We’re annoucing a new release in our permanent offer of automation products from our renowned supplier TELE Haase - temperature monitoring relays
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Forbes Diamonds 2021
Another consecutive year of DACPOL becoming a laureate of prestige "Forbes Diamonds" 2021.
Industrial automatic and control systems
Industrial automation is currently one of the most quickly developing industrial sectors and has become an inseparable part of production processes - makes the company’s development process faster, improves systems, increases productivity, preciseness, and decreases production costs.
Nanuk protection cases - perfect solution for work in difficult conditions
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Pulsiv OSMIUM: Transforming AC-DC Power Conversion with Unmatched Efficiency and Versatility
Using a patented switching technique, Pulsiv has developed an entirely new method for converting AC to DC that delivers a combination of game changing benefits in power electronics designs. Our unique technology has extended the range of conventional flyback topologies to replace expensive LLC solutions, whilst achieving an unrivalled efficiency profile.
Electrostatic precipitators – general information
The exhaust gases produced by burning solid fuel in a furnace contain many dust particles. When the stack releases these gases into the atmosphere without filtering the dust particles, the atmosphere can become polluted.
Ignition sources covered by the ATEX directive
Tak jak istnieją normy, które opisują większość zagadnień związanych z ochroną przeciwwybuchową, tak też istnieje standard precyzujący jakie źródła zapłonu są uwzględniane przez dyrektywę ATEX.
Monitoring the technical condition of industrial machinery
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Distance and pressure transducers
In the following article, we will introduce you to the principle of operation and types of specific solutions of distance and pressure transducers.
Power supply management
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LV100 IGBT Modules for Best Performance in Renewable and Industrial Applications
Conventionally available IGBTs with 1700 V blocking voltage are designed for the requirements of motor control application in 690 VAC networks where DC-link voltage is typically about 970 V and maximum below 1200 V. For renewable applications, higher DClink voltage is required going up to 1500 V which is the limit of the low voltage directive (2014/35/EU). Hence, a new 2.0 kV class IGBT in the LV100 housing has been developed and evaluated under the requirements of renewable applications such...
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Measures (preventive) of explosion protection
W wielu przypadkach uniknięcie atmosfer wybuchowych i źródeł zapłonu nie jest możliwe w sposób pewny. Należy zatem podjąć odpowiednie środki, aby ograniczyć skutki wybuchu do dopuszczalnych rozmiarów
Metoda ochrony Ex d (ognioszczelność) - czym się charakteryzuje?
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MTM Power® PCMDS150 serijos nuolatinės srovės / nuolatinės srovės keitikliai yra specialiai sukurti decentralizuotam energijos tiekimui transporto priemonėse ir uždariems posistemiams maitinti riedmenų įrenginiuose.
They are available with three wide input ranges thus enables the use of the converters on batteries with 24 V, 48 V and 100 V acc. EN 50 155. The converters are also suitable for use in industrial and telecommunication applications.
The use of induction heating in the manufacture of industrial equipment
Induction heating is a method of heating conductive materials that is gaining more and more popularity in industrial applications
DC-DC converters in railroad applications
Electronic systems are an important aspect of railroad rolling stock, affecting the comfort and safety of passengers, while at the same time providing the operator with full control over electronic components and equipment on board the rail vehicle.