Protection contre les surtensions pour bus de terrain

In the category of surge protection, or assortment includes surge protection for Fieldbus of MA15 Series.

The MA15 range of surge protection devices protects electronic equipment and computer networks against the effects of ‘noise pollution’ induced in mains power supplies. MA15 units...

In the category of surge protection, or assortment includes surge protection for Fieldbus of MA15 Series.

The MA15...

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In the category of surge protection, or assortment includes surge protection for Fieldbus of MA15 Series.

The MA15 range of surge protection devices protects electronic equipment and computer networks against the effects of ‘noise pollution’ induced in mains power supplies. MA15 units ‘clean up’ the effects of industrial noise and surges caused by lightning, switching devices, thyristor controls, transmission system overloads and power-factor correction circuits. 

Industrial control systems utilizing programmable logic controllers (plc) and industrial computers are particularly vulnerable due to the aggressive electrical environments for which they are intended, such as process plants, factories and water treatment sites. Ideally suited for protecting panel mounted equipment and typically used in the controls section of a motor control centre (MCC), the MA15 range provides surge and RFI protected power. Suitable for AC or DC application, MA15 units reduce both electromagnetic emissions and the susceptibility of the associated equipment to emissions from other sources.

What is power surge protection?

Power surge protection is a device, which goal is to protect electrical devices from surges. These device limits follow current. Surges are created during lightning strikes in power electronic lines or in case of turning off the aerial line. Surges can lead to damages of insulation and other elements.

MTL Instruments is a part of Eaton group - Eaton Corporation is an enterprise working in power management, specializing in electronic components and safe electric power systems; hydraulic components; systems and services for industrial and compact devices; fuel systems; hydraulics and pneumatics for commercial and military planes; drive systems for cars and trucks.