Linijinis linijinis ellk 92
Linijinis linijinis ellk 92
Linijinis linijinis ellk 92
Linijinis linijinis ellk 92
Linijinis linijinis ellk 92

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Gamintojas: Eaton / CEAG

Linijinis linijinis ellk 92

Light fittings eLLK 92

eLLK 92... 18 W – 58 W

Oprawy świetlówkowe w wykonaniu przeciwwybuchowym dla dwupinowych świetlówek z serii eLLK 92 wykonane są zgodnie z zasadniczymi wymaganiami Dyrektywy ATEX (94/9/WE). Wyposażone są w nowoczesny statecznik elektroniczny EVG 09, który umożliwia bezpieczną i oszczędną pracę dwupinowych świetlówek G13. Pod koniec okresu swojej żywotności świetlówki są monitorowane i bezpiecznie wyłączane. Szeroki zakres napięcia wejściowego pozwala na użytkowanie tej oprawy na całym świecie. Standardowe jednostronne okablowanie przelotowe oraz przestronny przedział zaciskowy, zapewniają szybką i wygodną instalację. Dzięki dwustronnej blokadzie z 10, 20 lub 24 zatrzaskami, przy montażu oprawy nie trzeba zwracać uwagi na to, która strona jest właściwa. Automatyczny wyłącznik bezpieczeństwa chroni użytkownika gdy pokrywa oprawy jest otwarta. Odcina jednocześnie zasilanie od wszystkich przewodzących części oprawy, które mogą stać się zagrożeniem dla pracowników wykonujących prace konserwacyjne i eksploatacyjne. Opcjonalny moduł CG-S stanowi optymalne rozwiązanie do indywidualnego monitorowania opraw oświetleniowych połączonych z systemami zasilania awaryjnego


eLLK 92... (18-58 W)

Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92

1 x 36 W

2 x 36 W

eLLK 92018/18 | eLLK 92036 / eLLK 92036/3 | eLLK 92058 / eLLK 92058/58
Marking to 94/9/EC Ex II 2G Ex de IIC T4 Gb/ Ex II 2G Ex de mb IIC T4 Gb (wersja: CG-S)
Ex II 2D Ex tb IIIC T80 °C Db IP66
EC-Type Examination Certificate BVS 09 ATEX E 034
IECEx-Certificate of Confrmity IECEx BVS 09.0033
Marking to IECEx Ex de IIC T4 Gb / Ex de mb IIC T4 Gb (6/5000 version: CG-S) Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db
Permisible ambient temeperature -25 °C do +55 °C (Un ≥ 220 V)
-25 °C do +50 °C (Un < 220 V) 1)
-25 °C do +40 °C (eLL. 92 2x58W)
Frequency 50-60 Hz
Power factor cos φ ≥ 0,95
Circuit EVG or EVG/CG-S
Connecting terminals L1, L2, L3, L, N, PE; max. 2 x 6 mm2 per terminal
Insulation class I
Lamp cap G13 accd. to IEC 60081
Dergee of protecion accd. EN 60529 IP66
Cable gldand/gland pater/enclosure drilling
Ex-e cable glands M25 x 1.5 (plastic) for cables from Ø 8 - 17 mm,
Option: M20 x 1.5 metal thread (eLLK 92 NIB)
Enclosure material Glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Protective cover/protective bowl Polycarbonate

  eLLK 92018/18 eLLK 92036 eLLK 92036/36
Rated voltage 110-254 V AC / 110-254 V AC / 110-254 V AC /
110-250 V DC 110-250 V DC 110-250 V DC
Rated voltage CG-S 220-254 V AC / 220-254 V AC / 220-254 V AC /
195-250 V DC 195-250 V DC 195-250 V DC
Rated current 0,18 A 0,18 A 0,34 A
0,19 A (CG-S wariant) 0,35 A (CG-S wariant)
Lamp/illuminant 2 x T26 / 18 W (T8) 1 x T26 / 36 W (T8) 2 x T26 / 36 W (T8)
Rated luminous flux 2700 lm 3350 lm 6700 lm
Dimensions (L x W x H) 760 x 188 x 130 mm 1360 x 188 x 130 mm 1360 x 188 x 130 mm
Weight approx 5,2 kg /
approx 5,6 kg (CG-S wariant)
approx 7,2 kg approx 7,4 kg /
approx 7,7 kg (CG-S wariant)

  eLLK 92058 eLLK 92058/58
Rated voltage 220-254 V AC / 220-254 V AC /
195-250 V DC 195-250 V DC
Rated voltage CG-S 220-254 V AC / 220-254 V AC /
195-250 V DC 195-250 V DC
Rated current 0,27 A 0,53 A / 0,54 A (CG-S wariant)
Lamp/illuminant 1 x T26 / 58 W (T8) 2 x T26 / 58 W (T8)
Rated luminous flux 5200 lm 10400 lm
Dimensions (L x W x H) 1660 x 188 x 130 mm 1660 x 188 x 130 mm
Weight około 8,2 kg około 9,1 kg / około 9,6 kg (CG-S wariant)

1) eLLK 92058/58: max. +40 °C
2)depending on the housing

eLLM 92.../..

Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92

Technical data

eLLM 92018/18 | eLLM 92036/36
Marking accd. to 94/9/EC Ex II 2G Ex de IIC T4 Gb/ Ex II 2G Ex de mb IIC T4 Gb (wersja: CG-S)
Ex II 2D Ex tb IIIC T80 °C Db IP66
EC-Type Examination Certificate BVS 09 ATEX E 034
IECEx Certificate of Conformity IECEx BVS 09.0033
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex de IIC T4 Gb / Ex de mb IIC T4 Gb (wersja: CG-S)
Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db
Permissible ambient temperature -25 °C up to +55 °C (Un ≥ 220 V)
-25 °C up to +50 °C (Un < 220 V)
Rated voltage 110-254 V AC / 110-250 V DC
Frequency 50-60 Hz
Power factor cos Ø > 0,95
Circuit EVG
Connecting terminals L1, N, PE; max. 2 x 6 mm2 per terminal
Protection class I
Lamp cap G13 accd. to IEC 60081
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands / gland plates / enclosure drilling Ex-e cable glands M25 x 1.5 (plastic), option: M20 x 1.5 metal thread
Housing material Glass Reinforced Polyester
Material Shade Polycarbonate

  eLLM 92018/18 eLLM 92036/36 1
Rated voltage 110-254 C AC / 110-250 V DC
Rated current 0,18 A 0,34 A
Lamp/illuminant 2 x T26 / 18 W (T8) 2 x T26 / 36 W (T8)
Rated luminous flux 2700lm 6700 lm
Dimensions (L x W x H) 1060 x 188 x 130 mm 1660 x 188 x 130 mm
Hole for mounting a pole 0 44 mm x 150 mm 0 44 mm x 150 mm
Weight około 7,0 kg około 9,5 kg

eLLK 92... (18-58 W) | eLLM 92.../.. (18 + 36 W)

Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92 Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92 Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92
2 x 18 W 1 x 36 W 2 x 36 W 2 x 36 W 2 x 18 W

Szczegóły zamówienia

Grupa Produktowa Podgrupa Opis Numer seryjny
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 1/6-1 12265875101
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 1/6-2 12265875103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 1/6-1 M 12265875109
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 1/6-2 M 12265875111
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 1/6-1 level gauge P2 12265875126
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 2/6-2 double terminal 12265881111
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 V-CG-S 2/6-2 12265881103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 V-CG-S 2/6-2M double terminal 12265881311
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 V-CG-S 2/6-2 12265881211
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036 1/6-1 12263875101
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036 2/6-2 12263875103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036 level gauge P2 12263875125
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 1/6-1 12266875101
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 2/6-2 12266875103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 1/6-1 M 12266875109
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 2/6-2 M 12266875111
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 2/6-2 double terminal 12266881111
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 V-CG-S 2/6-2 12266881103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 V-CG-S 2/6-2 double terminal 12266881311
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 V-CG-S 2/6-2 M 12266881211
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058 1/6-1 12264875101
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058 2/6-2 12264875103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058 2/6-2 M 12264875111
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058/58 1/6-1 12267875101
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058/58 2/6-2 12267875103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058/58 2/6-2 M 12267875111
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058/58 V-CG-S 2/6-2 12267881103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058/58 V-CG-S 2/6-2 M 12267881211
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-pole mounted light fitting eLLM 92 018/18 12268875101
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-pole mounted light fitting eLLM 92 036/36 12269875101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 18W LED ready 1/6-1K,2x M25K 110-254V AC/DC 12265600101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 18W LED ready 2/6-2K M25K 110-254V AC/DC 12265600103
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 18W LED ready 1/6-1M M20M 110-254V AC/DC 12265600109
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 18W LED ready 2/6-2M M20M 110-254V AC/DC 12265600111
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLM 92 18W LED ready 1/3-1K 25K 110-254V AC/DC 12268600101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 36W LED ready 1/6-1K M25K 110-254V AC/DC 12266600101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 36W LED ready 2/6-2K M25K 110-254V AC/DC 12266600103
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 36W LED ready 1/6-1M M20M 110-254V AC/DC 12266600109
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 36W LED ready 2/6-2M M20M 110-254V AC/DC 12266600111
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLM 92 36W LED ready 1/3-1K M25K 110-254V AC/DC 12269600101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent emergency light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 LED ready NIB 1/6-1K M25K 220-254 V/50/60 Hz 12260679101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent emergency light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 LED Ready NIB 2/6 -2M M20M 220-254 V/50/60 Hz 12260679111
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent emergency light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 LED Ready NIB 2/6-1K M25 220-254 V/50/60 Hz 12273679101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent emergency light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 LED ready NIB 2/6-2M M20M 220-254 V/50/60 Hz 12261679101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent emergency light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 LED ready NIB 1/6-1K M25K 220-254 V/50/60 Hz 12261679111

eLLK 92... (18-58 W) | eLLM 92.../.. (18 + 36 W)

Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92 Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92



Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92

Polar curve

Polar curve
eLLK 92018/18 / eLLK 92036/36
Polar curve
eLLK 92036 / eLLK 92058
Polar curve
eLLK 92058/58
Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92 Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92 Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92

Fixing materials eLLK 92
Type Corrosion protection Number of Binding no product
Eye bolt A2 galvanized 2 22 480 002 000
Hexagen screw S4 stainless steel 2 22 480 054 000
Ceiling mounting bracket D92
incl. screws and washer
stainless steel 2 22 480 092 000

Fixing materials
Type Corrosion protection for pipes DIN Outer Ø D (mm) Qty per light fitting Order No.
Pipe clamp          
R12 hot galvanizde 1 1/4" 38-42 2 22 480 462 000
R14 CrNi 1 1/4" 38-42 2 22 480 464 000
R22 hot galvanizde 1 1/2" 47-51 2 22 480 472 000
R24 CrNi 1 1/2" 47-51 2 22 480 474 000
R32 hot galvanizde 2" 56-60 2 22 480 482 000
R34 CrNi 2" 56-60 2 22 480 484 000
Wall bracket W27 hot galvanizde   42,4 1 22 483 027 000
Luminaire wall suspension 30° z incl. screws and washer hot galvanizde     2 22 480 000 122

1)For luminaires eLLK 923../.. and eLLM 923../.. with single pin caps Fa6

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Light fittings eLLK 92

eLLK 92... 18 W – 58 W

Oprawy świetlówkowe w wykonaniu przeciwwybuchowym dla dwupinowych świetlówek z serii eLLK 92 wykonane są zgodnie z zasadniczymi wymaganiami Dyrektywy ATEX (94/9/WE). Wyposażone są w nowoczesny statecznik elektroniczny EVG 09, który umożliwia bezpieczną i oszczędną pracę dwupinowych świetlówek G13. Pod koniec okresu swojej żywotności świetlówki są monitorowane i bezpiecznie wyłączane. Szeroki zakres napięcia wejściowego pozwala na użytkowanie tej oprawy na całym świecie. Standardowe jednostronne okablowanie przelotowe oraz przestronny przedział zaciskowy, zapewniają szybką i wygodną instalację. Dzięki dwustronnej blokadzie z 10, 20 lub 24 zatrzaskami, przy montażu oprawy nie trzeba zwracać uwagi na to, która strona jest właściwa. Automatyczny wyłącznik bezpieczeństwa chroni użytkownika gdy pokrywa oprawy jest otwarta. Odcina jednocześnie zasilanie od wszystkich przewodzących części oprawy, które mogą stać się zagrożeniem dla pracowników wykonujących prace konserwacyjne i eksploatacyjne. Opcjonalny moduł CG-S stanowi optymalne rozwiązanie do indywidualnego monitorowania opraw oświetleniowych połączonych z systemami zasilania awaryjnego


eLLK 92... (18-58 W)

Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92

1 x 36 W

2 x 36 W

eLLK 92018/18 | eLLK 92036 / eLLK 92036/3 | eLLK 92058 / eLLK 92058/58
Marking to 94/9/EC Ex II 2G Ex de IIC T4 Gb/ Ex II 2G Ex de mb IIC T4 Gb (wersja: CG-S)
Ex II 2D Ex tb IIIC T80 °C Db IP66
EC-Type Examination Certificate BVS 09 ATEX E 034
IECEx-Certificate of Confrmity IECEx BVS 09.0033
Marking to IECEx Ex de IIC T4 Gb / Ex de mb IIC T4 Gb (6/5000 version: CG-S) Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db
Permisible ambient temeperature -25 °C do +55 °C (Un ≥ 220 V)
-25 °C do +50 °C (Un < 220 V) 1)
-25 °C do +40 °C (eLL. 92 2x58W)
Frequency 50-60 Hz
Power factor cos φ ≥ 0,95
Circuit EVG or EVG/CG-S
Connecting terminals L1, L2, L3, L, N, PE; max. 2 x 6 mm2 per terminal
Insulation class I
Lamp cap G13 accd. to IEC 60081
Dergee of protecion accd. EN 60529 IP66
Cable gldand/gland pater/enclosure drilling
Ex-e cable glands M25 x 1.5 (plastic) for cables from Ø 8 - 17 mm,
Option: M20 x 1.5 metal thread (eLLK 92 NIB)
Enclosure material Glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Protective cover/protective bowl Polycarbonate

  eLLK 92018/18 eLLK 92036 eLLK 92036/36
Rated voltage 110-254 V AC / 110-254 V AC / 110-254 V AC /
110-250 V DC 110-250 V DC 110-250 V DC
Rated voltage CG-S 220-254 V AC / 220-254 V AC / 220-254 V AC /
195-250 V DC 195-250 V DC 195-250 V DC
Rated current 0,18 A 0,18 A 0,34 A
0,19 A (CG-S wariant) 0,35 A (CG-S wariant)
Lamp/illuminant 2 x T26 / 18 W (T8) 1 x T26 / 36 W (T8) 2 x T26 / 36 W (T8)
Rated luminous flux 2700 lm 3350 lm 6700 lm
Dimensions (L x W x H) 760 x 188 x 130 mm 1360 x 188 x 130 mm 1360 x 188 x 130 mm
Weight approx 5,2 kg /
approx 5,6 kg (CG-S wariant)
approx 7,2 kg approx 7,4 kg /
approx 7,7 kg (CG-S wariant)

  eLLK 92058 eLLK 92058/58
Rated voltage 220-254 V AC / 220-254 V AC /
195-250 V DC 195-250 V DC
Rated voltage CG-S 220-254 V AC / 220-254 V AC /
195-250 V DC 195-250 V DC
Rated current 0,27 A 0,53 A / 0,54 A (CG-S wariant)
Lamp/illuminant 1 x T26 / 58 W (T8) 2 x T26 / 58 W (T8)
Rated luminous flux 5200 lm 10400 lm
Dimensions (L x W x H) 1660 x 188 x 130 mm 1660 x 188 x 130 mm
Weight około 8,2 kg około 9,1 kg / około 9,6 kg (CG-S wariant)

1) eLLK 92058/58: max. +40 °C
2)depending on the housing

eLLM 92.../..

Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92

Technical data

eLLM 92018/18 | eLLM 92036/36
Marking accd. to 94/9/EC Ex II 2G Ex de IIC T4 Gb/ Ex II 2G Ex de mb IIC T4 Gb (wersja: CG-S)
Ex II 2D Ex tb IIIC T80 °C Db IP66
EC-Type Examination Certificate BVS 09 ATEX E 034
IECEx Certificate of Conformity IECEx BVS 09.0033
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex de IIC T4 Gb / Ex de mb IIC T4 Gb (wersja: CG-S)
Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db
Permissible ambient temperature -25 °C up to +55 °C (Un ≥ 220 V)
-25 °C up to +50 °C (Un < 220 V)
Rated voltage 110-254 V AC / 110-250 V DC
Frequency 50-60 Hz
Power factor cos Ø > 0,95
Circuit EVG
Connecting terminals L1, N, PE; max. 2 x 6 mm2 per terminal
Protection class I
Lamp cap G13 accd. to IEC 60081
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands / gland plates / enclosure drilling Ex-e cable glands M25 x 1.5 (plastic), option: M20 x 1.5 metal thread
Housing material Glass Reinforced Polyester
Material Shade Polycarbonate

  eLLM 92018/18 eLLM 92036/36 1
Rated voltage 110-254 C AC / 110-250 V DC
Rated current 0,18 A 0,34 A
Lamp/illuminant 2 x T26 / 18 W (T8) 2 x T26 / 36 W (T8)
Rated luminous flux 2700lm 6700 lm
Dimensions (L x W x H) 1060 x 188 x 130 mm 1660 x 188 x 130 mm
Hole for mounting a pole 0 44 mm x 150 mm 0 44 mm x 150 mm
Weight około 7,0 kg około 9,5 kg

eLLK 92... (18-58 W) | eLLM 92.../.. (18 + 36 W)

Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92 Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92 Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92
2 x 18 W 1 x 36 W 2 x 36 W 2 x 36 W 2 x 18 W

Szczegóły zamówienia

Grupa Produktowa Podgrupa Opis Numer seryjny
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 1/6-1 12265875101
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 1/6-2 12265875103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 1/6-1 M 12265875109
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 1/6-2 M 12265875111
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 1/6-1 level gauge P2 12265875126
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 2/6-2 double terminal 12265881111
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 V-CG-S 2/6-2 12265881103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 V-CG-S 2/6-2M double terminal 12265881311
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 V-CG-S 2/6-2 12265881211
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036 1/6-1 12263875101
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036 2/6-2 12263875103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036 level gauge P2 12263875125
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 1/6-1 12266875101
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 2/6-2 12266875103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 1/6-1 M 12266875109
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 2/6-2 M 12266875111
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 2/6-2 double terminal 12266881111
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 V-CG-S 2/6-2 12266881103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 V-CG-S 2/6-2 double terminal 12266881311
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 V-CG-S 2/6-2 M 12266881211
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058 1/6-1 12264875101
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058 2/6-2 12264875103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058 2/6-2 M 12264875111
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058/58 1/6-1 12267875101
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058/58 2/6-2 12267875103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058/58 2/6-2 M 12267875111
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058/58 V-CG-S 2/6-2 12267881103
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 058/58 V-CG-S 2/6-2 M 12267881211
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-pole mounted light fitting eLLM 92 018/18 12268875101
Ex-Fluorescent Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-pole mounted light fitting eLLM 92 036/36 12269875101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 18W LED ready 1/6-1K,2x M25K 110-254V AC/DC 12265600101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 18W LED ready 2/6-2K M25K 110-254V AC/DC 12265600103
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 18W LED ready 1/6-1M M20M 110-254V AC/DC 12265600109
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 18W LED ready 2/6-2M M20M 110-254V AC/DC 12265600111
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLM 92 18W LED ready 1/3-1K 25K 110-254V AC/DC 12268600101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 36W LED ready 1/6-1K M25K 110-254V AC/DC 12266600101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 36W LED ready 2/6-2K M25K 110-254V AC/DC 12266600103
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 36W LED ready 1/6-1M M20M 110-254V AC/DC 12266600109
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLK 92 36W LED ready 2/6-2M M20M 110-254V AC/DC 12266600111
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent light fitting eLLM 92 36W LED ready 1/3-1K M25K 110-254V AC/DC 12269600101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent emergency light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 LED ready NIB 1/6-1K M25K 220-254 V/50/60 Hz 12260679101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent emergency light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 LED Ready NIB 2/6 -2M M20M 220-254 V/50/60 Hz 12260679111
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent emergency light fitting eLLK 92 018/18 LED Ready NIB 2/6-1K M25 220-254 V/50/60 Hz 12273679101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent emergency light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 LED ready NIB 2/6-2M M20M 220-254 V/50/60 Hz 12261679101
Ex-LED-Ready Light Fittings Ex-Light Fitting eLLK 92... and eLLK 92 ...LED-Ready Ex-fluorescent emergency light fitting eLLK 92 036/36 LED ready NIB 1/6-1K M25K 220-254 V/50/60 Hz 12261679111

eLLK 92... (18-58 W) | eLLM 92.../.. (18 + 36 W)

Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92 Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92



Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92

Polar curve

Polar curve
eLLK 92018/18 / eLLK 92036/36
Polar curve
eLLK 92036 / eLLK 92058
Polar curve
eLLK 92058/58
Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92 Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92 Oprawa liniowa eLLK 92

Fixing materials eLLK 92
Type Corrosion protection Number of Binding no product
Eye bolt A2 galvanized 2 22 480 002 000
Hexagen screw S4 stainless steel 2 22 480 054 000
Ceiling mounting bracket D92
incl. screws and washer
stainless steel 2 22 480 092 000

Fixing materials
Type Corrosion protection for pipes DIN Outer Ø D (mm) Qty per light fitting Order No.
Pipe clamp          
R12 hot galvanizde 1 1/4" 38-42 2 22 480 462 000
R14 CrNi 1 1/4" 38-42 2 22 480 464 000
R22 hot galvanizde 1 1/2" 47-51 2 22 480 472 000
R24 CrNi 1 1/2" 47-51 2 22 480 474 000
R32 hot galvanizde 2" 56-60 2 22 480 482 000
R34 CrNi 2" 56-60 2 22 480 484 000
Wall bracket W27 hot galvanizde   42,4 1 22 483 027 000
Luminaire wall suspension 30° z incl. screws and washer hot galvanizde     2 22 480 000 122

1)For luminaires eLLK 923../.. and eLLM 923../.. with single pin caps Fa6
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