Jutikliai kambario ir lauko temperatūrai matuoti - T-115
  • Jutikliai kambario ir lauko temperatūrai matuoti - T-115

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Jutikliai kambario ir lauko temperatūrai matuoti - T-115

Technical data

Measure range: -30... 70°C
Measure element: Pt100.Pt1000
Casing material: plastic
Shield material: steel 1H18N9T

Drawing: T-115
Drawing: T-115 without bar

Ordering method

It is necessary to specify the sensor type: with or without bar. Sensor with different resistor then Pt100 should be marked at the end of the order.

Order example: T-115-4-40-A with bar

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Technical data

Measure range: -30... 70°C
Measure element: Pt100.Pt1000
Casing material: plastic
Shield material: steel 1H18N9T

Drawing: T-115
Drawing: T-115 without bar

Ordering method

It is necessary to specify the sensor type: with or without bar. Sensor with different resistor then Pt100 should be marked at the end of the order.

Order example: T-115-4-40-A with bar

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