Traductoare cu impuls rotativ (codificatoare)

In our rich assortment of various types of transducers for automation, we're offering, among others, rotary-pulse transducers (encoders).

Types of offered transducers and their applications:

Incremental encoder with a shaft - SCA50 and SCH50B series from...

In our rich assortment of various types of transducers for automation, we're offering, among others, rotary-pulse...

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picture_as_pdf Seria indukcyjnych enkoderów FNC ASI 37 Sisel Fenac Inductive Contactless Encoders FNC ASI 37 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Seria indukcyjnych enkoderów FNC ASI 75 Sisel Fenac Inductive Contactless Encoders FNC ASI 75 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Seria indukcyjnych enkoderów FNC ASI 90 Sisel Fenac Inductive Contactless Encoders FNC ASI 90 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Seria indukcyjnych enkoderów FNC ASI 125 Sisel Seria indukcyjnych enkoderów FNC ASI 125 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Rezultate pe pagina:

In our rich assortment of various types of transducers for automation, we're offering, among others, rotary-pulse transducers (encoders).

Types of offered transducers and their applications:

Incremental encoder with a shaft - SCA50 and SCH50B series from Scancon - intended for measuring angle movements, so both rotation angle and rotation speed. Transducer's definition is described in parts corresponding to the number of lines on the division disc per one full rotation. The transducer is made in SMD technology providing perfect durability and reliability. The level of sealed protection of the enclosure is IP 65 (or IP 67) allows for using the transducer in harsh work conditions. The encoder can be easily connected to the automation system PLC. 

Rotary-impulse transducers from Omron - uses bcd or binary grey code, giving accurate position signal. They have a durable, oil-resistant, metal enclosure for use in industrial conditions. 

We also provide special encoders for work in explosion risk areas.