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A thyristor is a controllable semiconductor device, which from the blocking state goes into the conduction state after giving a short control pulse to the gate of the thyristor.
Our offer includes:
Fast Thyristors
Fast thyristors, also called impulse thyristors, are characterized by a short switching time, high resistance to the steepness of conduction current rise, and short time of switching off. Can be used in current inverters and voltage inverters, as well as in DC drive converters and induction heating.
Asymmetric Thyristors
Asymmetric thyristors are characterized by low backward and comparable voltage, with other types of thyristors, blocking voltage. They are used primarily in traction converters of drive systems.
Thyristors – Protection
Thyristors require protection against the effects of short circuits and switching overvoltages. Only quick fuses specially designed to protect diodes and thyristors can be used for short circuit protection. To protect the thyristors against overvoltages, an RC muffler, varistors, and special semiconductor elements switched between the gate and the anode, e.g. BOD type, are used.
Our offer includes:
- standard thyristors
- fast thyristors
- asymmetric thyristors
Fast Thyristors
Fast thyristors, also called impulse thyristors, are characterized by a short switching time, high resistance to the steepness of conduction current rise, and short time of switching off. Can be used in current inverters and voltage inverters, as well as in DC drive converters and induction heating.
Asymmetric Thyristors
Asymmetric thyristors are characterized by low backward and comparable voltage, with other types of thyristors, blocking voltage. They are used primarily in traction converters of drive systems.
Thyristors – Protection
Thyristors require protection against the effects of short circuits and switching overvoltages. Only quick fuses specially designed to protect diodes and thyristors can be used for short circuit protection. To protect the thyristors against overvoltages, an RC muffler, varistors, and special semiconductor elements switched between the gate and the anode, e.g. BOD type, are used.