Essais de matériaux
Essais de matériaux

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Essais de matériaux

Material Testing

How do engineers choose materials with the right set of mechanical properties for a given product or application? Actual conditions for materials in many industries involve high temperatures, and the properties of many materials change with increasing temperature. Consider the aluminum alloy from which an airplane wing is made, or the steel used to manufacture automobile axles.

Modern induction heating provides reliable, repeatable, non-contact and energy-efficient heat in a minimal amount of time. In some material testing experiments, heat must be applied in a very controlled and accurate manner. Induction heating can provide this precision at a wide range of speeds and temperatures, while also accommodating temperature input devices to control temperature ramp and patterns. Thermocouples are often used to measure temperature, with a temperature controller in direct communication with the power supply.

Ameritherm's solid state power supplies are rated for a 100% duty cycle, which is ideal for long term or long cycle testing. Specially designed induction heating coils have been developed to provide uniform heating over the length of a testing specimen.

Typical RF power supplies for material testing range from 1 to 20 kW, depending on the material and application requirements.

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Material Testing

How do engineers choose materials with the right set of mechanical properties for a given product or application? Actual conditions for materials in many industries involve high temperatures, and the properties of many materials change with increasing temperature. Consider the aluminum alloy from which an airplane wing is made, or the steel used to manufacture automobile axles.

Modern induction heating provides reliable, repeatable, non-contact and energy-efficient heat in a minimal amount of time. In some material testing experiments, heat must be applied in a very controlled and accurate manner. Induction heating can provide this precision at a wide range of speeds and temperatures, while also accommodating temperature input devices to control temperature ramp and patterns. Thermocouples are often used to measure temperature, with a temperature controller in direct communication with the power supply.

Ameritherm's solid state power supplies are rated for a 100% duty cycle, which is ideal for long term or long cycle testing. Specially designed induction heating coils have been developed to provide uniform heating over the length of a testing specimen.

Typical RF power supplies for material testing range from 1 to 20 kW, depending on the material and application requirements.

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