Vous devez être connecté
- La diode
- Les thyristors
- Modules de puissance isolés
- Ponts redresseurs
- Transistors | GeneSiC
- Modules MOSFET SiC | Mitsubishi
- Modules MOSFET SiC ABB
- Modules de transistors | MITSUBISHI
- Modules de transistors | ABB
- Modules IGBT | POWEREX
- Composants semiconducteurs en carbure de silicium
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- Circuits de commande
- Blocs de puissance
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- Transducteurs électriques
Composants passifs (condensateurs, résistances, fusibles, filtres)
- Résistances
- Fusibles miniatures pour c.imp. série ABC et AGC
- Fusible rapides tubulaires
- Cartouches de courbe GL/GG et AM
- Cartouches ultrarapides
- Fusibles à action rapide (norme britannique et américaine)
- Fusibles à action rapide (norme européenne)
- Fusibles de traction
- Cartouche de haute tension
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- Condensateurs pour moteurs
- Condensateurs électrolitiques
- Condensateurs de type snubbers
- Condensateurs de puissance
- Condensateurs pour circuits continus
- Condensateurs de compensation de puissance
- Condensateurs de haute tension
- Condensateurs pour chauffage par induction
- Condensateurs pour impulsions
- Condensateurs DC LINK
- Condensateurs pour circuits AC/DC
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- Filtres anti-interférences
- Supercondensateurs
Protection contre les surtensions
- Protection contre les surtensions pour les applications coaxiales
- Protection contre les surtensions pour les systèmes de vidéosurveillance
- Parafoudres de ligne électrique
- Protection contre surtensions pour LED
- Parafoudres pour le photovoltaïque
- Protection du système de pesage
- Protection contre les surtensions pour bus de terrain
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Relais et contacteurs
- Théorie relais et contacteurs
- Relais statiques triphasés
- Relais statiques CC
- Régulateurs, circuits de commande et accessoires
- Démarrages progressifs et contacteurs inverseurs
- Relais electromécaniques
- Contacteurs
- Commutateurs rotatifs
Relais statiques monophasés
- Relais semi-conducteurs AC monophasés, série 1 | D2425 | D2450
- Relais à semi-conducteurs CA monophasés, séries CWA et CWD
- Relais à semi-conducteurs CA monophasés des séries CMRA et CMRD
- Relais à semi-conducteurs CA monophasés, série PS
- Relais semi-conducteurs AC double et quadruple, série D24 D, TD24 Q, H12D48 D
- Relais statiques monophasés, série GN
- Relais à semi-conducteurs CA monophasés, série CKR
- Relais AC monophasés SÉRIES ERDA ET ERAA pour rail DIN
- Relais CA monophasés pour courant 150A
- Relais à semi-conducteurs doubles intégrés à un dissipateur thermique pour un rail DIN
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- Relais statiques monophasé pour c.imp.
- Relais d'interface
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- Composants inductifs
- Radiateurs, varistances, protections thermiques
- Ventilateurs
- Climatiseurs et accessoires d'armoires électriques
Batteries, chargeurs, blocs d'alimentation tampon et onduleurs
- Batteries et Chargeurs - théorie
- Batteries Li-ion et non-standards. Systèmes de gestion des batteries (BMS)
- Batteries
- Chargeurs de batteries et accessoires
- Alimentation de secours UPS et alimentation tampon
- Convertisseurs de tension et accessoires pour photovoltaïque
- Stockage d'Energie
- Réservoirs de carburant
- Batteries lithium-ion
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Automatique industrielle
- Futaba Drone Parts
- Interrupteurs de fin de course, micro-rupteurs
- Capteurs et convertisseurs
- Pyromètres
- Compteurs, Relais temporisés, Indicateurs de tableau
- Appareils industriels de protection
- Signalisation lumineuse et sonore
- Caméra thermique
- Afficheurs à LED
- Boutons et commutateurs
- Enregistreur de température à bande et afficheur numérique - AL3000
- Enregistreurs à microprocesseur avec ecran LCD série KR2000
- Enregistreur KR5000
- Indicateur avec fonction enregistrement de température et humidité HN-CH
- Matériaux consommables pour enregistreurs
- Enregistreur graphique compact 71VR1
- Enregistreur KR3000
- Enregistreur PC série R1M
- Enregistreur PC série R2M
- Enregistreur PC, 12 entrés isolées – RZMS
- Enregistreur PC, USB, 12 entrées isolées – RZUS
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Câbles et chemins de câbles
- Fils
- Fils de Litz
- Câbles pour les applications spéciales
- Gaines
- Tresses plates
- Tresses rondes
- Tresses très souples - plates
- Tresses très souples - rondes
- Tresses cuivre cylindriques
- Tresses cuivre cylindriques et protection
- Bandes de mise à la terre souples
- Tresses en acier zingué et inox
- Tresses isolantes en PVC - temp. 85°C
- Tresses plates en aluminium
- Kit de liaison - tresses et gaines
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- Cosses
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- L'automatisation industrielle
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- Mesure et régulation de la température
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Appareils à induction
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Pulsiv OSMIUM: Transforming AC-DC Power Conversion with Unmatched Efficiency and Versatility

Pulsiv OSMIUM: Revolutionizing AC-DC Power Conversion Efficiency and Scalability
Utilizing patented switching technology, Pulsiv has developed a completely new method for converting alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) that offers a game-changing combination of benefits in power electronics projects. Our unique technology has expanded conventional flyback topologies to replace costly LLC solutions while achieving an unparalleled performance profile.
Patented Switching Technique
line filter - line filter
Bridge – bridge
Load - load
- AC to DC conversion is achieved by charging/discharging an energy storage capacitor
- Power factor correction no longer requires a PFC inductor
- System losses are significantly reduced at low power to maximize efficiency
- Enables the replacement of LLC technology
- Ability to remove the synchronous rectifier to save additional costs
- Inrush current is completely eliminated
Technological Achievements
Achievement | Result | Existing Solutions | Notes |
Peak Front-End Efficiency | 99.5% | 98% | Reduced losses due to no need for a PFC inductor |
Average Front-End Efficiency | 97.5% | 95% | Compared to Boost PFC design |
Average End-to-End Efficiency | 91% | 88% | Based on Pulsiv flyback reference design |
Low Power Efficiency (2W) | 90% | 70% - 75% | Exceeds Energy Star standard by 20% |
Single Flyback Switch Design | 180W | 70W – 90W | Up to 100% more power compared to current market solutions |
Interleaved Flyback | 350W | 200W – 300W | Up to 75% more power compared to current market solutions |
X-Cap Discharge | Automatic | Resistors / External Controller | No additional external controllers required |
Inrush Current | None | External solutions | Pulsiv has completely eliminated inrush current |
Power Supply Component Count | 100 components | 150 components | 95% off-the-shelf components, -33% fewer components |
Power Factor | 0.96 | up to 0.99 | Achieved without a PFC inductor |
Basic Circuit Functionality
We offer an intelligent microcontroller, programming system for front-end assessment, and a full range of downloadable documents to simplify the design process. Pulsiv OSMIUM provides a scalable platform for engineers to reduce size, improve energy consumption, and optimize costs when designing power supplies for virtually any mains-powered or battery-charging application.
Applications of Pulsiv Technology
Consumer Electronics
Leading electronics brands are continually seeking ways to create a competitive advantage, often leveraging technological innovations as a key differentiator. Pulsiv solutions provide significant improvements in power density, efficiency, and size without increasing costs. We actively collaborate with consumer electronics manufacturers to demonstrate how our technology can achieve their goals, meet stringent industry regulations, and reduce overall energy consumption.
LED Lighting
With changing regulations and record-high energy prices, the LED lighting sector is expected to grow significantly over the next decade. Our technology can be utilized by lighting manufacturers to design more sustainable, cost-effective, and energy-efficient products. As the world's first company to completely eliminate inrush current in LED drivers, large-scale lighting designs become less complex, cheaper, and faster to install.
Industrial Power Supplies
Commercial power supply manufacturers continue to improve power density, efficiency, and reliability across a range of applications, from factory automation to medical devices. Our flexible technology provides a new platform for developing a portfolio of highly efficient, ultra-compact, and cost-effective power supplies. Additional features include expanded flyback technology (up to 350W), automatic x-cap discharge, and complete elimination of inrush current to simplify product design.
Power Adapters
Power adapters are commonly used in household appliances that operate or charge from a wall socket. Regulations worldwide are continually evolving to promote standardization, improve safety, and reduce energy consumption. Pulsiv offers leading technology to meet these challenges, enabling the use of conventional flyback designs to improve power density, efficiency, and size compared to higher-cost alternatives. Our solutions can also be optimized for USB-C adapters, which will become mandatory in Europe following changes to the EU Radio Equipment Directive aimed at reducing electronic waste.
Battery Chargers
Many applications now use batteries as the primary power source. While innovations in battery technology offer the potential for increased capacity and faster charging, high-performance power electronics are needed to unlock their full potential. We enable the use of conventional flyback designs up to 350W with a universal input voltage range to charge the most advanced batteries. Our solutions contribute to improved efficiency, reduced size, and cost optimization in the development of modern battery chargers.
Solar Technology
Solar energy has become a popular choice for generating clean energy, and Pulsiv provides technology that enables customers to access every watt of free energy. Pulsiv HORIZON designs harness previously unused solar energy, efficiently generating high-voltage AC or DC power and can be configured to match the capabilities of panels. Making Pulsiv HORIZON available to a wide ecosystem can enhance overall efficiency, improve solar energy economics, and accelerate the global transition to renewable energy.
Delivering a Unique Combination of Benefits
High efficiency profile from low power to full load
The Pulsiv OSMIUM front-end solution exceeds the Energy Star VI standard by up to 20%. This allows the use of flyback technology at higher power levels, simplifies the design process, and can improve overall energy consumption.
Replacing LLC Designs with Flyback Technology
Conventional LLC designs can now be replaced with more cost-effective flyback solutions combined with Pulsiv OSMIUM technology. Our unique approach can extend the range of efficient flyback designs (single switch 180W and 350W with interleaving and universal input) to reduce losses and improve overall energy consumption.
Enhanced Thermal Performance for Greater Reliability
In Pulsiv OSMIUM design, key components operate at significantly lower temperatures than conventional power supplies. This reduces component failure rates and extends expected lifespan, even with convection cooling.
Eliminated Inrush Current
By regulating the mains flow to the charging capacitor, Pulsiv has become the world's first company to completely eliminate inrush current. For industrial power supply/LED driver manufacturers, system design, installation, and costs have been significantly improved.
Integrated Features
Standard Features Included
X-Cap Discharge - Pulsiv’s microcontroller, when used with a half-active bridge, offers signals to discharge the x-capacitor automatically. Currently, x-cap discharge is only possible by using an external silicon chip adding cost and space, or by using resistors which, while low cost, continuously dissipates heat resulting in a less efficient solution.
AUX Output Control - Signals are provided to produce an auxiliary power source independent from the main power supply. This standard feature can be used without the need for a separate controller, which typically requires additional space, cost, and design time.
Grid Failure Detection - When the grid supply falls below SOV, a signal is provided to give the earliest possible warning so that any necessary action can be taken in downstream systems. This is particularly useful in safety-critical applications or where a controlled shutdown is required.
Power Consumption Indicator - A signal is provided as standard that switches at a frequency directly proportional to the output power. This can be used to indicate or log real-time power consumption without the need for additional components traditionally used to support this feature.
Selectable Max HVDC Output - Providing the ability to select the voltage rating of the storage capacitor allows engineers to optimize the capacitor selection for cost or performance. This flexibility enables engineers to configure the design according to their application's needs by choosing between 160V or 200V capacitors.
Optional Features
Active Bridge Control - Using an active bridge in a switch mode power supply design is a recognized method to improve efficiency and reduce losses compared to a traditional bridge rectifier solution. Signals are provided to manage and support the additional components.
Configurable Hold Up - Hold up provides energy storage for a system to continue operating for a period of time after the input supply is lost or removed. Once engineers have defined the required hold up time, they can configure the necessary components to meet the needs of their application.
For more information on any of these features, please refer to the PSV-AD-xx datasheets or contact us directly.
Scalable Platform
The Pulsiv OSMIUM microcontroller does not directly determine the output power. Changing just 3 key components (inductor, MOSFET transistor, and capacitor) ensures it can be used across the entire product family.
Smooth System Integration
Circuit configurations combine the Pulsiv OSMIUM microcontroller and various auxiliary components to provide a complete AC-DC front-end design. Full reference designs combine the front-end circuit configuration with a pre-selected DC-DC converter to provide a comprehensive solution that meets relevant EMC/FCC regulations.
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