Quel est le principe de fonctionnement des tentes et toiles EMC ?


We have made over 250 tents, we can create one that will meet all your needs!

To ensure that the portable shielded test tent meets RF insulation requirements, the supplier's shielding performance data should be carefully analyzed to verify that they meet the minimum shielding requirements. SOLIANI EMC uses third party IEEE: 299-2006 tests to measure the minimum shielding effectiveness achieved on fully assembled enclosures at different locations in the tent at different frequencies. This test on a Soliani EMC high-attenuation tent with internal vestibule resulted in attenuation of at least -85.7 dB from 1 MHz to 18 GHz during taking measurements through the wall at multiple locations.


Made in Italy with metallized material in Italy.

Standard portable damping tent enclosures include:

  • Multiple layers of Galileo conductive fabric
  • White ESD fabric layer inside the tent (on request),
  • Internal or external vestibule entry system,
  • Single or double patented door sealing systems,
  • Steel or inflatable frame,
  • Efficient power and data filtering,
  • Complete screened ventilation system,
  • RF shielded floor between two layers of heavy duty tarpaulin,
  • A bag for storing and transporting the tent,
  • Full installation instructions.

Patented door system

The exclusive, patented SOLIANI EMC door sealing system ensures insulation of the inner casing. The operations carried out inside the enclosure need not be interrupted when exiting and entering the tent. The patented single door sealing system includes a lightweight, easy-to-use double magnet closure that maximizes RF isolation and EMI shielding. Both internal and external doors are equipped with the exclusive SOLIANI EMC door system.

EMI / RFI screened tents are made of highly conductive, lightweight and very strong textile material. As standard, screened tents come with multiple ropes so they can be easily attached to the ceiling or they can be equipped with a free-standing rack.

Typical applications are EMC experiments, RF measurements, mobile military or forensic operations, and personal protection in the field. Faraday tents offer a mobile solution for a fraction of the cost of a conventional Faraday cage.

Mounting options



The connectivity megatrend also continues in the commercial vehicle industry. Everyone wants and needs to be connected everywhere. To ensure this, the number of radio services and the use of their channels are increasing. However, the existing frequency bands were no longer sufficient, so we had to switch to slower higher frequencies. In addition to connectivity, the automotive industry also focuses on safety and seamless functionality , therefore the tested frequency range was extended from the Super High Frequency (SHF) range immunity test.

But as we know, the shading theme in the absorber hall grows with increasing frequency, while the transmission lobes of the measurement antennas decrease. However, more and more antenna positions are required as the frequency increases to ensure the desired test range. This is especially true for long and large vehicles.

The measurement method in the turbulence mode (MTC) chamber does not present this problem. Due to the desired reflections on the chamber walls, the test object is immediately exposed to the test field from all sides and directions due to the statistical homogeneity of the field.


As you know, there are two different measurement options in one MTC. First, the "tuned mode" in which the stirring mode rotates step by step and then measures, and the "stirring mode" in which the mode is continuously rotated and measured simultaneously.

"Tuned Mode" requires, on the one hand, solid walls and a stirrer. On the other hand, the measuring process is very time-consuming as each stirrer position has to be measured and the decomposition time is required. This does not mean a time advantage over a few antenna positions and is therefore not of interest to the automotive industry.

W takim przypadku pozostaje „tryb mieszania”, w którym podczas pomiaru na badanym obiekcie ustawiane jest średnie natężenie pola. Średnia siła pola zależy od komory, mieszadła i samej próbki. Czysta kontrola wzmacniacza (otwarta pętla) za pomocą krzywych charakterystycznych wymagałaby czasochłonnej kalibracji. Dlaczego warto wybrać system o kontrolowanym natężeniu pola z 8 szybkimi sondami polowymi (zamknięta pętla).

Figure 1: Bus in the test field, field probe on the mast (1).

8 probes, see Figure 7 (1), span the test volume. They are placed on four PVC masts surrounding the vehicle. The distance to the vehicle should be & gt; 1 m and more than? / 4 below the frequency from the walls [6].
The antenna should not be aimed directly at the vehicle, but at the oscillating device behind the movable wall.

Figure 2: Truck in test field, specific test volume in columns is irradiated with LogPer antenna.

According to [7], a statistically homogeneous field dominates the VIRC test volume if the standard deviation (at f ≥ 400 MHz) of the field strength of all probes is less than σ = 3. The multi-probe measurement system used automatically reported this value, which meant that the calibration was not necessary.

Space and laboratory

When the equipment is too large or requires special conditions (loads, drives, water, emission of toxic fumes, etc.), testing in a typical semi-anechoic room may not be feasible. Temporary screen rooms consisting of a hardware cloth can be built around the test area to reduce the environment for radiation emission testing and limit the RF field during radiation susceptibility testing. Since the room can reflect light strongly, care should be taken to identify any resonances. Several antenna positions may be required to reduce the resonance effect.


  • Semi-durable, easier to install, store and transport than metal wall chambers,
  • Lower cost and weight than a permanently welded screened chamber,
  • 10:1 weight ratio for welded room with screen,
  • Removable "hardware cloth" panels,
  • Inner frame,
  • Attenuation over 70 dB in the range from 20 MHz to 18 GHz (IEEE ™ 299),
  • Made of conductive Ni fabric covered with acrylic,
  • Optional cleaning in accordance with ISO Class 7 (Class 10,000 -Fed. Std. 209).


SOLIANI EMC RF insulated tents are designed for portable, secure communication * applications where specific signal attenuation is required. Our RF protective pouches are also designed to isolate wireless communication devices. Soliani EMC's engineering staff will also work with your team to design bespoke lightweight, foldable and secure RF security solutions to meet your requirements. SOLIANI EMC can secure your electronics including laptops, printers and communication devices, systems with RF Security portable table tents. Safe Tempest keyboards, high-damping power filtering and shielded RF windows allow full access to standard laptops.

SOLIANI EMC has worked with many government agencies providing RF security applications. RF isolation for police and emergency response agencies, transport security, including air and maritime transport, research into next-generation security technologies.

Registered with NATO
Registered with ITAR - US Department of State - Office of Defense Trade Compliance
Cage Code: A1040

(*) RF isolation is part of a secure communication protocol. Make sure your operation complies with all sections of the protocol.


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