Monitoring the technical condition of industrial machinery


Plants with production lines face many challenges. The fourth industrial revolution will be the automation of production processes. Condition monitoring is the foundation for making better decisions that directly impact the production process, its organization and the entire production line. Machine monitoring is a fundamental element of data-driven manufacturing, which is ideally in line with Industrial Revolution 4.0.

First of all, machines are monitored in order to avoid their breakdown. Comprehensive and continuous observation reduces the possibility of production downtime, which undoubtedly has a negative impact on the production process. Each downtime is linked to financial losses, production stops and dissatisfied customers. To avoid downtime, machines are monitored and wide-scale diagnostics are performed on production lines.

Definition of diagnostics

Diagnostics is the determination of the technical condition of equipment and finding out the sources of failure. The simplest and best known method of diagnosing machines are periodic measurements of vibration levels. Such measurement can be performed by diagnostic equipment such as: simple and portable measuring devices, portable signal analyzers or stationary monitoring equipment, but it can also be on-line systems.

The common element in every technology and every solution is the use of data. Data helps us determine the current state of a machine and how it is performing very accurately, it can also detect future failures and allow us to plan maintenance schedules accordingly to keep downtime as short as possible. All of this makes remote condition monitoring a fundamental part of any plant operation.

Planned and preventive diagnostics

The most crucial word in preventive maintenance is scheduling. An effective maintenance, repair and service schedule is the foundation of any well-run production line. Machines and equipment wear out, and the more often they are maintained, the less likely unplanned downtime will occur. The basis for planning future maintenance operations is to analyze historical data and perform analysis. The strategy for machine operation is selected depending on the criticality group to which the machines belong. For example, maintenance and repairs do not have to be planned, and can be planned and decided on dynamically, based on the current technical condition of the machines. The second strategy is the so-called prediction in maintenance, or the optimal use of equipment. Prediction is the planning and setting of concrete inspection and maintenance dates by identifying the condition equipment will be in in the future.

Diagnostic signals

Safety systems such as signaling towers are used to carry diagnostic signals. When there is a risk of system failure, they inform, warn or alert about the event.A tightly coupled system of optical and/or audible towers with sensors located on the production line is the key to reacting promptly, avoiding or quickly repairing a malfunction. 

A tightly coupled system of optical and/or audible towers with sensors located on the production line is the key to reacting promptly, avoiding or quickly repairing a malfunction. 

Planned and Preventive Diagnostics, diagnostic signals, production line diagnostics, production line, safety systems, industrial machinery, machinery park,



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