Inducteurs pour durcissement interne
Inducteurs pour durcissement interne

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Inducteurs pour durcissement interne

Inductors for hardening from the inside

Hardening from the inside (bushings, hubs) requires very intensive cooling of the inductor, due to the high heat load and high load power of the system.

Ensuring proper coolant flow is possible due to the great care in making the solder connections of the inductor and obtaining reliable and tight connections. This also has a huge impact on the lifespan of the inductor, which in turn gives significant savings. Such conditions can only be provided by a manufacturer with qualified personnel and technical facilities for testing finished coils.

In the presented inductor, the hardening emulsion sprayer is an integral part of the inductor and is also a magnetic field concentrator increasing the efficiency of the system.

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Inductors for hardening from the inside

Hardening from the inside (bushings, hubs) requires very intensive cooling of the inductor, due to the high heat load and high load power of the system.

Ensuring proper coolant flow is possible due to the great care in making the solder connections of the inductor and obtaining reliable and tight connections. This also has a huge impact on the lifespan of the inductor, which in turn gives significant savings. Such conditions can only be provided by a manufacturer with qualified personnel and technical facilities for testing finished coils.

In the presented inductor, the hardening emulsion sprayer is an integral part of the inductor and is also a magnetic field concentrator increasing the efficiency of the system.

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