Compteurs de courant magnétoélectriques et tension CC
Compteurs de courant magnétoélectriques et tension CC

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Fabricant: LUMEL

Compteurs de courant magnétoélectriques et tension CC

Moving-coil meters DC

MA16, MB16, MA17, MA19 and MA12 moving-coil meters are intended for measuring d.c. voltage or d.c. current. These meters with built rectifiers can also be used for measuring a.c. voltages and a.c. currents. MA17P, MA19P, MA12P meters with built-in rectifiers are used for measurement of the rectified current or voltage arithmetical mean value and they are such calibrated that they indicate the RMS value at sinusoidal curve shape. The measurement of non-sinusoidal a.c. magnitudes results in additional errors.
MA16, MA17, MA17P, MA19, MA19P, MA12 and MA12P meters are designed for mounting into panels. MB16 meters are adapted for a fast assembly rail mounting (35 mm rail) in compliance with EN 60715 standard MA16, MA17 and MA19 meters are designed for interchangeable dials..


Accuracy class 1.5
Internal resistance, voltage drop, current or power consumption acc. tables 1, 2 and 3
Adaptation of the meter measuring range to the range of interchangeable shunts or measuring transducers by changing of the dial: the dial is simply extracted with a suitable tool and replaced through the upper
slot of the case
Note: MA12 (144 x 144) meters are not provided for interchangeable dials

Categories of meter climatic versions

If it is not written otherwise in the order, these meters are intended to use in moderate climatic conditions. Then, we do not place any symbol on the scale. On customers’ request, meters can be adapted to use in conditions of a dry or wet tropical climat. Then, they are marked with the T III symbol.


Requirements concerning safety acc. EN 61010-1 standard:
For MA16 and MB16 meters and meters with rectifiers:
- maximal phase-earth working voltage 600 V
- installation category III
- pollution degree 2
For MA17, MA19 and MA12 meters:
- maximal phase-earth working voltage 600V
- installation category III
- pollution degree 2
Protection Grade acc. to EN 60529
- in standard opton: IP 50 for MA16, MA17, MA17P, MA19, MA19P, MA12, MA12P meters
    IP 54 (only for MA12 and MA12P meters)
    IP 52 (only for MB16 meter)
- with IP 65 front protection grade (on request): IP 20 terminal protection (with a terminal protective cover)
Case material thermoplastic material
Meter glass material glass
Additional setting pointer On customers request MA17 and MA19 meters can be equiped with an additional, setting red pointer fixed on the glass.

We deliver with the meter:
- screw holders (for standard options)............. 2 pcs
- screw holders (for IP65 option)..................... 4 pcs
- terminal protection cover............................... 1 pc
- spring holders (only for MA16)...................... 2 pcs
Note: MB16 meters do not have terminal protective cover.
We can also deliver on request, interchangeable shunts of B2, B3,
B4, B5 and B5 types.

Dc current and dc voltage ranges, internal resistance or voltage drop
Frontal frame
dimensions [mm]
48 x 48*' 72 x 72 96 x 96 144x144
Scale length [mm] 42 61 95 160
Weight [kg] 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,4
Type MA16, MB16 MA17 MA19 MA12
Internal resistance  20%, voltage drop or current consumption
zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale
40 µA 6,7 kΩ 6,7 kΩ            
60 µA 6,7 kΩ 2,465 kΩ            
100 µA 2,468 kΩ 1,098 kΩ 5 kΩ 2,2 kΩ 5 kΩ 2,2 kΩ 5,8 kΩ 5,8 kΩ
150 µA 2,468 kΩ 1,098 kΩ 5 kΩ 2,2 kΩ 5 kΩ 2,2 kΩ 5,8 kΩ 2,6 kΩ
250 µA 1,097 kΩ 387 Ω 2,2 kΩ 580 Ω 2,2 kΩ 580 Ω 2,6 kΩ 1,04 kΩ
400 µA 387 Ω 147 Ω 1,6 kΩ 225 Ω 1,6 kΩ 225 Ω 1,04 kΩ 287 Ω
600 µA 147 Ω 70 Ω 573 Ω 78,3 Ω 573 Ω 78,3 Ω 753 Ω 238 Ω
1 mA 70 Ω 69,7 Ω 225 Ω 173 Ω 225 Ω 173 Ω 238 Ω 236 Ω
1,5 mA 35 Ω 14,1 Ω 76,7 Ω 17,4 Ω 76,7 Ω 17,4 Ω 69 Ω 69 Ω
2,5 mA 14,1 Ω 6 Ω 20,8 Ω 9,2 Ω 20,8 Ω 9,2 Ω 69 Ω 13,5 Ω
4 mA 6 Ω 4,5 Ω 16,5 Ω 9,3 Ω 16,5 Ω 9,3 Ω 18,2 Ω 5,2 Ω
5 mA 4 Ω 4,5 Ω 12,4 Ω 3,0 Ω 12,4 Ω 3,0 Ω 14,5 Ω 6,1 Ω
6 mA 4 Ω 4,5 Ω 9,2 Ω 3,0 Ω 9,2 Ω 3,0 Ω 14,5 Ω 3,2 Ω
10 mA 2,65 Ω 2,6 Ω 3,3 Ω 2,2 Ω 3,3 Ω 2,2 Ω 6,1 Ω 2,1 Ω
15 mA 2,5 Ω 2,1 Ω 2,7 Ω 2,0 Ω 2,7 Ω 2,0 Ω 3,2 Ω 2,1 Ω
20 mA 2,5 Ω 2,1 Ω 2,0 Ω 1,4 Ω 2,0 Ω 1,4 Ω 2,1 Ω 1,29 Ω
25 mA 60 mV 2,1 Ω 1,4 Ω 2,1 Ω 1,4 Ω 2,1 Ω 1,3 Ω
40 mA 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
60 mA 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
100 mA 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
150 mA 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
250 mA 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
400 mA 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
600 mA 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
1:00 AM 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
1,5 A 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
2,5 A 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
4:00 AM 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
6:00 AM 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
10:00 AM 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
15 A 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
20 A 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
25 A 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
4...20 mA 2,44 Ω 2,7 Ω 2,7 Ω  
For shunt connection
... A/60 mV 6 Ω 6 Ω 6 Ω 6 Ω
...A/150 mV 30 Ω 30 Ω 30 Ω 30 Ω
60 mV 6 Ω 6 Ω 6 Ω 6 Ω
100 mV 10 Ω 10 Ω 10 Ω 10 Ω
150 mV 30 Ω 29 Ω 29 Ω 35 Ω
250 mV 55 Ω 62 Ω 62 Ω 60 Ω
400 mV 400 Ω 260 Ω 260 Ω 248 Ω
600 mV 604 Ω 400 Ω 400 Ω 386 Ω


Type MA16, MB16 MA17 MA19 MA12
Internal resistance  20%, voltage drop or current consumption
zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale
1 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
1,5 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
2,5 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
4 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
6 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
10 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
15 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
25 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
40 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
60 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
100 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
150 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
250 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
300 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
400 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
500 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
600 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
800 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
1000 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
To co-operate with an external resistor D2
1500 V - 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
2500 V - 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V

*) Concerns MA16 meters: frontal dimensions, see fig.1

 Dc measuring ranges with external shunts

1 A, 1,5 A, 2,5 A , 4 A, 6 A
10 A, 15 A, 25 A, 40 A, 60 A, 100 A, 150 A, 250 A, 400 A, 600 A, 1 kA, 1,5 kA, 2,5 kA, 4 kA, 6 kA, 10 kA, 15 kA

1. Measuring movement current considerated when calibrating
B2 - 60 mV – 10 mA
B3 - 150 mV – 5 mA
2. Resistance of conductors linking the meter with the shunt:
0.035 W
3. After agreeing with the producer it is possible to offer shunts
with following standarized voltage drops: 50 mV, 75 mV, 100 mV
4. Further particulars on shunts are contained in the catalogue:
Interchangeable shunts

Ac measuring ranges

Frontal frame
dimensions [mm]
72 x 72 96 x 96 144x144 Notes
Scale length [mm] 61 95 160
Weight [kg] 0,2 0,25 0,4
Type MA17P MA19P MA12P
Measuring range Drop voltage or power consumption (self-consumption)
400 µA 1,7 V 1,7 V 1,6 V Rated operational
range for frequency
30...1000...10 000 Hz
600 µA
1 mA
1,5 mA
2,5 mA
4 mA
6 mA
10 mA
15 mA
25 mA
40 mA
60 mA
100 mA
150 mA
250 mA
400 mA
500 mA
2,5 mA
600 mA
1 A
1A 5 mW 5 mW -

Rated operational
range for frequency
49...50...51 Hz

1,5 A 7 mW 7 mW -
2,5 A 12 mW 12 mW -
4 A 19 mW 19 mW -
5 A 21 mW 21 mW -
6 A 23 mW 23 mW -
60 mV 3 mW 3 mW -
100 mV 3 mW 3 mW -
150 mV 3 mW 3 mW -
250 mV 3 mW 3 mW -
400 mV 3 mW 3 mW -
600 mV 3 mW 3 mW -
1 V 3 mW 3 mW -
1,5 V 3 mW 3 mW -
2,5 V 1000 W/V 1000 W/V 1000 W/V Rated operational
range for frequency
30...1000...10 000 Hz
4 V
6 V
10 V
15 V
25 V
40 V
60 V
100 V
150 V
250 V
400 V
500 V
600 V

In the order one must specify: name and type of meter, measuring range, shunt data if the meter is foressen to co-operate with an interchangeable shunt, working position, kind of climat (only for tropical versions), kind of holders and eventual additional requirements. One must order interchangeable shunts or D2 series resistors. When ordering meters for measuring a.c. current or a.c. voltage, one must add to the meter name „rectifier” - (rectifier meter)

Example of order:
MA16 ammeter, 40 A, c2 30, TIII, screw holders, 0…40 A range
IP54, B2/60 mV- 40 A shunt, IP65.
MA16 – moving-coil meter (48 x 48 mm),
40 A – 40 A range,
c2 30 – working position 30° with relation to horizontal position
(table 4),
TIII – design and materials adapted to specific tropical klimat,
Screw holders – type of holders (screw or spring-holders),
0…40 A – measuring range on the dial,
B2/60 mV/ 40 A – to co-operate with a 40 A shunt of B2 type
IP 54 – protection grade of the casting front


Moving-coil meters DCFig . 1. External dimensions of MB16

Moving-coil meters DC

Fig. 2. External dimensions of MA16 meters
a) with screw holders
b) with spring holders

Moving-coil meters DC

Type a b c d e f g k

MA17, MA17P

72 4 68-0,3 5 45 10... 20 20,5 68+0,7

MA19, MA19P

96 4 92-0,3 5 45 0.  2  O 32,5 92+0,8

MA12, MA12P

144 4,5 137,3-05 6 48 10... 20 55,5 138+10

Fig. 3. External dimensions of MA17, MA19 and MA12 meters

Moving-coil meters DC Moving-coil meters DC
Type a b k


58 47 47,2+0,6

MA17, MA17P

81 70 70,2+0,7

MA19, MA19P

105 94 94,2+0,8

MA16 meters
The meters are adapted to be mounted from the front of panels and then they are equiped with two spring holders, which can be fixed on arbitrary opposite case sides (Fig. 1b) or to be mounted from the rear of panels and then they are equiped with two screw holders which can be fixed on arbitrary, opposite case corners (Fig. 1a).
MA17, MA19 and MA12 meters
In their basic execution these meters are adapted to be mounted from the rear of panels by means of two screw holders which can be fixed on arbitrary opposite case corners (Fig. 5).
Execution of meters with IP 65 - The meter is fixed in the panel by means of 4 screw holders.
After agreeing with the manufacturer, MA17 and MA19 meters can be delivered with a snap fastened frontal frame and then these meters can be mounted from the front of panels by means of two spring holders fixed on arbitrary opposite case sides.

Moving-coil meters DC
Fig. 5. Fixing of meters in the panel


Kod Working position
0 c3 α = 90°
A c1 α = 0°
B c2, α = 15°
C c2, α = 30°
D c2, α = 45°
E c2, α = 60°
F c2, α = 75°
H c4, α = 105°
I c4, α = 120°

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Moving-coil meters DC

MA16, MB16, MA17, MA19 and MA12 moving-coil meters are intended for measuring d.c. voltage or d.c. current. These meters with built rectifiers can also be used for measuring a.c. voltages and a.c. currents. MA17P, MA19P, MA12P meters with built-in rectifiers are used for measurement of the rectified current or voltage arithmetical mean value and they are such calibrated that they indicate the RMS value at sinusoidal curve shape. The measurement of non-sinusoidal a.c. magnitudes results in additional errors.
MA16, MA17, MA17P, MA19, MA19P, MA12 and MA12P meters are designed for mounting into panels. MB16 meters are adapted for a fast assembly rail mounting (35 mm rail) in compliance with EN 60715 standard MA16, MA17 and MA19 meters are designed for interchangeable dials..


Accuracy class 1.5
Internal resistance, voltage drop, current or power consumption acc. tables 1, 2 and 3
Adaptation of the meter measuring range to the range of interchangeable shunts or measuring transducers by changing of the dial: the dial is simply extracted with a suitable tool and replaced through the upper
slot of the case
Note: MA12 (144 x 144) meters are not provided for interchangeable dials

Categories of meter climatic versions

If it is not written otherwise in the order, these meters are intended to use in moderate climatic conditions. Then, we do not place any symbol on the scale. On customers’ request, meters can be adapted to use in conditions of a dry or wet tropical climat. Then, they are marked with the T III symbol.


Requirements concerning safety acc. EN 61010-1 standard:
For MA16 and MB16 meters and meters with rectifiers:
- maximal phase-earth working voltage 600 V
- installation category III
- pollution degree 2
For MA17, MA19 and MA12 meters:
- maximal phase-earth working voltage 600V
- installation category III
- pollution degree 2
Protection Grade acc. to EN 60529
- in standard opton: IP 50 for MA16, MA17, MA17P, MA19, MA19P, MA12, MA12P meters
    IP 54 (only for MA12 and MA12P meters)
    IP 52 (only for MB16 meter)
- with IP 65 front protection grade (on request): IP 20 terminal protection (with a terminal protective cover)
Case material thermoplastic material
Meter glass material glass
Additional setting pointer On customers request MA17 and MA19 meters can be equiped with an additional, setting red pointer fixed on the glass.

We deliver with the meter:
- screw holders (for standard options)............. 2 pcs
- screw holders (for IP65 option)..................... 4 pcs
- terminal protection cover............................... 1 pc
- spring holders (only for MA16)...................... 2 pcs
Note: MB16 meters do not have terminal protective cover.
We can also deliver on request, interchangeable shunts of B2, B3,
B4, B5 and B5 types.

Dc current and dc voltage ranges, internal resistance or voltage drop
Frontal frame
dimensions [mm]
48 x 48*' 72 x 72 96 x 96 144x144
Scale length [mm] 42 61 95 160
Weight [kg] 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,4
Type MA16, MB16 MA17 MA19 MA12
Internal resistance  20%, voltage drop or current consumption
zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale
40 µA 6,7 kΩ 6,7 kΩ            
60 µA 6,7 kΩ 2,465 kΩ            
100 µA 2,468 kΩ 1,098 kΩ 5 kΩ 2,2 kΩ 5 kΩ 2,2 kΩ 5,8 kΩ 5,8 kΩ
150 µA 2,468 kΩ 1,098 kΩ 5 kΩ 2,2 kΩ 5 kΩ 2,2 kΩ 5,8 kΩ 2,6 kΩ
250 µA 1,097 kΩ 387 Ω 2,2 kΩ 580 Ω 2,2 kΩ 580 Ω 2,6 kΩ 1,04 kΩ
400 µA 387 Ω 147 Ω 1,6 kΩ 225 Ω 1,6 kΩ 225 Ω 1,04 kΩ 287 Ω
600 µA 147 Ω 70 Ω 573 Ω 78,3 Ω 573 Ω 78,3 Ω 753 Ω 238 Ω
1 mA 70 Ω 69,7 Ω 225 Ω 173 Ω 225 Ω 173 Ω 238 Ω 236 Ω
1,5 mA 35 Ω 14,1 Ω 76,7 Ω 17,4 Ω 76,7 Ω 17,4 Ω 69 Ω 69 Ω
2,5 mA 14,1 Ω 6 Ω 20,8 Ω 9,2 Ω 20,8 Ω 9,2 Ω 69 Ω 13,5 Ω
4 mA 6 Ω 4,5 Ω 16,5 Ω 9,3 Ω 16,5 Ω 9,3 Ω 18,2 Ω 5,2 Ω
5 mA 4 Ω 4,5 Ω 12,4 Ω 3,0 Ω 12,4 Ω 3,0 Ω 14,5 Ω 6,1 Ω
6 mA 4 Ω 4,5 Ω 9,2 Ω 3,0 Ω 9,2 Ω 3,0 Ω 14,5 Ω 3,2 Ω
10 mA 2,65 Ω 2,6 Ω 3,3 Ω 2,2 Ω 3,3 Ω 2,2 Ω 6,1 Ω 2,1 Ω
15 mA 2,5 Ω 2,1 Ω 2,7 Ω 2,0 Ω 2,7 Ω 2,0 Ω 3,2 Ω 2,1 Ω
20 mA 2,5 Ω 2,1 Ω 2,0 Ω 1,4 Ω 2,0 Ω 1,4 Ω 2,1 Ω 1,29 Ω
25 mA 60 mV 2,1 Ω 1,4 Ω 2,1 Ω 1,4 Ω 2,1 Ω 1,3 Ω
40 mA 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
60 mA 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
100 mA 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
150 mA 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
250 mA 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
400 mA 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
600 mA 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
1:00 AM 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
1,5 A 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
2,5 A 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
4:00 AM 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
6:00 AM 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
10:00 AM 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
15 A 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
20 A 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
25 A 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV 60 mV
4...20 mA 2,44 Ω 2,7 Ω 2,7 Ω  
For shunt connection
... A/60 mV 6 Ω 6 Ω 6 Ω 6 Ω
...A/150 mV 30 Ω 30 Ω 30 Ω 30 Ω
60 mV 6 Ω 6 Ω 6 Ω 6 Ω
100 mV 10 Ω 10 Ω 10 Ω 10 Ω
150 mV 30 Ω 29 Ω 29 Ω 35 Ω
250 mV 55 Ω 62 Ω 62 Ω 60 Ω
400 mV 400 Ω 260 Ω 260 Ω 248 Ω
600 mV 604 Ω 400 Ω 400 Ω 386 Ω


Type MA16, MB16 MA17 MA19 MA12
Internal resistance  20%, voltage drop or current consumption
zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale zero on the side of the scale zero in the middle of the scale
1 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
1,5 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
2,5 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
4 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
6 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
10 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
15 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
25 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
40 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
60 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
100 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
150 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
250 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
300 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
400 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
500 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
600 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
800 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
1000 V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
To co-operate with an external resistor D2
1500 V - 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V
2500 V - 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V

*) Concerns MA16 meters: frontal dimensions, see fig.1

 Dc measuring ranges with external shunts

1 A, 1,5 A, 2,5 A , 4 A, 6 A
10 A, 15 A, 25 A, 40 A, 60 A, 100 A, 150 A, 250 A, 400 A, 600 A, 1 kA, 1,5 kA, 2,5 kA, 4 kA, 6 kA, 10 kA, 15 kA

1. Measuring movement current considerated when calibrating
B2 - 60 mV – 10 mA
B3 - 150 mV – 5 mA
2. Resistance of conductors linking the meter with the shunt:
0.035 W
3. After agreeing with the producer it is possible to offer shunts
with following standarized voltage drops: 50 mV, 75 mV, 100 mV
4. Further particulars on shunts are contained in the catalogue:
Interchangeable shunts

Ac measuring ranges

Frontal frame
dimensions [mm]
72 x 72 96 x 96 144x144 Notes
Scale length [mm] 61 95 160
Weight [kg] 0,2 0,25 0,4
Type MA17P MA19P MA12P
Measuring range Drop voltage or power consumption (self-consumption)
400 µA 1,7 V 1,7 V 1,6 V Rated operational
range for frequency
30...1000...10 000 Hz
600 µA
1 mA
1,5 mA
2,5 mA
4 mA
6 mA
10 mA
15 mA
25 mA
40 mA
60 mA
100 mA
150 mA
250 mA
400 mA
500 mA
2,5 mA
600 mA
1 A
1A 5 mW 5 mW -

Rated operational
range for frequency
49...50...51 Hz

1,5 A 7 mW 7 mW -
2,5 A 12 mW 12 mW -
4 A 19 mW 19 mW -
5 A 21 mW 21 mW -
6 A 23 mW 23 mW -
60 mV 3 mW 3 mW -
100 mV 3 mW 3 mW -
150 mV 3 mW 3 mW -
250 mV 3 mW 3 mW -
400 mV 3 mW 3 mW -
600 mV 3 mW 3 mW -
1 V 3 mW 3 mW -
1,5 V 3 mW 3 mW -
2,5 V 1000 W/V 1000 W/V 1000 W/V Rated operational
range for frequency
30...1000...10 000 Hz
4 V
6 V
10 V
15 V
25 V
40 V
60 V
100 V
150 V
250 V
400 V
500 V
600 V

In the order one must specify: name and type of meter, measuring range, shunt data if the meter is foressen to co-operate with an interchangeable shunt, working position, kind of climat (only for tropical versions), kind of holders and eventual additional requirements. One must order interchangeable shunts or D2 series resistors. When ordering meters for measuring a.c. current or a.c. voltage, one must add to the meter name „rectifier” - (rectifier meter)

Example of order:
MA16 ammeter, 40 A, c2 30, TIII, screw holders, 0…40 A range
IP54, B2/60 mV- 40 A shunt, IP65.
MA16 – moving-coil meter (48 x 48 mm),
40 A – 40 A range,
c2 30 – working position 30° with relation to horizontal position
(table 4),
TIII – design and materials adapted to specific tropical klimat,
Screw holders – type of holders (screw or spring-holders),
0…40 A – measuring range on the dial,
B2/60 mV/ 40 A – to co-operate with a 40 A shunt of B2 type
IP 54 – protection grade of the casting front


Moving-coil meters DCFig . 1. External dimensions of MB16

Moving-coil meters DC

Fig. 2. External dimensions of MA16 meters
a) with screw holders
b) with spring holders

Moving-coil meters DC

Type a b c d e f g k

MA17, MA17P

72 4 68-0,3 5 45 10... 20 20,5 68+0,7

MA19, MA19P

96 4 92-0,3 5 45 0.  2  O 32,5 92+0,8

MA12, MA12P

144 4,5 137,3-05 6 48 10... 20 55,5 138+10

Fig. 3. External dimensions of MA17, MA19 and MA12 meters

Moving-coil meters DC Moving-coil meters DC
Type a b k


58 47 47,2+0,6

MA17, MA17P

81 70 70,2+0,7

MA19, MA19P

105 94 94,2+0,8

MA16 meters
The meters are adapted to be mounted from the front of panels and then they are equiped with two spring holders, which can be fixed on arbitrary opposite case sides (Fig. 1b) or to be mounted from the rear of panels and then they are equiped with two screw holders which can be fixed on arbitrary, opposite case corners (Fig. 1a).
MA17, MA19 and MA12 meters
In their basic execution these meters are adapted to be mounted from the rear of panels by means of two screw holders which can be fixed on arbitrary opposite case corners (Fig. 5).
Execution of meters with IP 65 - The meter is fixed in the panel by means of 4 screw holders.
After agreeing with the manufacturer, MA17 and MA19 meters can be delivered with a snap fastened frontal frame and then these meters can be mounted from the front of panels by means of two spring holders fixed on arbitrary opposite case sides.

Moving-coil meters DC
Fig. 5. Fixing of meters in the panel


Kod Working position
0 c3 α = 90°
A c1 α = 0°
B c2, α = 15°
C c2, α = 30°
D c2, α = 45°
E c2, α = 60°
F c2, α = 75°
H c4, α = 105°
I c4, α = 120°
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