Regulatoare de putere

In the category of power controllers, we’re offering various models from two main types of regulators:

  • Single Phase Regulators
  • Three Phase Regulators

Single Phase Regulators

In the permanent offer we provide, among others, ERCA1 and...

In the category of power controllers, we’re offering various models from two main types of regulators:

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picture_as_pdf Regulatoare monofazate din seria TPR-2SL Hanyoung Regulatoare monofazate din seria TPR-2SL VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Regulatoare de putere monofazate din seriile ERCA1 și ERVA1 Sisel Regulatoare de putere monofazate din seriile ERCA1 și ERVA1 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Regulatoare de putere monofazate din seria ERPA1 Sisel Regulatoare de putere monofazate din seria ERPA1 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Regulatoare de putere trifazate seria TPR-3SL Hanyoung Regulatoare de putere trifazate seria TPR-3SL VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf TPR-3SL070H Regulator de putere cu 3 faze Hanyoung TPR-3SL070H Regulator de putere cu 3 faze VEZI-L TPR-3SL070H La comandă -- -- -- -- -- 380 - 440 V AC 70 A
picture_as_pdf TPR-3SL090L Regulator de putere cu 3 faze Hanyoung TPR-3SL090L Regulator de putere cu 3 faze VEZI-L TPR-3SL090L La comandă -- -- -- -- -- 100 - 240 V AC 90 A
picture_as_pdf TPR-3SL090H Regulator de putere cu 3 faze Hanyoung TPR-3SL090H Regulator de putere cu 3 faze VEZI-L TPR-3SL090H La comandă -- -- -- -- -- 380 - 440 V AC 90 A
picture_as_pdf TPR-3SL130L Regulator de putere cu 3 faze Hanyoung TPR-3SL130L Regulator de putere cu 3 faze VEZI-L TPR-3SL130L La comandă -- -- -- -- -- 100 - 240 V AC 130 A
picture_as_pdf TPR-3SL130H Regulator de putere cu 3 faze Hanyoung TPR-3SL130H Regulator de putere cu 3 faze VEZI-L TPR-3SL130H La comandă -- -- -- -- -- 380 - 440 V AC 130 A
picture_as_pdf TPR-3SL160L Regulator de putere cu 3 faze Hanyoung TPR-3SL160L Regulator de putere cu 3 faze VEZI-L TPR-3SL160L La comandă -- -- -- -- -- 100 - 240 V AC 160 A
picture_as_pdf TPR-3SL160H Regulator de putere cu 3 faze Hanyoung TPR-3SL160H Regulator de putere cu 3 faze VEZI-L TPR-3SL160H La comandă -- -- -- -- -- 380 - 440 V AC 160 A
picture_as_pdf TPR-3SL070L Regulator de putere cu 3 faze Hanyoung TPR-3SL070L Regulator de putere cu 3 faze VEZI-L TPR-3SL070L La comandă -- -- -- -- -- 100 - 240 V AC 70 A
picture_as_pdf TPR-3SL055H Regulator de putere cu 3 faze Hanyoung TPR-3SL055H Regulator de putere cu 3 faze VEZI-L TPR-3SL055H La comandă -- -- -- -- -- 380 - 440 V AC 55 A
picture_as_pdf TPR-3SL055L Regulator de putere cu 3 faze Hanyoung TPR-3SL055L Regulator de putere cu 3 faze VEZI-L TPR-3SL055L La comandă -- -- -- -- -- 100 - 240 V AC 55 A
picture_as_pdf TPR-3SL040H Regulator de putere cu 3 faze Hanyoung TPR-3SL040H Regulator de putere cu 3 faze VEZI-L TPR-3SL040H 2 -- -- -- -- -- 380 - 440 V AC 40 A
picture_as_pdf TPR-3SL040L Regulator de putere cu 3 faze Hanyoung TPR-3SL040L Regulator de putere cu 3 faze VEZI-L TPR-3SL040L La comandă -- -- 100 - 240 V AC -- -- -- 40 A
-- Regulator de putere ERPA1-570-F Sisel Regulator de putere ERPA1-570-F VEZI-L ERPA1-570-F La comandă 79x126x126 mm z wentylatorem, opcjonalnie Modbus 180 - 500 V AC 0 / 4 - 20 mA 0 / 1 - 5 V 0 / 1 - 10 V 70 A -- --
-- Regulator de putere ERPA1-550-F Sisel Regulator de putere ERPA1-550-F VEZI-L ERPA1-550-F La comandă 46x116x111 mm z wentylatorem, opcjonalnie Modbus 180 - 500 V AC 0 / 4 - 20 mA 0 / 1 - 5 V 0 / 1 - 10 V 50 A -- --
-- ERPA1-440-F Regulator de alimentare Sisel ERPA1-440-F Regulator de alimentare VEZI-L ERPA1-440-F La comandă 46x116x111 mm z wentylatorem, opcjonalnie Modbus 180 - 480 V AC 0 / 4 - 20 mA 0 / 1 - 5 V 0 / 1 - 10 V 40 A -- --
-- Regulator de putere ERPA1-240-F Sisel Regulator de putere ERPA1-240-F VEZI-L ERPA1-240-F La comandă 46x116x111 mm z wentylatorem, opcjonalnie Modbus 180 - 280 V AC 0 / 4 - 20 mA 0 / 1 - 5 V 0 / 1 - 10 V 40 A -- --
picture_as_pdf ERVA1-240PA Regulator de putere Sisel ERVA1-240PA Regulator de putere VEZI-L ERVA1-240PA La comandă 46x116x111 mm -- 180 - 280 V AC 0 - 10 V 40 A -- --
picture_as_pdf ERCA1-240PA Regulator de putere Sisel ERCA1-240PA Regulator de putere VEZI-L ERCA1-240PA 2 30x84x104 mm -- 180 - 300 V AC 4 - 20 mA 40 A -- --
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In the category of power controllers, we’re offering various models from two main types of regulators:

  • Single Phase Regulators
  • Three Phase Regulators

Single Phase Regulators

In the permanent offer we provide, among others, ERCA1 and ERVA1 series regulators. This type of regulator is mainly used for smooth change of power of connected receivers, such as resistance heaters or radiators. Regulators already include a radiator and are intended for DIN rail montage.

We’re also offering ERPA1 series regulators - all-purpose devices, which additionally have a display for setting the parameters. Optionally, they can also be purchased as a version with Modbus communication.

Three Phase Regulators

TPR-3SL series regulators are small-size 3-phase controllers for smooth power control. They come in various options for different values of the current volume, up to 160A. These regulators have an integrated radiator, which guarantees the increased durability of devices. Additionally, their safety was increased by dividing the device system’s power supply from the receiver’s power supply (90-450VAC). Regulators from this series have various types of alarms, including heater’s short circuit, radiator’s overheating, system’s overload, etc.

  • Usage options of power regulators include applications such as devices powered by AC from power electronic grids. Depending on their purpose, power regulators allow for:
  • light intensity regulation (dimmer);
  • smooth regulation of engine rotations in electro tools, ventilators;
  • regulation of charging current in battery rectifiers;
  • temperature regulation, e.g. heaters.