An autonomous LED display measuring temperature and humidity
An autonomous LED display measuring temperature and humidity

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Producător: ELEN

An autonomous LED display measuring temperature and humidity

Do you want to know the temperature and humidity in your office, warehouse, production area, public spaces, etc.? Our large-scale LED temperature and humidity wall displays from the NDA series will provide this information in a easily readable format. In addition to large-scale LED displays, you can also choose from temperature and humidity sensors. These sensors can be connected to large-format LED displays or used as standalone devices. Various communication interface connections are available: USB, industrial RS485 serial line, LAN Ethernet TCP/IP, or Power over Ethernet (PoE) network. DataLoggerTH data logging software is also available for monitoring and recording measured values on a computer. These products can also be integrated with modern building management systems using the Modbus communication protocol.

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Do you want to know the temperature and humidity in your office, warehouse, production area, public spaces, etc.? Our large-scale LED temperature and humidity wall displays from the NDA series will provide this information in a easily readable format. In addition to large-scale LED displays, you can also choose from temperature and humidity sensors. These sensors can be connected to large-format LED displays or used as standalone devices. Various communication interface connections are available: USB, industrial RS485 serial line, LAN Ethernet TCP/IP, or Power over Ethernet (PoE) network. DataLoggerTH data logging software is also available for monitoring and recording measured values on a computer. These products can also be integrated with modern building management systems using the Modbus communication protocol.
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