

The company Greenwood-Power was founded by Norbert and Willibald in 2017. A lot has happened since then and you can already look back on great successes. With the concentrated expertise, the entire team was able to develop unique products that revolutionize the market. These...

The company Greenwood-Power was founded by Norbert and Willibald in 2017. A lot has happened since then and...

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The company Greenwood-Power was founded by Norbert and Willibald in 2017. A lot has happened since then and you can already look back on great successes. With the concentrated expertise, the entire team was able to develop unique products that revolutionize the market. These unique products are intended to cover all segments of the active distribution grid.

Since 2017, Greenwood-Power is specialized in designing and developing non-conventional instrument transformers for the medium voltage grid. Products are dedicated to all kind of installations, like gas isolated switchgears, air insulated switchgears and outdoor installations, which resist to harsh environmental conditions.

Greenwood-Power's sensors:

  • meet all the requirements of IEC and beyond (long-term tests, extended climate tests)
  • are smaller than all existing products on the market (length and diameter reduction)
  • are less expensive than all existing solutions on the market
  • work according to the highest accuracy class (0.2S according to IEC)
  • are insensitive to temperature and humidity over the entire lifetime
  • provide a measurement of harmonics - up to 150kHz