Vous devez être connecté
- La diode
- Les thyristors
- Modules de puissance isolés
- Ponts redresseurs
- Transistors | GeneSiC
- Modules MOSFET SiC | Mitsubishi
- Modules MOSFET SiC ABB
- Modules de transistors | MITSUBISHI
- Modules de transistors | ABB
- Modules IGBT | POWEREX
- Composants semiconducteurs en carbure de silicium
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Circuits de commande
- Blocs de puissance
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
Transducteurs électriques
Transducteurs de courant LEM
- Transducteur de courant avec boucle de retour fermée (C/L)
- Transducteur de courant avec boucle de retour ouverte (O/L)
- Transducteur de courant alimenté en tension unipolaire
- Transducteurs en technologie Eta
- Transducteurs de courant de haute précision série LF xx10
- Transducteurs de courant série LH
- HOYS i HOYL – dédié au montage directement sur le jeu de barres
- Transducteurs de courant en technologie SMD série GO-SME et GO-SMS
- Capteurs de courant AUTOMOBILE
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
Transducteurs de tension | LEM
- Transducteurs de tension série LV
- Transducteurs de tension série DVL
- Transducteurs de tension de précision à double noyau magnétique CV
- Transducteur de tension de traction DV 4200/SP4
- Transducteurs de tension série DVM
- Transducteurs de tension DVC 1000-P
- Transducteurs de tension - Série DVC 1000
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- Transducteurs de courant de précision | LEM
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Transducteurs de courant LEM
Composants passifs (condensateurs, résistances, fusibles, filtres)
- Résistances
- Fusibles miniatures pour c.imp. série ABC et AGC
- Fusible rapides tubulaires
- Cartouches de courbe GL/GG et AM
- Cartouches ultrarapides
- Fusibles à action rapide (norme britannique et américaine)
- Fusibles à action rapide (norme européenne)
- Fusibles de traction
- Cartouche de haute tension
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Condensateurs pour moteurs
- Condensateurs électrolitiques
- Condensateurs de type snubbers
- Condensateurs de puissance
- Condensateurs pour circuits continus
- Condensateurs de compensation de puissance
- Condensateurs de haute tension
- Condensateurs pour chauffage par induction
- Condensateurs pour impulsions
- Condensateurs DC LINK
- Condensateurs pour circuits AC/DC
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Filtres anti-interférences
- Supercondensateurs
Protection contre les surtensions
- Protection contre les surtensions pour les applications coaxiales
- Protection contre les surtensions pour les systèmes de vidéosurveillance
- Parafoudres de ligne électrique
- Protection contre surtensions pour LED
- Parafoudres pour le photovoltaïque
- Protection du système de pesage
- Protection contre les surtensions pour bus de terrain
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- Aller à la sous-catégorie
Relais et contacteurs
- Théorie relais et contacteurs
- Relais statiques triphasés
- Relais statiques CC
- Régulateurs, circuits de commande et accessoires
- Démarrages progressifs et contacteurs inverseurs
- Relais electromécaniques
- Contacteurs
- Commutateurs rotatifs
Relais statiques monophasés
- Relais semi-conducteurs AC monophasés, série 1 | D2425 | D2450
- Relais à semi-conducteurs CA monophasés, séries CWA et CWD
- Relais à semi-conducteurs CA monophasés des séries CMRA et CMRD
- Relais à semi-conducteurs CA monophasés, série PS
- Relais semi-conducteurs AC double et quadruple, série D24 D, TD24 Q, H12D48 D
- Relais statiques monophasés, série GN
- Relais à semi-conducteurs CA monophasés, série CKR
- Relais AC monophasés SÉRIES ERDA ET ERAA pour rail DIN
- Relais CA monophasés pour courant 150A
- Relais à semi-conducteurs doubles intégrés à un dissipateur thermique pour un rail DIN
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Relais statiques monophasé pour c.imp.
- Relais d'interface
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Composants inductifs
- Radiateurs, varistances, protections thermiques
- Ventilateurs
- Climatiseurs et accessoires d'armoires électriques
Batteries, chargeurs, blocs d'alimentation tampon et onduleurs
- Batteries et Chargeurs - théorie
- Batteries Li-ion et non-standards. Systèmes de gestion des batteries (BMS)
- Batteries
- Chargeurs de batteries et accessoires
- Alimentation de secours UPS et alimentation tampon
- Convertisseurs de tension et accessoires pour photovoltaïque
- Stockage d'Energie
- Réservoirs de carburant
- Batteries lithium-ion
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
Automatique industrielle
- Futaba Drone Parts
- Interrupteurs de fin de course, micro-rupteurs
- Capteurs et convertisseurs
- Pyromètres
- Compteurs, Relais temporisés, Indicateurs de tableau
- Appareils industriels de protection
- Signalisation lumineuse et sonore
- Caméra thermique
- Afficheurs à LED
- Boutons et commutateurs
- Enregistreur de température à bande et afficheur numérique - AL3000
- Enregistreurs à microprocesseur avec ecran LCD série KR2000
- Enregistreur KR5000
- Indicateur avec fonction enregistrement de température et humidité HN-CH
- Matériaux consommables pour enregistreurs
- Enregistreur graphique compact 71VR1
- Enregistreur KR3000
- Enregistreur PC série R1M
- Enregistreur PC série R2M
- Enregistreur PC, 12 entrés isolées – RZMS
- Enregistreur PC, USB, 12 entrées isolées – RZUS
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
Câbles et chemins de câbles
- Fils
- Fils de Litz
- Câbles pour les applications spéciales
- Gaines
- Tresses plates
- Tresses rondes
- Tresses très souples - plates
- Tresses très souples - rondes
- Tresses cuivre cylindriques
- Tresses cuivre cylindriques et protection
- Bandes de mise à la terre souples
- Tresses en acier zingué et inox
- Tresses isolantes en PVC - temp. 85°C
- Tresses plates en aluminium
- Kit de liaison - tresses et gaines
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Equipement pour la traction
- Cosses
- Barres flexible isolées
- Barre flexibles multicouches
- Systèmes de traçage des câbles
- Gaines annelées, tuyaux
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Voir toutes les catégories
- Fournisseurs
- Alimentations (UPS) et systèmes de redressement
- Automatisation HVAC
- Chauffage par induction
- Composants pour atmosphères potentiellement explosives (EX)
- Dispositifs de protection industriels
- Energy bank
- Équipements pour armoires de distribution, de contrôle et de télécommunications
- Impression
- L'automatisation industrielle
- L'automatisation industrielle
- Machines à souder et machines à souder
- Machines de séchage et de traitement du bois
- Machines pour le thermoformage des plastiques
- Machines-outils CNC
- Mesure et régulation de la température
- Mesure et régulation de la température
- Mines, métallurgie et fondation
- Moteurs et transformateurs
- Traction de tram et de chemin de fer
- Variateurs CA et CC (onduleurs)
Montaż urządzeń
- Montage d'armoires
- Conception et assemblage d'armoires
- Installation de systèmes électriques
- Composants
- Machines construites sur commande
- Travaux de recherche et développement R&D
Banc de test industriels
- Banc de test de semi-conducteurs de puissance
- Banc de test d'appareils électriques
- Banc de test de varistances et parafoudres
- Banc de test de fusibles d'automobile
- Banc de mesure de charge transitoire Qrr de thyristor et diodes
- Banc de test de rotor d'interruptuer série FD
- Banc de test de disjoncteurs différentiels de courant
- Banc d'étalonnage de relais
- Testeur d'essais visuels de tiges de piston de ressorts à gaz
- Commutateur à thyristor haute intensité
- Testeur de rupture de maille
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Voir toutes les catégories
Modernizacja induktorów
- Réparation d'inducteurs usagés
- Modernisation des inducteurs
Production de nouveaux inducteurs
- Durcissement des vilebrequins
- Durcissement des dents de scie à ruban
- Chauffage des éléments avant collage
- Durcissement des chemins de roulement des roulements de moyeu de roue automobile
- Durcissement des composants de transmission d'entraînement
- Durcissement des arbres étagés
- Chauffage dans les joints de contraction
- Scanning durcissement
- Soudure tendre
- Chauffe-billettes
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Base de connaissances
- Voir toutes les catégories
Appareils à induction
Urządzenia indukcyjne
Générateurs pour chauffage par induction
Générateurs de chauffage par induction Ambrell
- Générateurs: puissance 500 W, fréquence 150-400 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 1,2 - 2,4 kW, fréquence 150 - 400 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 4,2 - 10 kW, fréquence 150 - 400 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 10-15 kW, fréquence 50-150 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 30-45 kW, fréquence 50-150 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 65-135 kW, fréquence 50-150 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 180-270 kW, fréquence 50-150 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 20-35-50 kW, fréquence 15-45 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 75-150 kW, fréquence 15-45 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 200-500 kW, fréquence 15-45 kHz
- Générateurs: puissance 20-50 kW, fréquence 5-15 kHz
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Générateurs de chauffage par induction Denki Kogyo
Générateurs de chauffage par induction JKZ
- Générateurs de la série CX, fréquence: 50-120kHz, puissance: 5-25kW
- Générateurs de la série SWS, fréquence: 15-30kHz, puissance: 25-260kW
- Générateurs (fours) pour le formage et le forgeage série MFS (0,5-10 kHz)
- Fours de fusion MFS, fréquence: 0,5-10 kHz, puissance: 70-200kW
- Générateurs série UHT, fréquence: 200-400kHz, puissance: 10-160kW
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Générateurs de lampes pour le chauffage par induction
- Générateurs de chauffage par induction Himmelwerk
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
Générateurs de chauffage par induction Ambrell
- Réparations et modernisation
- Périphériques
- Applications médicales
- Applications pour l'industrie automobile
- Soudure tendre
- Brasage
- Brasage fort d'aluminium
- Brasage dur d'outils magnétiques en acier inoxydable
- Soudure de précision
- Soudure dans l'atmosphère
- Soudure des bouchons de dissipateurs thermiques en laiton et en acier
- Brasage des carbures frittés
- Souder la pointe de cuivre et le fil
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Base de connaissances
- Voir toutes les catégories
Générateurs pour chauffage par induction
- Service de refroidisseurs d'eau et de climatiseurs industriels
- Rénovation et modernisation des machines
Réparation d'appareils électroniques
- Service des onduleurs, servo variateurs et régulateurs DC
- Service d'onduleurs photovoltaïques
- Service des redresseurs de galvanoplastie FLEXKRAFT
- Offre de réparation d'équipement
- Liste des appareils desservis
- Réparation de filmeuse de billets
- Conditions pour les réparations et formulaire de demande de réparation
- Aller à la sous-catégorie
- Alimentation haute tension pour électrofiltres
- Imprimantes industrielles et étiqueteuses
- Certificats / agréments
- Voir toutes les catégories
- Contact
- Zobacz wszystkie kategorie
Les photos sont à titre informatif uniquement. Voir les spécifications du produit
please use latin characters
Connecteurs avec deux boucles de 10 à 32 champs
400 V ~ Gr. C VDE 0627/06.86, 16 A
6-poles + grounding | ||||||||
Wire Section | Certificates | Insulated length | Contacts | Package | Catalogue number | |||
Contacts Screw
Socket | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.300.0640.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 10 | 70.301.0640.0 | |||||
pin | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.310.0640.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 70.311.0640.0 | ||||||
Contacts clamp
Socket without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.700.0658.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
pin without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.710.0658.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
Contacts springs
Socket | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.500.0653.0 | ||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
pin | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.510.0653.0 | |||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
Contacts Screw |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.0653.3 | ||
Socket, grounding |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.0653.3 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5- 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.0653.3 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.0653.3 | |||
Contacts Screw
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.0653.4 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.0653.4 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.0653.4 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.0653.4 | |||
Contacts springs
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.106.0653.0 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.101.0653.0 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.116.0653.0 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.111.0653.0 |
10-poles + grounding | ||||||||
Wire Section | Certificates | Insulated length | Contacts | Package | Catalogue number | |||
Contacts Screw
Socket | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.300.1040.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 10 | 70.301.1040.0 | |||||
pin | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.310.1040.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 70.311.1040.0 | ||||||
Contacts clamp
Socket without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.700.1058.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
pin without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.710.1058.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
Contacts springs
Socket | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.500.1053.0 | ||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
pin | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.510.1053.0 | |||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
Contacts Screw |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.1053.3 | ||
Socket, grounding |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.1053.3 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5- 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.1053.3 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.1053.3 | |||
Contacts Screw
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.1053.4 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.1053.4 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.1053.4 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.1053.4 | |||
Contacts springs
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.106.1053.0 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.101.1053.0 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.116.1053.0 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.111.1053.0 |
16-poles + grounding | ||||||||
Wire Section | Certificates | Insulated length | Contacts | Package | Catalogue number | |||
Contacts Screw
Socket | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.300.1640.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 10 | 70.301.1640.0 | |||||
pin | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.310.1640.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 70.311.1640.0 | ||||||
Contacts clamp
Socket without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.700.1658.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
pin without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.710.1658.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
Contacts springs
Socket | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.500.1653.0 | ||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
pin | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.510.1653.0 | |||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
Contacts Screw |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.1653.3 | ||
Socket, grounding |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.1653.3 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5- 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.1653.3 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.1653.3 | |||
Contacts Screw
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.1653.4 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.1653.4 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.1653.4 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.1653.4 | |||
Contacts springs
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.106.1653.0 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.101.1653.0 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.116.1653.0 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.111.1653.0 |
24-poles + grounding | ||||||||
Wire Section | Certificates | Insulated length | Contacts | Package | Catalogue number | |||
Contacts Screw
Socket | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.300.2440.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 10 | 70.301.2440.0 | |||||
pin | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.310.2440.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 70.311.2440.0 | ||||||
Contacts clamp
Socket without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.700.2458.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
pin without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.710.2458.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
Contacts springs
Socket | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.500.2453.0 | ||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
pin | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.510.2453.0 | |||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
Contacts Screw |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.2453.3 | ||
Socket, grounding |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.2453.3 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5- 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.2453.3 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.2453.3 | |||
Contacts Screw
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.2453.4 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.2453.4 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.2453.4 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.2453.4 | |||
Contacts springs
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.106.2453.0 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.101.2453.0 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.116.2453.0 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.111.2453.0 |
32-poles + grounding | ||||||||
Wire Section | Certificates | Insulated length | Contacts | Package | Catalogue number | |||
Contacts Screw
Socket | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
5 | 70.300.3253.0 | |||||||
7 mm | gilding | 10 | ||||||
pin | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
5 | 70.310.3253.0 | |||||||
7 mm | gilding | |||||||
Contacts clamp
Socket without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
5 | 70.700.3253.0 | |||||||
pin without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
5 | ||||||||
Contacts springs
Socket | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | |||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | 70.500.3253.0 | ||||||
pin | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | ||||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | 70.510.3253.0 | ||||||
Contacts Screw |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
Socket, grounding |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5- 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
Contacts Screw
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
Contacts springs
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 |
48-poles + grounding | ||||||||
Wire Section | Certificates | Insulated length | Contacts | Package | Catalogue number | |||
Contacts Screw
Socket | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.300.4840.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 10 | ||||||
pin | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.310.4840.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | |||||||
Contacts clamp
Socket without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.700.4858.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
pin without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
5 | ||||||||
Contacts springs
Socket | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.500.4853.0 | ||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
pin | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.510.4853.0 | |||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
Contacts Screw |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
Socket, grounding |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5- 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
Contacts Screw
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
Contacts springs
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 |
Contacts to clamp Version
to socket
to pin
Version a |
Version b |
55 IP 65 (from gland side] 400 V~ Gr. C VDE 0627/06.86 |
Doesn't consider pin/ socket with spring contacts 24 poles = 2xM25 |
Version A | Version B |
poles quantity | thread | gland type | Dimensions | L | B | H | Package | Catalogue number | Catalogue number |
Socket / pin 10-poles + grounding |
M20 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
73 | 43 | 53 | 1 | 70.350.1035.0 70.350.1035.1 70.350.1035.2 70.350.1035.3 | 70.351.1035.0 70.351.1035.1 70.351.1035.2 70.351.1035.3 | |
M25 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
73 | 43 | 53 | 1 | 70.353.1035.0 70.353.1035.1 70.353.1035.2 70.353.1035.3 | |||
Socket / pin 16-poles + grounding |
M25 |
0 with gland1 z thread under the gland |
93,5 | 43 | 60 | 1 | 70.350.1635.0 70.350.1635.1 70.350.1635.2 70.350.1635.3 | 70.351.1635.0 70.351.1635.1 70.351.1635.2 70.351.1635.3 | |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
93,5 | 43 | 60 | 1 | 70.353.1635.0 70.353.1635.1 70.353.1635.2 70.353.1635.3 | |||
Socket / pin 24-poles + grounding |
M25 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
120 | 43 | 70 | 1 | 70.350.2435.0 70.350.2435.1 70.350.2435.2 70.350.2435.3 | 70.351.2435.0 70.351.2435.1 70.351.2435.2 70.351.2435.3 | |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
120 | 43 | 70 | 1 | 70.353.2435.0 70.353.2435.1 70.353.2435.2 70.353.2435.3 | |||
Socket / pin 32-poles + grounding |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
93,5 | 82,5 | 94 | 1 | 70.350.3235.0 70.350.3235.1 70.350.3235.2 70.350.3235.3 | ||
M40 | 1 z thread under the gland 2 pierścień pod dławik |
93,5 | 82,5 | 94 | 1 | 70.353.3235.1 70.353 .3235.2 |
Version c | Version d | |
Cover | Cover z dźwigniami | |
Version C | Version D |
poles quantity | thread | gland type | Dimensions | L | B | H | Package | Catalogue number | Catalogue number |
Socket / pin 10-poles + grounding |
M20 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
73 | 43 | 53 | 1 | 70.352.1035.0 70.352.1035.1 70.352.1035.2 70.352.1035.3 | 70.355.1035.0 70.355.1035.1 70.355.1035.2 70.355.1035.3 | |
M25 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
73 | 43 | 53 | 1 | 70.354.1035.0 70.354.1035.1 70.354.1035.2 70.354.1035.3 | 70.358.1035.0 70.358.1035.1 70.358.1035.2 70.358.1035.3 | ||
Socket / pin 16-poles + grounding |
M25 |
0 with gland1 z thread under the gland |
93,5 | 43 | 60 | 1 | 70.352.1635.0 70.352.1635.1 70.352.1635.2 70.352.1635.3 | 70.355.1635.0 70.355.1635.1 70.355.1635.2 70.355.1635.3 | |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
93,5 | 43 | 60 | 1 | 70.354.1635.0 70.354.1635.1 70.354.1635.2 70.354.1635.3 | 70.358.1635.0 70.358.1635.1 70.358.1635.2 70.358.1635.3 | ||
Socket / pin 24-poles + grounding |
M25 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
120 | 43 | 70 | 1 | 70.352.2435.0 70.352.2435.1 70.352.2435.2 70.352.2435.3 | 70.355.2435.0 70.355.2435.1 70.355.2435.2 70.355.2435.3 | |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
120 | 43 | 70 | 1 | 70.354.2435.0 70.354.2435.1 70.354.2435.2 70.354.2435.3 | 70.358.2435.0 70.358.2435.1 70.358.2435.2 70.358.2435.3 | ||
Socket / pin 32-poles + grounding |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
93,5 | 82,5 | 94 | 1 | 70.352.3235.0 70.352.3235.1 70.352.3235.2 70.352.3235.3 | ||
M40 | 1 z thread under the gland 2 pierścień pod dławik |
93,5 | 82,5 | 94 | 1 | 70.354.3235.1 70.354.3235.2 |
Version e | Version f | |
Doesn't consider pin/ socket with spring contacts 24 poles = 2xM25 |
Cover with lever | |
Version E | Version F |
poles quantity | thread | gland type | Dimensions | L | B | H | Package | Catalogue number | Catalogue number |
Socket / pin 10-poles + grounding |
M20 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
73 | 43 | 53 | 1 | 70.356.1035.0 70.356.1035.1 70.356.1035.2 70.356.1035.3 | 70.357.1035.0 70.357.1035.1 70.357.1035.2 70.357.1035.3 | |
M25 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
73 | 43 | 53 | 1 | 70.359.1035.0 70.359.1035.1 70.359.1035.2 70.359.1035.3 | |||
Socket / pin 16-poles + grounding |
M25 |
0 with gland1 z thread under the gland |
93,5 | 43 | 60 | 1 | 70.356.1635.0 70.356.1635.1 70.356.1635.2 70.356.1635.3 | 70.357.1635.0 70.357.1635.1 70.357.1635.2 70.357.1635.3 | |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
93,5 | 43 | 60 | 1 | 70.359.1635.0 70.359.1635.1 70.359.1635.2 70.359.1635.3 | |||
Socket / pin 24-poles + grounding |
M25 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
120 | 43 | 70 | 1 | 70.356.2435.0 70.356.2435.1 70.356.2435.2 70.356.2435.3 | 70.357.2435.0 70.357.2435.1 70.357.2435.2 70.357.2435.3 | |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
120 | 43 | 70 | 1 | 70.359.2435.0 70.359.2435.1 70.359.2435.2 70.359.2435.3 | |||
Socket / pin 32-poles + grounding |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
93,5 | 82,5 | 94 | 1 | |||
M40 | 1 z thread under the gland 2 pierścień pod dławik |
93,5 | 82,5 | 94 | 1 |
Version a | Version b | Version c | |||
IP 55
IP 65 (from gland side) 400 V ~ Gr. C VDE 0627/06.86 |
Open base |
Closed base with two glands |
Closed base with gland from the center side |
Version a | Version b | Version c |
Ilośc poles | thread | gland type | L | B | H | Package | Catalogue number | Catalogue number | Catalogue number |
Socket / pin 10-poles + grounding z thread under the gland |
M20 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
93 |
43 52 52 |
28 54,5 54,5 |
1 |
70.320.1028.0 | 70.330.1035.0 70.331.1035.0 | 70.330.1035.1 70.331.1035.1 |
Socket / pin 16-poles + grounding z thread under the gland |
M25 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
113 117 117 |
43 52 52 |
28 56,5 56,5 |
1 1 1 |
70.320.1628.0 | 70.330.1635.0 70.331.1635.0 | 70.330.1635.1 70.331.1635.1 |
Socket/pin 16-poles + grounding z thread under the gland high execution |
M32 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
117 117 |
52 52 |
76,5 76,5 | 1 1 |
73.334.4035.0 73.335.4035.0 | 73.334.4035.1 73.335.4035.1 | |
Socket/pin 24-poles +grounding z thread under the gland |
M25 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
140 144 144 |
43 |
28 56,5 56,5 |
1 |
70.320.2428.0 | 70.330.2435.0 70.331.2435.0 | 70.330.2435.1 70.331.2435.1 |
Socket / pin 24-poles +grounding z thread under the gland high execution |
M32 | 0with gland 1thread under the gland |
144 144 |
52 52 |
76,5 76,5 | 1 1 |
73.334.6435.0 73.335.6435.0 | 73.334.6435.1 73.335.6435.1 | |
Socket/pin 32-poles +grounding z thread under the gland |
124 | 84 | 35 | 1 | 70.320.3228.0 |
Version d | Version e | Version f | |||
Closed base with gland on the bottom | Open cover with cover | Open cover with cover | ||
Version d | Version e | Version f |
Ilośc poles | thread | gland type | L | B | H | Package | Catalogue number | Catalogue number | Catalogue number |
Socket / pin 10-poles + grounding z thread under the gland |
M20 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
93 |
43 52 52 |
28 54,5 54,5 |
1 |
70.333.1035.0 70.333.1035.1 | 70.325.1028.0 | 70.340.1035.0 70.325.1628.0 |
Socket / pin 16-poles + grounding z thread under the gland |
M25 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
113 117 117 |
43 52 52 |
28 56,5 56,5 |
1 1 1 |
70.333.1635.0 70.333.1635.1 | 70.343.1035.1 | 70.340.1635.0 70.340.1635.1 |
Socket/pin 16-poles + grounding z thread under the gland high execution |
M32 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
117 117 |
52 52 |
76,5 76,5 | 1 1 |
73.337.4035.0 73.337.4035.1 | 73.344.4035.0 70.325.2428.0 | |
Socket/pin 24-poles +grounding z thread under the gland |
M25 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
140 144 144 |
43 |
28 56,5 56,5 |
1 |
70.333.2435.0 70.333.2435.1 | 73.347.4035.1 | 70.340.2435.0 70.340.2435.1 |
Socket / pin 24-poles +grounding z thread under the gland wykonanie wysokie |
M32 | 0with gland 1thread under the gland |
144 144 |
52 52 |
76,5 76,5 | 1 1 |
73.337.6435.0 73.337.6435.1 | 73.344.6435.0 73.344.6435.1 | |
Socket/pin 32-poles +grounding z thread under the gland |
124 | 84 | 35 | 1 |
Version g | Version h | Version i | |||
Closed base with gland from the bottom | Open base with cover | Open base with cover | ||
Version g | Version h | Version i |
poles quantity | thread | gland type | L | B | H | Package | Catalogue number | Catalogue number | Catalogue number |
Socket / pin 10-poles + grounding z thread under the gland |
M20 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
93 |
43 52 52 |
28 54,5 54,5 |
1 |
70.341.1035.0 70.340.1035.1 | 70.342.1035.0 70.341.1035.1 | 70.343.1035.0 70.342.1035.1 |
Socket / pin 16-poles + grounding z thread under the gland |
M25 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
113 117 117 |
43 52 52 |
28 56,5 56,5 |
1 1 1 |
70.341.1635.0 70.341.1635.1 | 70.342.1635.0 70.342.1635.1 | 70.343.1635.0 70.343.1635.1 |
Socket/pin 16-poles + grounding z thread under the gland high execution |
M32 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
117 117 |
52 52 |
76,5 76,5 | 1 1 |
73.345.4035.0 73.344.4035.1 | 73.346.4035.0 73.345.4035.1 | 73.347.4035.0 73.346.4035.1 |
Socket/pin 24-poles +grounding z thread under the gland |
M25 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
140 144 144 |
43 |
28 56,5 56,5 |
1 |
70.341.2435.0 70.341.2435.1 | 70.342.2435.0 70.342.2435.1 | 70.343.2435.0 70.343.2435.1 |
Socket / pin 24-poles +grounding z thread under the gland high execution |
M32 | 0with gland 1thread under the gland |
144 144 |
52 52 |
76,5 76,5 | 1 1 |
73.345.6435.0 73.345.6435.1 | 73.346.6435.0 73.346.6435.1 | 73.347.6435.0 73.347.6435.1 |
Socket/pin 32-poles +grounding z thread under the gland |
124 | 84 | 35 | 1 |
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400 V ~ Gr. C VDE 0627/06.86, 16 A
6-poles + grounding | ||||||||
Wire Section | Certificates | Insulated length | Contacts | Package | Catalogue number | |||
Contacts Screw
Socket | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.300.0640.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 10 | 70.301.0640.0 | |||||
pin | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.310.0640.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 70.311.0640.0 | ||||||
Contacts clamp
Socket without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.700.0658.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
pin without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.710.0658.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
Contacts springs
Socket | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.500.0653.0 | ||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
pin | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.510.0653.0 | |||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
Contacts Screw |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.0653.3 | ||
Socket, grounding |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.0653.3 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5- 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.0653.3 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.0653.3 | |||
Contacts Screw
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.0653.4 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.0653.4 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.0653.4 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.0653.4 | |||
Contacts springs
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.106.0653.0 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.101.0653.0 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.116.0653.0 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.111.0653.0 |
10-poles + grounding | ||||||||
Wire Section | Certificates | Insulated length | Contacts | Package | Catalogue number | |||
Contacts Screw
Socket | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.300.1040.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 10 | 70.301.1040.0 | |||||
pin | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.310.1040.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 70.311.1040.0 | ||||||
Contacts clamp
Socket without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.700.1058.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
pin without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.710.1058.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
Contacts springs
Socket | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.500.1053.0 | ||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
pin | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.510.1053.0 | |||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
Contacts Screw |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.1053.3 | ||
Socket, grounding |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.1053.3 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5- 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.1053.3 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.1053.3 | |||
Contacts Screw
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.1053.4 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.1053.4 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.1053.4 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.1053.4 | |||
Contacts springs
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.106.1053.0 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.101.1053.0 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.116.1053.0 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.111.1053.0 |
16-poles + grounding | ||||||||
Wire Section | Certificates | Insulated length | Contacts | Package | Catalogue number | |||
Contacts Screw
Socket | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.300.1640.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 10 | 70.301.1640.0 | |||||
pin | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.310.1640.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 70.311.1640.0 | ||||||
Contacts clamp
Socket without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.700.1658.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
pin without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.710.1658.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
Contacts springs
Socket | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.500.1653.0 | ||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
pin | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.510.1653.0 | |||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
Contacts Screw |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.1653.3 | ||
Socket, grounding |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.1653.3 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5- 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.1653.3 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.1653.3 | |||
Contacts Screw
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.1653.4 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.1653.4 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.1653.4 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.1653.4 | |||
Contacts springs
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.106.1653.0 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.101.1653.0 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.116.1653.0 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.111.1653.0 |
24-poles + grounding | ||||||||
Wire Section | Certificates | Insulated length | Contacts | Package | Catalogue number | |||
Contacts Screw
Socket | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.300.2440.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 10 | 70.301.2440.0 | |||||
pin | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.310.2440.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 70.311.2440.0 | ||||||
Contacts clamp
Socket without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.700.2458.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
pin without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.710.2458.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
Contacts springs
Socket | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.500.2453.0 | ||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
pin | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.510.2453.0 | |||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
Contacts Screw |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.2453.3 | ||
Socket, grounding |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.2453.3 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5- 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.2453.3 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.2453.3 | |||
Contacts Screw
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.105.2453.4 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.100.2453.4 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.115.2453.4 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.110.2453.4 | |||
Contacts springs
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.106.2453.0 | ||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.101.2453.0 | |||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.116.2453.0 | |||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.111.2453.0 |
32-poles + grounding | ||||||||
Wire Section | Certificates | Insulated length | Contacts | Package | Catalogue number | |||
Contacts Screw
Socket | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
5 | 70.300.3253.0 | |||||||
7 mm | gilding | 10 | ||||||
pin | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
5 | 70.310.3253.0 | |||||||
7 mm | gilding | |||||||
Contacts clamp
Socket without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
5 | 70.700.3253.0 | |||||||
pin without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
5 | ||||||||
Contacts springs
Socket | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | |||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | 70.500.3253.0 | ||||||
pin | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | ||||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | 70.510.3253.0 | ||||||
Contacts Screw |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
Socket, grounding |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5- 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
Contacts Screw
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
Contacts springs
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 |
48-poles + grounding | ||||||||
Wire Section | Certificates | Insulated length | Contacts | Package | Catalogue number | |||
Contacts Screw
Socket | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.300.4840.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | 10 | ||||||
pin | 0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.310.4840.0 | |||
5 | ||||||||
7 mm | gilding | |||||||
Contacts clamp
Socket without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | 70.700.4858.0 | ||
5 | ||||||||
pin without contacts | 0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 7 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
5 | ||||||||
Contacts springs
Socket | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.500.4853.0 | ||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
pin | 0,14-2,5 mm2 | 7 mm | Silvered | 10 | 70.510.4853.0 | |||
500V/6kV/3VDE0110 | 5 | |||||||
Contacts Screw |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
Socket, grounding |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5- 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
Contacts Screw
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 4,0 mm2 | 12 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
Contacts springs
Contact adapter, short execution |
Socket, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | |||
Socket, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from right |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 | ||||
pin, grounding from center |
0,5 - 2,5 mm2 | 9 mm | Nickel | 10 |
Contacts to clamp Version
to socket
to pin
Version a |
Version b |
55 IP 65 (from gland side] 400 V~ Gr. C VDE 0627/06.86 |
Doesn't consider pin/ socket with spring contacts 24 poles = 2xM25 |
Version A | Version B |
poles quantity | thread | gland type | Dimensions | L | B | H | Package | Catalogue number | Catalogue number |
Socket / pin 10-poles + grounding |
M20 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
73 | 43 | 53 | 1 | 70.350.1035.0 70.350.1035.1 70.350.1035.2 70.350.1035.3 | 70.351.1035.0 70.351.1035.1 70.351.1035.2 70.351.1035.3 | |
M25 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
73 | 43 | 53 | 1 | 70.353.1035.0 70.353.1035.1 70.353.1035.2 70.353.1035.3 | |||
Socket / pin 16-poles + grounding |
M25 |
0 with gland1 z thread under the gland |
93,5 | 43 | 60 | 1 | 70.350.1635.0 70.350.1635.1 70.350.1635.2 70.350.1635.3 | 70.351.1635.0 70.351.1635.1 70.351.1635.2 70.351.1635.3 | |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
93,5 | 43 | 60 | 1 | 70.353.1635.0 70.353.1635.1 70.353.1635.2 70.353.1635.3 | |||
Socket / pin 24-poles + grounding |
M25 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
120 | 43 | 70 | 1 | 70.350.2435.0 70.350.2435.1 70.350.2435.2 70.350.2435.3 | 70.351.2435.0 70.351.2435.1 70.351.2435.2 70.351.2435.3 | |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
120 | 43 | 70 | 1 | 70.353.2435.0 70.353.2435.1 70.353.2435.2 70.353.2435.3 | |||
Socket / pin 32-poles + grounding |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
93,5 | 82,5 | 94 | 1 | 70.350.3235.0 70.350.3235.1 70.350.3235.2 70.350.3235.3 | ||
M40 | 1 z thread under the gland 2 pierścień pod dławik |
93,5 | 82,5 | 94 | 1 | 70.353.3235.1 70.353 .3235.2 |
Version c | Version d | |
Cover | Cover z dźwigniami | |
Version C | Version D |
poles quantity | thread | gland type | Dimensions | L | B | H | Package | Catalogue number | Catalogue number |
Socket / pin 10-poles + grounding |
M20 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
73 | 43 | 53 | 1 | 70.352.1035.0 70.352.1035.1 70.352.1035.2 70.352.1035.3 | 70.355.1035.0 70.355.1035.1 70.355.1035.2 70.355.1035.3 | |
M25 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
73 | 43 | 53 | 1 | 70.354.1035.0 70.354.1035.1 70.354.1035.2 70.354.1035.3 | 70.358.1035.0 70.358.1035.1 70.358.1035.2 70.358.1035.3 | ||
Socket / pin 16-poles + grounding |
M25 |
0 with gland1 z thread under the gland |
93,5 | 43 | 60 | 1 | 70.352.1635.0 70.352.1635.1 70.352.1635.2 70.352.1635.3 | 70.355.1635.0 70.355.1635.1 70.355.1635.2 70.355.1635.3 | |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
93,5 | 43 | 60 | 1 | 70.354.1635.0 70.354.1635.1 70.354.1635.2 70.354.1635.3 | 70.358.1635.0 70.358.1635.1 70.358.1635.2 70.358.1635.3 | ||
Socket / pin 24-poles + grounding |
M25 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
120 | 43 | 70 | 1 | 70.352.2435.0 70.352.2435.1 70.352.2435.2 70.352.2435.3 | 70.355.2435.0 70.355.2435.1 70.355.2435.2 70.355.2435.3 | |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
120 | 43 | 70 | 1 | 70.354.2435.0 70.354.2435.1 70.354.2435.2 70.354.2435.3 | 70.358.2435.0 70.358.2435.1 70.358.2435.2 70.358.2435.3 | ||
Socket / pin 32-poles + grounding |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
93,5 | 82,5 | 94 | 1 | 70.352.3235.0 70.352.3235.1 70.352.3235.2 70.352.3235.3 | ||
M40 | 1 z thread under the gland 2 pierścień pod dławik |
93,5 | 82,5 | 94 | 1 | 70.354.3235.1 70.354.3235.2 |
Version e | Version f | |
Doesn't consider pin/ socket with spring contacts 24 poles = 2xM25 |
Cover with lever | |
Version E | Version F |
poles quantity | thread | gland type | Dimensions | L | B | H | Package | Catalogue number | Catalogue number |
Socket / pin 10-poles + grounding |
M20 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
73 | 43 | 53 | 1 | 70.356.1035.0 70.356.1035.1 70.356.1035.2 70.356.1035.3 | 70.357.1035.0 70.357.1035.1 70.357.1035.2 70.357.1035.3 | |
M25 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
73 | 43 | 53 | 1 | 70.359.1035.0 70.359.1035.1 70.359.1035.2 70.359.1035.3 | |||
Socket / pin 16-poles + grounding |
M25 |
0 with gland1 z thread under the gland |
93,5 | 43 | 60 | 1 | 70.356.1635.0 70.356.1635.1 70.356.1635.2 70.356.1635.3 | 70.357.1635.0 70.357.1635.1 70.357.1635.2 70.357.1635.3 | |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
93,5 | 43 | 60 | 1 | 70.359.1635.0 70.359.1635.1 70.359.1635.2 70.359.1635.3 | |||
Socket / pin 24-poles + grounding |
M25 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
120 | 43 | 70 | 1 | 70.356.2435.0 70.356.2435.1 70.356.2435.2 70.356.2435.3 | 70.357.2435.0 70.357.2435.1 70.357.2435.2 70.357.2435.3 | |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
120 | 43 | 70 | 1 | 70.359.2435.0 70.359.2435.1 70.359.2435.2 70.359.2435.3 | |||
Socket / pin 32-poles + grounding |
M32 | 0 with gland 1 z thread under the gland 2 ring under the gland 3 gland with clamps |
93,5 | 82,5 | 94 | 1 | |||
M40 | 1 z thread under the gland 2 pierścień pod dławik |
93,5 | 82,5 | 94 | 1 |
Version a | Version b | Version c | |||
IP 55
IP 65 (from gland side) 400 V ~ Gr. C VDE 0627/06.86 |
Open base |
Closed base with two glands |
Closed base with gland from the center side |
Version a | Version b | Version c |
Ilośc poles | thread | gland type | L | B | H | Package | Catalogue number | Catalogue number | Catalogue number |
Socket / pin 10-poles + grounding z thread under the gland |
M20 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
93 |
43 52 52 |
28 54,5 54,5 |
1 |
70.320.1028.0 | 70.330.1035.0 70.331.1035.0 | 70.330.1035.1 70.331.1035.1 |
Socket / pin 16-poles + grounding z thread under the gland |
M25 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
113 117 117 |
43 52 52 |
28 56,5 56,5 |
1 1 1 |
70.320.1628.0 | 70.330.1635.0 70.331.1635.0 | 70.330.1635.1 70.331.1635.1 |
Socket/pin 16-poles + grounding z thread under the gland high execution |
M32 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
117 117 |
52 52 |
76,5 76,5 | 1 1 |
73.334.4035.0 73.335.4035.0 | 73.334.4035.1 73.335.4035.1 | |
Socket/pin 24-poles +grounding z thread under the gland |
M25 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
140 144 144 |
43 |
28 56,5 56,5 |
1 |
70.320.2428.0 | 70.330.2435.0 70.331.2435.0 | 70.330.2435.1 70.331.2435.1 |
Socket / pin 24-poles +grounding z thread under the gland high execution |
M32 | 0with gland 1thread under the gland |
144 144 |
52 52 |
76,5 76,5 | 1 1 |
73.334.6435.0 73.335.6435.0 | 73.334.6435.1 73.335.6435.1 | |
Socket/pin 32-poles +grounding z thread under the gland |
124 | 84 | 35 | 1 | 70.320.3228.0 |
Version d | Version e | Version f | |||
Closed base with gland on the bottom | Open cover with cover | Open cover with cover | ||
Version d | Version e | Version f |
Ilośc poles | thread | gland type | L | B | H | Package | Catalogue number | Catalogue number | Catalogue number |
Socket / pin 10-poles + grounding z thread under the gland |
M20 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
93 |
43 52 52 |
28 54,5 54,5 |
1 |
70.333.1035.0 70.333.1035.1 | 70.325.1028.0 | 70.340.1035.0 70.325.1628.0 |
Socket / pin 16-poles + grounding z thread under the gland |
M25 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
113 117 117 |
43 52 52 |
28 56,5 56,5 |
1 1 1 |
70.333.1635.0 70.333.1635.1 | 70.343.1035.1 | 70.340.1635.0 70.340.1635.1 |
Socket/pin 16-poles + grounding z thread under the gland high execution |
M32 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
117 117 |
52 52 |
76,5 76,5 | 1 1 |
73.337.4035.0 73.337.4035.1 | 73.344.4035.0 70.325.2428.0 | |
Socket/pin 24-poles +grounding z thread under the gland |
M25 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
140 144 144 |
43 |
28 56,5 56,5 |
1 |
70.333.2435.0 70.333.2435.1 | 73.347.4035.1 | 70.340.2435.0 70.340.2435.1 |
Socket / pin 24-poles +grounding z thread under the gland wykonanie wysokie |
M32 | 0with gland 1thread under the gland |
144 144 |
52 52 |
76,5 76,5 | 1 1 |
73.337.6435.0 73.337.6435.1 | 73.344.6435.0 73.344.6435.1 | |
Socket/pin 32-poles +grounding z thread under the gland |
124 | 84 | 35 | 1 |
Version g | Version h | Version i | |||
Closed base with gland from the bottom | Open base with cover | Open base with cover | ||
Version g | Version h | Version i |
poles quantity | thread | gland type | L | B | H | Package | Catalogue number | Catalogue number | Catalogue number |
Socket / pin 10-poles + grounding z thread under the gland |
M20 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
93 |
43 52 52 |
28 54,5 54,5 |
1 |
70.341.1035.0 70.340.1035.1 | 70.342.1035.0 70.341.1035.1 | 70.343.1035.0 70.342.1035.1 |
Socket / pin 16-poles + grounding z thread under the gland |
M25 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
113 117 117 |
43 52 52 |
28 56,5 56,5 |
1 1 1 |
70.341.1635.0 70.341.1635.1 | 70.342.1635.0 70.342.1635.1 | 70.343.1635.0 70.343.1635.1 |
Socket/pin 16-poles + grounding z thread under the gland high execution |
M32 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
117 117 |
52 52 |
76,5 76,5 | 1 1 |
73.345.4035.0 73.344.4035.1 | 73.346.4035.0 73.345.4035.1 | 73.347.4035.0 73.346.4035.1 |
Socket/pin 24-poles +grounding z thread under the gland |
M25 | 0 with gland 1thread under the gland |
140 144 144 |
43 |
28 56,5 56,5 |
1 |
70.341.2435.0 70.341.2435.1 | 70.342.2435.0 70.342.2435.1 | 70.343.2435.0 70.343.2435.1 |
Socket / pin 24-poles +grounding z thread under the gland high execution |
M32 | 0with gland 1thread under the gland |
144 144 |
52 52 |
76,5 76,5 | 1 1 |
73.345.6435.0 73.345.6435.1 | 73.346.6435.0 73.346.6435.1 | 73.347.6435.0 73.347.6435.1 |
Socket/pin 32-poles +grounding z thread under the gland |
124 | 84 | 35 | 1 |
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