Relais de temps v2za10 avec 5 fonctions
  • Relais de temps v2za10 avec 5 fonctions

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Fabricant: TELE Haase

Relais de temps v2za10 avec 5 fonctions

  • 5 functions
  • 4 time ranges
  • Supply voltage 24-240V AC/DC
  • 1 change-over contact
  • Width 22,5 mm
Control elements
  • Fine adjustment
  • Setting of time range
  • Function selector
Status indication
  • LED U: Supply voltage

Technical data

Terminals A1-A2
Supply voltage 24 … 240V AC/DC
Supply voltage tolerance +10 / -10 %
Rated frequency 50 / 60Hz or DC
Rated frequency tolerance 48 … 63Hz
Rated consumption 230 V AC                   typ. 0,35 W / 1,6 VA
24 V DC                     typ. 0,06 W / 0,06 VA
Backup powet time < 50 ms
Recovery time > 100 ms
Drop-out Voltage ≥ 8 V
Timing circuit
Time ranges 4                                0,1 … 1 s
1 … 10 s
6 s … 1 min
18 s … 3 min
Range of functions
Functions 5                                E, A, nWa, nWu, nWuWa
Status indication
Supply voltage LED U (green) on. supply voltage applied
Output circuit
Terminals 15-16-18
Kind of output bistable relay
Number of contacts change-over contact                 1
Contact material AgSnO2
Rated voltage
(IEC 60947-5-1)
250V AC
Maximum switching voltage 400V AC
Mimimum switching voltag/ switching current 12V / 100mA
Rated current
(IEC 60947-5-1)
AC-1                          5 A / 250 V
Endurance mechanical            5 x 106  switching cycles
electrical (AC-1)    50 x 103  switching cycles
Rated frequency of operations with load              6/min
without load              600/min
fuse rating 5A acting
Base accuracy time range1s < 1 % (pełnej skali)
time range 1s < 10 % (of full scale)
Setting accuracy time range 1s < 5 % (of full scale)
Repeat accuracy time range 1s < 1 % or ±100 ms
Temperature influence time range 1s < 0,02 % / °C
Voltage infulence -
Frequency influence -
Environmental conditions
Ambient temperature operation                  -25 … +60°C
storage   -40 … +70°C
Relative humidity 5 … 95 %
Vibration EN 61812-1               10 … 60 Hz: 0,15 mm; 60 … 150 Hz: 20 m/s2
EN 60947-1               2 … 13,2 Hz: 1 mm; 13,2 … 100 Hz: 7 m/s2
EN 60947-1               ±150 m/s2 11 ms
General data
Dimensions W x D x Dł             22,5 × 67 × 76 mm
Mounting DIN (EN60715)
Mounting position any
Housing material PA 66, self-extinguishing plastic, class V-0
Degree of protecion housing                  IP40
terminals                  IP20
Electrical connection V2ZA10                    zaciski śrubowe
Wire size flexible with wire end ferrule       5 … 2,5 mm² (20 AWG … 13 AWG)
fiexible without wire end ferrule     0,5 … 4 mm² (20 AWG … 12 AWG)
rigid                          0,5 … 4 mm² (20 AWG … 12 AWG)
Stripping length 8 mm
Tightening torque max. 1Nm
Electrical connection V2ZA10P push-in terminal                  
Wire size flexible with wire end ferrule    0,25 … 1,5 mm² (24 AWG … 16 AWG)
flexible with plastic ferrule  0,25 … 0,75 mm² (24 AWG … 19 AWG)
flexible without wire end ferrule        0,2 … 1,5 mm² (24 AWG … 16 AWG)
rigid                           0,2 … 1,5 mm² (24 AWG … 16 AWG)
Stripping length 8 mm
Weight 85 g
Isolation data
Pollution degree
(IEC 61812-1)
Overvoltage category
(IEC 61812-1)
Rated insulation voltage
(IEC 61812-1)
supply circuit / output cicuit             300 V
Rated impulse withstanding voltage
(IEC 61812-1)
supply circuit / output cicuit              6 kV
Insulation test voltage
(IEC 61812-1)
supply circuit / output cicuit              2880 V
Degree of protection supply circuit output cicuit              protective seperation
Product standard IEC 61812-1
Interference immunity IEC 61812-1               class A
Interference emission IEC 61812-1               class A


ON delay (E)
When the supply voltage U is applied, the set interval t begins (green LED U illuminated). After the interval t has expired the output relay R switches into on-position. This status remains until the supply voltage is interrupted. If the supply voltage is interrupted before the expiry of the interval t, the interval already expired is erased and is restarted when the supply voltage is next applied.

V2ZA10 przekaźnik czasowy o 5 funkcjach - opóżnione załączenie (E)

OFF-Delay without auxiliary voltage (A)
When the supply voltage U is supplied, the output relay R swi-ches into on-position (green LED U illuminated). If the supply voltage is interrupted (green LED U not illuminated), the set interval t begins. After the set interval t has expired the output relay R switches into off-position. If the supply voltage is re-connected before the interval t has expired the interval already is erased and is restarted with the next cycle.

V2ZA10 przekaźnik czasowy o 5 funkcjach Opóźnione wyłączanie bez dodatkowego napięcia (A)

Maintained single shot trailing edge (nWa)
When the supply voltage U is supplied, the output relay R remains into off-position (green LED U illuminated). As soon as the supply voltage is interrupted the output relay switches into on-position and the set interval t begins (green LED not illuminated). After the set interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. When the supply voltage is re-connected before the interval t has expired, the unit continue to perform the actual single shot.

V2ZA10 przekaźnik czasowy o 5 funkcjach - Utrzymanie pojedynczego impulsu

Maintained single shot leading edge (nWu)
When the supply voltage U is applied (green LED U illumina-ted), the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t begins (green LED U/t flashes). After the interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. This status remains until the supply voltage is interrupted. If the supply voltage is reconnected before the interval t has expired, the unit continue to perform the actual single shot.

V2ZA10 przekaźnik czasowy o 5 funkcjach impuls krawędź prowadząca

Maintained single shot leading and trailing edge (nWuWa)
When the supply voltage U is applied, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t begins (green LED U illuminated). After the interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. As soon as the supply voltage is interrupted the output relay switches into on-position again and the set interval t begins (green LED not illuminated). After the set interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. If the supply voltage is interrupted (nWu) or reconnected (nWa) before the interval t has expired the unit continue to perform the actual single shot.

V2ZA10 przekaźnik czasowy o 5 funkcjach pojedynczego impulse
After transport the output relay maybe in any position. The correct operation will be given after the first cycle.

V2ZA10 przekaźnik czasowy o 5 funkcjach podłączenie


V2ZA10 przekaźnik czasowy o 5 funkcjach wymiar

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  • 5 functions
  • 4 time ranges
  • Supply voltage 24-240V AC/DC
  • 1 change-over contact
  • Width 22,5 mm
Control elements
  • Fine adjustment
  • Setting of time range
  • Function selector
Status indication
  • LED U: Supply voltage

Technical data

Terminals A1-A2
Supply voltage 24 … 240V AC/DC
Supply voltage tolerance +10 / -10 %
Rated frequency 50 / 60Hz or DC
Rated frequency tolerance 48 … 63Hz
Rated consumption 230 V AC                   typ. 0,35 W / 1,6 VA
24 V DC                     typ. 0,06 W / 0,06 VA
Backup powet time < 50 ms
Recovery time > 100 ms
Drop-out Voltage ≥ 8 V
Timing circuit
Time ranges 4                                0,1 … 1 s
1 … 10 s
6 s … 1 min
18 s … 3 min
Range of functions
Functions 5                                E, A, nWa, nWu, nWuWa
Status indication
Supply voltage LED U (green) on. supply voltage applied
Output circuit
Terminals 15-16-18
Kind of output bistable relay
Number of contacts change-over contact                 1
Contact material AgSnO2
Rated voltage
(IEC 60947-5-1)
250V AC
Maximum switching voltage 400V AC
Mimimum switching voltag/ switching current 12V / 100mA
Rated current
(IEC 60947-5-1)
AC-1                          5 A / 250 V
Endurance mechanical            5 x 106  switching cycles
electrical (AC-1)    50 x 103  switching cycles
Rated frequency of operations with load              6/min
without load              600/min
fuse rating 5A acting
Base accuracy time range1s < 1 % (pełnej skali)
time range 1s < 10 % (of full scale)
Setting accuracy time range 1s < 5 % (of full scale)
Repeat accuracy time range 1s < 1 % or ±100 ms
Temperature influence time range 1s < 0,02 % / °C
Voltage infulence -
Frequency influence -
Environmental conditions
Ambient temperature operation                  -25 … +60°C
storage   -40 … +70°C
Relative humidity 5 … 95 %
Vibration EN 61812-1               10 … 60 Hz: 0,15 mm; 60 … 150 Hz: 20 m/s2
EN 60947-1               2 … 13,2 Hz: 1 mm; 13,2 … 100 Hz: 7 m/s2
EN 60947-1               ±150 m/s2 11 ms
General data
Dimensions W x D x Dł             22,5 × 67 × 76 mm
Mounting DIN (EN60715)
Mounting position any
Housing material PA 66, self-extinguishing plastic, class V-0
Degree of protecion housing                  IP40
terminals                  IP20
Electrical connection V2ZA10                    zaciski śrubowe
Wire size flexible with wire end ferrule       5 … 2,5 mm² (20 AWG … 13 AWG)
fiexible without wire end ferrule     0,5 … 4 mm² (20 AWG … 12 AWG)
rigid                          0,5 … 4 mm² (20 AWG … 12 AWG)
Stripping length 8 mm
Tightening torque max. 1Nm
Electrical connection V2ZA10P push-in terminal                  
Wire size flexible with wire end ferrule    0,25 … 1,5 mm² (24 AWG … 16 AWG)
flexible with plastic ferrule  0,25 … 0,75 mm² (24 AWG … 19 AWG)
flexible without wire end ferrule        0,2 … 1,5 mm² (24 AWG … 16 AWG)
rigid                           0,2 … 1,5 mm² (24 AWG … 16 AWG)
Stripping length 8 mm
Weight 85 g
Isolation data
Pollution degree
(IEC 61812-1)
Overvoltage category
(IEC 61812-1)
Rated insulation voltage
(IEC 61812-1)
supply circuit / output cicuit             300 V
Rated impulse withstanding voltage
(IEC 61812-1)
supply circuit / output cicuit              6 kV
Insulation test voltage
(IEC 61812-1)
supply circuit / output cicuit              2880 V
Degree of protection supply circuit output cicuit              protective seperation
Product standard IEC 61812-1
Interference immunity IEC 61812-1               class A
Interference emission IEC 61812-1               class A


ON delay (E)
When the supply voltage U is applied, the set interval t begins (green LED U illuminated). After the interval t has expired the output relay R switches into on-position. This status remains until the supply voltage is interrupted. If the supply voltage is interrupted before the expiry of the interval t, the interval already expired is erased and is restarted when the supply voltage is next applied.

V2ZA10 przekaźnik czasowy o 5 funkcjach - opóżnione załączenie (E)

OFF-Delay without auxiliary voltage (A)
When the supply voltage U is supplied, the output relay R swi-ches into on-position (green LED U illuminated). If the supply voltage is interrupted (green LED U not illuminated), the set interval t begins. After the set interval t has expired the output relay R switches into off-position. If the supply voltage is re-connected before the interval t has expired the interval already is erased and is restarted with the next cycle.

V2ZA10 przekaźnik czasowy o 5 funkcjach Opóźnione wyłączanie bez dodatkowego napięcia (A)

Maintained single shot trailing edge (nWa)
When the supply voltage U is supplied, the output relay R remains into off-position (green LED U illuminated). As soon as the supply voltage is interrupted the output relay switches into on-position and the set interval t begins (green LED not illuminated). After the set interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. When the supply voltage is re-connected before the interval t has expired, the unit continue to perform the actual single shot.

V2ZA10 przekaźnik czasowy o 5 funkcjach - Utrzymanie pojedynczego impulsu

Maintained single shot leading edge (nWu)
When the supply voltage U is applied (green LED U illumina-ted), the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t begins (green LED U/t flashes). After the interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. This status remains until the supply voltage is interrupted. If the supply voltage is reconnected before the interval t has expired, the unit continue to perform the actual single shot.

V2ZA10 przekaźnik czasowy o 5 funkcjach impuls krawędź prowadząca

Maintained single shot leading and trailing edge (nWuWa)
When the supply voltage U is applied, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t begins (green LED U illuminated). After the interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. As soon as the supply voltage is interrupted the output relay switches into on-position again and the set interval t begins (green LED not illuminated). After the set interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. If the supply voltage is interrupted (nWu) or reconnected (nWa) before the interval t has expired the unit continue to perform the actual single shot.

V2ZA10 przekaźnik czasowy o 5 funkcjach pojedynczego impulse
After transport the output relay maybe in any position. The correct operation will be given after the first cycle.

V2ZA10 przekaźnik czasowy o 5 funkcjach podłączenie


V2ZA10 przekaźnik czasowy o 5 funkcjach wymiar

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