Tapis pour application industrielle Fatigue solide-étape
Tapis pour application industrielle Fatigue solide-étape
Tapis pour application industrielle Fatigue solide-étape
Tapis pour application industrielle Fatigue solide-étape
Tapis pour application industrielle Fatigue solide-étape
Tapis pour application industrielle Fatigue solide-étape
Tapis pour application industrielle Fatigue solide-étape

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Fabricant: COBA Europe

Tapis pour application industrielle Fatigue solide-étape

Ultra-comfortable interlocking tiles in nitrile and rubber

  • Interlocking solid surface tiles in two options:-
      2. Solid Fatigue-Step (a blend of natural rubber and nitrile)
      2. Solid Fatigue-Step Nitrile (100% nitrile)
  • Nitrile option has excellent resistance to oils, chemicals and grease.
  • Tiles link together to provide a very comfortable antifatigue flooring.
  • Can withstand temperatures of up to 160oC and spillage of molten glass.
  • Individual tiles can be moved and replaced with ease.
  • Conforms to Slip Resistance Test EN13552 Category R10.
  • Optional bevelled edging in yellow or black.
Product height: 16mm

Maty do zastosowań przemysłowych Solid Fatigue-Step

Dimension Standard Nitrile
0,9 m x 0,9 m (module) ST010001 ST010001B1

Edges Product Code
75 mm x 1 m - 'żeński' Yellow SS070002F
75 mm x 1 m - 'męski' Yellow SS070002M
75 mm x 1 m - 'żeński' Black SS010002F
75 mm x 1 m - 'męski' Black SS010002M
75 mm x 1 m - 'żeński' Yellow (100% Nitryl) SS070002FN
75 mm x 1 m - 'męski' Yellow (100% Nitryl) SS070002MN

Easy to install

Maty do zastosowań przemysłowych Solid Fatigue-Step montaz

Edging comes in both Male and Female versions. Both versions have an attached corner piece that can be trimmed to allow for continuous edging.

Uniquely Flexible
Every tile can be cut along the dividing (30mm) lines and still retain its ability to be linked to another tile or edge.

2 x Tile (1 x Cut)
3 x Female Edge
3 x Male Edge
Area covered = 1.08m2


Maty do zastosowań przemysłowych Solid Fatigue-Step

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Ultra-comfortable interlocking tiles in nitrile and rubber

  • Interlocking solid surface tiles in two options:-
      2. Solid Fatigue-Step (a blend of natural rubber and nitrile)
      2. Solid Fatigue-Step Nitrile (100% nitrile)
  • Nitrile option has excellent resistance to oils, chemicals and grease.
  • Tiles link together to provide a very comfortable antifatigue flooring.
  • Can withstand temperatures of up to 160oC and spillage of molten glass.
  • Individual tiles can be moved and replaced with ease.
  • Conforms to Slip Resistance Test EN13552 Category R10.
  • Optional bevelled edging in yellow or black.
Product height: 16mm

Maty do zastosowań przemysłowych Solid Fatigue-Step

Dimension Standard Nitrile
0,9 m x 0,9 m (module) ST010001 ST010001B1

Edges Product Code
75 mm x 1 m - 'żeński' Yellow SS070002F
75 mm x 1 m - 'męski' Yellow SS070002M
75 mm x 1 m - 'żeński' Black SS010002F
75 mm x 1 m - 'męski' Black SS010002M
75 mm x 1 m - 'żeński' Yellow (100% Nitryl) SS070002FN
75 mm x 1 m - 'męski' Yellow (100% Nitryl) SS070002MN

Easy to install

Maty do zastosowań przemysłowych Solid Fatigue-Step montaz

Edging comes in both Male and Female versions. Both versions have an attached corner piece that can be trimmed to allow for continuous edging.

Uniquely Flexible
Every tile can be cut along the dividing (30mm) lines and still retain its ability to be linked to another tile or edge.

2 x Tile (1 x Cut)
3 x Female Edge
3 x Male Edge
Area covered = 1.08m2


Maty do zastosowań przemysłowych Solid Fatigue-Step

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