ATEX LVCS-FP de emițător de nivel
ATEX LVCS-FP de emițător de nivel

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ATEX LVCS-FP de emițător de nivel

The LVCS-FP is a vertically mounted level transmitter with an analogue output designed for operation in a hazardous area. It is equipped with a magnetic float on a vertical measuring tube. Inside the tube there are magnetic sensors enabling continuous measurement with an analog output signal.

  • ATEX approval.
  • Special versions with pipes up to 6 m long
  • Made of 316L stainless steel
  • Suitable for work in gas and dust areas
  • IP68 protection class
  • Made of reed switches or Hall sensors
  • Analog current and voltage output
  • Programmable alarm points
  • Holes for M20 or ''NPT cables

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The LVCS-FP is a vertically mounted level transmitter with an analogue output designed for operation in a hazardous area. It is equipped with a magnetic float on a vertical measuring tube. Inside the tube there are magnetic sensors enabling continuous measurement with an analog output signal.

  • ATEX approval.
  • Special versions with pipes up to 6 m long
  • Made of 316L stainless steel
  • Suitable for work in gas and dust areas
  • IP68 protection class
  • Made of reed switches or Hall sensors
  • Analog current and voltage output
  • Programmable alarm points
  • Holes for M20 or ''NPT cables

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