Toshiba TEC Poland S.A. is part of the globally operating Toshiba TEC Corporation , operating in various sectors of high industrial technologies.

It is a leading provider of information technology, operating in a wide range of industries - from...

Toshiba TEC Poland S.A. is part of the globally operating Toshiba TEC Corporation ,...

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Toshiba TEC Poland S.A. is part of the globally operating Toshiba TEC Corporation , operating in various sectors of high industrial technologies.

It is a leading provider of information technology, operating in a wide range of industries - from retail, education and business services to hospitality services and manufacturing. Toshiba is headquartered in Japan and with more than 80 subsidiaries around the world, Toshiba TEC Corporation helps organizations change the way they create, record, share, manage and displaying business information.

Toshiba TEC Poland S.A. has its headquarters in Warsaw, while its superior unit is Toshiba TEC Germany Imaging Systems GmbH based in Neuss, Germany.

Toshiba developed many pioneering electrical and electronic products that were the first of their kind in Japan or anywhere in the world. The history of Toshiba begins in 1875. It was then that the company Tanaka Seizo-sho was founded - the first Japanese producer of telegraph equipment. Its founder, Lord Hisashige Tanaka (1799-1881) was well known in his youth as an inventor, creating mechanical dolls and eternal clocks. Under the name Shibaura Seisaku-sho, his company has grown to become one of Japan's largest manufacturers of heavy electrical appliances. The second company that started in 1890 is Hakunetsu-sha & amp; Co., Ltd. which was Japan's first electric bulb plant. The further development of the company is a wide range of consumer products. In 1899, the company changed its name to Tokyo Denki. In 1939, the two companies, leaders in their fields, merged to "create" a company that produces a wide range of electrical appliances, called Tokyo Shibaura Denki (Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co Ltd.). In 1978 the new name "Toshiba" became the official corporate name.

Toshiba operates in a wide range of industries around the world - from retail, education and business services, to hospitality services, to manufacturing and finance. So, whether she is responsible for managing printing requirements at university, or managing office workflow, or for retail network digital signage projects, Toshiba can help with many solutions.

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