Detectoare de fum

We're offering a wide choice of smoke sensors and detectors for use in automation and industry.

Optical duct smoke detector with service alarm and built-in control unit for duct installation, 24V

Uniguard has been developed to detect smoke in ventilation...

We're offering a wide choice of smoke sensors and detectors for use in automation and industry.


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picture_as_pdf UG-3-A40 Uniguard Superflow Calectro UG-3-A40 Uniguard Superflow VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- -- --
-- UG-3-A40 canal senzor de fum de la Al. serviciu Calectro UG-3-A40 canal senzor de fum de la Al. serviciu VEZI-L UG-3-A40 7 24 V AC / DC +/- 10% bez rurki Venturiego -20 °C ... +50 °C 10 (4) A
-- VR-0.6M TUBUL VENTURI 0.6M Calectro VR-0.6M TUBUL VENTURI 0.6M VEZI-L VR-0,6M 2 -- dł. 0,6 m -- --
-- Vr-1,5m Tube Venturi 1,5 m + HFU204 Cauciuc Calectro Vr-1,5m Tube Venturi 1,5 m + HFU204 Cauciuc VEZI-L VR-1,5M 2 -- długość 1,5 m -- --
-- Capac de protecție împotriva acoperirii UG pentru UG-3 Calectro Capac de protecție împotriva acoperirii UG pentru UG-3 VEZI-L UG-COVER 2 -- stal ocynkowana -- --
picture_as_pdf EVC-PY-DA / I detector de fum pentru a UG-3-A4O Calectro EVC-PY-DA / I detector de fum pentru a UG-3-A4O VEZI-L EVC-PY-DA/I 2 24 V AC / DC +/- 10% Wymienny detektor do UG-3-A4O -20 °C ... +50 °C 10 (4) A
picture_as_pdf Sample tube ST5 Calectro Sample tube ST5 VEZI-L ST5 9 -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Sample tube ST9 Calectro Sample tube ST9 VEZI-L ST9 1 -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf UG-5-AFR-24V Detector de fum autonom în conductă Uniguard Superflow Calectro UG-5-AFR-24V Detector de fum autonom în conductă Uniguard Superflow VEZI-L -- 1 -- -- -- --
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We're offering a wide choice of smoke sensors and detectors for use in automation and industry.

Optical duct smoke detector with service alarm and built-in control unit for duct installation, 24V

Uniguard has been developed to detect smoke in ventilation ducts and combines a smoke detector and an adaptor system where both tube and housing are specially designed for optimum airflow through the smoke detector. There is a built-in alarm relay to control fire-safety dampers, stop ventilation fans, or activate acoustic and optical alarms, etc. There is a built-in service alarm relay to let you know when maintenance is needed before a false alarm occurs. 

A smoke sensor/detector is a key device in all houses, apartments, workshops, and factories, in which there's a risk of uncontrolled smoke occurrence. 

Smoke detector - the principle of operation

The smoke sensor monitors air conditioning. In case of detecting danger, that is, a moment in which the norms of a given gas concentration are exceeded, the sensor signals the risk with a sound alarm. 

Smoke detectors should be managed in places where tee smoke can be quickly detected, thus should be placed on the ceiling, in the highest room point. They are not installed in well-ventilated rooms, and also outside the buildings.

Smoke detectors - types

  • Optical smoke sensor - sensor with high sensitivity, works immediately after detecting smoke. For work in closed rooms, where smoke, dust or steam does not normally occur. Based on infrared radiation.
  • Linear smoke detector -  in big surface rooms. Works based on intaking light through the smoke. 
  • Carbon monoxide sensor - in rooms constantly occupied by people. 
  • Ionizing smoke sensor - contains electrodes, between which there's an uninterrupted ion flow. The smoke interrupts the flow and the sensor is activated. 

Applications and functions of smoke sensors and alarm systems:

  • alarming about the fie, information about need for evacuation;
  • turning on sprinklers, turning off air conditioning, cutting off power;
  • informing the fire department.

Benefits of fire sensors: short reaction time, additional function in smoke detection systems.

Disadvantages: false alarms.