Нагрев стальных штифтов перед ковкой
Нагрев стальных штифтов перед ковкой

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Производитель: Ambrell

Нагрев стальных штифтов перед ковкой

Preheating for Forging of Steel Pins

Objective: To heat magnetic steel pins (spokes) for forging on a rim without heat treating and weakening the rim. Previously, a torch was utilized and the heating time was 20 seconds.

Frequency: 294 kHz

  • Ambrell EASYHEATTM 8310 LI, 10 kW induction heating system, equipped with a remote workhead containing one 1 μF capacitor;
  • A helical induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application.

Material: 9/16” (14 mm) steel pins.

Temperature: 2000 °F (1093 °C)


A single position three-turn helical coil was used, and the part was placed under the coil. The part was heated to the desired temperature within just seven seconds.

  • Fast, precise heating of the pin – 2 minutes and 36 seconds were saved on heating all of the rim’s pins when compared to using a torch;
  • The rim was not heated, which maintained its strength and durability;
  • Energy was saved due to the reduction in heating time;
  • There is more repeatability with induction when compared to using a torch.

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Preheating for Forging of Steel Pins

Objective: To heat magnetic steel pins (spokes) for forging on a rim without heat treating and weakening the rim. Previously, a torch was utilized and the heating time was 20 seconds.

Frequency: 294 kHz

  • Ambrell EASYHEATTM 8310 LI, 10 kW induction heating system, equipped with a remote workhead containing one 1 μF capacitor;
  • A helical induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application.

Material: 9/16” (14 mm) steel pins.

Temperature: 2000 °F (1093 °C)


A single position three-turn helical coil was used, and the part was placed under the coil. The part was heated to the desired temperature within just seven seconds.

  • Fast, precise heating of the pin – 2 minutes and 36 seconds were saved on heating all of the rim’s pins when compared to using a torch;
  • The rim was not heated, which maintained its strength and durability;
  • Energy was saved due to the reduction in heating time;
  • There is more repeatability with induction when compared to using a torch.
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