Limitatoare pentru LED-uri

In the category of surge arresters for LED we provide a list of offered products, their descriptions, parameters and technical data.

LED lighting is still relatively expensive and only recently has been more and more commonly used. It is also not that resistant to short circuits,...

In the category of surge arresters for LED we provide a list of offered products, their descriptions, parameters and...

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Produsele marcate „La comandă” în coloana „Cantitate disponibilă” nu sunt de obicei în stoc. Astfel de produse sunt disponibile pentru cumpărare, totuși, datorită bazei limitate de clienți, de obicei au cantități minime mai mari. DACPOL oferă produse care nu sunt în stoc din următoarele motive: DACPOL are în prezent un număr mare de componente electronice în stoc și adaugă produse noi în fiecare zi, cu toate acestea, zeci de mii de componente suplimentare și diferitele variante ale acestora sunt disponibile de la furnizorii noștri. Chiar dacă este nerezonabil să aveți toate aceste produse în stoc din cauza vânzărilor limitate, credem că este în interesul clienților noștri să le punem la dispoziție. Scopul nostru este de a informa clienții cu privire la numărul maxim de produse disponibile și de a le permite să ia decizii pe baza specificațiilor, prețurilor, disponibilității, minimelor necesare și sfaturilor noastre tehnice. Vă rugăm să rețineți că bifarea casetei de selectare „În stoc” poate limita afișarea la numai produsele disponibile pentru livrare direct de pe raft.

In the category of surge arresters for LED we provide a list of offered products, their descriptions, parameters and technical data.

LED lighting is still relatively expensive and only recently has been more and more commonly used. It is also not that resistant to short circuits, which can cause permanent damage to the power supply, electronic driver, LED diode, and also cause aging of the diodes and shorten their durability. Costs of servicing and buying new LED lamps and proper electronics are also high, thus that’s why it is important to use short circuit protection.

For highest system protection the best solution is an installation of arresters directly id the lem’s cover, just before the electronic driver. The arrester can also be montaged in the lower part of the mast in the switching box. It’ll increase safety and its durability.

Surge arresters for LED increase durability of the lighting and lower costs of maintenance and eventual servicing. 

We deliver surge arresters type:

  • 2+ 3 (C + D) series MSB10
  • 2+ 3 (C + D) series MSB10
  • 2+3 (C+D) for LED MLPC1-230L-R, MLPC1-230L-V
  • 2+3 (C+D) series MLPx-230x-x-2L for 2-phase system
  • 2+3 (C+D) series MLPx-xxx for single-phase system
  • 3 (D) MSB6 and MSB10 for protecting LED in buildings
  • Surge arresters with wiring type 2+3 (C+D) MLPX1-230L-W
  • Surge arresters with wiring type 2+3 (C+D) DSLP1-230L

Currently, it is more and more popular to modernize lighting systems, especially street lighting, that is changing old enclosures with LED technology. This solution provides long durability, faultless work, rare servicing of devices and lowers maintenance costs.

Power surges can cause damages of LED modules, diode drivers, decreasing brightness and durability or error of control systems. Current LED technology provides long work of the devices, low energy intake and have many usages, e.g. in optic signalling, as parts of machines and industrial devices, household products, and also for lighting buildings, and in streetlamps. Surges can be caused by many factors, e.g. in lamps because of lightning.

How to choose the right surge arresters?

Surges are any rises in voltage value exceeding maximum current value, which is predicted for the device or electric installation.

While choosing surge arresters a few basic parameters should be considered. Depending on the network’s systems and resistance to current surges, which are caused by lightning, a proper type of arrester should be chosen.

Surges can be divided into those which were caused by connection operations and those being caused by direct lightning strikes to the building or its close space.

The first type is connection surge – e.g. electrostatic causes.

  • Surge arresters type 1 (class B) – used in main switchgears - limiting direct causes of lightnings. They are the first level of surge protection.
  • Surge arresters type 2 (class C) – used in sub-switchgears. The second level of protection. They limit surges caused by direct lightnings or connected operations. Most oftenly used in houses, which do not have external arresters or in places, which are especially at risk of direct lighting strikes.
  • Surge arresters type 3 (class D) – used to prevent surges to reach systems of final devices.

In DACPOL we provide high quality and originality offered products. We have a long-time experience in working on the industrial market and with reliable suppliers. We’re offering help with choosing the right solutions and technical consultancy. On request, we try to adjust the offer and choose proper solutions.

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