ITAG 500 - Tags RFID UHF passifs intrinsèquement sûrs
ITAG 500 - Tags RFID UHF passifs intrinsèquement sûrs
ITAG 500 - Tags RFID UHF passifs intrinsèquement sûrs
ITAG 500 - Tags RFID UHF passifs intrinsèquement sûrs
ITAG 500 - Tags RFID UHF passifs intrinsèquement sûrs
ITAG 500 - Tags RFID UHF passifs intrinsèquement sûrs
ITAG 500 - Tags RFID UHF passifs intrinsèquement sûrs
ITAG 500 - Tags RFID UHF passifs intrinsèquement sûrs
ITAG 500 - Tags RFID UHF passifs intrinsèquement sûrs
ITAG 500 - Tags RFID UHF passifs intrinsèquement sûrs

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Fabricant: Extronics

ITAG 500 - Tags RFID UHF passifs intrinsèquement sûrs

iTAG500 Range - Intrinsically Safe Passive UHF RFID Tags

IQ Range - Discrete Labels
Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID seria IQ

Prox NG

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID - prox label

Prox Label

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID flex label

Flex Label

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID max label

Max Label

Typical Applications Enterprise IT datacentre asset management. Enterprise IT datacentre asset management. Laptop tracking.
Identification of larger IT and office hardware
for inventory manageme
Identification of larger IT and office hardware
for inventory management.
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
860-930 (Dual Band) 902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
860-960 (GS)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
Read Range (m) - Fixed reader 1,8 m +/- 25% Do 3 m (US)
Do 2 m (EU)
Do 2,5 m (Global)
Do 5 m (US)
Do 3,5 m (EU)
Do 12 m (US)
Do 8 m (EU)
Material Compatibility Metal and non-metallic substrates Metal and non-metallic substrates Metal and non-metallic substrates Metal and non-metallic substrates
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3
Physical and Environmental
Encasement / Material Synthetic label Synthetic label Synthetic label Synthetic label
Size (mm) 37,5 x 12,5 x 4,5 35 x 10 x 4,8 77 x 15 x 2,8 80 x 30 x 3,8
Weight (g) 2,2 1,9 2,9 8,4
Operating Temperature
-5 do +55 +5 do +40 +5 do +40 +5 do +40
Ingress Protection IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb
Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D
II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb
Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D
II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb
Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D
II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb
Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D

IQ Range - Ultrathin Labels
Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID flex lp

Flex LP

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID flex al

Flex AI

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID IQ40p

IQ 400 P

Typical Applications Enterprise IT datacentre asset management.. Enterprise IT datacentre asset management.. Plastic facia’s on IT equipment.
Identification of IT and office hardware.
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US) 860-960 (GS)
Read Range (m)
- Fixed reader
Do 4 m Do 5 m Do 5 m
Material Compatibility Metal and non-metallic substrates Metal and non-metallic substrates Powierzchnie plastikowe i niemetalowe
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 NXP G2iL Alien Higgs 3
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Synthetic label Synthetic label Synthetic label
Size (mm) 75 x 25 x 1,2 70 x 19 x 1,45 46,5 x 12,4 x 0,3
Weight (g) 1,5 1,5 0,15
Operating Temperature
+5 do +40 +5 do +40 -40 do +85
Ingress Protection IP 54 IP 54 IP 68
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb
Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D
Not Certified Not Certified

Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID iq800P

IQ 800 P

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID iq 400

IQ 400

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID iq 600

IQ 600

Typical Applications Plastic RTI’s and containers.
Plastic pallets.
Office and IT asset tracking Hospital [&] blood bag tracking
Logistics invoving metallic packaging
Supply Chain RTI’s One way transit packaging
Blood bag tracking
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
860-960 (GS) 902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
Zasięg odczytu (m) Up to 10 m Up to 4 m Up to 6 m
Material Compatibility Metal and non-metallic substrates Metal and non-metallic substrates Optimized for metal [&] liquid
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 Impinj Monza 4QT Impinj Monza 4QT
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Synthetic label Synthetic label Synthetic label
Size (mm) 95 x 21 x 0,3 103 x 28 x 0,8 103 x 52 x 0,8
Weight (g) 0,5 2,8 5,02
Temperatura pracy
-40 do +85 -20 do +65 -20 do +65
Ingress Protection IP 68 IP 68 IP 68
Ochrona na wstrząsy
i wibracje
Hazardous Area Certification Not Certified II 2G Ex ia IIB Gb
Class I, Div 1 Grupa D
II 2G Ex ia IIB Gb
Class I, Div 1 Grupy A, B, C, D

Fit Range - Small for integration
Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID Fit 200

Fit 200

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID fit 210

Fit 210

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID fit 400

Fit 400

Typical Applications Tool tracking including very small metal tools.
Medical device tracking.
Embedding into equipment at point of manufacture.
Tool tracking including wrenches and ratchets.
Metal IT assets.
Embedding into equipment at point of manufacture
Tool tracking including metal hand tools.
Metal IT assets.
Embedding into equipment at point of manufacture.
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
Zasięg odczytu (m) Up to 2,5 m Up to 3 m Up to 4 m
Material Compatibility On Metal only Optimized for Metal substrates On Metal only
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Durable Paint Durable Ink Durable Paint
Size (mm) 8,6 x 6,1 x 2,6 56,5 x 5 x 1,3 13,1 x 7,1 x 3,1
Weight (g) 0,8 1,0 1,6
Operating Temperature Max
Exposure Temp (oC)
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
Ingress Protection IP 68 IP 68 IP 68
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 1G Ex ia IIC Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy A, B, C, D II 1G Ex ia IIC Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy A, B, C, D II 1G Ex ia IIC Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy A, B, C, D

Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID Fit 400p

Fit 400P

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID prox Fi

Prox Fi

Typical Applications Tool tracking including embedding into plastic handles or attachment to plastic
Embedding into equipment at point of manufacture.
Embedding into electrical hand tools.
Rental equipment tracking.
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
860-960 (GS)
Read Range (m)
- Fixed reader
Up to 3,5 m Up to 3 m
Material Compatibility Plastic and non-metallic substrates only Metal and non-metallic substrates
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Durable Paint Polyolefin
Size (mm) 17,6 x 7,1 x 4,1 39 x 11 x 7,5
Weight (g) 2,6 4
Operating Temperature Max
Exposure Temp (oC)
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
Ingress Protection IP 68 IP 65
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 1 G Ex ia IIC Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1 Grupy A, B, C, D II 1G Ex ia IIC Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1 Grupy A, B, C, D

Exo Range - Encased
Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID exo 200

Exo 200

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID Ex0 210

Exo 210

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID exo 400

Exo 400

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID Exo 400p

Exo 400P

Typical Applications Tool tracking.
Attachment to fixed and mobile industrial equipment.
Industrial Production Tooling.
Tool tracking.
Attachment to small industrial assets for
maintenance applications
Metal tools including production tooling.
Work-in-process sub-assemblies.
Metal IT assets
Tracking tools with plastic handles.
Tracking containers for components.
Fixed or mobile industrial assets
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
Zasięg odczytu: ustawiony/czytnik w ręce (m) Up to 2,5 m
Up to 1,25 m
Up to 3 m
Up to 1,8 m
Up to 4 m
Up to 2 m
Up to 3,5
Up to 1,75
Material Compatibility On Metal only Optimized for Metal
On Metal only Optimized for plastic assets
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Durable Thermoplastic Material Durable Thermoplastic Material Durable Thermoplastic Material Durable Thermoplastic Material
Size (mm) 14,5 x 12 x 5,4 62,5 x 9,4 x 3,6 19 x 13 x 5,9 23,5 x 13 , 6,9
Weight (g) 1 2,1 2,5 3,5
Operating Temperature
Max Exposure Temp(°C)
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
Ingress Protection IP 68 IP 68 IP 68 IP 68
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D

Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID Prox rigid

Prox Rigid

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID exo 600

Exo 600

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID max rigid

Max Rigid

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID max sq

Max SQ

Typical Applications Maintenance for deployed field assets.
Rental equipment tracking.
Remote IT[&] communications infrastructure management.
Logistics [&] Postal Industries.
Retail [&] warehousing.
Tracking returnable transit items.
Warehouse storage locations.
Rail carriage identification.
Tracking returnable transit items within global supply chains.
Automotive stillage Mgmt.
Large rental equipment tracking
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
866-960 (GS) 860-940 (GS) 902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
952-954 (JPN)
860-960 (Globar)
Read Range (m) -
Fixed reader
Handheld reader
Up to 3 m Up to 6 m
Up to 3 m
Up to 12 m (US)
Up to 10 m (EU)
Up to 7 m (JPN)
Up to 8 m
Material Compatibility        
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 Impinj Monza 4QT Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Polycarbonate ABS Rigid Plastic ABS or Polycarbonate ABS or Polycarbonate
Size (mm) 50 x 16 x 8,4 80 x 15 x 12,2 (with holes)
60 x 15 x 12,2 (without holes)
104 x 33 x 8,4 51 x 42 x 12,2
Weight (g) 6 12,5 (with holes)
11,5 (without holes)
22 19,5
Operating Temperature
Max Exposure Temp(°C)
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
Polycarbonate :
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
Ingress Protection IP 68 IP 68 IP 68 IP 68
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D

Dura Range - Heavy Duty
Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID 600


iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID max sq-d

Max SQ-D

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID max hd

Max HD

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID ultra


Typical Applications Maintenance for deployed field equipment.
Chemical drum tracking.
Beverage keg tracking.
Heavy Industry RTI and asset tracking including ;
Construction, automotive and chemical industries
Container tracking for yard management.
Cargo tracking.
Defense asset management.
Cargo and container tracking.
Heavy equipment tracking and maintenance.
Location identification in lay down zones.
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
902-928 (US)
865-868 (EU)
952-954 (JPN)
860-930 (Dual Band) 860-960 (global) 860-960 (global)
Read Range (m)
- Fixed reader
Up to 6 m (US)
Up to 5 m (EU)
Up to 3 m (JPN)
Up to 10 m Up to 15 m Up to 35 m
Material Compatibility Optimized for Metal substrates Optimized for Metal substrates Optimized for Metal substrates Metal and non-metallic substrates
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Durable Thermoplastic Materia Polypropylene ABS or Polycarbonate ABS or Polycarbonate
Size (mm) 48,5 x 38 x 9,5 52,5 x 45 x 14 140 x 66 x 14 210 x 110 x 21
Weight (g) 11,2 24,5 82 292
Temperatura pracy, max. temp.
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
-40 do +100
-40 do +100
Ingress Protection IP 68 IP 68 IP 68 IP 68
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D

Adept Range - Special Purpose
Product Name

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID adept 400

Adept 400

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID grip


iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID pioe


Typical Applications Designed for easy strap or adhesive attachment
to piping, valves and processing equipment
requiring high impact resistance
Designed for easy attachment to industrial hoses, cables, scaffold and other poles for equipment inventory management. Designed specifically for attachment to large diameter cylinders such as drill pipe and bolsters for Oil and Gas logistics applications
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
860-930 (pasmo podwójne) 866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
Read Range (m)
- Fixed reader
Up to 2,5 m
Up to 3,5 m
Up to 4 m Up to 15 m
Material Compatibility Optimized for Metal Metal and non-metallic substrates Optimized for Metal
IC Type Higgs 3 Alien H3 Alien H3
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Stainless Steel Polycarbonate with rubberized overmould. Polypropylene structure and synthetic label
Size (mm) 30 x 25 x 11 113 x 25,5 x 16,4 79 x 74 x 20
Weight (g) 45 30 44
Temperatura pracy, max temp.
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
-40 do +65
Ingress Protection IP 68 IP 68 IP 65
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 1G Ex ia IIC Ga,
I M1 Ex ia Ma,
Class I, Div 1 Grupy A, B, C, D
II 1G Ex ia IIC Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIB Ga,
I M1 Ex ia Ma,
Class I, Div 1 Grupy A, B, C, D
II 2G Ex ia IIB Gb, Class I Div 1, Grupy A, B, C, D

Product Name

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID solo

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID 360

Typical Applications Designed for limited use in container yard management applications for pooled RTI
and container applications
Very heavy industry applications. Identification of lifting equipment for
maintenance and inventory management.
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
860-930MHz (Dual Band)
13.56MHz (HF opt.
Read Range (m)
- Fixed reader
Up to 15 m Up to 10.0 (UHF)
Up to 0.1 (HF opt)
Material Compatibility Metal and non-metallic substrates Metal and non-metallic substrates
IC Type Alien H3 Alien H3 (UHF)
NXPI-Code (HF opcj.)
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material High Impact Polystyrene Steel frame
Size (mm) 108 x 59 x 12,5 136,5 x 48 x 5,5
Weight (g) 36,8 126
Operating Temperature
Max Exposure Temp(°C
-40 do +65
-40 do +65
Ingress Protection IP 65 IP 65
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 2G Ex ia IIB Ga,
I M1 Ex ia Ma,
Class I Div 1, Grupy A, B, C, D
II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb,
I M1 Ex ia Ma,
Class I Div 1, Grupy A, B, C, D

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iTAG500 Range - Intrinsically Safe Passive UHF RFID Tags

IQ Range - Discrete Labels
Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID seria IQ

Prox NG

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID - prox label

Prox Label

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID flex label

Flex Label

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID max label

Max Label

Typical Applications Enterprise IT datacentre asset management. Enterprise IT datacentre asset management. Laptop tracking.
Identification of larger IT and office hardware
for inventory manageme
Identification of larger IT and office hardware
for inventory management.
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
860-930 (Dual Band) 902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
860-960 (GS)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
Read Range (m) - Fixed reader 1,8 m +/- 25% Do 3 m (US)
Do 2 m (EU)
Do 2,5 m (Global)
Do 5 m (US)
Do 3,5 m (EU)
Do 12 m (US)
Do 8 m (EU)
Material Compatibility Metal and non-metallic substrates Metal and non-metallic substrates Metal and non-metallic substrates Metal and non-metallic substrates
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3
Physical and Environmental
Encasement / Material Synthetic label Synthetic label Synthetic label Synthetic label
Size (mm) 37,5 x 12,5 x 4,5 35 x 10 x 4,8 77 x 15 x 2,8 80 x 30 x 3,8
Weight (g) 2,2 1,9 2,9 8,4
Operating Temperature
-5 do +55 +5 do +40 +5 do +40 +5 do +40
Ingress Protection IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb
Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D
II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb
Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D
II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb
Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D
II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb
Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D

IQ Range - Ultrathin Labels
Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID flex lp

Flex LP

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID flex al

Flex AI

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID IQ40p

IQ 400 P

Typical Applications Enterprise IT datacentre asset management.. Enterprise IT datacentre asset management.. Plastic facia’s on IT equipment.
Identification of IT and office hardware.
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US) 860-960 (GS)
Read Range (m)
- Fixed reader
Do 4 m Do 5 m Do 5 m
Material Compatibility Metal and non-metallic substrates Metal and non-metallic substrates Powierzchnie plastikowe i niemetalowe
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 NXP G2iL Alien Higgs 3
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Synthetic label Synthetic label Synthetic label
Size (mm) 75 x 25 x 1,2 70 x 19 x 1,45 46,5 x 12,4 x 0,3
Weight (g) 1,5 1,5 0,15
Operating Temperature
+5 do +40 +5 do +40 -40 do +85
Ingress Protection IP 54 IP 54 IP 68
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb
Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D
Not Certified Not Certified

Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID iq800P

IQ 800 P

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID iq 400

IQ 400

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID iq 600

IQ 600

Typical Applications Plastic RTI’s and containers.
Plastic pallets.
Office and IT asset tracking Hospital [&] blood bag tracking
Logistics invoving metallic packaging
Supply Chain RTI’s One way transit packaging
Blood bag tracking
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
860-960 (GS) 902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
Zasięg odczytu (m) Up to 10 m Up to 4 m Up to 6 m
Material Compatibility Metal and non-metallic substrates Metal and non-metallic substrates Optimized for metal [&] liquid
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 Impinj Monza 4QT Impinj Monza 4QT
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Synthetic label Synthetic label Synthetic label
Size (mm) 95 x 21 x 0,3 103 x 28 x 0,8 103 x 52 x 0,8
Weight (g) 0,5 2,8 5,02
Temperatura pracy
-40 do +85 -20 do +65 -20 do +65
Ingress Protection IP 68 IP 68 IP 68
Ochrona na wstrząsy
i wibracje
Hazardous Area Certification Not Certified II 2G Ex ia IIB Gb
Class I, Div 1 Grupa D
II 2G Ex ia IIB Gb
Class I, Div 1 Grupy A, B, C, D

Fit Range - Small for integration
Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID Fit 200

Fit 200

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID fit 210

Fit 210

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID fit 400

Fit 400

Typical Applications Tool tracking including very small metal tools.
Medical device tracking.
Embedding into equipment at point of manufacture.
Tool tracking including wrenches and ratchets.
Metal IT assets.
Embedding into equipment at point of manufacture
Tool tracking including metal hand tools.
Metal IT assets.
Embedding into equipment at point of manufacture.
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
Zasięg odczytu (m) Up to 2,5 m Up to 3 m Up to 4 m
Material Compatibility On Metal only Optimized for Metal substrates On Metal only
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Durable Paint Durable Ink Durable Paint
Size (mm) 8,6 x 6,1 x 2,6 56,5 x 5 x 1,3 13,1 x 7,1 x 3,1
Weight (g) 0,8 1,0 1,6
Operating Temperature Max
Exposure Temp (oC)
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
Ingress Protection IP 68 IP 68 IP 68
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 1G Ex ia IIC Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy A, B, C, D II 1G Ex ia IIC Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy A, B, C, D II 1G Ex ia IIC Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy A, B, C, D

Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID Fit 400p

Fit 400P

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID prox Fi

Prox Fi

Typical Applications Tool tracking including embedding into plastic handles or attachment to plastic
Embedding into equipment at point of manufacture.
Embedding into electrical hand tools.
Rental equipment tracking.
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
860-960 (GS)
Read Range (m)
- Fixed reader
Up to 3,5 m Up to 3 m
Material Compatibility Plastic and non-metallic substrates only Metal and non-metallic substrates
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Durable Paint Polyolefin
Size (mm) 17,6 x 7,1 x 4,1 39 x 11 x 7,5
Weight (g) 2,6 4
Operating Temperature Max
Exposure Temp (oC)
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
Ingress Protection IP 68 IP 65
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 1 G Ex ia IIC Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1 Grupy A, B, C, D II 1G Ex ia IIC Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1 Grupy A, B, C, D

Exo Range - Encased
Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID exo 200

Exo 200

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID Ex0 210

Exo 210

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID exo 400

Exo 400

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID Exo 400p

Exo 400P

Typical Applications Tool tracking.
Attachment to fixed and mobile industrial equipment.
Industrial Production Tooling.
Tool tracking.
Attachment to small industrial assets for
maintenance applications
Metal tools including production tooling.
Work-in-process sub-assemblies.
Metal IT assets
Tracking tools with plastic handles.
Tracking containers for components.
Fixed or mobile industrial assets
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
Zasięg odczytu: ustawiony/czytnik w ręce (m) Up to 2,5 m
Up to 1,25 m
Up to 3 m
Up to 1,8 m
Up to 4 m
Up to 2 m
Up to 3,5
Up to 1,75
Material Compatibility On Metal only Optimized for Metal
On Metal only Optimized for plastic assets
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Durable Thermoplastic Material Durable Thermoplastic Material Durable Thermoplastic Material Durable Thermoplastic Material
Size (mm) 14,5 x 12 x 5,4 62,5 x 9,4 x 3,6 19 x 13 x 5,9 23,5 x 13 , 6,9
Weight (g) 1 2,1 2,5 3,5
Operating Temperature
Max Exposure Temp(°C)
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
Ingress Protection IP 68 IP 68 IP 68 IP 68
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D

Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID Prox rigid

Prox Rigid

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID exo 600

Exo 600

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID max rigid

Max Rigid

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID max sq

Max SQ

Typical Applications Maintenance for deployed field assets.
Rental equipment tracking.
Remote IT[&] communications infrastructure management.
Logistics [&] Postal Industries.
Retail [&] warehousing.
Tracking returnable transit items.
Warehouse storage locations.
Rail carriage identification.
Tracking returnable transit items within global supply chains.
Automotive stillage Mgmt.
Large rental equipment tracking
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
866-960 (GS) 860-940 (GS) 902-928 (US)
866-868 (EU)
952-954 (JPN)
860-960 (Globar)
Read Range (m) -
Fixed reader
Handheld reader
Up to 3 m Up to 6 m
Up to 3 m
Up to 12 m (US)
Up to 10 m (EU)
Up to 7 m (JPN)
Up to 8 m
Material Compatibility        
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 Impinj Monza 4QT Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Polycarbonate ABS Rigid Plastic ABS or Polycarbonate ABS or Polycarbonate
Size (mm) 50 x 16 x 8,4 80 x 15 x 12,2 (with holes)
60 x 15 x 12,2 (without holes)
104 x 33 x 8,4 51 x 42 x 12,2
Weight (g) 6 12,5 (with holes)
11,5 (without holes)
22 19,5
Operating Temperature
Max Exposure Temp(°C)
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
Polycarbonate :
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
Ingress Protection IP 68 IP 68 IP 68 IP 68
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D

Dura Range - Heavy Duty
Product Name iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID 600


iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID max sq-d

Max SQ-D

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID max hd

Max HD

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID ultra


Typical Applications Maintenance for deployed field equipment.
Chemical drum tracking.
Beverage keg tracking.
Heavy Industry RTI and asset tracking including ;
Construction, automotive and chemical industries
Container tracking for yard management.
Cargo tracking.
Defense asset management.
Cargo and container tracking.
Heavy equipment tracking and maintenance.
Location identification in lay down zones.
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
902-928 (US)
865-868 (EU)
952-954 (JPN)
860-930 (Dual Band) 860-960 (global) 860-960 (global)
Read Range (m)
- Fixed reader
Up to 6 m (US)
Up to 5 m (EU)
Up to 3 m (JPN)
Up to 10 m Up to 15 m Up to 35 m
Material Compatibility Optimized for Metal substrates Optimized for Metal substrates Optimized for Metal substrates Metal and non-metallic substrates
IC Type Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3 Alien Higgs 3
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Durable Thermoplastic Materia Polypropylene ABS or Polycarbonate ABS or Polycarbonate
Size (mm) 48,5 x 38 x 9,5 52,5 x 45 x 14 140 x 66 x 14 210 x 110 x 21
Weight (g) 11,2 24,5 82 292
Temperatura pracy, max. temp.
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
-40 do +100
-40 do +100
Ingress Protection IP 68 IP 68 IP 68 IP 68
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, I M1 Ex ia Ma, Class I Div 1, Grupy C, D

Adept Range - Special Purpose
Product Name

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID adept 400

Adept 400

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID grip


iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID pioe


Typical Applications Designed for easy strap or adhesive attachment
to piping, valves and processing equipment
requiring high impact resistance
Designed for easy attachment to industrial hoses, cables, scaffold and other poles for equipment inventory management. Designed specifically for attachment to large diameter cylinders such as drill pipe and bolsters for Oil and Gas logistics applications
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
860-930 (pasmo podwójne) 866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
Read Range (m)
- Fixed reader
Up to 2,5 m
Up to 3,5 m
Up to 4 m Up to 15 m
Material Compatibility Optimized for Metal Metal and non-metallic substrates Optimized for Metal
IC Type Higgs 3 Alien H3 Alien H3
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material Stainless Steel Polycarbonate with rubberized overmould. Polypropylene structure and synthetic label
Size (mm) 30 x 25 x 11 113 x 25,5 x 16,4 79 x 74 x 20
Weight (g) 45 30 44
Temperatura pracy, max temp.
-40 do +85
-40 do +85
-40 do +65
Ingress Protection IP 68 IP 68 IP 65
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 1G Ex ia IIC Ga,
I M1 Ex ia Ma,
Class I, Div 1 Grupy A, B, C, D
II 1G Ex ia IIC Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIB Ga,
I M1 Ex ia Ma,
Class I, Div 1 Grupy A, B, C, D
II 2G Ex ia IIB Gb, Class I Div 1, Grupy A, B, C, D

Product Name

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID solo

iskrobezpieczne pasywne znaczniki UHF RFID 360

Typical Applications Designed for limited use in container yard management applications for pooled RTI
and container applications
Very heavy industry applications. Identification of lifting equipment for
maintenance and inventory management.
RF Specifications
Range (MHz)
866-868 (EU)
902-928 (US)
860-930MHz (Dual Band)
13.56MHz (HF opt.
Read Range (m)
- Fixed reader
Up to 15 m Up to 10.0 (UHF)
Up to 0.1 (HF opt)
Material Compatibility Metal and non-metallic substrates Metal and non-metallic substrates
IC Type Alien H3 Alien H3 (UHF)
NXPI-Code (HF opcj.)
Technical Specifications
Encasement / Material High Impact Polystyrene Steel frame
Size (mm) 108 x 59 x 12,5 136,5 x 48 x 5,5
Weight (g) 36,8 126
Operating Temperature
Max Exposure Temp(°C
-40 do +65
-40 do +65
Ingress Protection IP 65 IP 65
Shock and Vibration MIL STD 810-F MIL STD 810-F
Hazardous Area Certification II 2G Ex ia IIB Ga,
I M1 Ex ia Ma,
Class I Div 1, Grupy A, B, C, D
II 1G Ex ia IIB Ga, II 2G Ex ia IIC Gb,
I M1 Ex ia Ma,
Class I Div 1, Grupy A, B, C, D
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