modernisation
- Périphériques
- Applications médicales
- Applications pour l'industrie automobile
- Soudure tendre
- Brasage
- Brasage fort d'aluminium
- Brasage dur d'outils magnétiques en acier inoxydable
- Soudure de précision
- Soudure dans l'atmosphère
- Soudure des bouchons de dissipateurs thermiques en laiton et en acier
- Brasage des carbures frittés
- Souder la pointe de cuivre et le fil
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Générateurs pour chauffage par induction
- Service de refroidisseurs d'eau et de climatiseurs industriels
- Rénovation et modernisation des machines
Réparation d'appareils électroniques
- Service des onduleurs, servo variateurs et régulateurs DC
- Service d'onduleurs photovoltaïques
- Service des redresseurs de galvanoplastie FLEXKRAFT
- Offre de réparation d'équipement
- Liste des appareils desservis
- Réparation de filmeuse de billets
- Conditions pour les réparations et formulaire de demande de réparation
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- Alimentation haute tension pour électrofiltres
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The Honeywell FF-SYA light curtain is in compliance with IEC/EN 61496 - parts 1 and 2 standard and meets the requirements for a Type 4 Active Optoelectronic Protective Device, the highest level for safety products. The product received an EC type test certificate from the French INRS notified body, required for safety equipment as per the 98/37/EC Machinery Directive. It meets the applicable parts of North American standards and regulations (OSHA 1910.212, OSHA 1910.217, ANSI standards including ANSI RIA 15.06 for Control Reliability and CSA Z434). Its CSA mark makes it a product usable in most parts of the world.
As soon as an object is detected inside the protection field, the FF-SYA de-energizes its two static safety outputs to signal the dangerous motion to stop. The FF-SYA is a self-contained light curtain that does not require a separate control unit for operation. Safety relay modules are available to provide higher current capability and additional functionality. This light curtain has been designed to satisfy the requirements of worldwide machine manufacturers and users: its compact size combined with its universal and smart features makes it full-featured and easy to use.
• Active Optoelectronic Protective Device compliant with the requirements of the IEC/EN 61496 - parts 1 and 2 European norms for Type 4 electrosensitive protective equipment
• Meets applicable parts of North American standards and regulations OSHA 1910.212 and 217; ANSI B11.1.2 and .19; ANSI RIA 15.06 for Control Reliability; CSA standards
• Self-contained with optical synchronisation
• 2 static safety outputs with short-circuit and cross-fault detection
• Selection of the infrared emission power allows cross-talk reduction
• Enhanced diagnostic information includes: a signal strength indicator, a cross-talk indicator and a failure diagnostic indicator
• Test input with selectable test input type
• Resolutions available: ø14 mm / 0.6 in for finger detection ø30 mm / 1.2 in for hand detection ø60 mm / 2.4 in for leg detection
• Protection height up to 1830 mm / 72 in
• Scanning range up to 20 m / 65 ft
• Electrical connection:
- Hirschmann N6RFF type connectors,
- Brad Harrison Mini-Change® connectors
- Terminal strips
• Mounting brackets included allowing multiple mounting positions
• Safety relay modules for more switching capability or additional features (to be ordered separately).
Typical applications
• Presses and punches
• Metal-forming, milling and drilling machines
• Spot-welding machines and fine-boring machines
• Pressing, moulding and thermoforming machines
• Stacking machines, transporting and conveyor technology; handling equipment and assembly lines
• The information presented in this product sheet (or catalogue) is for reference only. DO NOT USE this document as system
installation information.
• Complete installation, operation and maintenance information is to be referenced for each product.
Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.
The cross section of 42 mm2 x 55 mm2 makes installation possible in tight spaces, especially with the help of the small brackets supplied with the light curtains. The available safety relay modules easily fit inside the machine control panel with its small width DIN rail mount housing.
The housing dimensions are the same for the 14 mm / 0.6 in, 30 mm / 1.2 in, 60 mm / 2.4 in resolution light curtains. The extended protected heights range from 334 mm to 1830 mm / 13.1 in to 72 in, covering industrial applications. The scanning range makes it possible to use mirrors in order to protect several sides of a machine with only one system.
The FF-SYA is equipped with 2 static safety outputs. Compatible safety relay modules are available for a greater
output current capability and manual restart functionality. An integrated cross talk reduction system allows the scanning range to be selected for the application distance. A cross-talk indicator flickers when emission from other systems is detected, indicating that a different selection of the scanning range is needed. The light curtain also has a signal strength indicator which flickers if there is a slight misalignment of the beams or front window contamination. Additional indicators provide information on the outputs status, on the selected scanning range and on failure diagnostic. Standard brackets are delivered with the light curtain to ease the order process. The housing has a T-slot mounting system to adapt brackets anywhere along the lateral sides, the rear sides or at the top and
the bottom of the light curtain. Hirschmann connectors are delivered with the FF-SYA❏❏❏❏❏C2 light curtains.
Cross-talk reduction system
The FF-SYA light curtain is based upon an infrared transmission between an emitter unit and a receiver unit. It is a requirement of the IEC/EN 61496-2 standard that if a receiver R2 receives two signals transmitted by two different emitters E1 and E2, the receiver R2 must turn to the alarm state. This happens if the receiver R2 is within the beam aperture angle and within the nominal scanning range of the second emitter E1. The cross-talk detection indicator flickers on the receiver R2 to warn the installer.
An internal configuration card is available on the emitter units for the selection of the adequate emission power. This configuration card can be used to eliminate this cross-talk phenomenon by decreasing the maximum scanning range down to minimum. The end cap can be easily removed, and there is no need to remove the unit from the machinery to select a different scanning range. Products are delivered with a maximum scanning range to ease the alignment process.
Type | SYA14 | SYA30 | SYA60 |
Resolutions mm/in | 0 14 /0,6 | 0 30 mm / 1.2 in | 0 60/2,4 |
Protection heights | Patrz tabela 2 | ||
Nominal scanning ranges (m/ft) | 0 - 6/0 - 20 | 0,3 - 18/1 - 60 | 0,3 - 18/0,3 - 60 |
Supply voltage | 24 V DC (± 15 %) | ||
Power consumption | Emitter: 5 W max. • Receiver: 7 W max. (see Table 2) | ||
Outputs | 2 PNP safety static outputs (switching capacity: 0,35 A / 24 Vdc) | ||
Response time | 13,5 to 22,5 ms (see Table 2) | ||
LED status indicators | Emitter: test mode, failure alarm, selected scanning range | ||
Cross sectional area | W 42 mm2 x D 55 mm2 / W 1.65 in2 x D 2.16 in2 | ||
Emission | Infrared modulated light source (880 nm) | ||
Effective aperture angle | ± 2°, ± 25 % (in compliance with the IEC/EN 61496 - Part 2) | ||
Light immunity | Sun: 20 000 lux • Lamp: 15 000 lux | ||
Electrical noise immunity | IEC 61000-4-4: level III / IEC 61000-4-3: level III | ||
Ambient temperature |
Operating temperature: 0 °C to 55 °C / 32 °F to 131 °F Storage temperature: -20 °C to 75 °C / -4 °F to 167 °F |
Vibrations | IEC/EN 61496-1: 10 to 55 Hz frequency range, 1 octave/min.sweep rate, | ||
Sealing | IP 65, NEMA 4, 13 | ||
Material | Housing: aluminium alloy • Front plate: polymethyl metacrylate (PMMA) • End caps: polycarbonate | ||
Electrical connection | FFF-SYA❏❏❏❏❏C2: EN 60423 plastic 7-pin right-angle plugs with crimping contacts |
Type | R (resolution) mm / in |
P (lens scale) mm / in |
D (lens diameter) mm / in |
A (non active zone) mm / in |
B (non active zone) mm / in |
FF-SYA14 | 0 14/0,6 | 10/0,4 | 4/0,16 | 15,2/0,6 | 90,6/3,56 |
FF-SYA30 | 0 30/1,2 | 20 /0,8 | 10/0,4 | 22,27/0,7 | 86,8/3,45 |
FF-SYA60 | 0 60/ 2,4 | 40/1,6 | 10/0,4 | 42,2/1,66 | 87,6/3,45 |
Model | 032 | 048 | 064 | 080 | 096 | 112 | 128 | 144 | 160 | 176 |
Protection height | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm |
SYA14 | 334 | 494 | 654 | 814 | 974 | 1134 | 1294 | - | - | - |
SYA30 | 350 | 510 | 670 | 830 | 990 | 1150 | 1310 | 1470 | 1630 | 1790 |
SYA60 | 390 | 550 | 710 | 870 | 1030 | 1190 | 1350 | 1510 | 1670 | 1830 |
Sensing field height | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm |
SYA14 | 314 | 474 | 634 | 794 | 954 | 1114 | 1274 | - | - | - |
SYA30 | 310 | 470 | 630 | 790 | 950 | 1110 | 1270 | 1430 | 1590 | 1750 |
SYA60 | 290 | 450 | 610 | 770 | 930 | 1090 | 1250 | 1410 | 1570 | 1730 |
Total height | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm |
FF-SYAC2 | 483 | 643 | 803 | 963 | 1123 | 1283 | 1443 | 1603 | 1763 | 1923 |
Response time | ms | ms | ms | ms | ms | ms | ms | ms | ms | ms |
SYA14 | 14 | 15 | 15,5 | 17,5 | 19,5 | 20,5 | 22,5 | - | - | - |
SYA30 | 13,5 | 14 | 14 | 14,5 | 15 | 15 | 15,5 | 16 | 17,5 | 17,5 |
SYA60 | 13,5 | 14 | 14 | 14,5 | 15 | 15 | 15,5 | 16 | 17,5 | 17,5 |
Weight per device11,381,762,142,522,93,283,664,044,42 | ||||||||||
SYA14 | 5/3,5 | 38111 | 38142 | 6/4,5 | 6/5 | 7/5 | 7/5,5 | - | - | - |
SYA30 | 4/3,5 | 4/3,5 | 38111 | 38111 | 5/4 | 6/4 | 6/4,5 | 6/4,5 | 6/4,5 | 6/4,5 |
SYA60 | 4/3,5 | 4/3,5 | 5/3,5 | 38111 | 5/4 | 6/4 | 6/4,5 | 6/4,5 | 6/4,5 | 6/4,5 |
Each listing consists of an emitter, a receiver,
2 pairs of right-angle brackets, a test rod and a
pair of Hirschmann N6RFF connector
1 - Resolutions
14: Ø 14mm 30: Ø 30mm 60: Ø 60mm 2 - Model: (see Table 2) 3 - C: DIN43651 plastic plugs included |
European EN 999 standard | SYA14 | SYA30 | SYA60 |
Normal approach | |||
S≥ 2000 (t1 + t2),with S ≥ 100 If S ≥ 500, then use:S ≥ 1600 (t1 + t2),with S ≥ 500 | S ≥ 2000 (t1 + t2) + 128, with S ≥ 100 If S ≥ 500, then use:S ≥ 1600 (t1 + t2) + 128,with S ≥ 500 | S ≥ 1600 (t1 + t2) + 850,with Hu ≥ 900 HI ≤ 300 m | |
Parallel approach | |||
S ≥ 1600 (t1+ t2) + (1200 - 0.4 H), with H ≤ 875 or |
Montaż Angled approach | |||
If α ≥ 30°, then use one of the formula given for a normal approach, with Hu ≥ 900 and Hl ≤ 300 for the FF-SYA60 light curtain If α ≤ 30°, then use one of the formula given for a parallel approach, with Hu ≤ 1000 and Hl ≥ 15 (R-50), where R is the light curtain resolution (with Hl ≥ 150 for the FF-SYA60 light curtain) |
S: Minimum safety distance (in mm, 100 mm = 3.9 in)
t1: Light curtain response time (s)
t2: Machine stopping time (s)
H: Height of the detection plane above the reference floor (in mm)
Hu: Height of the uppermost beam above the reference floor (in mm)
Hl: Height of the lowest beam above the reference floor (in mm)
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The Honeywell FF-SYA light curtain is in compliance with IEC/EN 61496 - parts 1 and 2 standard and meets the requirements for a Type 4 Active Optoelectronic Protective Device, the highest level for safety products. The product received an EC type test certificate from the French INRS notified body, required for safety equipment as per the 98/37/EC Machinery Directive. It meets the applicable parts of North American standards and regulations (OSHA 1910.212, OSHA 1910.217, ANSI standards including ANSI RIA 15.06 for Control Reliability and CSA Z434). Its CSA mark makes it a product usable in most parts of the world.
As soon as an object is detected inside the protection field, the FF-SYA de-energizes its two static safety outputs to signal the dangerous motion to stop. The FF-SYA is a self-contained light curtain that does not require a separate control unit for operation. Safety relay modules are available to provide higher current capability and additional functionality. This light curtain has been designed to satisfy the requirements of worldwide machine manufacturers and users: its compact size combined with its universal and smart features makes it full-featured and easy to use.
• Active Optoelectronic Protective Device compliant with the requirements of the IEC/EN 61496 - parts 1 and 2 European norms for Type 4 electrosensitive protective equipment
• Meets applicable parts of North American standards and regulations OSHA 1910.212 and 217; ANSI B11.1.2 and .19; ANSI RIA 15.06 for Control Reliability; CSA standards
• Self-contained with optical synchronisation
• 2 static safety outputs with short-circuit and cross-fault detection
• Selection of the infrared emission power allows cross-talk reduction
• Enhanced diagnostic information includes: a signal strength indicator, a cross-talk indicator and a failure diagnostic indicator
• Test input with selectable test input type
• Resolutions available: ø14 mm / 0.6 in for finger detection ø30 mm / 1.2 in for hand detection ø60 mm / 2.4 in for leg detection
• Protection height up to 1830 mm / 72 in
• Scanning range up to 20 m / 65 ft
• Electrical connection:
- Hirschmann N6RFF type connectors,
- Brad Harrison Mini-Change® connectors
- Terminal strips
• Mounting brackets included allowing multiple mounting positions
• Safety relay modules for more switching capability or additional features (to be ordered separately).
Typical applications
• Presses and punches
• Metal-forming, milling and drilling machines
• Spot-welding machines and fine-boring machines
• Pressing, moulding and thermoforming machines
• Stacking machines, transporting and conveyor technology; handling equipment and assembly lines
• The information presented in this product sheet (or catalogue) is for reference only. DO NOT USE this document as system
installation information.
• Complete installation, operation and maintenance information is to be referenced for each product.
Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.
The cross section of 42 mm2 x 55 mm2 makes installation possible in tight spaces, especially with the help of the small brackets supplied with the light curtains. The available safety relay modules easily fit inside the machine control panel with its small width DIN rail mount housing.
The housing dimensions are the same for the 14 mm / 0.6 in, 30 mm / 1.2 in, 60 mm / 2.4 in resolution light curtains. The extended protected heights range from 334 mm to 1830 mm / 13.1 in to 72 in, covering industrial applications. The scanning range makes it possible to use mirrors in order to protect several sides of a machine with only one system.
The FF-SYA is equipped with 2 static safety outputs. Compatible safety relay modules are available for a greater
output current capability and manual restart functionality. An integrated cross talk reduction system allows the scanning range to be selected for the application distance. A cross-talk indicator flickers when emission from other systems is detected, indicating that a different selection of the scanning range is needed. The light curtain also has a signal strength indicator which flickers if there is a slight misalignment of the beams or front window contamination. Additional indicators provide information on the outputs status, on the selected scanning range and on failure diagnostic. Standard brackets are delivered with the light curtain to ease the order process. The housing has a T-slot mounting system to adapt brackets anywhere along the lateral sides, the rear sides or at the top and
the bottom of the light curtain. Hirschmann connectors are delivered with the FF-SYA❏❏❏❏❏C2 light curtains.
Cross-talk reduction system
The FF-SYA light curtain is based upon an infrared transmission between an emitter unit and a receiver unit. It is a requirement of the IEC/EN 61496-2 standard that if a receiver R2 receives two signals transmitted by two different emitters E1 and E2, the receiver R2 must turn to the alarm state. This happens if the receiver R2 is within the beam aperture angle and within the nominal scanning range of the second emitter E1. The cross-talk detection indicator flickers on the receiver R2 to warn the installer.
An internal configuration card is available on the emitter units for the selection of the adequate emission power. This configuration card can be used to eliminate this cross-talk phenomenon by decreasing the maximum scanning range down to minimum. The end cap can be easily removed, and there is no need to remove the unit from the machinery to select a different scanning range. Products are delivered with a maximum scanning range to ease the alignment process.
Type | SYA14 | SYA30 | SYA60 |
Resolutions mm/in | 0 14 /0,6 | 0 30 mm / 1.2 in | 0 60/2,4 |
Protection heights | Patrz tabela 2 | ||
Nominal scanning ranges (m/ft) | 0 - 6/0 - 20 | 0,3 - 18/1 - 60 | 0,3 - 18/0,3 - 60 |
Supply voltage | 24 V DC (± 15 %) | ||
Power consumption | Emitter: 5 W max. • Receiver: 7 W max. (see Table 2) | ||
Outputs | 2 PNP safety static outputs (switching capacity: 0,35 A / 24 Vdc) | ||
Response time | 13,5 to 22,5 ms (see Table 2) | ||
LED status indicators | Emitter: test mode, failure alarm, selected scanning range | ||
Cross sectional area | W 42 mm2 x D 55 mm2 / W 1.65 in2 x D 2.16 in2 | ||
Emission | Infrared modulated light source (880 nm) | ||
Effective aperture angle | ± 2°, ± 25 % (in compliance with the IEC/EN 61496 - Part 2) | ||
Light immunity | Sun: 20 000 lux • Lamp: 15 000 lux | ||
Electrical noise immunity | IEC 61000-4-4: level III / IEC 61000-4-3: level III | ||
Ambient temperature |
Operating temperature: 0 °C to 55 °C / 32 °F to 131 °F Storage temperature: -20 °C to 75 °C / -4 °F to 167 °F |
Vibrations | IEC/EN 61496-1: 10 to 55 Hz frequency range, 1 octave/min.sweep rate, | ||
Sealing | IP 65, NEMA 4, 13 | ||
Material | Housing: aluminium alloy • Front plate: polymethyl metacrylate (PMMA) • End caps: polycarbonate | ||
Electrical connection | FFF-SYA❏❏❏❏❏C2: EN 60423 plastic 7-pin right-angle plugs with crimping contacts |
Type | R (resolution) mm / in |
P (lens scale) mm / in |
D (lens diameter) mm / in |
A (non active zone) mm / in |
B (non active zone) mm / in |
FF-SYA14 | 0 14/0,6 | 10/0,4 | 4/0,16 | 15,2/0,6 | 90,6/3,56 |
FF-SYA30 | 0 30/1,2 | 20 /0,8 | 10/0,4 | 22,27/0,7 | 86,8/3,45 |
FF-SYA60 | 0 60/ 2,4 | 40/1,6 | 10/0,4 | 42,2/1,66 | 87,6/3,45 |
Model | 032 | 048 | 064 | 080 | 096 | 112 | 128 | 144 | 160 | 176 |
Protection height | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm |
SYA14 | 334 | 494 | 654 | 814 | 974 | 1134 | 1294 | - | - | - |
SYA30 | 350 | 510 | 670 | 830 | 990 | 1150 | 1310 | 1470 | 1630 | 1790 |
SYA60 | 390 | 550 | 710 | 870 | 1030 | 1190 | 1350 | 1510 | 1670 | 1830 |
Sensing field height | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm |
SYA14 | 314 | 474 | 634 | 794 | 954 | 1114 | 1274 | - | - | - |
SYA30 | 310 | 470 | 630 | 790 | 950 | 1110 | 1270 | 1430 | 1590 | 1750 |
SYA60 | 290 | 450 | 610 | 770 | 930 | 1090 | 1250 | 1410 | 1570 | 1730 |
Total height | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm |
FF-SYAC2 | 483 | 643 | 803 | 963 | 1123 | 1283 | 1443 | 1603 | 1763 | 1923 |
Response time | ms | ms | ms | ms | ms | ms | ms | ms | ms | ms |
SYA14 | 14 | 15 | 15,5 | 17,5 | 19,5 | 20,5 | 22,5 | - | - | - |
SYA30 | 13,5 | 14 | 14 | 14,5 | 15 | 15 | 15,5 | 16 | 17,5 | 17,5 |
SYA60 | 13,5 | 14 | 14 | 14,5 | 15 | 15 | 15,5 | 16 | 17,5 | 17,5 |
Weight per device11,381,762,142,522,93,283,664,044,42 | ||||||||||
SYA14 | 5/3,5 | 38111 | 38142 | 6/4,5 | 6/5 | 7/5 | 7/5,5 | - | - | - |
SYA30 | 4/3,5 | 4/3,5 | 38111 | 38111 | 5/4 | 6/4 | 6/4,5 | 6/4,5 | 6/4,5 | 6/4,5 |
SYA60 | 4/3,5 | 4/3,5 | 5/3,5 | 38111 | 5/4 | 6/4 | 6/4,5 | 6/4,5 | 6/4,5 | 6/4,5 |
Each listing consists of an emitter, a receiver,
2 pairs of right-angle brackets, a test rod and a
pair of Hirschmann N6RFF connector
1 - Resolutions
14: Ø 14mm 30: Ø 30mm 60: Ø 60mm 2 - Model: (see Table 2) 3 - C: DIN43651 plastic plugs included |
European EN 999 standard | SYA14 | SYA30 | SYA60 |
Normal approach | |||
S≥ 2000 (t1 + t2),with S ≥ 100 If S ≥ 500, then use:S ≥ 1600 (t1 + t2),with S ≥ 500 | S ≥ 2000 (t1 + t2) + 128, with S ≥ 100 If S ≥ 500, then use:S ≥ 1600 (t1 + t2) + 128,with S ≥ 500 | S ≥ 1600 (t1 + t2) + 850,with Hu ≥ 900 HI ≤ 300 m | |
Parallel approach | |||
S ≥ 1600 (t1+ t2) + (1200 - 0.4 H), with H ≤ 875 or |
Montaż Angled approach | |||
If α ≥ 30°, then use one of the formula given for a normal approach, with Hu ≥ 900 and Hl ≤ 300 for the FF-SYA60 light curtain If α ≤ 30°, then use one of the formula given for a parallel approach, with Hu ≤ 1000 and Hl ≥ 15 (R-50), where R is the light curtain resolution (with Hl ≥ 150 for the FF-SYA60 light curtain) |
S: Minimum safety distance (in mm, 100 mm = 3.9 in)
t1: Light curtain response time (s)
t2: Machine stopping time (s)
H: Height of the detection plane above the reference floor (in mm)
Hu: Height of the uppermost beam above the reference floor (in mm)
Hl: Height of the lowest beam above the reference floor (in mm)
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