Impressions et descriptions
Impressions et descriptions

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Fabricant: DACPOL

Impressions et descriptions

Overprints and descriptions

We are also able to mark suggested solutions for a detailed client order. Offer is for non serial production. Overprints are made by RHINO printers. 

Overprints are printed, dependent on the requirements, on the polyester or vinyl tapes. 

Durable polyester tape can be used on the variaty of flat or rough surfaces. It is resistant for dis solvents and chemicals.

Transparent, durable polyester plate with black marks integrates well with the surface.


Overprint service

Our company despite sales offer you services:

One of them is overprint service

We can print on the following materials:

  • plastic;
  • paper, cardboard;
  • wood;


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Overprints and descriptions

We are also able to mark suggested solutions for a detailed client order. Offer is for non serial production. Overprints are made by RHINO printers. 

Overprints are printed, dependent on the requirements, on the polyester or vinyl tapes. 

Durable polyester tape can be used on the variaty of flat or rough surfaces. It is resistant for dis solvents and chemicals.

Transparent, durable polyester plate with black marks integrates well with the surface.


Overprint service

Our company despite sales offer you services:

One of them is overprint service

We can print on the following materials:

  • plastic;
  • paper, cardboard;
  • wood;


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