Module electroizolate | Semikron

We’re offering a wide range of products from the category of semiconductors, including electro insulated modules. 

An electro-insulated module is a power semiconductor device contained in one housing with one or two active elements connected to each other electrically, wherein the...

We’re offering a wide range of products from the category of semiconductors, including electro insulated modules. 

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Voltaj URRM
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Voltaj URRM
picture_as_pdf Module rapide SEMIKRON Module rapide VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- -- -- --
-- Module Diode SEMIKRON Module Diode VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- -- -- --
-- Module diode - tiristori SEMIKRON Module diode - tiristori VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Module tiristori SEMIKRON Module tiristori VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf SKKT162 / 16E Tryster Modul SEMIKRON SKKT162 / 16E Tryster Modul VEZI-L SKKT162/16E La comandă 160 A -- -- -- 1600 V
picture_as_pdf SKKT162 / 12E Tryster Module SEMIKRON SKKT162 / 12E Tryster Module VEZI-L SKKT162/12E La comandă 160 A -- -- -- 1200 V
picture_as_pdf SKKT106 / 14E Tryster Module SEMIKRON SKKT106 / 14E Tryster Module VEZI-L SKKT106/14E La comandă 106 A -- -- -- 1400 V
picture_as_pdf SKKT15 / 14 Tryster Module SEMIKRON SKKT15 / 14 Tryster Module VEZI-L SKKT15/14 La comandă 15 A -- -- -- 1400 V
picture_as_pdf SKKT106 / 18 Tryster Module SEMIKRON SKKT106 / 18 Tryster Module VEZI-L SKKT106/18 La comandă 106 A -- -- -- 1800 V
picture_as_pdf Modul SKKT57 / 12E Tryster SEMIKRON Modul SKKT57 / 12E Tryster VEZI-L SKKT57/12E La comandă 50 A -- -- -- 1200 V
picture_as_pdf SKKT72B / 12E Tryster Modul SEMIKRON SKKT72B / 12E Tryster Modul VEZI-L SKKT72B/12E La comandă 72 A -- -- -- 1200 V
picture_as_pdf SKKT106 / 12E Tryster Module SEMIKRON SKKT106 / 12E Tryster Module VEZI-L SKKT106/12E La comandă 106 A -- -- -- 1200 V
picture_as_pdf SKKT132 / 12E Tryster Modul SEMIKRON SKKT132 / 12E Tryster Modul VEZI-L SKKT132/12E La comandă 137 A -- -- -- 1200 V
picture_as_pdf SKKT15 / 12E Tryster Module SEMIKRON SKKT15 / 12E Tryster Module VEZI-L SKKT15/12E La comandă 15 A -- -- -- 1200 V
picture_as_pdf SKKT15 / 16E Tryster Module SEMIKRON SKKT15 / 16E Tryster Module VEZI-L SKKT15/16E La comandă 15 A -- -- -- 1600 V
picture_as_pdf Modul SKKT27 / 12E Tryster SEMIKRON Modul SKKT27 / 12E Tryster VEZI-L SKKT27/12E La comandă 27 A -- -- -- 1200 V
picture_as_pdf SKKT72 / 16E Tryster Module SEMIKRON SKKT72 / 16E Tryster Module VEZI-L SKKT72/16E La comandă 72 A -- -- -- 1600 V
picture_as_pdf SKKT132 / 14E Tryster Module SEMIKRON SKKT132 / 14E Tryster Module VEZI-L SKKT132/14E La comandă 137 A -- -- -- 1400 V
picture_as_pdf Modul SKKT162 / 14E Tryster SEMIKRON Modul SKKT162 / 14E Tryster VEZI-L SKKT162/14E La comandă 160 A -- -- -- 1400 V
picture_as_pdf SKKH162 / 20 Modul diode-tryster SEMIKRON SKKH162 / 20 Modul diode-tryster VEZI-L SKKH162/20 La comandă 162 A -- -- -- 2000 V
picture_as_pdf SKKH570 / 16E Tryster Module SEMIKRON SKKH570 / 16E Tryster Module VEZI-L SKKH570/16E La comandă 570 A -- -- -- 1600 V
picture_as_pdf SKE162 / 08 Modul diodic SEMIKRON SKE162 / 08 Modul diodic VEZI-L SKKE162/08 La comandă 195 A -- -- -- 800 V
picture_as_pdf Modul diodic SKMD 202E03 SEMIKRON Modul diodic SKMD 202E03 VEZI-L SKMD 202E03 La comandă -- 208 A -- -- 300 V
picture_as_pdf Modul diodic SKK301F12. SEMIKRON Modul diodic SKK301F12. VEZI-L SKKE301F12 La comandă 220 A -- -- -- 1200 V
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We’re offering a wide range of products from the category of semiconductors, including electro insulated modules. 

An electro-insulated module is a power semiconductor device contained in one housing with one or two active elements connected to each other electrically, wherein the current path is separated from the thermal track.

In one housing, there can be structures of a single diode or thyristor, diode, and thyristor, two diodes or two thyristors. Current paths of semiconductor devices are galvanically separated from the housing and current leads are made in the form of screw terminals. The heat generated during the current conduction is discharged through the electrically non-conductive layer and the heat sink housing. The radiator is electrically isolated from the current path, which makes it possible to mount modules on different potentials on the same heat sink.

Basic features of electrically insulated blocks:
  • separation of the current path from the thermal track,
  • electrically insulated base,
  • compact housing,
  • easy assembly on a heat sink,
  • the possibility of mounting several electro-insulated modules on the same heat sink.